June 2017 Senior center newsletter

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JUNE 2017,Vol.34 No.6

Mission Statement We are dedicated to the enrichment of the lives of older adults and their families by providing diverse programs, social services and volunteer opportunities.


Congratulations to Mike H. and Ann S.! They were our volunteer winners of a gas card and a complimentary massage for national volunteer month. If interested in volunteering, contact Tricia at 873-8585 Congratulations also to Kathleen Hoppe who is the winner of $25 in Chamber dollars for our Senior Center survey prize drawing. 248 W. M AIN S T • S TOUGHTON W ISCONSIN 53589 • 608-873-8585 • www.ci.stoughton.wi.us/senior


Stoughton Area Senior Center

Case Management

Transportation Options

Stoughton, Towns of Albion & Dunkirk The Case Management program links older adults with services available to help them remain as independent as possible in their own homes and community. Our Senior Center’s case managers are devoted to coordinating, evaluating and advocating for such services to meet each individual’s needs and preferences. See back cover for contact information.

FDS Enterprises City Cab/Lift Equipped Van Contact: 873-7233

Blood Pressure Readings Check calendar for times--2nd Wednesday and the last Thursday of the month at the center.

Equipment Loan Closet Equipment such as wheelchairs and walkers may be checked out on a short-term basis to those residing in our case management service area (above). Monetary donations accepted.

Rides to Meal Site & Shopping Transit Solutions Inc./Lift Equipped Van Call 873-8585 to make a reservation: • Stoughton Area Senior Center Meal Site Ride to noon lunch, Monday - Friday. Donation $.50 each way or $1 round trip. • Ride to Pick ’n Save/Walmart in Stoughton Tues.-Fri. 10:30 AM or 11:30 AM; Donation $2 round trip. No one is denied rides to the meal site or grocery store based on ability to pay. • Mall Shopping, 2nd & 4th Fridays $3.00 Trips rotate between various malls in Madison: See Activity Calendar for monthly locations. Time: 9:30 AM home pick up; 1:15 PM return.

Volunteer Ride Programs Contact: Richard Hoffman 873-6112, 9AM-4PM

Foot Care Clinic 3rd Monday, 12:30 - 3:30 PM 4th Tuesday, 8:30 AM -11:30 AM Call 873-8585 for an appointment. Cost $20. For Diabetic Foot Care Appointments: $30 Check Calendar for exact dates.

Nutrition Programs Meals are served at the Center or delivered to homebound individuals every weekday. Please see pages 14 & 15 for these programs’ details.

Elder Law & Local Estate Plans Contact: 608-662-0440, edc@dfgrams.com As a service to the community, Attorney Eric Christoffersen will not charge for a meeting at the Senior Center on the 3rd Thursday of the month. If additional work is required you may be offered to retain his law firm for a fee.

Veterans Assistance A Dane County representative is available for appointments here at the Center. Please call (608) 266-4158 to schedule an appointment. 2

RSVP Driver Program Donation-based transportation to medical appointments for seniors 60 years or older. New riders are to call ASAP with qualifying information for approval. Rides based on driver availability; 48-hour advance notice is required. Stoughton United Ministries Affordable Transportation Program Low-income residents of all ages are eligible for free transportation Monday – Friday to various types of appointments in Madison and its nearby suburbs. Anyone whose income is less than 225% of the federal poverty rate is eligible. Also, rides to the City and United Methodist Church Food Pantries are available at no cost. Qualifying individuals are considered based on driver availability. Calls may also be made directly to SUM: 873-3273. Vets Helping Vets Program Volunteer drivers provide medical, job application and support transportation within Dane County for any veterans, including immediate family members regardless of age.

S TOUGHTON A RE A S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585

On GoingClasses/Groups: Senior Center Please see the Activity Calendar on page 13 for exact dates and times of the following programs. You may call the Senior Center Receptionist at (608) 873-8585 for further information.

