November 2014,Vol.31 No.11 Mission Statement We are dedicated to the enrichment of the lives of older adults and their families by providing diverse programs, social services and volunteer opportunities. In This Month’s Issue… Services
Case Manager Info
Community and Center News 6, 10 & 11 Support Groups
Commission On Aging
Ongoing Events/Classes 12 Monthly Highlights
Activity Calendar
Menu Calendar
Are Veteran’s Services Available to You? Friday November 7 10:00 AM Are you a veteran or an immediate family member of a veteran? Have you ever contacted the Dane County Veterans Service Office for information about VA benefits? Join us to learn about VA Benefits. Tom Hay from the Dane County Veterans Service Office will discuss the different pensions, programs, and health care options available to area veterans and their families.
Veteran’s Day Appreciation Luncheon Tuesday, November 11 11:30AM Join us for our annual tribute to area Veterans with a special program from Fox Prairie Elementary Students and a luncheon. Call 873-8585 by noon Monday, November 10th to register for lunch. Thank you to all our Veteran’s!
It is National Family Caregiver Month… What will you do?
It is estimated that family members provide their frail, chronically ill or disabled loved ones with a value of $30 billion annually in “free services.” See p.6 for ways to celebrate their vital role.
248 W. M AIN S T • S TOUGHTON W ISCONSIN 53589 • 608-873-8585 • w w
Stoughton Area Senior Center
Case Management
Equipment Loan Closet
Stoughton, Towns of Albion & Dunkirk The Case Management program links older adults with services available to help them remain as independent as possible in their own homes and community. Our Senior Center’s case managers are devoted to coordinating, evaluating and advocating for such services to meet each individual’s needs and preferences. Call 873-8585 to schedule an appointment. If you live in Dunn, Pleasant Springs or Rutland case management services are provided by the McFarland Senior Outreach, (608) 838-7117.
Equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers and other items may be checked out on a short-term basis to those residing in our case management service area (Stoughton, Town of Albion and Town of Dunkirk). Call or stop in for details. Monetary donations accepted.
Transportation: General FDS Enterp. City Cab/Lift Equipped Van Contact: 873-7233 RSVP Driver Program Donation-based transportation for medical appointments; First time users please call ASAP with appt. information. Rides are based on driver availability. Call: Richard Hoffman 873-6112 between the hours of 9AM and 4PM
Meal Site & Shopping Transit Solutions Inc./Lift Equipped Van Call 873-8585 to make a reservation: • Stoughton Area Senior Center Meal Site Ride to noon lunch, Monday - Friday Donation $.50 each way or $1 round trip. • Tuesday thru Friday Grocery Shopping Ride to Pick & Save/Walmart in Stoughton Time: 10:00 AM or 11:30 AM; Donation $2.00 round trip. No one will be denied rides to the meal site or to the grocery store based on their ability to donate. • Mall Shopping, 2nd & 4th Fridays $3.00 Trips rotate between various malls in Madison: See Activity Calendar for monthly locations. Time: 9:30 AM home pick up; 1:15 PM return.
Blood Pressure Readings No appointments needed-Last Thursday of the month 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Nutrition Programs Meals are served at the Center or delivered to homebound individuals every weekday. Please see page 5 for details on the nutrition meal site and home delivered meals service.
Veterans Assistance A representative is available on Fridays at the Stoughton Area Senior Center. Please call (608) 266-4158 to schedule an appointment.
Experience Works Unemployed individuals 55 and over with low income who are seeking employment or job training. Call 608-646-0409 for information.
Foot Care Clinic Offered third full week of the month Monday, 12:30 - 3:30 PM Tuesday, 8:30 AM -11:30 AM Call 873-8585 for an appointment. Cost $20. For Diabetic Foot Care Appointments: $30
Please see our Stoughton Area Guide for Senior Services available at the Senior Center or on our website at senior, for a more complete list of the following services: Food Pantry • Medical • Housing • Financial Mental Health • Home Health • Respite Fitness/Wellness • Care Facilities
For further assistance, please call the Senior Center (608) 873-8585
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
873 -8585
News: Case Management Services Information VACCINATION COVERAGE
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone age 60 and older should get a one-time shingles vaccination called Zostavas. Even if you’ve already had shingles, you still need the vaccination because reoccurring cases are possible. See or call 877-974-4645 for more information or to locate a vaccine provider in your area. The vaccine is also very safe. For most people the worst side effect is mild redness or arm soreness.
