2012 Physical Literacy Program Flyers

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The programs listed below are designed to develop physical literacy in children. What is physical literacy? Individuals who are physically literate move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person. Developing physical literacy is a building block approach that follows this direction:

Similar to the reasoning behind why children are taught to count when they begin school before they are taught addition and subtraction and why addition and subtraction is taught before calculus, the same rationale is behind developing physical literacy. Research shows that children need to learn how to do fundamental movements and sport skills before they can learn how to play a sport competently. For example, parents shouldn’t expect their child to be able to pitch in baseball if they don’t know how to balance. Children need to learn the ABC’s of physical literacy before moving on to fundamental sport skills and then sport specific techniques. The ABC’s of physical literacy are agility, balance, coordination, and speed. Once these basic fundamental movements are mastered children can then move on to learning fundamental movement skills. Fundamental movement skills are jumping, running, catching, throwing, kicking, swinging, hitting, etc. Learning these skills allow children to play multiple sports with ease. Not learning these skills can lead to a lifelong disconnect to sports and recreation.

Introduction to Ball Games

Introduction to Hitting Games

Mike Wendorf is the main instructor for these programs and is also the owner of All Natural Body Sculpts with a partnership at Studio 365.

Mike Wendorf is the main instructor for these programs and is also the owner of All Natural Body Sculpts with a partnership at Studio 365.

This program specifically focuses on teaching children the fundamental movement skills like throwing, hitting, catching, passing, and kicking that could lead to later involvement or better performance in basketball, volleyball, soccer, and other similar games.

This program specifically focuses on teaching children to hit stationary and moving objects with a variety of bats and racquets, providing building-block skills for softball, baseball, hockey, golf, tennis, and other similar games.

Where: Norse Park Days & Dates: Tuesdays, June 12—July 17 Fee: $35—Residents, $43—Non-Residents

Where: Norse Park Days & Dates: Tuesdays, July 24—August 28 Fee: $35—Residents, $43—Non-Residents

Ages, (LTAD Times Development Stage)

Program Code

Ages, (LTAD Times Development Stage)

Program Code

6-9 (FUNdamentals)

2:00-2:45 pm


6-9 (FUNdamentals)

2:00-2:45 pm


9-12 (Learning to Train)

3:00-3:45 pm


9-12 (Learning to Train)

3:00-3:45 pm


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