Fitness & Wellness Chair Exercise, $2/class Mon. Wed. Fri. 8:00 AM Chair Massage 3rd Tuesday Appts. 10AM-12PM Chair Mass. $20 for 15 min. Healing Touch Mondays –Check the Calendar 12-4 PM, FREE Line Dancing Free, Tuesdays, 2:30 PM Ping Pong Free Mondays 3:00 PM Doubles: Wednesday 3:00 PM Singles: Friday 10:30 AM

Reflexology Check Calendar Appts. 1:00 –4 PM $25 /30 Mins. $45/60 Mins. Tai Chi $7/class, Mon. 10:30 AM Tai Chi –Advanced $10/class. Mon.1:00 PM Wii Bowling & League Free Mondays & Fridays 10AM

Norwegian Language Class Wed., 9:00 - 11:00 AM No registration needed $10/class New students welcome!

Bridge, Free Mon. & Thurs. 9:30 AM Bunco, $1.00 First Tues. of the month Chess, Free Fri. 10:00 AM Community Bingo, $1 3rd Wed. 1:00 PM Stoughton Senior Center Cribbage Free Every Monday 1:00 PM

Zumba Gold Wed. 5:00 PM Check Calendar $5.00 per class, Main Level

Classes & Skill Development Computer/Tech Help Tues. & Thurs., 9:00 - 11:30 AM or by appointment, morning or afternoon. Come with your computer or tech questions. We have 4 computers, 3 iPads & WiFi. Third Thursday of the month at 3:00 PM. Various Tech Topics will be covered. Check Newsletter for exact topic.

Social & Recreation

Dime Jingle 2nd Wed. 1 PM Euchre 4th Saturday, 7:00 PM Over the Hill Bingo 4th Tues. 1:00PM Bring a “White Elephant” prize

Handiwork, Free Mon.,1:00 PM Bring your current handiwork project & join the conversation.

Ping Pong, Free Monday 3:00 PM Doubles: Wed. 3:00 Singles: Friday. 10:30 AM

Rosemaling Group, Free Wed., 9:15AM

Pool Tables Free/Daily

Wood Carving Thru Madison College Thur., 8:00 - 12:00 PM Wood Shop Free — Daily Must take a safety course to use the shop.

Mornings & Afternoon

Sheepshead, Thurs. 1:30 PM to 4:15 PM Train Dominoes, Free Thursday 1:00 PM

Creative Writing Class Free Last Tues. of month at 1:00 PM

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589

• 873-8585


News: Case Management Information Coordinating Medicare and Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance By GWAAR Legal Services Team

As Baby Boomers work past the traditional retirement age or go back to work after retiring, more and more people over 65 are trying to figure out how to coordinate Medicare with group health plan coverage through an employer. Some are even trying to decide if they even need to sign up for Medicare at all. If you or your spouse are currently working and you have group health plan coverage through that employer, whether you should enroll in Medicare now depends on several factors. First, think about how many employees work for the employer. Employers with 20 or more employees must offer current employees 65 and older the same health benefits, under the same conditions, that they offer younger employees. Similarly, if coverage is offered to spouses, spouses 65 and older must be offered the same coverage that is offered to spouses under 65. If the employer has more than 20 employees, the group health plan generally pays for health care expenses before Medicare pays. However, if the employer has fewer than 20 employees, Medicare generally pays first, so the employer coverage may not pay much, if anything, toward your medical expenses. You should check the plan documents to confirm which coverage pays first. Part A The first time you can enroll in Medicare is during your initial enrollment period, which begins 3 months before the month you turn 65 and ends 3 months after the month you turn 65. Most people who do not have to pay a premium for Part A should enroll in Part A when they turn 65, even if they have group health coverage from an employer. However, if you will have to pay a premium for Part A or if you contribute to a Health Savings Account (HSA), you may want to consider signing up for Part A later. Because of an IRS rule, once you enroll in Part A, you won’t be able to contribute to your HSA. 4

