Proposed Capital Improvements Plan FY 2017-26 CIP Subcommittee Proposal to Planning Commission
December 15, 2015
CIP Purpose
PLAN to address City’s Capital Needs – Next 10 Years Financial Planning Tool to Address Annual Fiscal Constraints on Spending, denote funding sources, and operating impacts of projects Growth Management Tool for City’s Development Activity Document is Updated Annually
CIP Development Process Yr. 1 Budget Proposal
City Council & Public Hearing
City Manager Proposal
CIP Subcommittee Planning Commission
Priorities of the Proposed CIP
Adherence to Financial Policy Requirements
Manage Debt Limits
Debt to Assessed Value is less than 4% Debt to General Government Expenditures less than 10% 3% cash funding (Capital Pay Go) for capital projects - Limits debt issuance in first 5 years for critical needs - $150M Debt Capacity versus proposed bond issuance of $115.3M
Strategic Spending for Critical Needs and Quality of Life Improvements
Proposed CIP FY 16-25
Proposed FY 17-26
Percent Change
5 Yr. Plan (All Funds)
$267.6 M
10 Yr. Plan (All Funds)
CIP 5 Year Expenditures Village & Neighborhood Initiatives 2%
Parks & Recreation 8%
Public Buildings & Facilities 15%
Public Schools 32%
Public Safety 5%
Transportation 38%
CIP 5 Year Expenditures Local Funding Village & Neighborhood Initiatives 2%
Public Schools 41%
Parks & Recreation 12%
Public Buildings & Facilities 15%
Public Safety 7% Transportation 23%
CIP 5 Year Revenue Sources
General Fund 13%
Debt Financing 66%
State/Federal/Other 21%
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation Capital Maintenance $2.1M ($425K Yr. 1 – Yr.5) Parks Maintenance and Storage Facility - $3.5M for the acquisition, design, and construction of a 10,000 sq. ft. office and warehouse space for parks and recreation maintenance equipment and staff. ($3.5M Yr. 3) Lone Star Lodge - $1.7M for the construction of a new, 5,000 sq. ft., lodge to serve Lone Star Lakes Park. ($200K Yr. 3, $1.5M Yr. 4) Trail Enhancements - $100K to enhance trails at existing regional parks. ($50K Yr. 2, $50K Yr. 4)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. Parks and Recreation
Driver Park Sports Complex Phase I – $3.4M for construction of softball/baseball fields. ($250K Yr. 3, $3.2M Yr. 4) Sleepy Hole Park Renovation - $400K for various improvements including additional parking; access to the Nansemond River; trail system expansion; public sewer to all restrooms; creation of an adventure camp, group camping area, and ropes course; and dog park, interpretive center, and amphitheater. ($100K Yr. 2 - Yr. 5) Water Access Sportsplex-Nansemond$500K for construction of a pier for fishing and canoe/kayak access to the Nansemond River. ($500K Yr. 2)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. Parks and Recreation
Bennett’s Creek Recreation Center- $2M for renovations of the property that was swapped with the U.S. Government on Bennett’s Creek Park Road for a full service recreation center. ($2M Yr. 2,) Shoreline Stabilization Project- $1.9M for the shoreline stabilization of approximately 350 feet of shoreline along Sleepy Hole Park Complex. ($1.9M Yr. 5)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
City Airport
Parking Expansion and Entrance Improvements - $192K for additional construction expenses to expand the Airport Terminal parking lot and entranceway to eliminate overflow parking and improve circular access. Project to be funded by 80% State and 20% local funds. ($192K Yr. 1) Taxi Rehab-Construction - $350K for additional construction expenses for the rehabilitation of Taxiway “A” and Taxi lanes between T-Hanger D-E & F Project that was started in FY15. Project is anticipated to be funded by 80% State and 20% local funds. (350K Yr. 1)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
City Airport
Runway 4/22 Rehabilitation - $5.8M to resurface the airport’s main runway which was overlaid in 1990. Project to be funded by 90% Federal, 8% State, and 2% local funds. ($780K Yr. 1, $5M Yr. 2) Covered Terminal Entrance- $130K to construct a covered entranceway to the terminal. It will provide weather protection for patrons being dropped off or picked up at the main entrance. Projected to be funded by 73% State and 27% local funds. ($30K Yr. 2, $100K Yr. 3) Equipment Storage Facility - $400K to provide for the demolition of the current storage building and construction of a ground maintenance equipment storage unit to house airport maintenance equipment funded by 100% local funds. ($400K Yr. 2)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
City Airport
Airport Layout Plan Update - $250K to provide for the update of the Airport Layout Plan to include the last 10 years. Projected to be funded by 90% Federal, 8% State and 2% local funds. ($250K Yr. 3)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
City Buildings