The best defense for fighting disease this flu season is through hand washing. If you sneeze or cough, remember to do this into your elbow area and not your hands. If you are ill, remember to stay home so you do not spread your illness to others. Call your physician if you have concerns about your illness. Wash, Wash, Wash and Scrub A Dub Dub!!
You also need to know that Medicare covers the shingles vaccine as one of the its preventive benefits. But, unlike some other vaccines that paid through Part B, the shingles vaccination is covered by Part D. If you have a Part D prescription drug plan, it will pay the vaccine itself and for your doctor or other health care provider to give you the shot. You are only responsible for paying the plan’s approved co-pay at the time you get vaccinated, which usually runs around $60 to $80. But, you need to make sure you follow your plan’s rules in order to keep your out-of-pocket costs down. If you’re vaccinated at a drug store, check to make certain it’s in your Part D plan pharmacy network. Otherwise, the shot will cost you more than your usual co-pay. If you’re inoculated in a doctor’s office, check to make sure the office can bill your plan or at least can work through a drugstore in your plan’s network. Otherwise, you’ll have to pay the entire bill upfront and then claim reimbursement from your plan. Just to be safe, call your Part D drug plan ahead of time and ask which pharmacies and doctors in your area you can use to receive the shingles vaccine at the plan’s regular co-pay. (This article was in the Huffington Post ) http:// b 3736697.html
YOUR IMPUT IS NEEDED Dane County Department of Human Services is administering the Case Management Satisfactory Survey for the Senior Centers this year. If you received Case Management Services this year, you will be receiving a survey in the mail. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and return it in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Your input is important-your confidential answers will help us determine if your Case Management Program meets your needs. Thank you.
ENERGY ASSISTANCE Employees from the Energy Assistance program hold office hours one to two days per month at the Senior Center. They will screen for eligibility and file applications for energy assistance. Appointments are required. Call Energy Services for an appointment (608) 333-0333.
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
News: Case Management Information WISCONSIN LAUNCHES SILVER ALERT PROGRAM by Rob Gundermann, Public Policy Director, Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance of WI
Since Wisconsin’s new Silver Alert program went into effect August 1, four alerts have been issued, three successful and one currently pending. If your family member with dementia becomes lost the first thing you need to do is contact your local law enforcement agency. They will determine if issuing a Silver Alert will be beneficial and if your situation meets the necessary requirements. The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin encourage families to keep a recent picture of their loved one with dementia in case they wander away. Having a recent picture is a very important element of a Silver Alert and will help to meet the requirement that there be sufficient information available to disseminate that could assist in locating the missing person. Also, keep track of what clothing the person is wearing and anything else that could be helpful in locating and identifying your family member if they become lost. Anyone can receive Silver Alerts at no cost by registering at : Alerts can be sent to you either by fax, e-mail or text message. Silver Alerts may be broadcast through television, radio, digital billboards, and lottery display terminals. Alerts also may be displayed on highway digital messaging signs through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Silver Alerts will be issued when the following criteria are met: *The missing person is 60 years of age or older; *The missing person is believed to have Alzheimer’s, dementia, or another permanent
cognitive impairment that poses a threat to the individual’s health and safety. *There is reasonable belief that the missing person’s disappearance is due to the individual’s impaired cognitive condition; *The Silver Alert request is made within 72 hours of the individual’s disappearance; *There is sufficient information available to disseminate to the public that could assist in locating the missing person. For additional information or to become an Alzheimer’s advocate please see ADAW’s website: or call our statewide toll free number, 888.308.6251 or our main office line, 608.232.3400.
