Capital Improvements Program & Plan FY 2021‐30 Planning Commission Presentation

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Capital Improvements Program & Plan FY 2021‐30 CIP Subcommittee Recommended CIP to Planning Commission December 17, 2019


CIP Purpose  PLAN to address City’s Capital Needs – Next 10 Years  Financial Planning Tool to Address Annual Fiscal Constraints on Spending, denote funding sources, and operating impacts of projects  Growth Management Tool for City’s Development Activity  Document is Updated Annually 2

CIP Development Process Yr. 1 Budget Proposal

City Council & Public Hearing

City Manager Recommended CIP

CIP Subcommittee

Planning Commission 3

Overview • Priorities of the Proposed CIP o Adherence to Financial Policy Requirements

Debt to Assessed Value is less than 4% Debt to General Government Expenditures less than 10% 3% cash funding (Capital Pay Go) for capital projects

o Manage Debt Limits - Limits

debt issuance in first 5 years for critical needs - $150M Debt Capacity versus proposed bond issuance of $139.9M

o Strategic Spending for Critical Needs and Quality of Life Improvements 4

Proposed CIP Adopted Proposed FY 20-29 FY 21-30

Incr./ Decr.

Percent Change

5 Yr. Plan (All Funds) $316.4 M




10 Yr. Plan (All Funds)






CIP 5 Year Expenditures General Government Public Buildings & Facilities 19% Public Schools 19% Transportation 37% Public Safety 12%

Village & Neighborhoods 6%

Parks & Rec. 7%


CIP 5 Year Revenue Sources General Government

Bonds 62%

State/Federal/Other 24%

General Fund 14%


CIP 5 Year Expenditures Local Funding General Government

Public Schools 25%

Transportation 24%

Parks & Rec. 8%

Village & Neighborhoods 8%

Public Buildings & Facilities 21% Public Safety 15%


CIP FY 2021-30 General Government


Parks & Recreation


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

P&R Capital Maintenance ‐ $2.3M for maintenance of parks and recreation facilities. Yr. 1 includes $100K for road improvements at Bennett’s Creek Park. ($535K Yr. 1, $440K+ Yrs. 2–4) Lone Star Lakes Park ‐ $2.4M for trails, wayside park improvements at the Butler Tract, restoration, road improvements, and visitor center design and construction. Yr.1 funding for road improvements, reforestation, and visitor center design. ($250K Yr. 1, $175K Yr. 2, $2M Yr.3)


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Trail Enhancements ‐ $1.8M for enhancements to existing trails, as well as new trail connections identified in Suffolk Pedestrian Master Plan. Yr. 2 funding for Phase III design of the Seaboard Coastline Trail from Nansemond Parkway to Driver. (Yr. 2 $500K, Yr. 4 $500K, Yr. 5 $800K)


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Driver Complex – Project to develop athletic fields, trails, and water access at the Driver Complex site. $75K in Yr. 1 for additional demolition funding to mitigate safety concerns. Project master plan update underway. ($75K Yr. 1) Sleepy Hole Park Renovation - $450K for continued park renovations and improvements. Yr. 1 funding for dog park design and additional parking. ($75K Yr. 1, $125K Yr. 2, $250K Yr. 4) 13

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Water Access – Nansemond River ‐ $1.7M for property acquisition and design/construction of deep water access to the Nansemond River. ($225K Yr. 3, $1.5M Yr. 4)

Cypress Park and Pool ‐ $1.5M to renovate existing pool to include beach entry, deck expansion with shade structures, new pool liner, and restroom improvements. Design work underway with previous year funding. ($1.5M Yr. 1)


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Cedar Hill Cemetery Road Repairs ‐ $190K for continuation of roadway repair within the cemetery. ($190K Yr. 1)

Aquatic Facility ‐ $200K in Yr. 5 to initiate planning and design of an aquatic facility. $12.7M included in outyears for construction.($200K Yr. 5 )


