Volunteer position summaries new

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VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY SUMMARY Stoughton Area Senior Center Volunteers are an integral part of our daily services, programs and events. If you would like to know more about our volunteer opportunities, check your area(s) of interest below and return the completed form to us. __ Birthday Card Assistant: Send birthday cards to Senior Center volunteers on a monthly basis __ Bulletin Board/Photo Case: Creatively display photos or themed decorations ; 1 – 2 hours/ month __ Committee Volunteer: Assist the Senior Center’s Commission on Aging (COA) and staff with addressing action plans to assure the Senior Center functions in a way that supports national accreditation and strategic planning standards;1-2 hours/month. __ Facebook Coordinator: Maintain/ update content on our Facebook page; 1-2 hours/month __ Friendly Visitor: Maintain weekly social contact with a homebound older adult for a minimum of 6 months. __ Gardener: Plant, prune or water outdoor flowers mid-May through September; help care for indoor plants year round:1-2 hours/week from May – September. __ Instructor/Activity Leader: Share knowledge, skills, and talents by teaching classes and coordinating group activities for the benefit of senior participants; time required depends on class. __ Intergenerational Programs: Assist with various programs at the Senior Center and/or in area schools that promotes social interaction with different generations. __ Loan Closet Cleaner: Maintain ongoing cleaning of the Senior Center’s adaptive loan closet equipment; 1- 2 times/month, hours dependent on number of items needing cleaning. __ Meal Site Assistance: Assist in the packaging of meals to be delivered to home-bound older adults; assist in serving and clean up after congregate meal served in dining room on weekdays, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. __Meals on Wheels Delivery: Deliver afternoon meal from Senior Center to homebound older adults in the Stoughton area on weekdays, 1-2 hours/week; or on a substitute basis. __ Newsletter Distributor: Distribute Yahara Senior News newsletter to Stoughton area businesses and organizations; once/month; required time based on route. __ Newsletter Proofreader: Review newsletter draft(s) before it/they are due for print; approximately one hour/month. __ Photographer: Take candid photos of selected Senior Center sponsored events; especially close-up images depicting an active, fun and engaging experience; time commitment varies. __ Receptionist: Greet and assist participants and staff with various office/clerical tasks on Thursday afternoons and Fridays.

SENIOR CENTER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY SUMMARY continued‌ __ RSVP Driver: Provide transportation to older adults (60 and older); one ride per week or more. __ Support Group Facilitator: Facilitate discussion during monthly support groups to help maintain the health and well-being of its members; 2-3 hours/month __ Trip Escort: Escort and assist with area trips, every other month __ Welcome Buddy: Welcome and provide information and support to new participants of the Senior Center as needed. __ Do you have any other special talents?______________________________________________ Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Stoughton Area Senior Center. Today’s Date: ____________ Name:________________________________________ Address:______________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ Email:________________________________________

Return to: Stoughton Area Senior Center 248 W. Main Street Stoughton, WI 53589 or call 873-8585

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