HOLIDAY GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR SENIORS 1-Cab or Bus Passes 2-Custom Gift Baskets: Gift baskets add the personal touch to practical products. So whether you create a care basket that includes new slippers with your loved ones’ favorite lotions, bath soaps, cologne or perfume, or would rather create a custom food basket of your loved ones’ favorite meats, cheeses, chocolates or sauces; a gift basket balances practicality with custom personality. 3-Kitchen and Bath Towels 4-Gift Certificates: local grocery stores and favorite dining places. 5-Clothes 6-Kitchen Essentials Set: For seniors who struggle with arthritis or limited hand strength, custom kitchen sets that cater to these conditions can make a perfect gift. OXO GOOD GRIPS Kitchen set and Arthritis Supplies both offer excellent, ergonomic options.
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
Kitchen Corner
Planning ahead for situations when you may need an emergency food supply is a good idea. How much and which foods to store will depend on the members of your household, your preferences, special health conditions, ability to use the food in an emergency, space for storage and how far you live from a market. Foods that can be included in Shelf Stable Packages: Fruit-canned, individual cups, dried (raisins, prunes, apricots, etc.) Juices-canned or box Vegetables-canned, instant potatoes Meats-tuna, chicken or other (canned or enveloped) Smoked or dried meats (jerky) Peanut butter Nuts, trail mix Entrees-canned spaghetti, ravioli, chili with beans, Pork and beans, Mac n cheese, etc. Soups-canned or dried (in a cup) Cereal (cold or hot) Rice Cereal bars, granola bars, toaster pastries Crackers or Cookies Cheese or peanut butter crackers Microwave Popcorn Milk- powdered, canned or shelf-stable brick pack Carnation Instant Breakfast Hot Cocoa mix Tea, or instant coffee Condiment Staples- sugar, salt, pepper, jelly, honey, mayo, relish, ketchup, mustard Pudding and Gelatin cups Hard candy Bottled water Non-perishable food for any pets and any medications you may need. Adapted from the UW Cooperative Extension
Salad Meals Available Thursdays at the Center Call 875-8585 by 1:00 PM the day before
Nov. 6 Taco Salad Nov. 13 Chef Salad Nov. 20 Chinese Chicken Salad
Needed: Meals on Wheels Drivers Call Lisa at 873-8585 Ext: 203 Nutrition Program Information: Meals are provided by Dane County through Consolidated Food Services. They are packaged, delivered and served by Senior Center volunteers If you are a vegetarian or have special dietary needs, call and talk with Lisa regarding your meal options. Nutrition Site: The Center serves lunch Mon.Fri. at 12:00 PM. Menu pg.15. Home Delivered Meals: Meal delivery is available to homebound older adults in the Stoughton Area School District every weekday. Cost of Meals: Individuals 60 or older pay by donation. Suggested donation is $4.00. Individuals under the age of 60 must pay the total cost. Meal Site: $7.50 Delivered Meal: $7.75. Please be reminded that cancellations and reservations must be made by 1:00PM the previous working day. Any cancellations made on the day of, are still subject to payment to the county/center.
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTE R • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
Community &Center News Ways to Celebrate Caregivers from The National Family Caregiver Association
Driver Safety Program Class Announcement A Classroom Refresher Course for persons aged 50 & over will be held at the: Stoughton Area Senior Center 248 West Main Street November 13, 9 AM to1 PM Remain a safe driver in the years ahead. This is a one day 4 hour class. It is suggested that registrants bring a light sack lunch. Cost is $12 per person for AARP Members, $14 for NonMembers. If you are an AARP member, bring a membership card. Membership in AARP is NOT required. Participants will receive a certificate which may entitle them to a discount on their auto insurance. You must pre-register by calling 873-8585. FRIENDSHIP FUND FOR ACTIVITIES AT THE CENTER If you are in need of financial assistance to participate in activities at the Senior Center, there is a fund available to help you. For more information please contact Cindy McGlynn/Director 873-8585.