Part B You can wait to sign up for Part B until you or your spouse stop working or otherwise lose the employer coverage. You will not pay a late enrollment penalty for Part B as long as you enroll during the 8-month special enrollment period that will start the month after you or your spouse stop working or the month after the employer coverage ends, whichever comes first. In addition, you can postpone your one-time Medigap open enrollment period, which starts when you enroll in Part B. During your Medigap open enrollment period, you can buy any Medigap policy an insurance company sells without going through a health screening or underwriting. Once this open enrollment period ends, guaranteed issuance into a Medigap policy only occurs under very specific situations. This means that you may have to pay more for a Medigap policy, or you may not be able to buy one at all. Prescription Drug Coverage If you decide to enroll in Parts A and B, you’ll have to determine what type of prescription drug coverage is best for you. If you remain on an employer health plan, you should check with the plan administrator to see if the plan counts as “creditable drug coverage.” You will not pay a late enrollment penalty if you decide to enroll in a Part D plan later as long as you continue to have creditable prescription drug coverage. However, if you think you want to sign up for a Part D plan in addition to the employer coverage, you should be sure to ask the employer if you can have both types of coverage. Many employer health plans do not coordinate with Part D plans. This means that, if you join a Part D plan, you, your spouse, and anyone else in your family who is covered under the employer health plan may lose that coverage. Once someone loses employer health coverage, it can be difficult to get that coverage back until the next open enrollment period.

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585

News: Case Management Information Coming In July: A Special Case Manager Presentation What exactly is a Case Manager, and have you met the new case managers at the Stoughton Area Senior Center? Have you been curious about what services they offer to our community? Come to this informative program where you’ll learn more about who they are and what they do for individuals, families and our community.

FRIENDSHIP FUND FOR ACTIVITIES AT THE SENIOR CENTER If you are in need of financial assistance to participate in activities at the Senior Center, there is a fund available to help you. If you would also like to donate to this fund , we welcome your donations. For more information please contact Cindy at 873-8585. Please see our Stoughton Area Guide for Senior Services available at the Senior Center or on our website at www.ci.stoughton.wi.us/senior, for a more complete list of the following services: Food Pantry • Medical • Housing Financial • Mental Health Home Health • Respite Fitness/Wellness • Care Facilities For further assistance, please call the Senior Center (608) 873-8585

Case Managers schedules do vary at the Stoughton Area Senior Center. Please call ahead to schedule appointments, 873-8585.

Senior Center Survey Results In March/April, SASC conducted a survey to evaluate our effectiveness, generate ideas and prioritize future goals. Below are some results. A full report will soon be available on our website and upon request. Preferred form of receiving information: “Yahara Senior News” SASC newsletter (42%), Stoughton Courier-Hub (28%), internet (20%) SASC website (15%) Program/Service participation: Entertainment (38%), Social (34%), Arts & Creative (31%), Volunteering (20%) Case Management (20%) Program/Service rated most important: Case Management (52%), Educational Programs (48%), Meals on Wheels (47%), Social (46%), Medicare/Med D Rx Assistance (44%) Support Groups (44%) Loan of Adaptive Equipment (39%), Foot Care Clinic (34%), On-Site Meal (33%). “As a result of participating at SASC…:” I would recommend the SASC” (77%) I learn new things (56%) I see my friends more often/make new friends (49%) My quality of life has improved (43%) Volunteer Interest: 17 respondents asked to be contacted! Noteworthy Write-ins: “the meal delivery allows me to have a few minutes of cheeriness” “Meals on Wheels delivery is very rewarding and very necessary for those delivered to.” “the multiple support groups are very helpful” What’s Next? We received many great suggestions. These, as well as critiques will not go unnoticed. Our staff and Commission on Aging will thoughtfully review and address concerns where possible.

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589

• 873-8585


News: COA & Community Information Commission on Aging Meeting canceled in May due to low attendance Next meeting: June 6, 11:00 AM Stoughton Area Senior Center 248 W Main St. Stoughton See the City website for full meeting minutes.

Summer Walking Group Join us this summer at the Senior Center from June 1st thru August 31st as we simulate a ‘walk’ throughout our state. Using a Wisconsin map and compiling our group’s summer walking miles, we will map our progress and “view” the numerous lighthouses in Wisconsin as we ‘walk’ along. We are asking that anyone that is interested sign up with Tricia Nicoll. Every mile helps get us closer to our goal of 600 miles by the end of summer! If you enjoy walking with others to achieve your personal walking goals, please indicate when you sign up as we can help facilitate walking partners and local routes. We will celebrate in September with a party and a lighthouse program. So let’s start walking!