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Inclusive Playground‐ $300K to construct an inclusive/sensory playground in the northern area of the City. ($300K Yr. 1) Constant’s North Park ‐ $757K to develop passive recreation area adjacent to North Main St. along Nansemond River. $350K in Yr. 1 for a trail, parking, picnic shelters, benches, and landscaping. Phase 2 includes a boardwalk with fishing platform and observation area. ($350K Yr. 1, $144K Yr. 2, $263K Yr. 5)


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Blackwater River Project ‐ $1.3M to develop a park with trails, a kayak launch, and playground along the Blackwater River. 100% State/Federal funding in Yr. 1. ($800K Yr. 1, $275K Yr. 3, $200K Yr. 4)


Public Buildings & Facilities


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. City Airport 

Obstruction Removal of Adjacent Properties ‐ $835K for continued removal of vegetative obstructions surrounding the airport and runway. 90% Federal, 8% State, and 2% local funds. ($175K Yr. 1, $60K Yr. 2, $600K Yr. 3) Terminal Apron Rehabilitation‐ $2.5M to resurface the aircraft parking apron which is over 25 years old. 90% Federal, 8% State, and 2% local funds ($2.5M Yr. 1) 19

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Corporate Hangar‐ $800K to design and construct a 10,000 square foot open hangar bay with office and restrooms. $160K in State funding anticipated for design. ($800K Yr. 3) Drainage Rehabilitation ‐ $2.8M for reconstruction of subsurface drainage pipes and structures. 90% Federal, 8% State, and 2% local funds. ($300K Yr. 3, $2.5M Yr. 5)


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Corporate Apron – Utility Extension ‐ $90K to design and construct an eight inch water line and provide electricity adjacent to the corporate apron. The project will assist economic development efforts at the airport. ($90K Yr. 1)


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. City Buildings 

Public Building Capital Maintenance ‐ $4.1M for maintenance, renovation, and repairs to City buildings and systems. ($810K+ Yrs. 1-5)

Central Library ‐ $19.2M for construction of the new Central Library on West Washington Street. ($4.1M Yr. 1, $11.6M Yr. 2, $3.6M Yr. 3)


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Godwin Courts Building Improvements ‐ $1.7M to complete improvements to the Godwin Courts building including replacement of carpet, flooring, furniture, modular offices, and file storage systems. ($1.7M Yr. 2)

Human Resources Building Renovation – Schools Administration ‐ $5M to renovate the 40,000 square foot Human Resources Building to serve as the Schools Administration office. Yr. 1 funding for space needs planning. ($50K Yr. 1, $500K Yr. 2, $4.5M Yr. 3) 23

Public Safety


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. Fire & Rescue 

Fire Engines ‐ $2.6M to replace three fire engines that have exceeded their useful life.($838K Yr. 1, $889K Yr. 4, $916K Yr. 5)

Ambulances ‐ $2.3M to replace five ambulances that have exceeded their useful life and purchase one new ambulance for the new College Drive Fire Station. ($365K Yr. 1, $365 Yr. 2, $365K Yr. 3, $383K Yr. 4, $804K Yr. 5) 25

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Aerial Ladder Truck ‐ $4.2M for one new and two replacement aerial ladder trucks. Yr. 1 funding provides for a new aerial ladder truck to serve the planned College Drive Fire Station ($1.4M Yr. 1, $1.3M Yr. 2, $1.4M Yr. 4) Fire Rescue Truck ‐ $3M for new and replacement fire rescue trucks. The new truck is for the planned College Drive Fire Station. ($1.5M Yr. 3, $1.5M Yr. 5) 26

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Fire Tanker Truck ‐ $1.5M to replace two fire tanker trucks that have exceeded useful life. ($750K Yr. 2, $787,500 Yr. 4)

Joint Public Safety & Training Center ‐ $2M for the design and construction of the burn building and technical rescue tower components of the Joint Public Safety & Training Center project. 100% State funding anticipated Yr. 1.($485K Yr. 1, $1.5M Yr. 2) 27

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

College Drive Fire Station ‐ $5.7M for construction of three bay fire station/public safety center to serve growing Harbour View/Northern Suffolk area. ($3.8M Yr. 1, $1.9M Yr. 2) Nansemond & Wilroy Road Fire Station ‐ $500K to begin planning and design of new three bay fire station/public safety center to serve growing areas along Nansemond Parkway and Wilroy Road. Construction funding programmed in outyears. ($500K Yr. 5) 28