Public Building Capital Maintenance - $4.2M to continue proactive maintenance of city facilities to include renovations and repairs to buildings and systems and compliance with ADA requirements. Year 1 includes funding for onetime expenses for HVAC replacement for Suffolk Art Gallery and old Municipal parking lot upgrades. ($1M Yr. 1, $780K Yr. 2, $790K Yr.3, $800K Yr. 4, $810K Yr. 5)
Central Library/W. Washington Street Plan $14.4M for a new Central Library and redevelopment of a portion of W. Washington Street. The project will entail a feasibility study to assess the potential of a higher education component as a future addition to the new library. ($2.9M Yr. 3, $8.6M Yr. 4 and $2.9 Yr. 5)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
City Buildings
Southwestern Elementary Demolition - $400K for the demolition of the 53,000 square foot vacated Southwestern Elementary School building and the stabilization of the 10,000 square foot historic Nansemond County Training School building for a potential adaptive re-use of the facility. ($400K Yr. 1)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
Public Safety
Fire Engines - $3.2M to replace existing fire engines that have exceeded their useful life. ($790K Yr. 1, $790K Yr. 2, $790K Yr. 3, $814K Yr. 4) Ambulances - $2.0M to replace/refurbish seven existing ambulances that have exceeded their useful life. ($552K Yr. 2, $575K Yr. 3, $600K Yr. 4 and $241K Yr. 5) Fire Tanker Truck - $492K to replace an existing 1991 model that has exceeded its useful life. ($492K Yr. 2)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
Public Safety
Fire & Rescue Storage Building- $1.6M for construction of a 5,000 square foot Fire & Rescue Storage Building to be located at the King’s Fork Public Safety Center to centralize the storage of supplies. ($1.6M Yr. 3) College Drive Fire Station - $1M for the design of a three bay fire station/public safety center to provide fire protection and emergency medical services to the highly populated area of Harbour View in Northern Suffolk. Construction funding is programmed in Year 6 of the CIP. ($1M Yr. 5)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
Public Safety
Replacement of Analog Security Cameras $200K for replacement of analog security cameras at both police precincts. The cameras will be replaced with digital cameras. ($200K Yr. 1)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
Public Schools
Hazardous Materials Management - $375K to test and abate harmful substances in schools. ($75K Yr. 1-5) HVAC/Chiller Replacement - $5M to provide for replacement of aging and inefficient HVAC Equipment, ductwork, and DDC system reconfiguration. ($1M Yr. 1-5) New Middle School - $22M to construct a new 800 pupil middle school to serve the growing northern/eastern section of the city and relieve overcrowding at John Yeates and other middle schools serving the northern end. $9.5 was approved for this project in the current fiscal year. ($12.9M Yr. 1, $9.1M Yr. 2)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
Public Schools
New Northern Elementary School- $18.7M to construct a new 1,000 pupil elementary school to serve the growing northern area of the city and relieve overcrowding and usage of mobile classrooms at existing elementary schools. The new school will allow for the closing of Florence Bowser and Driver Elementary. $9.6M was approved in the current fiscal year for this project. ($13.6M Yr. 1, $5.1M Yr. 2) Operations Facility - $9.8M to provide for a new operations facility to include offices, warehouse space, and trades worker shops as well as space for the print shop, textbook center, and food services administration. ($9.8M Yr. 5)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
Village and Neighborhood Initiatives Neighborhood & Village Improvements $2.5M for multi-year strategy to fund neighborhood and village improvement projects subject to evaluation per the Neighborhood Needs Assessment Tool. ($1.25M Yr. 2, $1.25M Yr. 4)
Open Space Improvements - $500K to acquire and improve lands for community open space and development of neighborhood parks and other similar quality of life improvements ($250K Yr. 1, 250K Yr. 4)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
Transportation Local Urban Roadway Construction – Comp Plan - $47.8M for improvements to Nansemond Parkway and Holland Road. 50% of funding anticipated from State Revenue program years 2 through 5. ($7.8M Yr.1, $10M Yr. 2 – 5)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
Local Urban Intersection Construction – Comp Plan - $9.7M to improve traffic flow and safety at key intersections throughout the City.
Nansemond Prkwy/Bennetts Pasture Rd Intersection – (Previous funding of $300K) $300K programmed in FY 17’ Kings Hwy/Godwin Blvd - (Previous funding of $500K) $500K programmed in FY17’ Nansemond Prkwy/Wilroy Road - (Previous funding of 1.8M) $800K programmed in FY17’ Godwin/Rt. 58 Off Ramp - (Previous funding of 1M) $80K programmed in FY17’ Projects to Be Determined - $2M annually Yrs. 2 thru 5. 50% of required funding anticipated from State Revenue Sharing Program.