A big thank you to the following people and groups who have made recent donations. A very significant portion of our budget is dependant on your contributions. Thank you for choosing to donate to the Stoughton Area Senior Center! Making a Difference Donations w Ahn Family Charitable Trust w Lisa and John Wozniak w Lois Pieper w Orin Hermundstad, M.D. w Universal Foundation, Inc. w Louise Beckwith w Woo Chun Paik w William Gregory w Roland & Jean Smith w VFW Exercise Group w Ellen Beerman w William Gregory w Marcia Schmitt w Edwin & Shirley Kinnunen w Rodger Roloff w The Catrona Family w Gary Obrecht Remembrance Donations In Memory of Sally Anderson:

Coffee with Mayor Donna Olson Friday, June 9, 9:30 AM

Find out the latest information about our great city and ask questions you may have.

w w w w w

Steven Johnsen Dorothy Marsh Family & Friends of Sally Anderson Leroy Fassbender Zane & Renee Anderson

In Memory of Ruth Rushlow:

w Charles & Joan Schulte In Memory of Carl Sampson:

w Mary Johnson 6

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585

Monthly Highlights Memory Café Tues., June 6, 9:30-11:30AM Stoughton Library, Carnegie Room

A Memory Café is a social gathering for individuals with memory loss, mild cognitive impairment, early Alzheimer’s or other dementias to meet in a relaxed environment to share common interests For details please call Hollee at (608) 873-8585.

Area Support Groups Breast Cancer Support

Low Vision Support

For individual support please call Judy at 608-770-7829 at Stoughton Hospital.

3rd Thursday, 1:00 - 2:30 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room Contact: 873-8585

Crohn’s, Colitis & IBD 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM Stoughton Hospital Board Room. For questions call Marilyn at 873-7928

Memory Loss Caregiver Support Group 2nd Thursday, 2:00-3:30 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room Contact: 873-8585

Diabetes Support Group Low Vision Group Thurs. June 15, 1:00 PM Stoughton Senior Center Amy Wurf, Low Vision Therapist from the WI Council for the Blind & Visually Impaired will speak on “How to Make the Best Use of your Remaining Vision.” You can benefit from making even small changes in lighting, color, or contrast to help you see more efficiently. Examples will be shown to give ideas how to modify things at home to help see better for daily activities. Resources will be shared

2nd Monday, 6 PM in the Stoughton Hospital Board Room. Contact Deb at 608628-6500 for more information

Grandparents/Relatives Raising Their Relative’s Children 2nd Saturday of the month, 10:00 AM—12:00 PM The Rainbow Project Office 831 E. Washington Ave., Madison, WI 53703 Child care available Call: Serena Breining (608-255-7356 Ext.324

Multiple Sclerosis Group 2nd Tuesday, 10:00-11:30 AM Stoughton Area Senior Center Mandt Room Contact: 873-8585

Alcoholics Anonymous Stoughton Alano Club 900 Giles Street, Stoughton Contact: (608) 222-8989 www.area75.org/meetings .html?dist=20

Parkinson Group 4th Wednesday, 1:30-3PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room Contact: 873-8585

Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing DHSODHH@wisonsin.gov (855) 359-5252

Grief Support Group 3rd Wednesday, 2:00 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Mandt Room Contact: 873-8585

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTE R • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589

• 873-8585


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CenterEvents: Educational/Health Reflexology Thursday, June 1, 1-4:30 PM Monday, June 19, 1-4:30 PM Prices are $25 for 30 minutes or $45 for 60 minutes. Sign up at the reception desk.

Games Worth Playing Get ready! It’s coming! The Wisconsin Senior Games. We will be hosting the Euchre event on June 6 at the Stoughton Senior Center.

Hearing Devices Healing Touch Sessions Monday, June 5, 12:00-4:00 PM Amber Maves, HTP-A will offer free energy healing therapy sessions. Sign up at 873-8585.

Cornhole/Bean Bags Tuesday, June 6 & 20, 11:00 AM Looking for a very fun and easy game to play, and a simple form of exercise? We’ll have it all set up, so stop in to play!

Chair Massage Therapy Services Tuesday, June 20, 10:00-12:00 AM Lisa Resch is offering massages in the office space right next to the Senior Center Building. Massage prices are: $20 for first 15 minutes then $1 per minute. Sign up early –spaces fill quickly.