Hang On To Those Commodes, Please! We will no longer be accepting or (once our current inventory is depleted) lending out commodes or toilet seat risers from our durable medical equipment loan closet. We will continue to loan out all other equipment as before. These may be checked out on a short-term basis to those residing in our case management service area (Stoughton, Town of Albion and Town of Dunkirk). Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to assist with the cost of cleaning and purchasing new equipment. 6
Family caregivers provide a vast array of emotional, financial, nursing, social, homemaking and other services on a daily or on an intermittent basis. Eighty percent of America’s long-term care is provided by families or friends. Below are ways to show your appreciation to the family caregivers you know in your life. 1. Offer a few hours of respite time to a family caregiver so they can spend time with friends, or simply relax. 2. Send a card or bouquet of flowers to brighten a family caregiver’s day. 3. Help a family caregiver decorate their home for the holidays or offer to address envelopes for their holiday cards. 4. Offer comic relief! Purchase tickets to a show, give a family caregiver your favorite funny movie or book to watch or read. 5. Offer to prepare Thanksgiving dinner for a caregiving family in your community, so they can just relax and enjoy the holiday. 6. Help a family caregiver find new educational materials and support through websites, or by calling the Senior Center 873-8585. 7. Encourage family caregivers to attend the Senior Center’s Caregiver Open House in early December. They can enjoy a light meal and learn about resources to assist their loved ones and to take better care of themselves. Plus...enter to win a door prize! More details coming soon...
Coming in December:
Thurs. Dec. 5th Christmas Tree Decorating– Help Needed Tues. Dec. 9th Madrigal Dinner Tues. Dec. 23rd Musician John Duggleby Tues. Dec. 30th Old Time Fiddlers
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
Highlights at the Senior Center Healthy Aging – Recognizing and Managing Anxiety and Depression Tues., Nov.11th 1:00 PM Join David Druckembrod from Stoughton Family Counseling to learn about the impacts of Anxiety and Depression, and how you can identify symptoms and manage your health.
Alzheimers and Dementia: Is it normal aging, or should I be concerned? Wed. Nov. 19th 1:00 - 2:00 PM Presented by the Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin. This hour-long program will tell you about the basics. What are the causes, warning signs and risk factors? What are practical things you can do whether you are concerned about yourself or a loved one or if you are interested in helping others impacted by dementia? Come to find out! Please register at 873-8585.
Area Support Groups Caregiver Group
Multiple Sclerosis Group
Contact: Hollee at 873-8585 for any questions. See the local Tower Times and Dec. newsletter for information on our Caregiver Event.
2nd Tuesday, 10:00 - 11:30 AM Stoughton Area Senior Center Mandt Room Contact: 873-8585
Diabetic Support Group 2nd Monday 6 PM in the Stoughton Hospital Ridge Room. Contact Deb at 608-6286500 for more information
Grandparents Raising Relative’s Children 2nd Sat., 10:00 AM -12:00 PM The Rainbow Project Office 831 E. Washington Av. Madison Child care & transportation available to those in need. Contact: Ethel Dunn, 238-8751
Grief Support Groups 3rd Tuesday, 3:00 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room Contact: 873-8585 Facilitation provided by Southern Care Hospice
Low Vision Support 3rd Thursday, 1:00 - 2:30 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room Contact: 873-8585
Older Adult Alcoholics Anonymous Every Tuesday, 2:00 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room, 2nd Floor In order to maintain confidentiality individuals may enter/exit from building’s back NW corner door. Contact: Earl German 246-7606 ext. 1182
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin Information, education,
advocacy and support services including a 24/7 Helpline. 232-3400 or (888) 308-6251
Dementia Support Group 1st Wednesday 5:30-6:30 PM Stoughton Board Room Stoughton Hospital 873-6611
Parkinson Group 4th Wed., 1:30-2:30 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room Contact: Hollee at 873-8585
NO PD group this month
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
Community & Center News We Give Heartfelt Thanks For The Following Donations: Remembrance Donations Given For Robert Halverson: Ervin & Shirley Erdahl Stuart & Janet Morse Claire Sperle Family Patricia Backus Reta Smith Lee Favreau Dennis & Theresa Ganshert Marjie Hanssen Dennis &Caroline Halverson Robert & Arlene Hanson William & Anita Amundson Vickie & Richard Kittleson Audrey Halverson Percy & Ardis Gyland Genevieve Wilberg Richard & Jean Asleson David & Carol Larsen Douglas & Ardys Pfundheller Karen Olson Ann & Phillip Grunewald William & Elaine Halverson John & Margit Gerber Various Donors Rod & Patti Boelsing Other Numerous Cash Donations Thank you to the Halverson Family.