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Breathing Air System ‐ $250K for replacement breathing air systems to refill air cylinders used by firefighters in hazardous environments. ($250K Yr. 1) Station 9 Upgrades ‐ $500K for building modifications to restrooms, shower facilities, and other building spaces, and upgrades to electrical wiring, access control, security systems, lighting, flooring, and other finishes. ($500K Yr. 4) 29

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Station 10 Traffic Signal ‐ $250K for design and installation of traffic signal in front of Fire Station 10 on Bennett’s Pasture Road to enhance safety of motorists and fire and rescue personnel. ($250K Yr. 1)


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. Police 

Backup 911 Center ‐ $502K to begin design and construction of 1,600 square foot Backup 911 Center at a Public Safety Center. $2.1M programmed in outyears for construction, equipment, and technology. ($502K Yr. 5)




Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Local Urban Roadway Construction – Comp Plan ‐ $36.4M for urban roadway improvements identified in the Comprehensive Plan including $6.4M for Holland Road and $30M for projects to be determined. 50% funding from State/Federal sources. Yr.1 Yr.2 Yr.3 Yr.4 Yr.5

$ 3.5M $ $10.0M $12.9M $10.0M 33

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Local Urban Intersection Construction – Comp Plan ‐ $14M to improve traffic flow and safety at critical intersections. 

Nansemond Parkway/Bennett’s Pasture Rd Intersection ‐ $1.3M to complete realignment of the intersection between Nansemond River High School entrance, Bennett’s Pasture Road, and Sleepy Hole Road intersection. 50% State Revenue Share anticipated. ($1.3M Yr. 1) Rt. 17/Crittenden Road Intersection ‐ $5.9M for right-ofway, design, and construction. 66% State and Federal sources. ($4.1M Yr. 2, $373K Yr. 3, $1.5M Yr. 4) 34

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. Local Urban Intersection Construction – Comp Plan (Cont’d) 

Kenyon Road Connector – $710K to complete construction of a connection between Kenyon Court and Route 58 to improve truck bypass. Projects to Be Determined ‐ $2M per year (Yrs. 3-5) for future intersection improvement projects identified in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan.


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Pitchkettle Road Improvements ‐ $1.4M to realign and upgrade Pitchkettle Rd. from Constance Rd. to the Lake Meade Bridge including storm drainage, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, and landscaping. $600K State funding anticipated. ($1.4M Yr. 1)

Bennett’s Creek Channel Dredging ‐ $1.2M for maintenance dredging of the Bennett’s Creek channel. 100% local funding. ($600K Yr. 2, $600K Yr. 5) 36

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Rail Crossing Improvements ‐ $590K for improvements to at-grade rail crossings. 100% local funding. ($95K Yr. 1, $400K Yr. 3, $95K Yr. 4)

Pruden Center Turn Lanes ‐ $767K to complete installation of left and right turn lanes on Rt. 460 at the entrance to the Pruden Center. 50% State Revenue Sharing anticipated. ($767K Yr. 2) 37

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Shoulders Hill Rd/RT. 17 Intersection ‐ $7M for improvements to intersection of Rt. 17 and Shoulders Hill Road. 50% State Revenue Sharing anticipated. ($7M Yr. 1)

Nansemond Parkway/Wilroy Road Flyover ‐ $5M to complete right-ofway, design, and construction of flyover at intersection of Nansemond Parkway/Wilroy Rd. 50% State Revenue Sharing anticipated. ($919K Yr. 1, $4.1M Yr. 2)


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Miscellaneous Roadway Improvements ‐ $400K in local funds for miscellaneous roadway improvements not eligible for completion with State Maintenance funds. ($80K per year Yrs. 1 - 5)

Relocation of Zone C Headquarters ‐ $1.6M to relocate Public Works Zone C headquarters, which serves North Suffolk, from current location at entrance of Lone Star Lakes. 100% local funding. ($1.6M Yr. 1) 39

