We are Hiring!
Summer is quickly approaching and that means that the City of Stoughton Human Resources Department is ramping up the staffing levels with seasonal help to meet the needs of our community. The City of Stoughton hires around fifty additional employees to fill openings in the Parks/Recreation and Public Works Departments. The City provides a unique opportunity for candidates of all ages. Many of our summer employees come back to work year after year as they enjoy the environment, have fun learning new skills and make lifelong friendships. Come join us and work in the community you live in.

If you are a person who enjoys the outdoors, there are several part-time positions available. We are currently recruiting for lifeguards, front desk and supervisor positions at Troll Beach. Who wouldn’t love spending their summer days at the beach and getting paid? We are also currently hiring for our parks maintenance positions that include trimming, mowing and maintaining our parks and fields. The City also employs long term, part time seasonal staff to help with mowing in the summers and snow removal in the winter. These positions do not require a commercial driver’s license (CDL). Again, you get to work in the outdoors, meet new friends and at the end of the day see the results of your work in our beautiful parks and sports fields. All of these positions will provide on the job training. Come have fun and learn lifelong skills with us!

If you have interest in sports and would like to share your skills with the youth of our community, we are always recruiting for coaches and referees/officials. If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Tony King at tking@cityofstoughton.com.
As many of you are aware, the City of Stoughton has paid volunteer firefighters as well as paid volunteer EMT’s. If you have an interest in volunteering in either of these departments please visit the City of Stoughton website at www.cityofstoughton.com and complete an application. Throughout the nation, there is a shortage of volunteers. If you are at all interested, let us know and we can setup a time for you to visit the EMS or Fire Station to see if this is something you would like to do. Come be a part of our amazing group of volunteers!
The City also has other regular full time positions that include benefits and State of Wisconsin Retirement. Check out the position opportunities at www.cityofstoughton.com
Come and join us and be an active part of making Stoughton a great place to live and work!

Around the Clock
Mayors Corner
Spring has sprung up some exciting possibilities for Stoughton. We continue with ongoing improvements to our website, making it more user friendly.
The Final Plat for one hundred units of single family homes and duplexes south of Stoughton, called Magnolia Springs is nearly completed. The 51 West East side apartments, duplexes and Kettle Park West (KPW) Phase 2 single family homes are under construction, as well as numerous homes at Nordic Ridge. Stoughton Trailers (STI) has closed on the purchase of 182 acre parcel formally owned by the Linnerud’s on the east side of Highway 51 and Highway B. Preparations for a new corporate headquarters is in the planning stages.
A Financial Gap Analysis is under review by the City and Redevelopment Authority (RDA) for the Riverfront project as part of the effort to keep it moving forward. The Army Corp of Engineers have completed their review of the River Park improvements. We are anticipating DNR feedback soon. Upon DNR approval, bids will be going out and the project is projected to begin by years end.
Several businesses have/will be building, opening, moving, or expanding including: Ginger Bread Preschool and Child Care, Dairyland Desert Café, Sinobec Resources, Popeyes, Madtown Smoke Shop, Crazy Dog Mom, Gutter Guys, Jung Garden Center and the former Pizza Hut building site; which will include T-Mobile, Noodles, Cousins Subs and the Senior Center expansion in the “Annex Building”. The Music Appreciation Series at the Opera House started March 13th. See schedule Events List — Stoughton Opera House
Other notable accomplishments include:
• Emmi-Roth-Cheese distribution building progressing
• Cell Tower Ordinance updated
• 51 West Park Naming Egglesons’ Woods Park
• Park Master Plans for Eggleson’s Woods Park and Greg Standard Park approved
• Kettle West Park Naming (Tee Naasak Park)
• Feasibility Study for STI land for future community park in progress
• Cost Reimbursement Agreement for Stone Crest and STI Developments
• Shared Ride taxi service contract renewed
• Increased Hotel/Motel Room Tax fee

• Park Design Guidelines approved
• Awarded grant for reconstruction of S. Fourth Street from Milwaukee Street to Isham Street
• Awarded state grant to cover portion of new ambulance cost
• Approval of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for new ambulance
• March 10 was Spread Goodness Day
• Updated job descriptions for Police, Fire and Public Works departments
Please join me for “Coffee with the Mayor” at The Senior Center and follow us on Facebook at City of Stoughton, WI
Council Catch-Up
Don’t miss Council Catch-Up on WSTO TV. I meet with Derek Westby after every City Council Meeting to talk about the events of the meeting. This is a great way to stay connected to your local government and be informed of the upcoming events and changes in the City of Stoughton!

Around the Clock Spring 2023
WSTO TV wins TWO Regional Awards!
WSTO submitted two videos to the Best of the Midwest Media Fest including the Shop Local Promo and Veterans Stories. Both Programs won a merit award. Read more on our website at www.wsto.tv/news
WSTO TV is now on EVERY SmartTV and Mobile Device!
WSTO TV is now available on Roku, AppleTV, Android TV and Amazon Fire TV as well as both Android and iOS devices! You can watch WSTO live as well as select on-demand content. For more visit www.wsto.tv/news
Council Catch-Up Continues to help summarize City Council Meetings!
WSTO TV is now producing Council Catch-Up to help keep you informed on what happens at City Council Meetings. Host Derek Westby talks with Mayor Swadley about what was on the agenda, what got approved and what it all means. Check it out on WSTO TV with all of our ways to watch or on the WSTO Facebook.
Fresh Faces hopes to help support new local businesses.
WSTO TV recently recorded the first episode of Fresh Faces with Eat at Joe’s. The program is a 2 to 5 minute program about local new businesses that are less than a year old. To get a spot on Fresh Faces email info@wsto.tv.
Discover Downtown Stoughton helps to promote Downtown Stoughton
WSTO TV launched a monthly program with the help of the Stoughton Downtown Merchants Association to highlight their members and what those businesses do. The first episode featured Grand Inspired. Look for more episodes coming down the line in the future!
City Social Media A ounts

Facebook: City of Stoughton Wisconsin, Police, Fire, EMS, Library, Stoughton Opera House, WSTO TV, Utilities, Stoughton Area Senior Center, Stoughton

Recreation, Troll Beach, Gazebo Musikk, Youth Center
Twitter: @StoughtonRec @WSTOTV

Instagram: Library, Stoughton Opera House, Recreation, Utilities
YouTube: WSTO TV, Senior Center
WSTO Apps: Roku, AppleTV, FireTV, Android, iOS

W kly Show mes
City Council Meetings LIVE 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 7pm Plan Commission LIVE 2nd Monday at 6pm
Friday Night Movies
Fridays 5pm - Midnight
Getting Healthy with Holly Daily at 7am
Knowledgeable Aging Daily at 7:30am
Democracy Now! Mon - Fri at 2:00pm
United Methodist Church Sundays at 10am
Lakeview Church Sundays at 11am History
Thursdays at 5pm - Midnight
Creature Features Saturdays at 10pm Full Schedule at
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Su er Youth Programs Te is Le ons
Spring Miniball Soccer
Spring Miniball Soccer is the perfect program for introducing kids to the exciting world of soccer culture in Stoughton! Our program takes place on Sundays & is designed to help kids aged 3-5 years old develop essential skills in three key areas: technique, physical literacy, and psychology. Our lead instructor will be on hand to teach children the fundamentals of dribbling, changing direction while running with the ball, shooting, and kicking with different surfaces. In addition, children will develop their balance, running, jumping, and coordination skills through fun and engaging exercises. We also focus on teaching children important values such as sharing, fair play, and emotional management. We welcome volunteers to help make our program a success. No soccer experience is necessary!
Days: Sundays, April 23 – May 21, 2023 Location: Racetrack Park – Field near Barn
Fee: $40.00 Ages & Times: 3 – 4 year olds - 3:00-3:45pm | 5 year olds - 4:00-4:45pm
Challenger Soccer Camp – Tiny Tykes
A fun introduction to soccer influenced by the very popular year-round Tiny Tykes curriculum. Coaches from across the pond run this amazing program which includes games, activities, and adventures to introduce and develop coordination, balance, and running, stopping, turning, kicking, dribbling, throwing and catching.
Ages: 3-5 year olds Days: Monday-Friday, June 26th – June 30th Times: 8:00am –8:45am Location: Nordic Ridge Park Program Code: MUST REGISTER AT challengersports.com Fee: $125