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. Transportation
Oak Ridge/Colonial Ave Connector- $350K for 450 feet of roadway realignment and widening of Colonial Avenue to accommodate new traffic patterns in the Oak Ridge Neighborhood due to Rt. 58 improvements. (Previous funding of 300K) 50% of funding anticipated from State Revenue Sharing Program. ($350K Yr. 1) North Suffolk Connector - $2.1M to provide for a roadway for a new alignment between Nansemond Parkway and Shoulder Hill Road bypassing two at-grade rail crossings. FY 17 funding will provide for a study for this project. ($100K Yr. 1, $2M Yr. 5)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
Transportation Harbour View Area Signal Improvements $925K to provide upgrades to existing equipment, or new traffic equipment and signal coordination along College Drive, Harbour View Blvd and Hampton Roads Parkway corridors. Funding anticipated from Federal Grant Program. ($925K Yr. 1) Rail Crossing Improvements - $420K to provide for improvements to the quality of a select group of at-grade crossings while working collectively with different railroad companies. ($66K Yr. 1, $140K Yr. 2, $157K Yr. 4, $57K Yr. 5)
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
Transportation New Elementary School Roadway Improvements - $1M to provide for intersection improvements and roadway extension to serve the new elementary school in Northern Suffolk. ($1M Yr. 2)
Pruden Center Signal & Turn Lanes - $3M to provide for the installation of a traffic signal and left and right turn lanes on Route 460 at the entrance to Pruden Center and address safety concerns. 50% of required funding anticipated from State Revenue Sharing Program. ($800K Yr. 3 and 2.2M Yr. 4)
CIP – FY 2017-26
Yr 1 Spending Plan – General Gov’t Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Capital Maintenance
$ $
425,000 425,000
Public Buildings & Facilities Parking Expansion & Entrance Improvements (20% local) $ 191,748 350,000 Taxi Rehab-Construction (2% Local) 780, 000 Runway 4-22 Rehabilitation (2% local) Public Building Capital Maintenance 1,020,000 Southwestern Elementary Demolition 400,000 $ 2,741,748
Public Safety Fire Engine (replacement) Replacement of Analog Security Cameras
$ $
790,370 200,000 990,370
CIP – FY 2017-26
Yr 1 Spending Plan – General Gov’t Public Schools HVAC/Chiller Replacement Hazardous Materials Management New Middle School New Elementary School
$ 1,000,000 75,000 12,957,408 13,669,697 $27,702,105
Village & Neighborhoods Open Space Improvements
$ $
250,000 250,000
CIP – FY 2017-26
Yr 1 Spending Plan – General Gov’t Transportation Local Urban Roadway Construction – Comp Plan Nansemond Parkway Holland Road Local Urban Intersection Construction – Comp Plan Nansemond Pkwy/Bennetts Pasture Road Kings Hwy/Godwin Blvd N Parkway/Wilroy Road Godwin/Rt. 58 Off Ramp Oak Ridge/Colonial Ave Connector North Suffolk Connector Harbour View Area Signal Improvement Rail Crossing Improvements
Total Year 1 Spending
1,341,000 6,525,000 300,000 500,000 800,000 80,000 350,000 100,000 925,000 65,600 $ 10,986,600
CIP – FY 2017-26 Yr 1 Spending Plan – General Gov’t Revenue Sources General Fund $4,064,920
State/Federal/Other $11,537,798 Debt Financing $27,493,105
CIP – FY 2017-26 Stormwater Fund
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs.