Zumba Wednesdays, 5:00 PM Cost-$5.00 (drop-in anytime) Jackie Robinson is the instructor. Zumba is for all ages and fitness levels. She uses a wide variety of music. She also modifies steps for all levels. Exercise, move and have fun!

Wednesday, June 21, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Are you finding it hard to hear when you’re on the phone? Mary Ellen from Rock County Senior Services will be here to demonstrate amplified phones. She can assist you in signing up ( if you qualify) for a voucher to be used to purchase one of these assistive phones.

Walking Presentation Thursday, June 22, 10:30 AM What can a daily walk do for your health? Regular physical activity like walking has been proven to help boost energy levels and mood. Walking just 30 minutes a day, a few times a week can also reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes, stroke and high blood pressure. The Stoughton Senior Center is launching a walking program this summer so come on down and learn more as a local expert on exercise from Stoughton Hospital will fill you in on the tips, tricks and details to help you get moving and grooving this summer!

Color and Conversation Friday, June 30, 10:00-11:00 AM ‘Get creative’, ‘release some stress’, ‘find your inner child’, and check out coloring group! Enjoy some time to relax and visit with others. Free, and coloring pages and colored pencils will be provided for you. If you prefer, you may bring your own supplies. Come join the group! 10

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585

CenterEvents: Arts & Entertainment Friday Movie Friday, June 2, 1:00 PM Hidden Figures PG-13 Three brilliant African-American women at NASA serve as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history

Classic Movie Friday June 16, 1:00 PM The Graduate The film tells the story of 21-year-old Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman), a recent college graduate with no well-defined aim in life, who is seduced by an older woman, Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft), then falls in love with her daughter Elaine (Katharine Ross).

Book Discussion at the Senior Center Wed. June 28, 1:00 PM Read and discuss Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande and When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi. Join us for an afternoon of lively discussion with support from the Stoughton Library staff. For questions, please call 873-6281.

Intro to Acrylic Painting Tuesday, June 20 and 27, 6:00-7:30PM Abby Otteson will be back teaching at the Senior Center. We will be experimenting with acrylic paint! Learn how to mix, blend, and apply acrylic paint to paper and canvas. $20 covers supplies and the class. This class is intended for beginner and intermediate students. Sign up by June 16th.

Plein Air Watercolor Painting Wednesday, June 21 & 28, 1:00-3:00pm Abby Otteson will be teaching this class. Plan to take your art to the great outdoors! You will be using watercolor to paint what we see outside of the Senior Center. $15 covers supplies and class All level artists are welcome! (Weather permittingrain location will be inside.) Sign up by June 16th.

Travelogue Wednesday, June 28 3:00 PM This month we video travel to Spain. Join Rudy Maxa on tours of Barcelona, Costa Brava, and Madrid.

Appetite for the Arts – Charlie Chaplain, Charles Dickens and American Art Friday, June 2, 12:00-1:00 PM Join us over the lunch hour for an interesting art lesson from Michael Hecht. He will be discussing what made Chaplain and Dickens similar regarding their legacies and share American and European illustrations. Kim Whitford, our Nutrition Coordinator will be making her very own Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad, along with a dessert and a beverage. If you would like the meal with the presentation the cost is $6.00 a person and reservations will need to be made by June 1st. You are also welcome to bring your own lunch or drop in and just listen to the program.

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589

• 873-8585


CenterEvents Laptop and Desktop Computers Lunch Bunch at Winchester’s Friday, June 9, 11:00 AM Get out and meet new friends or come with a friend to Winchester’s in Edgerton. To register 873-8585. New participant’s welcome.

Cheese Presentation Wednesday, June 7, 1:00 PM Join Peg Schuett, from Cheesers in Stoughton, as she provides us information how she first got into the cheese business, information about different kinds of cheese, various awards that Wisconsin cheeses have won and even some sampling!

Thursday, June 15, 3:00 PM Many people rely on a smart phones for computer operations, others need advanced features - a full keyboard, numeric keypad, or artists’ tools for work and hobbies. The presentation describes which laptops, notebooks, netbooks, and desktop computers might be most compatible for your situation. Feel free to bring your computer along with you.