Challenger Soccer Camp – 6-10 years old
Monday to Friday inclusive, 3 hours per day. Complete technical player development featuring practices from around the world in our new international camp curriculum. Includes access to a virtual coaching world courtesy of Challenger Virtual, motivating players to practice more at home before, during and after their program on the field!
Ages: 6-10 year olds Days: Monday-Friday, June 26th – June 30th
Times: 9:15am – 12:15pm Location: Nordic Ridge Park Program Code: MUST
REGISTER AT challengersports.com Fee: $190
Challenger Soccer Camp – 11-15 years old
Monday to Friday inclusive, 3 hours per day. Complete technical player development featuring practices from around the world in our new international camp curriculum. Includes access to a virtual coaching world courtesy of Challenger Virtual, motivating players to practice more at home before, during and after their program on the field!
Ages: 11-15 year olds Days: Monday-Friday, June 26th – June 30th
Times: 9:15am – 12:15pm Location: Nordic Ridge Park Program Code: MUST
REGISTER AT challengersports.com Fee: $190
Rally Cap T-Ball – Ages 4 – Pre-K
Are you ready to introduce your child to America’s favorite pastime? Look no further than T-Ball! Little League International has designed this program to offer a fun and focused approach to learning foundational skills and techniques. We provide all the necessary equipment, but players should bring their own glove. Conveniently scheduled between 2:45pm and 3:45pm, practice/game times rotate each week. We’re also seeking volunteer coaches, who will receive detailed weekly practice plans created by Little League International. With step-by-step instructions and pictures of each skill and drill, coaching has never been easier. The first four meetings are dedicated practice time, while the final two are fun scrimmage games. Sign up now to help your child hit a home run in life! T-Ball is the perfect introduction to America’s favorite pastime, and we can’t wait for your child to join us.
Ages: 4 & 5 year olds Days: Sundays, June 11th – July 23th Fee: $55 Times: 2:45pm – 3:45pm & 3:45pm – 4:45pm Location: Racetrack Park Diamonds
Stoughton Parks and Recreation Department and Premier Tennis and Fitness are working together to bring top-notch professional tennis lessons to Stoughton area children and adults. Skills that will be covered consist of serving, forehand, backhand, and footwork, along with learning the rules of the game and how to score. All equipment will be provided.
Ages 3-6 - $25
Using Quick Start approach, children are taught using balls that bounce lower and move slower than regular tennis balls so they are easier to hit.
Ages 7-8 - $25
Children will further develop tennis strokes, groundstrokes, volleys, and the serve. Footwork drills and point playing will be introduced.
Ages 9-12 - $50
Students will refine stroke mechanics with major emphasis on improving the consistency and accuracy of groundstrokes, volleys, overheads, and learning the rules of the game.
Ages 13-18 - $50
This group is designed for the high school player and/or advanced middle school player. Drills become more intense and focused on strategy and point play for singles and doubles.
Adults - $35
All levels are welcome from Beginner to Advanced. Drills will work on technique, strategy, and point play. Drills will be fast paced and keep you moving.
Lesson Details
Session 1 - Ages 3-6 - June 17-July 15 - 9-9:45am
Session 2 - Ages 3-6 - July 22-Aug 19 - 9-9:45am
Session 1 - Ages 7-8 - June 17-July 15 - 9:45-10:30am
Session 2 - Ages 7-8 - July 22-Aug 19 - 9:45-10:30am
Session 1 - Ages 9-12 - June 17-July 1510:30am-12pm
Session 2 - Ages 9-12 - July 22-August 1910:30am-12pm
Session 1 - Ages 13-18 - June 17-July 15 - 12-1:30pm
Session 2 - Ages 13-18 - July 22-Aug 19 - 12-1:30pm
Session 1 - Adult - June 17-July 15 - 8-9am
Session 2 - Adult - July 22-August 19 - 8-9am
Days: Saturdays Location: High School Courts
Min/Max Participants/Class: 6/16
Tournament Date: Session 1 – July 14th, Session 2 –August 18th
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Youth Programs (Cont.) Stoughton Area Youth Center
Learn to Play Softball – Kindergarten – 2nd Grade
Our youth softball program is designed to teach children the FUNdamentals of softball, athletic skills, and a love of sports. Practices will take place on Wednesdays for one hour, while Sundays will include both practices and informal games. Players will be grouped according to skill level, ensuring that they are appropriately challenged. With coach pitch or t-ball games, our program caters to a wide range of ages and skill levels. Our focus will be on proper overhand throwing motion during practice. Players are required to bring their own gloves, while all other equipment will be provided. We’re looking for volunteer coaches to join us in creating a supportive and fun environment for our young athletes. At our coaches’ training session, we’ll go over the drills and activities that occur during practice, as well as how to lead the games. Let’s work together to help our players thrive!
Grades: K-2 Days: Sundays, June 11th – July 23th
Times: 5:00pm – 6:00pm Location: Racetrack Park Diamonds Fee: $55
Future Vikings Football Camp – Grades 2-5 and Grades 6-8
Attention all youth football players (flag & tackle)!! Come join Stoughton's Head Football Coach Jason Becker, the High School Football Coaching Staff, and High School Football Players for an 8 day camp this summer.
Athletes entering grades 2-5 will learn the basic offensive fundamentals of blocking, throwing, catching and running with the football. On defense they will learn the basic techniques from defensive line to linebackers to defensive backs.
Athletes entering grades 6-8 will build off of the younger group and also learn the fundamentals of each position as well as learn the high school's base offense and defense.
Grades: 2-5 & 6-8
Dates: June 12th – 22nd, Monday - Thursday
Time: Grades 2–5 1:00pm – 1:45pm & Grades 6-8 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Location: Stoughton High School Practice Field
Fee: $50 for Grades 2-5, $60 for Grades 6-8
Junior Viking Track Club – Ages 5 – 8 and Ages 9 - 13
The Stoughton Recreation Department is proud to be working with Stoughton High School Head Boys Track Coach Jason Becker to offer two summer track and field programs; one for 5 to 8 year olds and another for ages 9 to 13. Junior Viking Track Club is the only program of its kind in the City of Stoughton. The goal of the Junior Viking Track Club is to supply a program of physical activity that serves as a strong foundation for all sports in a fun manner. Under the instruction of the SHS Track and Field staff and Varsity track and field athletes, your child will have fun learning the fundamental skills of track and field.
Ages: 5-8 & 9-13 Dates: M-F, June 12th-16th, (Friday is TRACK MEET DAY)
Time: Ages 5-8 5:00pm-6:00pm, Ages 9-13 6:00pm-7:00pm
Location: Collins Field Track (High School Track) Fee: $45
Intro/Entry Level Strength Training – Grade 5th – 8th
This class is for youth 5-8th grade that want to learn the basics of strength training in a fun, safe, and engaging way. Each participant will learn the basic concepts on how we help improve strength, athleticism, and overall wellbeing at Level Up. Classes will meet twice a week and be capped at 6-8 participants.
Dates: Session 1 June 12th - 29th Session 2 July 10th – 27th
Days: Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday
Time: 10:00am – 11:00am or 11:00am - Noon
Location: Level-Up Gym (225 Hoel Ave.)
Fee: $60 per 3 week session
The Stoughton Area Youth Center (SAYC) is open and better than ever! The SAYC will be a leader in youth development and healthy lifestyle choices. Not only is the center “the” place to be for students in 5th-8th grade during after-school hours, the program has expanded to include high school students with great programming that is both fun and educational.
Art Programs
Stoughton Youth Center is offering an Art Program on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4:00pm-5:30pm. Anyone is welcome to come in and create anything they want. Whether it is painting on a canvas, making jewelry, or drawing. On special occasions we will do different art projects for holidays or events!
Gym Space
The second floor of the Stoughton Area Youth Center is the active floor of the building. This floor has a basketball hoop and plenty of space for Basketball or Football. This floor also contains games such as pool, Foosball, ping-pong and Carpetball.

Video Games
The Stoughton Area Youth Center has an Xbox 360 and a Playstation 4 with age appropriate games and controllers that can be checked out for use. Donations of money, Games rated E to T and controllers are always needed. Also if you have a game system you would like to donate we would me more than happy to take it.
Board Games
The game closet at the Stoughton Area Youth Center has a huge stockpile of board games. These games are available for use and there is plenty of table space for these games to be played.
The first floor of the Stoughton Area Youth Center is also used as a lounge area, where participants can relax and hang out with friends. There is a large variety of couches and chairs.
Regular hours:
3:00-6:00 PM after school
12:00-5:00 PM during the summer and non-school weekdays
Location: 567 E. Main Street Phone: 608-877-9980
Staff: Greg Hoyte ghoyte@cityofstoughton.com
Stoughton Parks & Recreation
207 S. Forrest Street
Stoughton, WI 53589 608-873-6746
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Su er Youth Programs (Cont) {YEL!} Su er Programs
Junior Golf Clinics
Improve your full swing and short game at our golf clinic. Participants will receive instruction each day on driving, iron play and putting using facilities at Coachman's Golf Resort. Completion of clinic is required for all league play. Clubs will be provided, as needed.
Dates: Tuesdays, June 13th - June 27th Location: Coachman’s Golf Course
Instructors: Allyssa Ferrell – Coachman’s Golf Pro Fee: $55
Time: Ages 5-7 - 11:00-12:00pm | Ages 8-11- 12:30-1:30pm | Ages 12-16 2:00-3:00pm
Junior Golf League

Instruction will be provided on course etiquette, rules, technique, pace of play, and other facets of playing the game of golf. To maximize benefit of this program, participants must have completed the Junior Golf Clinic. Class size is limited to 20. Clubs are available, as needed.
Days: Tuesdays, July 11th - July 25th Location: Coachman’s Golf Course
Instructors: Allyssa Ferrell – Coachman’s Golf Pro
Ages: 5-7 Time: 11:00-12:00pm Holes: 2-3 Fee: $65
Ages: 8-11 Time: 12:15-1:30pm Holes: 5-6 Fee: $70
Ages: 12-16 Time:1:45-3:45pm Holes: 6-9 Fee: $75
Junior Golf Intermediate League
Designed for players that have experience on the golf course and are looking for more competitive play. Play will include weekly scores. Class size is limited to 24.
Days: Wednesdays, June 14th - July 26th Time: 9:00-11:00am Fee: $140
Location: Coachman’s Instructor: Allyssa Ferrell - Coachman’s Golf Pro
Cooking Classes (Ramen) – Adult/Child and Youth Only
Join us for an unforgettable culinary experience with our Cooking Classes. Chef Joel Olson of Hemmechef will teach you how to make ramen noodle dough from scratch and prepare delicious broths with your choice of vegetable, chicken, pork, and miso broths. Learn to roll, stretch, and cut the dough into fresh noodles, free from any packets of skinny noodles or pouches of MSG. With you newly acquired skills, set up a delicious ramen feast with freshly-simmered noodles and a variety of classic ramen garnishes. (Vegetarian options available)
Date: Sat, April 8 Times: 10am-12pm (Adult/Child) 1-3pm (Youth only – ages 10 -15)
Location: Stoughton Youth Center Fees: $90 (Adult/Child), $60 (Youth only)
Introduction to Dance – Ages 3 – 5 and Ages 6 - 8
The Stoughton Recreation Department is proud to be working with Stoughton Center for the Arts to offer two summer dance programs; one for 3 to 5 year olds and another for ages 6 to 8. In each three week session, students will explore the fundamentals of dance in this fun and educational environment. Students will learn proper stretching, musicality, and movement through classroom instruction, games, and improvisation. Participants should plan on wearing clothes comfortable for movement and bring a pair of socks.
Ages: 3-5 & 6-12 Days: Tuesdays, June 13th – 27th & July 11th – 25th
Time: Ages 3 – 5 11:15am – 12:00pm, Ages 6 - 8 12:15pm – 1:00pm Location: Stoughton Center for the Arts (2320 Jackson St) Fee: $45
Summer Art Camp 2023
Does your child LOVE art? If so, sign them up for this four-day fun filled creative art camp. Each day we will be creating a beautiful project. On the last day, we will have an art show for the children's families and friends to come see their masterpieces. They will be doing an amazing acrylic on canvas, a gorgeous watercolor painting, a fun multi-media piece, and a darling weaving project. A small snack will be provided daily. The 4 main projects will be (1) An acrylic painting on a 16x20 canvas (2) A mixed media project (3)A watercolor painting on 11x14 canvas (4) A colorful weaving wheel.
Ages: 5-12 Days: Mon - Thurs July 10 – July 13 Time: 9:00am – 11:30am
Location: Bjoin Park Shelter Fee: $165
Chess Summer Camp
Are you a budding grandmaster who’s eager to learn the game of chess? If so, then this program is perfect for you! Designed for students entering grades 1-5, all skill levels are welcome. Our program starts by teaching the basics of piece movement, capture, check, piece value, and, most importantly, sportsmanship. Using the {YEL!} Teach It!...Practice It!...Play It! method, we offer over 60 chess lessons, thousands of puzzles, guided games, and an in-class tournament at the end of each week to keep students engaged and progressing. Plus, the class fee includes a ChessKid.com membership for the session. By signing up today, you’ll be able to battle summer brain drain and have a blast learning the exciting game of chess!
Grades: 1-5 Days: M-Th, June 19 – June 22
Time: 9:00am - Noon Fee: $123 Location: Norse Park
Varsity Builders Camp
This summer camp is designed for children in grades 1-5 who are interested in engineering and building with LEGO® bricks. Participants will be presented with a series of challenging projects that require them to construct a robotic DogBot, a motorized BugBot, a geared-up Racer, and a scary Bat. These projects will offer a stimulating challenge for any LEGO® enthusiast. Additionally, students will learn fundamental engineering concepts by working on these projects and other creative, open-ended assignments. This summer camp provides a fun and educational way to keep young minds engaged and active over the summer break. For more information and to view sample pictures, please visit YELKids.com.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site or program.
Grades: 1-5 Days: M-Th, July 10 – July 13
Time: 9am-Noon Location: Norse Park Shelter Fee: $118
Robotics 2.4 Summer Camp
This summer camp is designed for children in grades 1-5 who are interested in engineering and building with LEGO® bricks. Build a dragster, a spy robot, and a moon rover. Then program the dragster to race, the rover to roam, and the spy bot to...well, spy. {YEL!}’s Teach It! Practice It! Play It!® classroom method emphasizes 21st Century Learning skills like STEM, teamwork, and problem solving. Sign up today! Visit YELKids.com for more information.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site or program.
Grades: 1-5 Days: M-Th, July 24 – July 27
Time: 9am-Noon Location: Norse Park Shelter Fee: $118
Destination Mars: Rocketry Course
Launch and watch your very own rocket speed 300 feet into the air! Then it is yours to take home! Students will make and take home multiple rockets of varying difficulty throughout this session. We use these rockets to investigate basic aeronautical concepts including: propulsion, thrust, lift, drag and more. We will also hypothesize about travel in outer space, how to get a United States astronaut to Mars and life on Mars. Do you have THE RIGHT STUFF? NOTE: Parents will be asked to contribute two, 2 liter soda bottles (empty) for 2 different experiments.
Grades: 2-5 Days: M-Th, Aug 14 – Aug 17
Time: 9am-Noon Location: Norse Park Shelter Fee: $143
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Adult Programs
Paint and Wine Night at Cheesers
We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming Paint and Wine Night at Cheesers tasting room! Gather your friends and join us for an evening filled with art, wine, and fun. Under the guidance of a professional artist, you will be painting a beautiful Van Gogh Iris on a 16x20 canvas. All necessary supplies will be provided, so all you need to do is bring your creativity and enthusiasm. Enjoy a complimentary glass of wine, and feel free to purchase more from our selection of delicious wines. Please note that the tasting room is located upstairs, and there is no elevator available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Don’t miss this opportunity to relax, unwind, and create a beautiful masterpiece to take home with you. Reserve your spot today for our Paint and Wine Night at Cheesers tasting room!
Date: Wed, April 12 Time: 6:00-8:00pm Location: Cheesers 183 E. Main St. Stoughton, WI Fees: $55 (21 and up)
Stoughton Pickleball Club
Looking for a fun and engaging activity that brings the community together? Join the Stoughton Pickleball Club today! As a member of this group, you’ll get to play pickleball every day alongside local players. And that’s not all – group membership also come with a cool t-shirt, access to demo days, and a discount on the NORSE OPEN tournament fee. Pickleball is a racquet sport that incorporates elements from table tennis, tennis, and badminton, making it a great game for people of all ages. The fee you pay helps us purchase and replace equipment for the program. If you register after May 17th, don’t worry – you’ll receive your t-shirt by the end of July. Don’t miss out on the chance to enjoy the fastest growing sport in the country! Join the Stoughton Pickleball Club!
Ages: 18 and Up Dates: May 1 – September 30 Location: Mandt Pickleball Courts Fee: $36 Club Membership (Includes T-Shirt)
Norse Open Pickleball Tournament - June 24th & 25th, 2023