Pughsville Drainage Improvements - $1M to address stormwater drainage issues. 50% of funding anticipated from State Revenue Sharing Program.($1M Yr. 1) Respass Beach Drainage Improvements $145K to provide for the completion of a stormwater drainage study for the Holly Acres subdivision located off of Respass Beach Road. Limited improvements to address immediate concerns on James Ave will be completed in conjunction with the study. ($145K Yr. 1)
CIP – FY 2017-26 Refuse Fund
Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. ď Ž
MSW Transfer Station - $6.5M to address the issue of the current agreements with SPSA that will expire on Jan 1st 2018 and allow the City to consolidate waste at a central location and transfer it to larger vehicles for transport to its ultimate location. ($6.5M Yr. 1)
CIP – FY 2017-26 Public Utility Fund
Public Utilities Fund Planned Expenditures
5 Year Summary Previous Funding
5 Year Subtotal
6-10 Year Subtotal
10 Year Total
Water Projects Water Source Development and Water Treatment Plant Expansion Water Distribution & Transmission System Expansion Water System Upgrades
2,532,500 1,800,000
Subtotal Water Projects:
Sewer Projects Sanitary Sewer Extensions Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades
Subtotal Sewer Projects: Total Public Utilities Fund
6-10 Year Subtotal
10 Year Total
Public Utilities Fund Funding Sources
Public Utilities Revenue Bonds Transfer from Public Utilities Fund Total Public Utilities Fund
Previous Funding
5 Year Subtotal
Water Source Development & Water Treatment Plant Upgrades 2016-2017 $9,060,000
2017-2018 $925,000
2018-2019 $1,750,000 Crumps Mill Pond Dam & Impoundment Improvements (D) $800,000
2019-2020 $880,500
2020-2021 $6,907,000 Crumps Mill Pond Dam & Impoundment Improvements (C) $6,000,000
Water Source Development Charge $925,000
Water Source Development Charge $950,000
Water Source Development Charge $880,500
Water Source Development Charge $907,000
Surface Water Plant Basins & Intake Upgrades (C) $8,000,000 WTWA Ground Water Permit Renewal (Permit Development) $75,000
Water Source Development Charge $985,000
Water Distribution & Transmission System Expansion 2016-2017 $1,800,000
2017-2018 $150,000
2018-2019 $14,600,000
2019-2020 $650,000
2020-2021 $125,000
Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Transmission Transmission Transmission Transmission Transmission Main Ph.2 (Water Main Ph.2 (Water Main Ph.1 Main Ph.1 Main Ph.1 & (Moores Farm (Moores Farm Plant to Moores Plant to Moores Pump Station Farm Ln) Farm Ln) (Moores Farm Ln Ln to Exeter Dr.) Ln to Exeter Dr.) (L.A.) (D) (D) (D) to Exeter Dr.) $125,000 $650,000 $11,500,000 $150,000 (D) $1,300,000
Rt. 10 Transmission Main (Water Plant to IOW) (D) $500,000
Rt. 10 Transmission Main (Water Plant to IOW) (C) $3,100,000
Water System Upgrades 2016-2017
Neighborhood Replacements $300,000
Neighborhood Replacements $300,000
Neighborhood Replacements $300,000
Meters Upgrades $150,000
Meters Upgrades $150,000
Meters Upgrades $150,000
Neighborhood Neighborhood Replacements Replacements $100,000 $100,000
Meters Upgrades $150,000
Meters Upgrades $150,000
Water Tank Rehabilitation (County St Tank) $800,000
Sanitary Sewer Extension Projects
Misc. Extensions (C) $300,000 Sanitary Sewer Upgrades
Misc. Extensions (C) $300,000
Misc. Extensions (C) $300,000
MOM Program MOM Program MOM Program MOM Program MOM Program (System (System (System (System (System Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Find & Fix; Flow Find & Fix; Flow Find & Fix; Flow Find & Fix; Flow Find & Fix; Flow Monitoring) Monitoring) Monitoring) Monitoring) Monitoring) $5,231,000 $5,231,000 $5,231,000 $5,231,000 $5,231,000 Pump Station & Collection System Upgrades $700,000
Pump Station & Collection System Upgrades $1,000,000
Pump Station & Collection System Upgrades $2,000,000
Pump Station & Collection System Upgrades $3,500,000
Pump Station & Collection System Upgrades $3,500,000
Fiscal Year 2017 Water Projects Water Source Development & Water Plant Upgrades WTWA Ground Water Permit Renewal Water Source Development Charge Surface Water Plant Basins & Intake Upgrades Water Distribution & Transmission System Expansion Southern Transmission Main Rt. 10 Transmission Main Water System Upgrades Miscellaneous Upgrades/Replacements Meter Replacement Program
$9,060,000 Permit Dev. Dev. Charge Upgrades $1,800,000 Design Design $250,000 Upgrades/Replcmts Upgrades
Fiscal Year 2017 Sewer Projects Sanitary Sewer Extension
Raleigh Dr./Fairfield Dr. Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades Pump Station Upgrades/Replacements MOM Program
$5,931,000 Upgrades/Replcmts Flow Monitoring/ Upgrades
CIP Wrap Up
Document is a plan not a budget
Updated annually via a comprehensive process
Intended to identify needs and guide budget recommendations Public hearing to be held prior to City Council adoption Year 1 will be proposed for funding via Operating Budget recommendation
Next Steps
Direct staff on any recommended edits Adopt a recommended FY 2017-2026 CIP at the January 19, 2016 Planning Commission meeting Forward to Council for February 3, 2016 City Council Meeting