Making A Difference Donations:
Ahn Family Anonymous Dorothy Seamonsen Saturday Night Card Group Richard & MaryLou Fendrick American Legion Post 59 Women's Auxiliary Robert Halverson Thursday Morning Bridge Fern Larsen Marilyn Vandrell Thelma Canaan Marge Gullickson Lois Janny Elnora Hayes Johnson Michael & Jeanine Holtan in memory of Jon Tondryk
Remodeling Donations:
Anonymous Irvy Barker Theora Utke Ron Jensen Joyce Kidder Alaine Johnson Ramona Klatt Shirley Page William & Mary Louise Gregory Over the Hill Bingo Group
We are half way to our goal! All donations welcome.
Thanksgiving Day Meal We are once again partnering with Stoughton Hospital, On Track Communications and McGlynn Pharmacy in providing a noon meal for homebound individuals 60 years and over who live in the Stoughton school district. If you are homebound and are in need of a Thanksgiving Day meal with all the trimmings, please call the Stoughton Senior Center by November 25th. Call 873-8585
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
News: COA & Community Commission on Aging Meeting Highlights for October 7, 2014 Meetings are Open to the Public
Welcomed Charline Fleck, COA City member and Sid Boersma, COA City Council rep. Ralph Baumbach will no longer serve on COA; we thank him and wish him well. Exterior painting of the building is complete. Next, the balcony boards will be replaced. Cindy is meeting with the Town Boards to review the suggested formula that the Towns consented to for contributing to the Center. The Mayor will be presenting her 2015 City Budget proposal to City Council this month. Senior Center brochure has been given to Inkworks, who will be giving us a couple drafts to review next month. Fundraising is continuing for the main floor renovations. Flooring and chairs will be replaced. Total project will be approx. $35,000. Some grants have been received, but private donations are needed to complete the project. Next meeting: 11:00 AM, Nov. 4, 2014 Stoughton Area Senior Center
E-Book and E-Reader Training Stoughton Public Library Tuesday, November 18th at 1:00 PM Join us at the Library for this informative presentation on how to use Stoughton Public Library resources from the comfort of your own home on your own E-Book or E– Reader. The program will cover the following: -tour of Overdrive (software program used) -how to log in -search tips -how to place items on hold -how to check out an item -how to manage your account In addition, the presenters will also address specific questions about installing the app, accessing from different types of devices and trouble shooting problems in one-on-one sessions following the presentation. Individual library cards must be in good standing. Please call the library directly to schedule your one-onone session. 873-6281.
See the City website for full meeting minutes.
Music Appreciation Series with John Beutel
Open to the Public
Monday, November 3 - 3:00 PM at the Senior Center Aaron Copland is one of the first truly great American composers. We'll talk about him and listen to some of his music. Monday, November 10-3:00 PM The hardanger fiddle is a quintessential Norwegian instrument. Sid Boersma and Asher McMullen will talk to us about what makes the instrument unique and then perform some traditional hardanger fiddle music. Monday, November 17-3:00 PM Four composers born in the year 1714 are Carl Phillip Emanual Bach (JS Bach's third son), Niccolo Jommeli, Christoph Willibald Gluck, and Gottfried Hommilius. Come learn about them and hear some of their music. Monday, November 24-3:00 PM Choral singing in Wales has gained a world wide reputation. The male choruses especially are well known for their preservation of their Welsh musical heritage. We will talk about this heritage and listen to some choirs. This September I was in Wales and was able to attend a rehearsal of one choir and hear a concert by another. I also have photos on my visit and I'll share some of them with you. S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTE R • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
Senior Center: Ongoing Programs Please see the Activity Calendar on page 14 for exact dates and times of the following programs. You may call the Senior Center Receptionist at (608) 873-8585 for further information.
Fitness & Wellness
Chair Exercise, $2/class Mon. Wed. Fri. 8:00 AM Line Dancing Every Tuesday 2:30 PM Join Us! UW Nutrition Education, Free Topic: Fall Vegetables 2nd Thursday, 11:30 AM Ping Pong, Free Mondays 3:00 PM Doubles: Wednesday. 3:00 PM Singles: Friday. 10:30 AM
Bridge, Free Mon. & Thurs. 9:30 AM
Wii Bowling or League Free Main Floor- Call for times or info Wii League Bowlers Needed!