Join us for our 3rd Annual Norse Open Tournament! We have Men’s, Women’s and Mixed Doubles. Each team is guaranteed 2 matches. This is an unsanctioned tournament. More info online.
Fitness Classes – Strength and Sweat
STRENGTH AND SWEAT consists of a series of strength, cardio, and core exercises performed consecutively during each training session. Class format is easy to follow and will change from week to week to keep the body guessing. Exercise modifications will be provided to challenge all fitness levels. Days: Mondays April 17th – May 22nd Time: 5:30-6:15am Location: Level-Up Gym (225 Hoel Ave.) Fee: $50
Fitness Classes – Spin
SPINNING is a fun, athletic workout that closely mimics a true biking experience, all from the comforts of an indoor studio! Speed, terrain and intensity vary in each class, improving cardiovascular endurance and boosting lower-body strength. This class will be taught by Michele Helland. Days: Tuesdays, April 18th – May 23rd Time: 5:45-6:45pm Location: Level-Up Gym (225 Hoel Ave.) Fee: $50
Fitness Classes – Sculpt
SCULPT is designed to strengthen and stretch your muscles with an emphasis on balance, strength and flexibility. We will incorporate barre movements as well! Every second of this interval workout will lead to serious body sculpting. Make it easy or hard! A variety of equipment is utilized to give you a full body experience. Your trainer will be Andrea DeNure. Days: Wednesdays, April 19th – May 24th Time: 6:30-7:30pm Location: Level-Up Gym (225 Hoel Ave.) Fee: $50
Tro Beach - Stoughton’s Norwegian Fun Park

Visit our award winning aquatic park. Enjoy the best beach of beach experiences that includes clean city water, sandy zero depth entry and large inflatable play structures! Troll Beach is the result of a complete makeover of the Mandt Park Pool. New innovative play structures, a rebuilt full concession stand, pool chairs and umbrellas, are just a few of the updates for this historic pool. Our trained lifeguards are ready to welcome your group for a day of great swimming and Norwegian-like hospitality.
Open Daily: June 13 – August 16 Hours: 12-5 PM

Daily Rates
Resident 16+ - $7.00
Resident 15U - $6.00
Non-Resident 16+ - $9.00
Non-Resident 15U - $8.00
Group Rates (15+ People) - $6.00
Season Pass Rates
Resident Family Pass - $90.00
Resident Single Pass - $65.00
Non-Resident Family Pass - $110.00
Non-Resident Single Pass - $80.00
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Department of Public Works
Bulk Waste Co ec on
Under the ‘bulk-on-call’ program, you have more flexibility to choose when you want your bulk items collected. Whenever you have bulk items to dispose of, simply call Johns Disposal to schedule a pick up. You are allowed one bulk item collection per month. Please call 262-473-4700 to schedule the collection of your bulky items. You can schedule your collection anytime during the month. Bulk items will be collected within 7-days of when you place your call.
Acceptable Bulk Items:
• Furniture, Appliances, Large metal items
• Carpeting (no wider than 4ft and rolled)
• Extra garbage bags or garbage in personal cans
• Tires (2 per home per month – 8 per year)
• Cardboard (flattened & empty)
• Drain oil & antifreeze (sealed in 1-5 gallon containers)
• Paper & other recyclables should be in clear plastic bags
• *NEW* Electronics (see approved list)
• Humidifiers/De-humidifiers, Air Conditioners, Water Softeners
Unacceptable Bulk Items:
• Yard waste
• Hazardous materials
• Liquid paint
• Loose bulk construction materials
All items for bulk pick up should be placed within 2 feet of curbside and 6 feet from the carts. If you have a question about a specific item, please call Johns Disposal at 262-473-4700.
Yard Waste Site - Opens April 1st
Site Guidelines
• The site is open to residents and non-residents. There is an annual fee for the use of the site. There is a $20.00 fee for residents of Stoughton and a $25.00 fee for all non-residents. Bring a driver's license or utility bill with a current address for proof of residency.
• A 2nd sticker is available for $5.00 for multiple vehicles. If your sticker is lost there will be a $5.00 charge for replacement.
• No commercial haulers or landscapers.
• Materials must be separated, debagged and unloaded by the resident.
Acceptable Materials
Leaves, grass clippings, garden waste, etc. (bags/containers must be removed)
Brush –any length
Logs – up to 14 inches in diameter (we would encourage repurposing logs for firewood, furniture, milled planks, etc)
Unacceptable Materials
Solid Waste- garbage, recyclables, food waste.
Construction debris, rocks, dirt Stumps, root balls, etc
Hours: Tues & Thurs 1pm - 7pm • Sat 8am - 3pm
April 1st, 2022 - November 23rd, 2022
Site Closes at 6pm after October 15th
Note: To protect the safety of the staff and public, the yard waste site may close early during inclement weather
Stoughton residents can dispose of up to two (2) qualified household electronics at the curb each year as part of the bulk on-call program. Residents are currently afforded one bulk items collection per month for a total of 12 collections per year. Residents may substitute up to two (2) bulk item collections for qualified electronics collection. For example, a resident can set out 10 bulky items for 10 months and they can put out one (1) electronic item each of the other two months.

Just like the bulky collection, each e-waste collection must be scheduled by calling Johns Disposal at: 262-473-4700
Approved E-Waste Items
• televisions

• computers (desktop, laptop, netbook and tablet computers)
• desktop printers (including those that scan, fax and/or copy and 3-D printers)
• computer monitors
• other computer accessories (including keyboards, mice, speakers, external hard drives and flash drives)
• e-readers
• DVD players, VCRs and other video players (i.e., DVR)
• fax machines
• cell phones
If you have any questions about if an item can or can’t be set out, or to schedule a collection, please call John’s Disposal at 262-473-4700. Office hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm & Saturday 8:00 am to Noon
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Stoughton Roadway Improvements Pla ed for 2023
Memory Tr Program
The City of Stoughton Forestry Division offers you a unique and thoughtful way to celebrate life, love and accomplishments while making a meaningful contribution to your community by planting a tree. Trees leave a living, growing legacy for our future generations to cherish and enjoy. Trees can be planted in a city park or in the terrace area in front of your home or business if the area is suitable for tree planting. Your name, or the person you are memorializing or honoring will be inscribed on a plaque located at the Public Works Facility. The cost to purchase a tree, which includes planting and inscribed plaque, is $325. If you are interested in purchasing a tree, please fill out the application below. The City Forester will contact you to discuss the type of tree to be planted and the location.
Please note that the placement of permanent markers or plaques are not permitted within the city right-of-way.
Street Reconstruction Projects - These projects include total street replacement including curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveway aprons, and may include underground utilities (sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer).
• Jackson Street (Hwy 51 to Silverado)
• Bickley Court (West Street to Dead End)
• North Street (Division Street to Forrest)
Street Pulverization Projects - These projects include spot replacement of curb and gutter, spot replacement of sidewalk where sidewalk already exists. The pavement is pulverized, regraded and new pavement is installed.
• Roby Road (Nygaard to Kings Lynn)
• Felland Street (Kings Lynn Road to Hyland Drive)
• Sundt Lane (Oakwood Court to Felland Street)
• Devonshire Road (Jackson Street to Chapin Lane)
• Homme Court (Nottingham to Dead End)
• Kensington Square (South Section)
• Olson Ct (Jackson to Dead End)
For more information on City construction projects go to: https://www.stoughtonplanning.com/street-construction
If you are interested in the participating in the Memory Tree Program, please contact City Forester, John Kemppainen, at 608-646-0414 or via email jkemppainen@cityofstoughton.com
Stoughton Prairies Task Force Aims to Build on Early Su e !

The Stoughton Prairies Task Force is a group created to work with City staff to help maintain the prairies & promote the beauty & benefits of these ecosystems. So far the work has primarily focused on removing invasive species & planting native plants within the prairies. This is fun rewarding work and we are always in need of help. Work days will be posted on the Public Works website. You do not need to be an expert. A member of the task force will be present to direct your work, and hand tools are provided. The work is not hard, and friends make it easier!
The Friends of the Stoughton Prairies Task Force invites you to observe and enjoy the work that has been done at the three Stoughton prairies:
• Amundson Park- The entrance is located at the intersection of Amundson Pkwy and Skogdalen Dr and also accessible from Viking County Park.
• Bjoin Park- Located off of E Wilson St and accessible from the Yahara River Trail
•Schefelker Park- Entrances located on Furseth Rd and Sundt Ln
If you are interested in participating on the actual task force, please contact Brett Hebert, Director of Public Works at 608-877-8684 or visit https://www.stoughtonpublicworks.com/stoughton-prairies-task-force
2023 Curbside Co ec on Programs
Brush Co ec on Leaf Co ec on
Brush and Christmas trees must be put out on the terrace by 6:00 am on Monday of the collection week listed below. Please DO NOT set brush out more than 10 days prior to the scheduled collection date. Violators will be subject to a municipal citation.
Weeks of: April 24th, June 26th, August 28th and October 23rd
Acceptable Sizes
• Branch Diameter – No greater than 6 inches
• Branch Length – No greater than 8 feet in length
• Pile Size – The pile must fit within the terrace area (back of curb to either the sidewalk or property line if there is no sidewalk) and shall not be greater than 20 feet in length. Piles must not impede the vision triangle for motorists.