Flag Day/Early US History Presentation Wednesday, June 14, 3:00 PM Have you ever heard of the U.S Flotilla who fought heroically and decisively on land at the battles of Bladensburg and Baltimore - or the forgotten Secretary of the Navy, Jones, who shifted his land-bound sailors around like chess pieces to fight on land and meet each developing threatone of which was Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry? These are just a few of the obscure and interesting stories they don't always tell you in history class that Eric Olsen will share with us. Open to the public.


Outing to The Edgewater Hotel Tuesday, June 27, 3:00-5:00 PM Meet at the Edgewater at 3:00. We will begin with a one hour tour of the newly remodeled buildings at the Edgewater, followed by a stop in Auggies Tavern. There are many happy hour specials for appetizers, sandwiches and drinks. There is no cost for the tour; however you will be responsible to cover food and beverage of your choosing. Sign up at the front desk by June 23rd. 873-8585

S TOUGHTON A RE A S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585

Stoughton Area Senior Center Activities MONDAY


Saturday Euchre June 24 Doors Open 6:30 PM New Players Welcome!




1 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge Saturday Mornings 1:00 Reflexology Opened By 1:00 Stepping On 1:00 Train Dominoes Volunteers 9 AM to 11 AM 1:30 Sheepshead

2 Veterans Assistance 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong 12 Appetite for Arts 1:00 Movie

5 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 12-4 Healing Touch 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong

6 9:00 Computer Help 11:00 COA Meeting 11:00 Bean Bag Toss 12:30 Qi Gong WI Senior Euchre Games in the PM 1:00 Bunco 2:30 Line Dancing

7 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 1:00 Cheese Presentation 1:00 Dime Jingle 3:00 Ping Pong 5:00 Zumba

8 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge 1:00 Stepping On 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead 2:00 Memory Loss Caregiver Group

9 Shop-South Town 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Coffee w/ Mayor 11:00 Lunch Bunch 10:00 Chess 10:30 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong 1-3 Farm Market Vouchers


13 9:00 Computer Help 10 MS Support Grp. 12:30 Qi Gong 2:30 Line Dancing

14 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 10-12 Blood Pressure Checks 2:00 Grief Support 3:00 Flag Presentat. 3:00 Ping Pong NO Zumba

15 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge 1:00 Low Vision Grp 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead 3:00 Computer Class and Presentation Attorney Hours in PM

16 Veterans Assistance 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong 1:00 Classic Movie

19 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 1:00 Reflexology Foot Care in PM 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong

20 9:00 Computer Help 10–12 Chair Massages by Appt. 11:00 Bean Bag Toss 12:30 Qi Gong 2:30 Line Dancing 6pm Painting Class

21 8 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 10 Assistive Phone Help 1:00 Bingo 1-3 Painting Class 3:00 Ping Pong 5:00 Zumba

22 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge 10:30 Walking Presentation 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead

23 Shop at West Town 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowl 10:30 Ping Pong

26 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong

27 Foot Care in AM 9:00 Computer Help 12:30 Qi Gong 1:00 Over the Hill Bingo 1:00 Writing Group 2:30 Line Dancing 3-5 Edgewater Tour 6pm Painting Class

28 8:00 Chair Stret 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 1-3 Painting Class 1:00 Book Disc. Grp 1:30 Parkinson Grp 3:00 Travelogue 3:00 Ping Pong 5:00 Zumba

29 8:00 Woodcarving 9-12 Blood Press. Ck 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead

30 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Coloring Club 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong

8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong

Kitchen Corner Eating Well As You Get Older Quiz 1. As You Get Older: Eating well is important A. only for children. B. only as you get older. C. at any age. C is the answer. Whatever your age, your daily food choices can make an important difference in your health and in how you look and feel. 2. Eating well may help prevent and manage A. heart disease. B. type 2 diabetes. C. bone loss. D. all of the above D is the answer. Eating a mix of healthy foods every day may help prevent heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, bone loss, some kinds of cancer, and anemia. Eating well helps reduce high blood pressure and lower high cholesterol 3. If you become less physically active as you age, you will probably need A. fewer calories to stay at the same weight. B. more calories to stay at the same weight. C. the same number of calories to stay at the same weight. A is the correct answer. If you become less physically active as you age, you will probably need fewer calories to stay at the same weight. Foods which have a lot of nutrients but relatively few calories can give you the nutrients while keeping down calories. 4. Nutrient-dense foods are foods that have A. few nutrients and few calories. B. lots of nutrients but relatively few calories. C. few nutrients and lots of calories. B is the correct answer. It is best to eat a mix of nutrient-dense foods. Examples are: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, poultry, seafood, lean poultry, lean cuts of meat, beans, eggs, nuts, and unsaturated fats like olive or canola oil.