Chess, Free Fri. 10:00 AM
Gentle Yoga for Over 50 OFF SITE Suggested donation $3-$10 Tue. & Fri. 9:00AM, at the Covenant Lutheran Church Zumba 5:00 PM Wednesdays $4.00 per class
Classes & Skill Development Computer/Tech Help Tues. & Thurs., 9:00 - 11:30 AM or by appointment, morning or afternoon. Come with your computer or tech questions. We have 4 computers, 3 iPads & WiFi.
Painting Group, Sept thru May Thur., 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Free at Vennevoll Clubhouse
Handiwork, Free Mon., 1:00 - 3:30 PM Bring your current handiwork project & join the conversation.
Wood Carving, Thru Madison College Thur., 8:00 - 12:00 PM
Norwegian Language Class Wed., 9:00 - 11:00 AM No registration needed.$10/class New students welcome! 12
Social & Recreation
Tai Chi -Beginners $5/class Mon.10:30 AM New Students Welcome!! Tai Chi Mon. & Th. 9:00 AM $5/class Tai Chi –Advanced $10/class Mon. & Thurs. 1:00 PM
Rosemaling Group, Free Wed., 9:15AM Norwegian Paint
Wood Shop, Free/Mornings Must take a safety course to use the shop. Creative Writing Class, Free Last Tues. of month at 1:00 PM
Bunco, 1st Tuesday $1.00
Community Bingo, $1 3rd Wed. 2:00 PM Time CH. Sponsor: Oak Park Place and River Bluff Students Cribbage Free Every Monday 1:00 PM Euchre 4th Saturday 7:00 PM November 22 Over the Hill Bingo 4th Tues. 1:00 PM Bring a “White Elephant” Prize for the games Pool Tables—Free/Daily Sheepshead, Thurs. 1:30 PM to 4:15 PM Lessons available Ping Pong, Free Monday 3:00 PM Doubles: Wed. 3:00 Singles: Friday. 10:30 AM Train Dominoes, Free Thursday 1:00 PM Easy to learn– Join us
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
November Highlights BUNCO Tues. Nov. 4 1:00 PM $1.00 New players welcome! Join the fun!
Free Movie Fridays November 7 Noon Million Dollar Arm Rated PG This is a true story about a sports agent who seeks out pitching prospects in India.
Lunch Bunch Group Friday, Nov. 14 at 11:00 AM Sunrise Restaurant Bring a friend or come alone and meet new friends. Call center to register 873-8585.
Musical Entertainment from Cindy Harrington and Cheryl Birchall Wed., November 5
1:00 PM
Cindy has been singing and sharing her musical gifts since she was only 3 years old. She uses music to heal, to cope and to relieve life’s pressures. Some of you may recognize her as a member of the Stoughton City Band. Cindy and Cheryl will provide singing and a Sing-A -Long program that’s sure to inspire.
2015 Extended Travel Trips Tuesday, November 11 9:30 AM Considering taking a trip in the coming year? Why not join others from Stoughton and the surrounding area on one of our scheduled trips. The details have been taken care of for you. Come learn about the different adventures you can take part in. Key West- February 2015, 10 days “Highlights of Sunny Florida” New Orleans-April 2015, 8 days “Flavors of the South” Dublin-May, 10 days “Shades of Ireland” Albuquerque– October, 12 days “National Parks of the Southwest”
Fireside Theatre Trip We will be traveling to the Fireside Theatre to see A Fireside Christmas on Thursday November 20. The bus will pick us up at 9:30 AM at the Stoughton Senior Center and the show will be at 1:30 PM. Watch the newsletter for future trips going to the Fireside.
Over the Hill Bingo Tues. Nov. 25 at 1:00 PM Bring a “White Elephant” gift to play.