• Branches shall be stacked neatly parallel to the roadway.
• Any trees/brush that have been cut by a paid contractor will not be collected.

You may put your leaves on the terrace any time during the time period listed below. Collection may be extended or shortened depending on weather conditions. Check the Public Works website for updates.
Spring leaf collection starts March 27th - April 16th
Fall leaf collection starts October 9th – December 3rd
Please help by doing the following:
• Place all leaves on the terrace (park row)
• Do not place leaves in the street
• Do not mix brush or trash in with your leaf pile
• Do not park cars in front of your leaf pile
• Remove leaves from the storm inlet grates and place on the terrace
Please keep in mind, it may take crews several days to make it through the entire community. Our goal is to loop through the entire city at least once per week depending on volume. To make sure your leaves are collected, have them out each Monday. Once crews go by, they may not be back around until the next week
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Pla ing & Development
RodneyWhen is a permit n ded?
A building/zoning permit is required for the following:
• New home and addition construction*
• Deck installation*
• Fencing installation*
• Home remodels and repairs* (no fee if cost including labor is under $500)
• Accessory structures such as a shed, pergola or gazebo*
• Swimming pool installation* - For pools with a water depth greater than 36 in.
• Roofing and/or siding (no fee if cost including labor is under $500)
• Window or front door replacement (no fee if cost including labor is under $500)
• Zero lot line requests for two family duplex- Certified survey map required.
• Signage*
• Driveways and public sidewalks*
• Razing or moving structures*
• Erosion control and storm water management*
• New furnace, retrofit furnace and air conditioning
• Any type of HVAC, Electrical, and Plumbing
* A plan is required to be submitted along with the permit application
A building permit is not required for the following:
• Repainting the interior or exterior of your building
• Installing storm windows, storm doors and screens
• Installing gutters and downspouts
• Landscaping - Not recommended to be placed in any easement and should be planted to allow for growth to remain on your property. Also, there are vision corner requirements at intersections and driveways.
• Concrete/block patios
• Retaining walls – Must be on your property and not in any easements.
Garage sale signs may be placed in the parkrow or terrace, in front of the residence where the sale is being held, for a period not to exceed three (3) days and no more than three (3) times in a calendar year. Signs may also be placed in the parkrow or terrace at various intersections for the days of the sale; such signs shall not have a height greater than 2 ½ feet from grade and shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area, two (2) feet in height and two (2) feet in width.
If you have any questions regarding garage sale signage, please contact the City Zoning Administrator at 608-646-0421.
• Children’s play equipment - May not be placed in any easements. Obtaining a building/zoning permit: A building/zoning permit may be obtained, after approval of application materials, by the Department of Planning & Development, located at City Hall, 207 S. Forrest Street.
Information necessary for the application:
1. Name, address, email and phone number of applicant.
2. Type of improvement.
3. Name and address of person completing the work.
4. Contractors shall provide Dwelling Contractor Certification and Dwelling Contractor Qualifier Certification, as well as license numbers for all mechanical contractors.
5. Estimated cost.
6. Square footage of improvement if applicable.
7. Site plan of building/improvement including lot lines and all dimensions if applicable (a survey may be necessary).
8. Additional information may be required depending on the project.
What if I don’t get a permit?
If a permit is required, but not obtained, fees are doubled and a municipal citation may be issued. Any construction that does not comply with codes or ordinances will need to be brought into compliance.
The main objective for obtaining a building permit is to assure that structures are constructed according to the Uniform Dwelling Code requirements. This is done to make the structure safe from defects and protects the owner.
Information and applications:
Check out the City of Stoughton Department of Planning and Development website at www.stoughtonplanning.com for more information and applications. Click on the permit applications link. The electronic building/zoning permit application can be used for most projects. For questions, please call the Department of Planning & Development at:
Director of Planning & Development: 608-873-6619 | Zoning Administrator: 608-646-0421 | Building Inspector: 608-873-7626
Engineering Technician: 608-480-3661 | Admin. Assistant: 608-646-0159
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Note: these standards are only for private property, not for parking on public lands or anywhere in the street right-of-way.
A recreational vehicle is any of the following: motor home, jetski, boat, all trailers, campers, snowmobiles, off-road motorcycles, atv’s and similar vehicles.
Parking and storage of recreational vehicles and trailers in residential, office, & business districts are permitted in the following manner:
Recreational vehicles and trailers:
(a) Parked or stored within the front yard or side yard must be on a driveway that is made of a dust free, continual hard surface such as concrete or asphalt pavement and shall be a minimum of five feet from any private property line or right-of-way line. Permeable pavement including turfstone is also allowable. The side yard shall end at the rear of the home.
(b) May be parked in the rear yard, beyond the rear of the home without the need for a hard surface, subject to all other conditions. Note: Corner lots have two fronts.
(c) Shall be owned by the resident who is occupying the property on which the vehicle or trailer is parked or stored.
(d) Are permitted only for storage purposes except mobile homes and campers may be used for overnight sleeping for a maximum of 14 days in one calendar year.
(e) May not be connected to wastewater or sanitary sewer lines, or electricity except for charging of batteries.
(f) May not be used for storage of goods, materials or equipment other than those items considered to be part of the unit or essential for its use.
(g) Shall be placed a minimum of five feet from all property lines and shall not be parked within any easement.
(h) Maximum number allowed outside of a building per property is three unless the property is zoned and approved for such outdoor storage.
(i) A trailer with multiple recreational vehicles on it shall be considered one recreational vehicle, but all recreational vehicles on the trailer shall be owned by the resident occupying the property on which the trailer is parked.
(j) Individual canoes, kayaks and similar vehicles not on a trailer are exempt from these requirements.
The regulations applicable to temporary shelters are as follows:
Zoning code section 78-206(9) (i) states, “Temporary Shelter.
Description: These shelters are typically supported by poles, have a fabric roof and/or sides and are usually used to cover automobiles, boats, recreational vehicles, or firewood on a temporary or permanent basis. These structures are not designed for snow loading that can occur during the winter months. These shelters are not permitted in any zoning district in the City of Stoughton.”

These structures are not allowed to be used to cover vehicles, boats, recreational vehicles, firewood, etc…
These structures may be used temporarily for shade over a deck, patio or lawn area and for garage sales.

If you have any questions regarding this ordinance section please contact the City Zoning Administrator at 608-646-0421 or mstacey@cityofstoughton.com
Noxious Weeds and Grass Information
Noxious weeds, as defined by Wis. Statute § 66.0407(1)(b), are not allowed in the City of Stoughton.
Property owners in the City of Stoughton who allow noxious weeds to grow and/or allow grass/weeds to exceed 1-foot in height, are in violation of the City of Stoughton Public Nuisance Ordinance Section 58-8(6). A citation may be issued to the property owner after notice of violation. Additionally, the City may contract to have the grass and/or weeds mowed, and bill the property owner. One notice will be sent per year.
Violations are found through weekly inspections by Department of Planning & Development staff. If you have any questions related to this issue, contact the City Building Inspector at 608-873-7626.
Why You Should Know Where Your Property Stakes Are Located
It is very helpful to know exactly where your property stakes (lot lines) are when:
• Buying a home/property so you know what you are buying and for future reference;
• Landscaping including planting trees and shrubs so they are planted to allow future growth to remain on your property;
• Seeking to install: fencing, an accessory structure or adding onto your home, so when applying for a permit you can easily draft a plan to show where the new structure will be located;
• Trying to locate any recorded easements. Many times we hear people say they were told or they assumed their property stakes are where a fence, planting, transformer or power pole is located. In fact, that is seldom the case. The only way to be certain is to locate the lot corner stakes as follows:
• A plat map which shows the dimensions of a property may be obtained from the Department of Planning & Development at no charge to you. This document can be picked up at City Hall, 207 S. Forrest Street or emailed/faxed/mailed to you. The plat map of your property will give you a reference to start from and makes it much easier once one stake is found;
• The stakes which are sometimes called “irons” or “monuments” vary in size but are typically approximately a 1-inch solid stake, 1.5 feet long and buried at ground level or by as much as a foot deep or more at each corner of the property;
• A long tape measure is helpful to aid in your search;
• Renting a metal detector may also be helpful in locating the lot stakes;
• Ask neighbors if they have an idea where the lot stakes are located to aid in your search;
• Department of Planning & Development staff will assist but cannot locate lot stakes for you. City staff cannot come to your property to locate your property lines or take sides in a dispute over a private property stake location. Property stake disputes between property owners are a legal issue and are not regulated by City Ordinances;
• If lot stakes cannot be found, a licensed land surveyor may be hired to locate them and in some cases restake them. State law requires that lot stakes are not removed however that does not mean they have not been inadvertently removed. Also, many historic areas originally had wood stakes. Surveyors can be found in the Yellow Pages or contact the City staff person below for information. The cost of a survey can vary greatly so it pays to check costs;
• Over time property stakes may be removed or buried beneath retaining walls, paved driveways, concrete walks, plantings etc…making them more difficult to find;
• In many cases a survey is required for new home construction, building additions, detached accessory structures or other major projects.
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Help Protect Area Waters this Su er K p Rain Where It Lands and Make Sure Only Rain Goes Down the Storm Drain

Our actions on land impact the water resources around us. During a storm, rain either soaks into the ground or runs off our roofs, roads and other hard surfaces into storm drains or ditches which transport the water and any pollutants that are carried with it into area lakes, rivers and streams. It’s all connected! The City of Stoughton falls within the Yahara/Kegonsa watershed. Depending on where you live in the City of Stoughton, the stormwater that runs off your property will eventually drain into the Yahara River or Lake Kegonsa . The key to protecting these waters is to take actions to limit the amount of runoff and keep any runoff that does end up in our waters as clean as possible. We’re working hard to reduce stormwater runoff, but we can’t do it alone. Join our effort this spring/summer by implementing some of these simple practices at your home or business.
• Install a rain garden or rain barrels to collect roof runoff.
• Mow high (3” or more) using a sharp blade. High lawns slow runoff, promote infiltration and shade out weeds.
• Leave grass clippings on lawn. Clippings act as a natural fertilizer.
• Test your soil before applying fertilizers and pesticides and apply only what you lawn needs- https://uwlab.soils.wisc.edu/farmers/lawn-garden/ .
• Keep lawn clippings and other organic matter off driveways, sidewalks, roadways and storm drains.
• Compacted soil acts as a channel for water. Aerate your lawn to promote infiltration.
• Pick up after pets. Bury pet waste in the yard or bag and dispose of in garbage.
• Prevent erosion by covering bare soil with seed and mulch as soon as possible.
For more information on simple actions you can take to have a Ripple Effect on our waters visit www.ripple-effects.com.
Are you a Dane County resident or business interested in protecting our local waters? Consider purchasing a 50-gallon rain barrel for only $74 plus tax (typically retails for ~$150). If you live in a Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership community, you are eligible to apply for an additional $30 reimbursement!

