How I Celebrate Life I was asked the question “How do You Celebrate life? That was a tough one. I considered a celebration to be for a wedding, a birth, a birthday, Christmas, etc. I had not considered celebrating life. So I struggled a bit. I would like to first consider this. Think back through all of the centuries, indeed since the beginning of time. Think of all that occurred exactly the way it had to have occurred, to reach that magical, wonderful, fantastic moment of your creation. If anything, anything, happened differently it is likely you, that wonderful, uniquely different you, would not exist. Therefore You are important. You are necessary. You were created for a reason. Continued on page 2 ‌
It may not be something grand, but it will be something critical in the future. Possibly it is a particular moment that you influenced a child who then when on to accomplish something wonderful. It may have been a kind word or a helping hand. It may be all of these and more. We can not know why we are. We just need to know we are, and that each of us is important. What a reason to celebrate life. I know there are people who disagree with me, and believe all that happens is random chance. That’s O.K. Sometimes I find I disagree with me. But the longer I live, experience, and learn the more I think that there is a plan. What that plan may be I do not know, but I believe we each are part of that plan. That alone is a wonderful reason to celebrate life. Life may or may not be unique to earth. We do not know. However, we do know life is a marvelous thing. Without intelligent life to grow, to learn, to love, to understand, and to wonder, the universe would be well, pointless. Indeed if no one was there would it even exist? Another reason to celebrate life. Continued on page 3‌
We all take hits in our lives. Some hit pretty hard. We live in the present, but we can live for the future. If we work through hard hits we will come out the other end stronger and happier than we ever believed possible at the time. Twice in my life the doctors said I was going to die. The first, in a matter of days, the other with stage three or four cancer, I had one maybe two years. That was twenty years ago for the first and ten years ago for the second. At the time I literally thought my life was over. I am still here. Those experiences made me stronger. It has made me realize I still have things to do. If you are alive there is a reason. You still have things to accomplish. You are still here for a purpose. What more reason de we need to celebrate? We can also celebrate life by realizing how precious life is. It is obvious to me that all life matters. I strive to conduct my life with that dictum in mind. I try to think positively and live my life as I believe God would want me to life it. This is the way I try to celebrate life.