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
Stoughton Area Senior Center Activities MONDAY
November 2014 FRIDAY
Saturday Evening Cards-Euchre Nov. 22 7:00 PMPM
Center Open by Volunteers Saturday Mornings 9-11 AM
3 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Tai Chi 10:30 Beginn. Tai Chi 1:00 Adv. Tai Chi 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong 3:00 Music Apprec.
4 ELECTION DAY Wii Bowling League 9:00 Computer/Tech 11:00 COA Meeting 1:00 Bunco 1 Falls Class 2:00 AA Meeting 2:30 Line Dancing
5 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian Class 9:15 Rosemaling Grp 3:00 Ping Pong 1:00 Music Pg. 13 5PM Zumba
6 8 Woodcarving 9:00 Tai Chi 9:00 Computer/Tech 9:30 Bridge 1:00 Adv. Tai Chi 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead
7 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Veteran’s Assist. Presentation 10:00 Chess 10:30 Ping Pong 1:00 Movie 1:00 PD Exercise
10 Energy Assistance 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Tai Chi 9:30 Bridge 10:30 Beginn. Tai Chi 1:00 Adv. Tai Chi 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong 3:00 Music Apprec.
11 Wii Bowling League 9:00 Computer/Tech 9:30 Travel Present. 10 MS Support Grp 11:30 Veterans Lunch & Music 1:00 Fall Prev. Class 1 Healthy Aging pg.7 2:00 AA Meeting 2:30 Line Dancing
12 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian Class 9:15 Rosemaling Grp 3:00 Ping Pong 5 PM Zumba
13 AARP Driver Class pg. 6 8 Woodcarving 9:00 Tai Chi 9:00 Computer/Tech 9:30 Bridge 11:30 UW Food Prg 1:00 Adv. Tai Chi 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead
14 Veteran’s Assist Shop @ Hilldale 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Coffee with Mayor-Open to all 10:00 Chess 10:30 Ping Pong 11 Lunch Bunch 1:00 PD Exercise
17 Foot Care in PM 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Tai Chi 9:30 Bridge 10:30 Beginn. Tai Chi 1:00 Adv. Tai Chi 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong 3:00 Music Apprec.
18 Foot Care in AM 9:00 Computer/Tech 1:00 Fall Prev. Class 2:00 AA Meeting 2:30 Line Dancing 3:00 Grief Support Group
19 8:00 Chair Stretch 9 Norwegian Class 9:15 Rosemaling Grp 2:00 Bingo-Time Ch 1:00 Dementia Presentation Pg. 7 3:00 Ping Pong 5PM Zumba
20 Fireside Trip 8 Woodcarving 9:00 Tai Chi 9:00 Computer/Tech 9 Blood Pressure Ck 9:30 Bridge 1:00 Adv. Tai Chi 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:00 Low Vision Grp 1:30 Sheepshead
21 Shop WestTown Veteran’s Assist 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:30 Ping Pong 1:00 PD Exercise
24 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Tai Chi 9:30 Bridge 10:30 Beginn. Tai Chi 1:00 Adv. Tai Chi 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong 3:00 Music Apprec. Energy Assistance Day
25 Wii Bowling Lge. 9:00 Computer/Tech 1:00 Writing Class 1:00 Over the Hill Bingo 2:00 AA Meeting 2:30 Line Dancing
26 27 8:00 Chair Stretch Happy Thanksgiving 9:00 Norwegian Staff Holiday Class 9:15 Rosemaling Grp NO Parkinson Grp. 3:00 Ping Pong 5PM Zumba
28 Staff Holiday Center Open by Volunteers 9AM to 11AM
Stoughton Area Senior Center
November 2014 Menu
Various salad meals available on Thursdays at the Center. Salad information on page 5.