Plant Dane Makes It Easy to Start a Native Garden through Low‐Cost Native
Dane County and the Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership (MAMSWaP) are now accepting plant orders for their 19th annual Plant Dane Native Plant Program. The Plant Dane Program provides native plants to local groups, municipalities and residents in Dane County for a fraction of the normal retail cost. Native plants are not only beautiful, they improve water quality and provide important environmental functions such as food and habitat for native wildlife. The intricate root systems of native plants help the ground act like a sponge to soak up rainwater. This helps prevent polluted stormwater runoff from reaching our local lakes, rivers and streams. Consider converting some of your turf grass or pavement into a native garden this spring
and have a Ripple Effect on our waters!

Due to overwhelming interest in the program in recent years, plant sales will be limited to 30,000 plants this year. Order early to ensure availability. Choose from more than 50 native plant species and preselected garden kits including: pollinator, downspout, rain garden, and edible garden kits. Donations to purchase native plants for specific community and school projects will also be accepted through Plant Dane this year. Plants will be available to order on a first‐come, first‐serve basis up to 30,000 plants.
The sale will end on March 21st if we do not reach the cap before then. Visit www.rippleeffects.com/plant‐dane for program details.
Interested in installing a rain garden this summer, but don’t know where to start? Sign up for “Dig into Rain Gardens, 1:1 Coaching Sessions with the Experts.” Participants will meet individually with a rain garden expert to look at their specific site using an online mapping application, determine drainage patterns and select an optimal location for a rain garden. Experts will also assist participants with sizing, plant selection and provide resources on site preparation and installation. Thirty‐minute coaching sessions are $20 and will be offered on Saturday, March 4 from 8:00 AM ‐ 12:15 PM. Participants will also be eligible for up to a $50 native plant reimbursement for plants ordered through Plant Dane. Reserve a spot today at www.ripple‐effects.com/plant‐dane.
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Your resource for saving energy & money

600 S. Fourth St • StoughtonU li es.com • 608.873.3379
Public Power Scholarship

Stoughton Utilities is advising electric and water customers who are behind on their bills to immediately pay any delinquent balances, or make payment arrangements with the utility to avoid service disconnection.

Wisconsin’s Winter Emergency Period, often referred to as the moratorium on residential service disconnection, ends April 15. After that date, utilities statewide may begin to disconnect service to customers who are past due on payment of their electric bills for any period of time, including the winter months. Stoughton Utilities will disconnect all accounts with severely delinquent balances on April 26.
Unpaid utility bills drive up costs for the whole community due to the fact that any balance that is uncollectable is essentially recovered from the entire customer base through future rates. It is Stoughton Utilities' goal to do whatever we can to collect unpaid bills, while also helping customers avoid service disruptions for nonpayment by working with them to establish deferred payment arrangements.
Situations can arise, making it difficult for customers to pay their bills... However, to avoid disconnection, we urge customers to contact us to make the appropriate payment arrangements. If you are behind on your payments, we would like to help you get on track to bringing your account current by scheduling payments that fall within your budget and schedule. Failure to do so will eventually result in electric service disconnection. You can contact Stoughton Utilities to establish a deferred payment arrangement. If you are eligible, we will work with you individually to negotiate payment options based upon your unique financial situation. Any arrangement will require a down-payment of at least one-third the past-due balance.
Assistance is still available...
Various low-income assistance programs are offered to Stoughton Utilities customers. In addition to the standard annual assistance amounts, Wisconsin has created the Wisconsin Emergency Rental Assistance Program to provide additional assistance to tenant customers affected by COVID-19.
To apply for energy assistance, customers should immediately call 1-866-HEATWIS (432-8947) or apply online at energybenefit.wi.gov. An appointment is necessary if not applying online, and assistance payments may take up to six weeks to be received. Even if you are approved, disconnection will not be postponed until after we receive the funds from the state, so be sure to apply as soon as possible. Any pending customer deposit requirements will be cancelled or refunded upon income verification and energy assistance approval; please request that your EA representative send us official approval documentation to speed up the process.
Customers can review their account balances and make payments online by logging in to My Account. To make payment arrangements or to explore payment options, please contact us at (608) 873-3379, or at CustomerService@stoughtonutilities.com.
As your locally owned, not-for-profit utility, Stoughton Utilities works to not only provide reliable, cost effective utility services, but to also support and enrich the community. We believe that investing in the education of our youth is an investment in our community. One way we do this is to offer an annual scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to an upcoming high school graduate. Applicants are given the option to submit an essay or any other project of their choice, demonstrating the value of public power. The scholarship recipient will be chosen based on submitted application materials. To be eligible, the student’s parents or legal guardians must be a customer of Stoughton Utilities, and application materials are due by May 1. Visit our website at stoughtonutilities.com/scholarship for complete application guidelines and materials.
Ch se Renewable!
Stoughton Utilities is committed to investing in clean, renewable energy. As our customer, you can purchase renewable energy blocks to offset a part or all of your electrical usage through our Choose Renewable program. Purchasing just one block of renewable energy each month for one year has the equivalent impact on the environment as not driving a car for six months and avoids emitting over three tons of carbon dioxide.
Choose Renewable allows you to contribute to a cleaner energy future by purchasing renewable energy in 300-kilowatt hour (kWh) blocks. Every $2 block you buy is added to your monthly electric bill and ensures that this share of your electricity comes from solar, wind and biogas. And, with no equipment to buy or install on your roof, there is no need to worry about payback periods or annual maintenance costs.
Visit our website for more information or log in to My Account to enroll. https://stoughtonutilities.com/residential/renewable
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Don’t Fa Vic m to U lity Scams
Scammers frequently take advantage of worried utility customers using the threat of disconnection for unpaid bills to squeeze money out of businesses and residential customers.
There are a few variations of this scam:

• A person arrives at your home or business and demands immediate payment on the spot to avoid disconnection.
• A person calls your home or business and states you will be disconnected within a short period of time unless you make an immediate payment over the phone using a prepaid debit card or wire transfer. Several businesses in Stoughton were recently targeted with this scam.
• A person visits your home or business offering utility payment assistance. If you pay some money up front, they will match it or provide additional funds to assist in payment.
• A person calls or visits your home or business stating that the meter is malfunctioning and needs to be replaced at your expense, or that an unpaid new customer deposit is due and failure to pay immediately will result in disconnection.
Every year, variations of a utility scam pop up in various Wisconsin communities, including Stoughton and Madison. In all cases the scammer preys upon people’s fears, frequently in low-income neighborhoods, and uses high-pressure intimidation tactics to get the victim to make a payment. To avoid falling victim to a scam, keep the following in mind:
• We will never contact you by phone or in-person and demand immediate payment. We will never contact you for payment or threaten to disconnect outside of our regular business hours.
• We will never require payment by prepaid debit card or wire transfer, or any other specific payment method. We accept payment by your choice of check, credit/debit card, money order, or cash (at our office).
• We will never accept a customer payment in the field. Utility staff is prohibited from requesting or accepting any type of payment when visiting your home or business. All cash payments must be made at our office.
• We will never request your social security or driver’s license number over the phone or at your home. When we contact you, we will have all of your specific account information, including name, address, account number, and balance.
• We will never require a payment to repair or replace an electric or water meter.
• We will always arrive at your home in a marked vehicle. Stoughton Utilities field staff uses white trucks with the blue SU logo on the door.
• We will always carry photo identification with our name, photo, and the SU logo printed on the plastic ID card.
Always be cautious...
If you are ever in doubt of a call you receive, immediately end the call and contact SU Customer Service at (608) 873-3379. We will verify whether or not it was an employee that contacted you. Scammers can manipulate the caller ID to mask their number and make it appear they are calling from the utility, so exercise caution even if the caller ID states it is coming from our phone number.
If anyone claiming to be a Stoughton Utilities employee visits your home or business, request to see their utility ID card. If they request or demand an immediate payment be paid to them, immediately call the police. If you are ever in doubt about a technician’s visit, contact SU customer service at (608) 873-3379 to verify the employee’s identity and the cause for their visit.

Work Safely with Di er’s Hotline
It’s been a long winter, but spring is just around the corner. With the return of beautiful weather approaching, your plans for outside work may be starting to grow -- build a deck, plant some trees, or install a gym set for the kids. If your list includes any digging, state law (Wisconsin Statute 182.0175) requires you to notify Diggers Hotline at least three days in advance.
Diggers Hotline is a statewide notification system developed to provide excavators and the general public with the ability to inform multiple owners of underground facilities of intended non-emergency excavation via a single telephone call. You can contact Diggers Hotline at 811 from any phone year-round. You must allow three working days (excluding weekends and holidays) notice for the location of the underground facilities prior to digging.
Diggers Hotline will process three types of calls: 1) excavation 2) planning of excavation, and 3) safe working clearance information for overhead lines. The call center will ask for an address or location information. Specific marking instructions also will need to be provided. Once the locate is completed, you have ten calendar days to begin your excavation work before you must call to have the underground facilities relocated.
Please note that there are no charges to individual customers for this service. For more information on Wisconsin's Digger's Hotline program, please visit www.diggershotline.com.
Around the Clock Spring 2023

Claim Your $25 Bi Credit with our Bi Credit Incen ves!
Stoughton Utilities customers can receive a $25 bill credit incentive with the purchase of certain ENERGY STAR® rated appliances. ENERGY STAR products are more efficient, saving you energy and money on your utility bills.

Qualifying products include ENERGY STAR dehumidifiers, clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers, freezers, refrigerators, and air purifiers. Visit our website for complete details and to download the reimbursement forms.
To qualify for the Stoughton Utilities rebate, purchases must be listed as ENERGY STAR® rated products at energystar.gov. Available for purchases made in 2023 only. Must have an active Stoughton Utilities electric account at the time of application. Completed forms and sales receipts must be received prior to December 1, 2023. Visit stoughtonutilities.com/incentives for details and a full list of available incentives.
Get your FR Energy E iciency Pack from Focus on Energy
Save money and make your home more efficient with free energy efficient products! Focus on Energy has six different energy-saving packs for you to choose from that they will ship directly to you. Each pack contains a variety of products, such as:
• ENERGY STAR® certified LED bulbs
LEDs use at least 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs.
• High-Efficiency Showerhead
Efficient showerheads use fewer gallons of water per minute, potentially lowering your water bills.
• Water-Saving Faucet Aerators
These simple screw-in aerators reduce water use while providing the pressure you need to wash.
• Advanced Power Strip
Advanced power strips prevent electronics from drawing power when they are off or not being used.
• Pipe Insulation
Pipe insulation will help to reduce heat loss through hot waterpipes and will stop sweating on cold water pipes.
Each eligible household can claim 1 pack every year. Visit focusonenergy.com/simple to order yours today!