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Thursdays Are Salad Day June 1: Italian Salad June 8: Garden Salad June 15: Chicken Ranch June 22: Chef’s Salad June 29: Taco Salad

The Thursday salad option is now also available for the home delivered meals. If you would like to receive a hearty salad on Thursdays call the senior center by 1:00 PM on the Wednesday before. The home delivered meals can also receive a vegetarian option any day of the week. This request will have to be called in by 1:00 PM on the day before you would like to receive the vegetarian option. 873-8585

Senior Center Nutrition Program: Meals are provided by Dane County through Consolidated Food Services. They are packed, delivered and served by Senior Center staff and volunteers. If you are a vegetarian or have special dietary needs, please talk with staff regarding your meal options. Home Delivered Meals: Meal delivery is available to homebound older adults in the Stoughton Area School District in Dane County every weekday. The Home Delivered Meal menu for the month is on the following page. Nutrition Site: The Senior Center serves lunch every weekday at 12:00 PM. The Nutrition Site offers meals from the menus on p.15. Note the below salad choice available on Thursdays only at the center. Page 2 for transportation info. Cost of Meals: Individuals 60 or older pay by donation. Suggested donation is $4.00. Individuals under the age of 60 must pay the total cost: Site: $10.23 Delivered Meal: $8.54. Please be reminded that, cancellations and/ or reservations should be made by 1:00 PM the previous working day. Any cancellations made on the day of, are still subject to payment to the county. Thank you.

Information from the National Institute on Aging


S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585

Stoughton Area Senior Center




For All Lunch Reservations Please Call 873-8585 by Noon The Prior Day Before




Vegetarian Meals and Thursday Salads Are Available for Home Delivered Meals

1 Chicken Broccoli Rotini Salad V-8 Juice Peach Slices Dinner Roll/Marg. Confetti Cake VO- Cheese Broccoli Rotini Salad

2 Salisbury Steak Brown Rice Carrots Fruit Cocktail Rye Bread/Marg. Cookie Packet VO- Salisbury Veggie Patty

VO/Vegetarian Option 5 Turkey Roast w/Gravy Mashed Potato w/ Gravy Broccoli Fresh Fruit W.W. Bread/Marg. Pumpkin Bar VO- Cheese Tortellini

6 Brat/Bun Baked Beans Chunky Applesauce Ketchup Mustard Candy Cookie VO- Veggie Dogs

7 Baked Mostaccioli Tossed Greens w/Tomato Slices & Dressing Fresh Orange Bread Stick/Marg. Frosted Cake

8 Grilled Chicken on Bun w/ Lettuce & Tomato Ital. Green Beans Grape Juice Sherbet Mayo Packet VO- Black Bean Patty

9 BBQ Chicken Potato Salad Cucumber Salad Banana Bread/ Marg. Applesauce Lemon Bars VO- Vegetarian Wrap

12 Roast Beef/Gravy Roasted Red Potato w/Marg. Broccoli Jell-O w/Peach Slices Multi Grain Bread Marg. VO- Veggie Patty

13 Chicken Salad on W.W. Bun w/Lettuce Copper Penny Salad Fruit Cup Sugar Cookie VO- Egg Salad on Bun

14 Tomato Barley Lentil Soup w/Crackers Ham & Swiss Med. Croissant w/ Lettuce Leaf &Mayo Pkt Fresh Apple Lemon Bar VO- Cheese Sandwich w/Mayo