For all lunch reservations please call by noon the business day before. 873-8585
3 Turkey & Bean Chili Marinated Veg. Salad Mandarin Oranges Corn Bread/ Marg. Orange Sherbet
4 Baked Fish Tartar Sauce Rice Pilaf/Butter Carrots Cranberry Juice Wh Wh Bread/Marg Ginger Snap Cookie
5 Cheeseburger /Bun Onion Slice Ketchup/ Mustard Veggie Blend Apricots Confetti Cake
6 Roast Beef /Gravy Mashed Potatoes Peas/Onions Chunky Applesauce Wh Wh Roll/Marg.
7 Spaghetti & Meat Sauce Parmesan Cheese California Mix Tropical Fruit Salad Garlic Bread
10 Garden Vegetable Minestrone Soup Crackers Polish Sausage/Bun Ketchup/Mustard Pineapple Jell-O & topping
11 Chicken Cordon Blue Roasted Herbed Potatoes Green Bean Casser. Sm. Croissant/Marg Cheese Cake/ Strawberry Topping
12 Swiss Steak Rice Broccoli Flowerets Peaches Bread Stick Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
13 Baked Chicken Stuffing & Gravy Spinach Pear Pie Slice
14 Meatloaf/Gravy Mashed Potatoes Carrots Banana Wh Wh Bread/Marg.
17 Meatballs in Gravy Egg Noodles Peas & Carrots Grape Juice Strawberry Ice Cream
18 Beef Stew Mashed Potatoes Peach Slices Biscuit/Marg. Sugar Cookie
19 Ham & Bean Soup Copper Penny Salad Fruit Cocktail Bread Stick Brownie
20 Goulash Casserole California Blend Veggies Applesauce Wh Wh Bread/Marg. Vanilla Ice Cream
21 Roasted Turkey Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Brussel Sprouts & Bacon Fresh Fruit Cup Dinner Roll/Marg. Pumpkin Pie & Whip Topping
24 Chili Tropical Fruit Salad Corn Bread Margarine Candy Cookie
25 Beef Tips Over Egg Noodles Beets Fruit Cocktail Wh Wh Bread/ Marg. Raspberry Sherbet
26 Pepper Steak & Gravy Mashed Potatoes Spinach Apple Slices Multi Gr Bread Margarine
27 Thanksgiving Staff Holiday
28 Staff Holiday No Meals Today
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
873 -8585
Yahara Senior News 248 West Main Street Stoughton, WI 53589 608-873-8585 Fax # 608-873-8162 Yahara Senior News is published once a month by the Stoughton Area Senior Center. The Stoughton Area Senior Center, a non-profit agency, coordinates, develops, supports and monitors programs and services for persons over 55 years of age. This newsletter is published for the purpose of educating the older adults and their families. The service area is the City of Stoughton and the Towns of Albion, Dunkirk, Dunn, Pleasant Springs and Rutland. If you wish to have this newsletter mailed to you, the cost is $8.00 per year. Call 873-8585.
Senior Center Staff
Commission On Aging
Cindy McGlynn—Director Hollee Camacho—Assistant Director (M-Th) Jean Truss—Case Manager– Stoughton Kelly Janda—Case Manager-Stoughton JoAnn Seymour—Case Manager (M-W) Stoughton Lisa Hanson—Nutrition Coordinator Kristin Ott—Receptionist (M-Th ) Teressa Pellett—Volunteer/Program Coordinator (Hours Vary)
All COA Meetings Are Open To Public
Township Case Managers Albion & Dunkirk Cell Number 608-335-6677 Becky Kelly—M & TH at Stoughton Senior Center Pleasant Springs & Rutland ......................... 838-7117 Sara Sprang, McFarland Outreach/Senior Center Dunn & Christiana .......................................... 838-7117 Lori Andersen, McFarland Outreach/Senior Center Appointments made for home visits, or at Stoughton and McFarland Outreach offices.
David Bacon—Town of Pl. Springs .....................877-9777 Open—City of Stoughton ..................................................... Kay Davis—City of Stoughton ........................... 873-4886 Carol Heidenway—Town of Dunn .................. 835-5472 Charline Fleck—City of Stoughton…………….. Don Mix—City of Stoughton ............................. 873-3637 Mary Onsager—School District Rep ................ 873-3999 Jeanne Schwass-Long—Town of Dunkirk ........ 873-9227 David Sharpe—City of Stoughton ..................... 877-8724 Charlotte Snow—City of Stoughton ................. 205-1281 Betty Thompson—Town of Rutland................ 835-5145 Being Assigned—City Council Rep .................. 873-6677 Ron Jensen—Town of Albion………………….…………..228-5963