Around the Clock Spring 2023
Upcoming Events
New programs and events are being added all the time! For the most up-to-date information, visit our online calendar at https://www.stolib.org/calendar/month
Medical Advance Directives: What You Need to Know

Monday, March 27, 6:30 PM - Carnegie Room and live via Zoom
Join Stoughton City Alder and Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Jean Ligocki to learn how you can easily complete your own Medical Advance Directive paperwork. This lets YOU select, ahead of time, the individual YOU want to make healthcare decisions for you in the event that you lose your ability to make decisions. Presented in partnership with Stoughton Health. Join us live in the library’s meeting room, or via Zoom
Writing Critique Group
Second Saturday of each month, 10-11:30 AM, in the Carnegie Room
Are you a writer looking to connect with your local community and receive constructive criticism to improve your work? Join our writing critique group on the second Saturday morning of each month. Writers may bring a 6-page (12 pt, double-spaced) sample to share. No registration required. If you’d like to receive an email reminder about the group please email us at storef@stolib.org
Virtual Author Visit: Pam Jenoff, The Lost Girls of Paris

Tuesday, March 28, 6 PM - Online
Join us for an exciting trip through time as we chat with New York Times bestselling historical fiction author Pam Jenoff about her newest book, Code Name Sapphire! Jenoff is also the author of the bestselling Lost Girls of Paris. A recording will be available if you can’t watch live. Register and view here: https://libraryc.org/stoughtonpubliclibrary/25031
Yoga Sundays
Sundays, April 2 and May 7, 10 AM - Stoughton Yoga, 101 Silverado Dr. Have you always wanted to try yoga? We'll focus on breath and gentle movement in these classes which are perfect for beginners. We recommend you bring a blanket or towel, but the studio can loan you any other props you need, even a mat. Space is limited and registration is required.

Virtual Author Visit: Kate Beaton

Tuesday, April 4, 6 PM - Online
Ge ing a Library Card
There is no charge for a library card – just provide a picture ID with proof of current address. If your ID does not list your current address, please provide another proof of address such as a piece of mail, personal check, utility bill, etc. Parents must sign the registration form for children under age 16.
Now you can apply for a library card online! Go to stoughtonpubliclibrary.org/get-library-card, complete our secure online form and we’ll let you know when your card is ready to pick up. Inquiries about library cards can be emailed to storef@stolib.org

For more information, visit us online at www.stoughtonpubliclibrary.org, on Facebook and Instagram, or call our information desk at 873-6281.
Library Features
• High Speed WiFi & Internet Access Computers
• Printing, Scanning, Faxing & Wireless
Printing (for a fee - Contact the library for specifics)
• LINKcat App Available! Download from Apple App Store or Google Play
Join us for an enlightening hour online with highly-acclaimed Kate Beaton, the New York Times bestselling author of the graphic novels Hark! A Vagrant! and Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands. A recording will be available if you can’t watch live. Register and view here: https://libraryc.org/stoughtonpubliclibrary/25283
How-To Fest
Sunday, April 23, 1-3:30 PM
Fire Department Training Room
Adults, teens, and children ages 4 and up are invited to our Open House Craft Festival! Drop in anytime between 1-3:30 PM to try out a new craft and make something you could give as a gift or display in your home. No registration required. We recommend arriving no later than 3 PM so you have plenty of time to explore.
Singapore: Exploring the Lion of Asia

Thursday, April 27, 6:30 PM - Carnegie Room and live via Zoom
World traveler Joe Fahey will share his experiences traveling through Singapore with a presentation of photos, facts, and history. Attend in-person in the library’s meeting room or join us on Zoom. Registration is not required, but if you’d like to receive an email or text reminder you can sign up here: https://stoughtonpubliclibrary.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=55
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Virtual Author Visit: William Kent Krueger
Thursday, April 27, 7 PM - Online
You are in for a riveting hour online with New York Times bestselling author William Kent Krueger! Join us as he discusses his newest book in the Cork O’Connor series, Fox Creek, and his other works. A recording will be available if you can’t watch live. Register and view here: https://libraryc.org/stoughtonpubliclibrary/25535

The Great Craft Swap
Drop off: Friday, April 28, 12-5:45 PM; and Saturday, April 29, 9-11 AM
Donor Hour (ticket required): Saturday, April 29, 12-1 PM
Open house: Saturday, April 29, 1-4 PM - Carnegie Room
Swap out your old, unwanted art and craft supplies for treasures from someone else's collection! Drop off your donations Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, and receive a free ticket to the Donor Early Access Hour at noon on Saturday. Afterwards, everyone is welcome to browse and take home supplies on Saturday afternoon, 1-4 PM.
Virtual Author Visit: Britt Hawthorne
Wednesday, May 3, 12 PM - Online
This online author talk features Britt Hawthorne, author of Raising Antiracist Children. Learn how to strategically incorporate the tools of inclusivity into everyday life and parenting. A recording will be available if you can’t watch live. Register and view here: https://libraryc.org/stoughtonpubliclibrary/26027

Free Comic Book Day

Saturday, May 6, 9 AM - 4:45 PM Stop by the Children’s Department for free kids’ comics, and visit the top floor for teen and adult comics. Presented in partnership with Westfield comics.
Virtual Author Visit: Jena Friedman
Wednesday, May 10, 7 PM - Online
This Academy award-nominated screenwriter will talk about her book Not Funny: Essays on Life, Comedy, Culture, Et Cetera. A recording will be available if you can’t watch live. Register and view here: https://libraryc.org/stoughtonpubliclibrary/26287
Taiko Drum Concert
Saturday, July 8, 2 PM - East Side Park, 225 S Lynn St
Enjoy a free outdoor concert for all ages from Japanese taiko drum performers Beni Daiko. Bring a blanket or folding chair if you like. No registration required.

Pie Place, presented by the Friends of the Stoughton Public Library
Saturday, May 20, 9 AM – 4 PM Carnegie Room
Enjoy some home-made pie and support the Friends of the Stoughton Public Library!
Virtual Author Visit: Courtney Summers
Saturday, May 20, 1 PM - Online
Bestselling and critically acclaimed young adult author Courtney Summers will talk about her newest novel I’m the Girl. A recording will be available if you can’t watch live. Register and view here: https://libraryc.org/stoughtonpubliclibrary/26547
Virtual Author Visit: Mike Rucker’s The Fun Habit
Wednesday, June 7, 3 PM - Online
Join the Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Stoughton Public Library is a non-profit organization devoted to promoting and improving library services, materials, and facilities for the Stoughton community; encouraging gifts and bequests to the library; and promoting the broadest possible use of Library facilities, materials and services.
Friends’ membership levels range from $10 to $100 a year. In addition to becoming a member, you can help out with book sales, fundraisers, and more. For more information about joining the Friends, contact storef@stolib.org or call 608-873-6281. Mark your calendar for the Friends’ annual Pie Place fundraiser on May 20, 2023, during Syttende Mai!
B k Discu ion Groups
Our three monthly book discussion groups have resumed in-person meetings! As the weather warms, we may occasionally hold book discussions outdoors in some of the beautiful parks our city has to offer. Depending on local case rates, masks may be required at indoor discussions. For details on meeting locations and book selections, please check our events calendar at stolib.org/calendar/month
Page Turners – This group reads a variety of general interest titles both nonfiction and fiction. It usually meets the 4th Tuesday or Wednesday of the month at the library and the Stoughton Senior Center. Please see the library’s online calendar for more details.
The Foundation – This is Library’s science fiction / fantasy book group, named in honor of science fiction grand master Isaac Asimov’s famous Foundation Trilogy. The Foundation explores themes, authors, short stories, and novels. The group meets the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM
Thursdays With Murder is the Library’s mystery and crime fiction book discussion group. Now in its eighth year, the group reads mostly crime and murder mystery novels, but also dabbles in short stories and true crime. Meetings are the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM, with no meeting in December.
The Fun Habit: How the Disciplined Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life is the ultimate guide to reap the serious benefits fun offers. Enjoy an online author visit with Mike Rucker, Ph.D. A recording will be available if you can’t watch live. Register and view here: https://libraryc.org/stoughtonpubliclibrary/27005

Virtual Author Visit: Award-Winning Photographer Jamie Beck
Thursday, June 15, 1 PM - Online
This online author visit will virtually transport you to the south of France. An American in Provence is a beautiful collection of exquisite portrait, scenic, and still-life photography from New York Times bestselling author and award-winning photographer Jamie Beck. A recording will be available if you can’t watch live. Register and view here: https://libraryc.org/stoughtonpubliclibrary/27271
Virtual Author Visit: Tananarive Due
Wednesday, June 28, 7:00 PM
Tananarive Due will talk about her newest work, The Wishing Pool and Other Stories, a collection full of her signature offerings of horror, science fiction, and suspense while confronting monsters of all kinds, including racism, the monster within, and the supernatural. A recording will be available if you can’t watch live. Register and view here: https://libraryc.org/stoughtonpubliclibrary/27537
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Story mes & Kids Ac vi es
Story Times Twice a Week!
Mondays and Thursdays, April 10 – May 18 9:30 AM - Carnegie Room
Join us on Monday and/or Thursday mornings for stories, songs, activities, and a simple craft. No registration required.
Recommended for ages 2-6, but older and younger children are more than welcome!
Baby Story Time Tuesdays
April 11 – May 16, 9:30 AM
Join us for rhymes, fingerplays, songs and stories and activities! Ages 0-2.

Saturday Story Time
Saturday, March 25, 9:30 AM
Join us for stories, songs, activities, and a simple craft.
Recommended for ages 2-6, but older and younger children are more than welcome!
Bluey Story Time

Monday, March 27, 9:30 AM & 10:30 AM
Stories, songs, and a simple craft featuring everyone’s favorite Australian Blue Heeler. All ages.
Rainbow Activities
Wednesday, March 29, 2:00 PM
Join us to create some rainbow magic! Geared to ages 4-10.
Family Movie: Sonic the Hedgehog
Thursday, March 30 1:00 PM
Rated PG. 99 min.
Graphic Novel Book Club
Tuesdays, April 4, May 2 and June 13, 3:45 PM
Join to discuss a graphic novel and do a related activity. Books will be available a month before we meet. Geared to Ages 6-11.

Beginner Ukulele

Wednesday, April 5, 4 PM
Ages 7-10. Registration Required
Want to learn Ukulele? Join Mary and Ann Sawyer from Stoughton Strummers to learn the basics of ukulele -- from strumming to the first few chords. The library will provide instruments. Space is limited
Pokémon Club
Wednesdays, April 12 & May 10, 3:30 PM
Join fellow Pokémon fanatics for Pokémon related activities and meet-up. Ages 6-11

Teen Drama & Theater Games
Thursday, April 13, 4-5 PM
Laugh your head off! We are partnering up with the Stoughton Youth Theater for an awesome hour of improv and theater games. Ages 11-16. No registration required.
Young Knitters Club
Wednesday, April 19, 3:30-5 PM
Learn how to knit! All supplies provided. Ages 11-16. No registration required.
Open Gaming
Thursday, April 20, 4-5:30 PM
Meet new friends, munch on snacks & have fun playing a variety of video and board games. Ages 8-16. No registration required.
Crafty Kids: Wind Chime
Wednesday, April 26, 3:30 PM
Drop in to create lovely garden wind chime! Ages 6-10.
Henry Villas Zoo: Zoo to You
Friday, June 23, 10:00 AM - East Side Park
Join educators from Henry Villas Zoo features to see live animals and learn about animal classification, adaptations, predator-prey relationship, natural history, and behavior. All Ages
We Have Video Games!
Thanks to a start-up gift from an anonymous donor, we now have video games for Xbox, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch!