15 Roast Pork w/Gravy Mashed Potatoes Corn Fruit Cocktail W.W. Bread/Marg. Pudding VO- Veggie Patty

16 BBQ Chicken Potato Salad Cucumber Salad Tropical Fruit Salad Dinner Roll/Marg. Banana Bars VO- Vegetarian Wrap

19 Meat Sauce over Spaghetti Noodles Peas Banana Garlic Bread Stick Parmesan Packet Jello Cake VO- Soy Meat Sauce

20 Shrimp Pasta Salad German Cucumbers Apricot Halves W.W. Bread/Marg Strawberry Ice Cream VO-Pasta Salad w/ Cheese

21 Pulled Pork on Bun Baked Beans Pickle Spear Coleslaw Strawberry Shortcake w/ Topping VO- Black Bean Burger on Bun

22 Swiss Steak Rice Mixed Greens w/Tomato Slices & Dressing Fresh Fruit Mix W.W. Bread/Marg. Oatmeal Cookie VO- Swiss Soy Mix Over Rice

23 Au Gratin Potatoes w/ Diced Ham Mixed Vegetables Fresh Fruit Rye Bread/Marg. Choc. Ice Cream VO- Au Gratin w/Soy Meat

26 Chicken Macaroni Salad Four Bean Salad Fresh Orange W.W. Roll/Marg. Lemon Dessert VO- Pasta Salad w/ Cheese

27 Italian Sausage w/bun w/Peppers & Onion Carrots Banana Peach Pie VO- Vegetarian Wrap

28 Breaded Fish/tartar Baked Potatoes w/Sour Cream/Marg. Spinach Jell-O w/Fruit Cocktail MG Bread/Marg Cake VO- Baked Potato w/ Veggie Cheese Sauce

29 American Chop Suey Rice Oriental Mix W.W. Bread/Marg. Strawberry Shortcake Cookie VO- Soy Chop Suey

30 Cheeseburger on W. W. Bun w/Leaf Lettuce & Tomato Slice Pea Salad Mandarin Oranges Ketchup/Mustard Ice Cream Treat VO- Egg Salad Sand

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589

• 873-8585

Yahara Senior News 248 West Main Street Stoughton, WI 53589 608-873-8585 Fax # 608-873-8162 www.ci.stoughton.wi.us/senior/ Yahara Senior News is published once a month by the Stoughton Area Senior Center. The Stoughton Area Senior Center, a non-profit agency, coordinates, develops, supports and monitors programs and services for persons over 55 years of age. This newsletter is published for the purpose of educating the older adults and their families. The service area is the City of Stoughton and the Towns of Albion, Dunkirk, Dunn, Pleasant Springs and Rutland. If you wish to have this newsletter mailed to you, the cost is $9.00 per year. Call 873-8585.

Senior Center Staff

Commission On Aging

Cindy McGlynn—Director Hollee Camacho—Assistant Director Kelly Janda—Case Manager-Stoughton Erin Bleck—Case Manager-Stoughton Marla Janssen—Case Manager Stoughton (M-W) Kim Whitford—Nutrition Coordinator Tricia Nicoll—Volunteer/Program Coordinator Kristin Ott—Receptionist /Office Assistant (M-Th )

All COA Meetings Are Open To Public

Township Case Managers Albion & Dunkirk Judy Hoiberg (M and F) Cell Number 608-335-6677 Office is at the Stoughton Area Senior Center Pleasant Springs, Rutland and McFarland 838-7117 Lauren Kelly, McFarland Outreach Dunn, Cambridge & Christiana 838-7117 Sara Sprang, McFarland Outreach Appointments can be made for home visits, or at the Stoughton and McFarland Outreach offices.

Bob Barnett—City of Stoughton ...................... 873-5527 Rosalind Gausman—Town of Dunn ............... 835-3077 Lou Havlik—City of Stoughton ..........................873-4915 Nancy Hoffman—City of Stoughton ................ 219-4325 Dennis Kittleson—City Council Rep................873-6677 Don Mix—City of Stoughton ..............................873-3637 Mary Onsager—School District Rep ................ 873-3999 Jeanne Schwass-Long—Town of Dunkirk ........ 873-9227 David Sharpe—City of Stoughton .................... 332-8723 Charlotte Snow—City of Stoughton................. 205-1281 Faith Schuck—Town of Pleasant Springs………...234-0759 Sue Wollin—Town of Rutland……………………....455-4374 Open Position—Town of Albion. .......................................

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