Newer and “classic” titles are available for check-out for 2 weeks. You’ll find them on the our 2nd floor near the DVDs. Browse our collection of games on LinkCat.
Visit the Friends’ Book Nook! Purchase new and gently used books from the Book Nook on the library’s Mezzanine level, near the window facing Main Street. Cash payments can be deposited in the lockbox attached to the cart.

Around the Clock Spring 2023
A i onal Library Services
Streaming Video from Kanopy

Introducing Kanopy: a video streaming service available to all Stoughton Public Library cardholders. Stream over 30,000 films instantly. No holds lists, no waiting. All you need is a your library card. Hit movies, classics, award winners, world cinema, indies, documentaries, and more! Plus Kanopy Kids and lectures in the Great Courses™ series.
For more information on how Kanopy works and how to create an account, visit stolib.org/kanopy
The Digital Library is always open! Download the free Libby app on your phone or mobile device to start downloading eBooks and audio books from the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium’s Collection. You can also browse the collection of nearly 100,000 downloadable eBooks and audio books at wplc.overdrive.com.

Users of Libby also have access to thousands of magazine titles! Click or tap on the Collections option at the top of the screen to browse periodicals in over a dozen categories.
Titles include: Better Homes & Gardens, Bon Appétit, Clean Eating, Cook’s Illustrated, The Economist, Harper’s, HGTV Magazine, House Beautiful, In Touch Weekly, The New Yorker, Newsweek, Reader’s Digest, Rolling Stone, Us Weekly, Vogue and more!
If you need help obtaining or renewing a library card to use Libby, please call the library’s information desk at 608-873-6281 or email storef@stolib.org
Access any of the following resources by visiting stolib.org/resources.
Many of these sites require you to enter a valid Stoughton Public Library card number.

Library cardholders have full subscriber access to thousands of product reviews and buying guides through ConsumerReports.org.

Find detailed auto repair information for almost any make and model car, foreign and domestic, 1974-present. Includes step-by-step repair service instructions as well as detailed photos and diagrams. And check out the Small Engine Repair Reference Center for service and repair info on marine/boat motors, motorcycles, outdoor power equipment, and more.

Transparent is a free online language learning resource featuring:

• Courses, grammar materials, and more in 110 languages (and growing!)
• Extensive English-as-a-second-language (ESL) materials for speakers of over 30 languages
Stream hundreds of art & craft classes for free anytime from the comfort of your home. Go to creativebug.com/lib/stoughtonlibrary and enter your library card number and PIN to get started.

• Reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities help you learn the vocabulary and skills needed to communicate effectively in a foreign language
• Age-appropriate courses for young learners with KidSpeak, an immersive, animated language-learning program in 6 languages for grades K-2 (and growing!)
Recollection Wisconsin brings together digital cultural heritage resources from Wisconsin libraries, archives, museums and historical societies and shares them with the world in partnership with the Digital Public Library of America. Hundreds of thousands of photographs, maps, letters, diaries, oral histories, artifacts and other resources from over 200 Wisconsin libraries, museums and other cultural heritage institutions.
Thanks to Recollection Wisconsin, many resources from Stoughton Public Library’s Kvamme Local History Collection are available online, including telephone directories, local histories, vertical files, and collections of newspaper clippings. Explore our library’s collection at: content.mpl.org/digital/collection/SPL

Around the Clock
City Clerks O ice
Establishment and Operator (Bartender) License holders:
It’s that time of year again when we begin the license renewal process. New this year we have incorporated our Establishment and Operator (Bartender) licensing online and at City Hall via a kiosk, no paper copies will be available. Please complete your application online at https://www.cityofstoughton.com/applications, or at City Hall 207 S. Forrest St, via kiosk. Select Alcohol Licenses, and “Click Here”. You will be directed to the Portal Home Page. Scroll down to Alcohol License Applications, “Please follow the directions and read carefully”. Payment may be completed online by Credit Card, or at City Hall via check/cash, or credit card.
**Deadline for all applications to be received in our office - April 14, 2023!
Please be sure you have completed both the Portal and Application for your application to be processed! Operator (Bartender) Applicants will need to complete #1 Operator/Temporary Portal and #2 Operator/Temporary Application, if this is a Special Event please complete #3 only.
• 2-Year Renewal Operator License……………………………………. $75.00
• Provisional Operator License…………………………………………. $15.00
Alcohol License Establishments will need to complete #5 New Establishment/Premise Portal and #6 Establishment/Premise Application. You may also need to complete #7 for Additional Establishment Licenses which includes Juke Boxes, Pool Tables, Amusement Devices, Amusement Device Operators, and Cabaret.
You will complete the following for submission:
• Renewal Alcohol Beverage License Application (AT-115)
• Auxiliary Questionnaire Alcohol Beverage Application (AT-103)
•Schedule for Appointment of Agent by Corporation/Nonprofit Organization or Limited Liability Company (AT-104) – if applicable
• Application for Cigarette and Tobacco Products (CTP-200) - if applicable
• General License Application – for Jukeboxes, Pool Tables, Amusement Devices, Amusement Devices (owned) Operator, and Cabaret (live music).
Establishment Fee Schedule
• Publication Fee……………………………………………$20.00
• Class A Beer ……………………………………………...$100.00
• Class B Beer………………………………………………$100.00
• Class C Wine ……………………………………………. $100.00
• Class A Liquor ………………………………………….. $500.00
• Class B Liquor ………………………………………….. $500.00
• Class A Liquor (cider only) ……………………………. N/A
• Reserve Class B Liquor (renewal)……………………… $ 500.00
***Renewal option tab will not be available until 2024. All Applicants will need to create a New Operator/Temporary Portal and Operator/Temporary Application or New Establishment/Premise Portal and Establishment/Premise Application.
Just a few reminders:
• Premise description, including a detailed, written description of the floorplan and any outdoor area, overall dimensions, seating arrangement, capacity, bar size, and identifying all areas where alcoholic beverages are to be served, sold, and stored.
• All amusement devices count – examples include baseball, foosball, ray guns, video games, darts, billiard tables, pool tables, jukeboxes, and other music machines.
• Please double-check to make sure all the forms are filled out, it is difficult to track down missing information or signatures, etc. promptly to have the process completed before the April 14, 2023 deadline.
• Be sure to double-check that all documents needed to renew your license are included.
• Feel free to contact our department with any questions or concerns, email licenses@ci.stoughton.wi.us or by at phone 608-873-6677.
We wish to extend our thank you and appreciation for your patience with this transition as we work through this together
Candee Christen, WCMC City ClerkCity
of Stoughton Clerks Department Tammy Nimmo Deputy Clerk Deb Waterstone Administrative AssistantAround the Clock Spring 2023
Spring Elec on - April 4th
Ahead of the Elec on https://myvote.wi.gov
Search for My Voter Record
1. If you are registered to vote, you can access the following by entering your full name and date of birth:
2. View a list of elections you have voted in
3. Check your current registration information
4. Update your name and address
5. Request an absentee ballot

6. Find your elected officials
7. Track your absentee ballot
Search for My Polling Place
1. Your assigned polling place is based on where you live. Enter your street address and city to:
2. Find your polling place (where you may vote)
3. View your polling place’s hours and get directions
4. See what will be on your next ballot
5. Find your next local election
6. Learn about absentee voting if you can’t get to your polling place
Search for My Ballot
1. Your ballot and local election information are based on where you live. Enter your street address and city to:
2. See what will be on your next ballot
3. Find your next local election
4. Learn more about voting in person
Am I Registered to Vote?
1. If you have legally changed your name, then you will need to update your voter record by submitting a new voter registration.
2. If you have moved to a new address then you will need to update your voter record by submitting a new voter registration.
3. To get started, please search for your voter record using your name and date of birth. If you have changed your name you may need to search using your prior name.
Registered Wisconsin voters may request an absentee ballot.
1. If you would like to request an absentee ballot, we will first need to see if you are registered to vote. If you are not registered or your name or address has changed, you will need to register or update your registration before requesting an absentee ballot.
2. If you are in the military, you do not need to be registered to get an absentee ballot, but first we need you to search for your record.
3. Please enter your name and date of birth to get started.
Search for My In-Person Absentee Options
1. Your in-person absentee voting locations are based on where you live and what your municipal clerk’s office offers. Enter your street address and city to:
2. View your in-person absentee voting site locations and hours of availability
3. View your clerk’s by appointment absentee voting information

Vo ng Op ons
For the Traditional Voter who Enjoys the Excitement of Election Day!
Poll Site Ballots: The City of Stoughton has four polling locations offering ballots to registered voters on Election Day (April 4th). Your polling location is open 13 hours from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. We anticipate Election Day to have a moderate turn-out so we don’t anticipate long lines at the polling locations, however the busier times tend to occur during early morning before work, lunch and just after work! Going in-person to the polls is a great option for the voter who enjoys the excitement of the day and seeing our democracy in action! Photo ID required.
The Ballot that Fits your Timeline (evenings or weekends, you decide)!
Mail Ballots: This option is best for voters who are unable or unwilling to vote at the polls on Election Day, especially those who hate lines and those in poor health or with suppressed immune systems. Upon receiving your written request by paper, email or online through the MyVote Wisconsin web site, https://myvote.wi.gov, and your ballot will be mailed to the address of your choice. Be sure to attach a copy of your Photo ID along with your written request for a ballot as it is required before a ballot can be sent, unless exempt by state law. Absentee ballots are voted at home, witnessed by an adult of your choosing (including a spouse, sibling, adult child or friend). The voted ballot is placed inside an envelope for mail or personal delivery back to the City Clerk. Your voted ballot must be returned to us by no later than 8:00 pm., on Election Day in order to be counted!

Ballots were mailed on March 14th, 2023 to voters that had an active absentee ballot request on file! The deadline to request a mail ballot for the Spring Election is Thursday, March 30th, 2023 but don’t delay. Plan ahead and make your request in writing, by email or online at: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/
In-person Absentee Voting at City Hall – (Available as noted below)
In-Person Absentee Ballots: This option is available to voters who are unable or unwilling to vote at their polling location on Election Day and/or those who prefer not to receive an absentee ballot by mail. Absentee ballots are voted at City Hall, witnessed by City Clerk staff and placed inside an envelope for delivery to the polling on Election Day. Photo ID Required
Location/Hours for In-Person Absentee Voting are listed below:
Location: City Hall Clerk’s Office, 207 S. Forrest St., Stoughton, WI 53589
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Dates: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 -Thursday, March 30, 2023 Friday, April 1, 2023 (8:00 am-5:00 pm)
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Stoughton Area Senior Center
Social & Recrea onal Ac vi es
Tuesdays, 9:30 AM
Chess Fridays, 10:00am - Noon
Mondays, 1:00 PM
2nd & 4th Wed. 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Euchre, cost $1 to play
2nd Friday, 1:00 PM
Handiwork Group
Mondays, 1:00 PM
Mondays, 1:00 PM
3rd Friday, 1:00 PM
Wednesdays, 1:00 PM
Pool Tables
Available daily, 8:00-4:30 PM
Thursdays, 1:30 PM
Train Dominoes
Thursdays, 1:30 PM
Stamp Club
2nd Tuesday, 1:00 PM
Spring Highlights
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Site
Saturdays, Apr. 1 and 8, 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
The Stoughton Area Senior Center is hosting a VITA site this tax season. In order to make an appointment you must come to the site during the above scheduled times. The site is open every Saturday, except during holidays, inclement weather, or a special event. Find additional VITA sites across the state: bit.ly/VITAsite
Earth Day is April 22: Invest in the planet this Earth Day, and every day, with some of these programs in our community...
Medication Disposal & Sharps Collection Event
Saturday, April 22, 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Stoughton Fire Department, 401 E. Main St. Safely disposing of unused and expired medications and used medical supplies helps protect the people around you and your environment. Come to this free drive through service. Bring all medications in their original container and cross off, or peel off, personal information. Sharps must be dropped off in a registered sharps container or thick plastic laundry detergent bottle.
Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle
Did you know the Senior Center is a drop-off site for recycling old cell phones and tablets? We also collect plastic bags and wrapping. With Nextrex, not only do they keep waste out of the landfill, they make eco-friendly outdoor products too!
Bringing Some Fun into 2023
Get your 2023 Stoughton Senior Center fundraiser calendar, with themes of famous movie scenes staring local friends and neighbors. Enjoy the fun all year long! Calendars are $25, proceeds going to the Senior Center’s annual fundraising goal.
We would like to extend a big thank you to Mary Onsager, Mary-Carel Verden and Linda Kunz for their idea, hard work and creative energy to make this project a reality. Many thanks go to the many models for their time, and willingness to join in on the fun!
Kim’s Home-Cooked
Kim Whitford, the Senior Center’s Nutrition Coordinator cooks her delicious home-cooked meals on Thursdays to those aged 60 and older. Suggested donation is $4.50, pay what you can afford. Dine-in is available every Thursday at 11:30 AM; Pick-up options are available one Thursday per month from 11 AM – noon. Dates and full menu are listed in our monthly Yahara Senior News which can be picked up at the Center or is available online at stoughtonseniorcenter.com/newsletter-1. Call (608) 873-8585 at least one day in advance to reserve your meal.
Share Ideas and Enter to Win $25
The Stoughton Area Senior Center is up for national and state re-accreditation and could use your feedback. The Commission on Aging, SASC’s advisory committee, is working on a survey to gather information from the community. Watch upcoming newsletters for more information on the survey and how you could enter to win a $25 Walmart gift card.

FREE Welcome to Medicare Seminars
What you need to know about enrolling in Medicare!
If you are turning age 64 this year, the Dane County Area Agency on Aging wants to help you make informed choices about your Medicare options! Do you understand what Medicare is and isn’t...how to avoid penalties for late enrollment in Medicare...and how to get the most out of your health and prescription benefit plans? Some decisions and actions about Medicare can take place 3-6 months before you turn 65, so don’t wait until you are turning 65 to understand all you need to know about this important benefit. Want easy to understand answers to all of these complex questions? Sign up to attend the following Free Welcome to Medicare Seminar. By attending a seminar, you’ll walk away with the accurate and detailed information you need from unbiased experts in benefit programs.
Around the Clock Spring 2023
tne and We ne Ac vi es
Blood Pressure Screening, FREE
See our Yahara Senior News newsletter for dates.
Chair Exercise
Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:15 AM
Cost: $2/class
Line Dancing, FREE
Tuesdays, 2:00 PM
Ping Pong, FREE
Mon. & Wed. 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Fridays, 10:30 AM
Wii Bowling, FREE
Mondays & Fridays, 10:00 AM
Thirteen Moves Tai Chi
Monday Drop-in Class
Beginners: 10:30 -11:30 AM
Advanced: 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Senior Center Yahara Room
Cost: $10/per class or 4 classes for $36.
Fridays, 1:00 PM (no class on 1/6)
Cost: $42 6-weeks/$9 drop-in
Registration required: 873-8585
Reflexology with Heidi Fromi
1st Thursday & 3rd Tuesday afternoons
Cost: $35/30 mins. Or $60/hr.
Registration required: 873-8585
SomaYoga, FREE
1st Monday, 1:00 PM
Winter Highlights (Con nued)
Stoughton Memory Café
1st Tuesday of the month, 9:30 – 11:00 AM
Stoughton Health, 900 Ridge Street, Stoughton Bryant Health Education Center
What is a Memory Café? A Memory Café is a place where individuals with memory loss and their care partners can get together in a safe, supportive and engaging environment. It is a time and place where people can interact, laugh, find support, share concerns and celebrate without feeling embarrassed and misunderstood. The Memory Café encourages friendship and acceptance. Participants share conversation in a relaxed atmosphere that can include music, art or other forms of activity.
Who should attend? Memory Cafés are designed for people with memory loss, mild cognitive impairment, early Alzheimer’s or other dementias. The Memory Café is open to anyone without a formal referral or assessment. Those with dementia or memory issues may attend unaccompanied when appropriate, or with family, friends or care partners. This group is not suitable for people with dementia to attend alone if they have specific care needs such as problems with incontinence, mobility issues that require aid, high levels of anxiety, disorientation or history of wandering.
If you want to give us a heads up that you're coming, if you have questions, and/or if you would like to receive a monthly email or postcard reminder of future Memory Café meetings, please call the Stoughton Senior Center at (608) 873-8585.
Music Appreciation Series
Mondays, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Stoughton Opera House
381 E. Main Street, Stoughton, WI
All sessions are held at the Stoughton Opera House and are free and open to the public. Donations are accepted. This is for people who love music and want to learn more about it.
March 27-Piano -Nick Hull, Nick is from Stoughton and is majoring in Piano Performance at the Lawrence Conservatory of Music in Appleton, WI
April 3-Ted Cepalini and Steven Meisner- Accordions. Polka in Wisconsin.
April 10- The Rabin String Quartet
April 17-The Mosaic Chamber Players
April 24-Stoughton High School Solo and Ensemble Students
May 1- The Degree Piano Trio (violin, cello piano).
May 8-The Yahara Strummers-Ukulele Ensemble from the Stoughton Area Senior Center
The Music Appreciation Series is supported by the Stoughton Area Senior Center, a grant from the Bryant Foundation and participant donations.
Stoughton Su ort Groups
Memory Loss Caregiver Group
2nd Thursday, 2:00 PM
Stoughton Senior Center, Stoughton Room
Led by Dorie Arkin, facilitator with the Alzheimer’s Association.
Contact Dorie at (608) 492-0192 to register.
Parkinson’s Disease Support Group
2nd Monday, 12:15-1:15 PM
Stoughton Health’s Community Health & Wellness Center
3162 County Rd. B, Stoughton
April topic: Motor symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Questions? Contact the Senior Center at 608-873-8585.
Multiple Sclerosis Group
2nd Tuesday, 10:00 – 11:30 AM
Stoughton Senior Center, Mandt Room
Grief Support Group
3rd Wednesday, 2:00 PM
Stoughton Senior Center, Stoughton Room
Facilitated by Bereavement Counselor from Promedica; for adults only
Low Vision Support Group
3rd Thursday, 1:00 PM
Stoughton Senior Center, Stoughton Room 23
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Events This Spring
Page Turners Book Discussion
Wednesday, March 29, 1:00 PM
Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy: Twin sisters lead a team of biologists who plan to re-introduce wolves to the Scottish Highlands. This new setting promises healing from dark secrets the sisters left behind, until a farmer is mauled to death and the townsfolk need someone to blame. Email storef@stolib.org or call 608-873-6281 for more information or to be added to the email reminder list for the group.
I Love Yellow – Vincent Van Gogh
Thursday, March 30, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Join Michael Hecht as he discusses legendary artist Vincent Van Gogh and his family, friends and stops along his way throughout his life. Michael will discuss Van Gogh’s influences and his artistic drive. Please RSVP for this free, educational event by calling 608-873-8585.
Monday, April 3, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Join instructor Suzanne Larson, a Yoga Alliance certified teacher with over 20 years of experience, for a free Soma Yoga session! Soma yoga uses small, prescriptive movements along with restorative breath work to help relieve stress and improve functional movement. All skills levels are welcome and props are provided if needed. Come see why those who have taken this class find it so helpful!
Coffee with the Mayor
Friday, April 14, 10:00 AM
Mayor Tim Swadley of the City of Stoughton holds monthly meetings with the public at the Senior Center. Join in on the discussion of the latest news.
Group Trivia
Wednesday, April 19, 1:00-3:00 PM
Have you ever been accused of being a know-it-all? Well, put your skills to the test by joining in a fun round of group trivia! Group trivia is a game where teams compete to correctly answer questions on a variety of topics. You can create your own team of 3-5 players or if you don’t have a team, we will find one for you to join. Win prizes while having fun and learning a little about a lot of different topics –from history to current events. Don’t miss out on this fun and free event! Please register by calling 608-873- 8585.
Movie: 80 for Brady
Friday, April 21, 1:00 PM
Cla es & Ski Development
Computer/Tech Help or Coaching Sessions, FREE
Registration required: 873-8585
Hardanger Embroidery
Wednesdays, begining Jan. 18
Registration required: 873-8585
Cost: $50 and kits available for additional charge
Rosemaling or Painting Social Group, FREE Wednesdays, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Wood Shop, FREE Daily, must take a safety course to use
Thursday mornings
Registration required: 873-8585
Cost: $50 and kits available for additional charge
Writers Group, FREE
Last Tuesday, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Yahara Strummers Ukulele Group, FREE Thursdays, 1:00 PM
Volunt r O ortuni es
The life of American music icon Elvis Presley (Austin Butler), from his childhood to becoming a rock and movie star in the 1950s while maintaining a complex relationship with his manager, Colonel Tom Parker (Tom Hanks).
AARP Smart Driver Course
Tuesday, April 25, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Cost: $20 AARP members; $25 non-members
This course is specifically designed for drivers age 50 and older, and teaches research-based safety strategies that reduce the likelihood of having a crash. Participants explore how aging, medications and health-related issues affect driving ability and ways to adjust to allow for these changes. Learn the newest safety features in vehicles, how to drive safely in all road environments and increase your confidence behind the wheel. Many auto insurance companies offer discounts to those who complete this course. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity. Class size is limited, so enroll today by calling 608-873-8585.
Card Making Session
Friday, April 28, 1:00-2:00 PM
If you enjoy creating hand-made cards, sign up today for this fun card making session. Each participant will be able to make three greeting cards. Cost is $4/person. Pay the group leader. Space is limited so reserve your spot now by calling 608-873-8585.
Around the Clock Spring 2023
Stoughton Police ChiefDepartment

Daniel Jenks
Emergency: 911 - 24 Hour Dispatch: (608) 873-3374
321 S. Fourth St, Stoughton - StoughtonWIPolice.com
Police Department Promo ons
Lieutenant Brandon Hi
Lieutenant Chad O’Neil
Detective Brandon Hill was promoted to Lieutenant. Hill has been with the Stoughton Police Department since 2000.

News and Alerts
Sergeant Chad O’Neil was also promoted to Lieutenant. O’Neil started with the department in 2003 and also was our first K9 handler. O’Neil’s promotion was the result of a department organizational restructure where an additional lieutenant and a detective sergeant were added.

Officer PJ Johnson and partner Odin have been busy training and working. Odin recently located drugs on a traffic stop.
Reminder to citizens to park back minimum of 15’ from a crosswalk per WI State statute (346.53 (5). Doing that provides an unobstructed view for pedestrians and drivers alike.