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Turlington Road Speight’s Spillway SGR ‐ $1.3M to replace the Speight’s Spillway Bridge to current standards and accommodate pedestrian/bicycle traffic. 100% Federal funding. ($1.3M Yr. 2) Portsmouth Boulevard Sidewalk - $554K to complete a five ft. wide sidewalk along north side of Portsmouth Blvd. from Prospect Rd. to Nansemond Parkway. Project part of existing Portsmouth Blvd. sidewalk projects. 100% local funding. ($554K Yr. 1) 40

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Nansemond Parkway Traffic Signal Coordination ‐ $1.1M to upgrade signal equipment for coordinated signal corridor on Shoulders Hill Rd., Nansemond Parkway and Wilroy Rd. 100% State/Federal funding. ($1.1M Yr. 1) Pittmantown Rd. over Mill Swamp $1.4M to replace existing steel and timber structure with single pre-stressed concrete voided slab bridge at Pittmantown Rd. and Mill Swamp. 70% State/Federal funding. ($580K Yr. 1, $840K Yr. 2) 41

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Shoulders Hill Road Multi‐Use Path‐ $272K to address pedestrian connectivity along Shoulders Hill Rd. from Weatherby Way and Bennett’s Creek Park Rd. 100% State/Federal funding. ($272K Yr. 1) West End Suffolk Bypass Interchange $200K for innovative mobility research study to identify safety and capacity improvements at the West End Suffolk Bypass Interchange.100% State/Federal funding. ($200K Yr. 1) 42

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Kings Highway Bridge ‐ $200K for development and analysis of alternative design options for Kings Highway Bridge replacement. 100% local funding. ($200K Yr. 1)


Public Schools


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Hazardous Materials Management ‐ $375K to test and abate harmful substances in schools. ($75K Yrs. 1-5)

Schools Major Repairs/Systems Replacement ‐ $17.5M for major repairs and systems replacements at school facilities. ($3.5M Yrs. 1-5)


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Northern Shores Elementary Addition ‐ $13M for an additional wing adding 18 classrooms to eliminate overcrowding and use of mobile units. ($6.5M Yr. 3, $6.5M Yr. 4)

College and Career Academy at Pruden ‐ $2.1M to integrate mechanical systems in facility with Suffolk Public Schools systems as well as infrastructure repairs and modernization. ($2.1M Yr. 3) 46

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Operations Facility ‐ $4.1M to begin Phase 2 of the operations center at the former Mt. Zion Elementary School. Provides for warehouse and trades worker spaces. $8.5M programmed in outyears. ($4.1M Yr. 5)


Village & Neighborhood Initiatives


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Village & Neighborhood Improvements ‐ $5.7M for closed drainage and street improvements in Lloyd Place, Rosemont, and other neighborhoods to be determined. ($1.2M Yr. 1, $905K Yrs. 2-3, $1.4M Yrs. 4-5) Open Space Improvements ‐ $1.25M to acquire and improve land for community open space and development of neighborhood parks and other similar quality of life improvements. ($250K Yrs. 1- 5) 49

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Downtown Implementation Plan Initiatives‐ $4.3M for projects identified in the Downtown Master Plan including: 

Main Street Streetscape improvements

Festival/Events Venue and Market Hall

Phoenix Bank Block redevelopment to include environmental assessments, parcel assembly, and clearing of deeds/titles

Downtown Wayfinding System

Gateway improvements

($260K Yr. 1, $915K Yr. 2, $1M Yr. 3, $1.1M Yr. 4, $1M Yr. 5) 50

CIP – FY 2021‐30 Yr 1 Spending Plan – General Gov’t Expenditures Transportation Public Buildings & Facilities Public Safety Parks & Recreation Public Schools Village & Neighborhood Initiatives

$ 19,691,330 7,646,000 7,406,295 4,087,500 3,575,000 1,714,750 $ 44,120,875


CIP – FY 2021‐30 Yr 1 Spending Plan – General Gov’t Revenue

Bonds $ 23,795,503 State/Federal/Other 15,167,122 General Fund 5,158,250 $ 44,120,875 Bonds 54%

State/Fed/ Other 34%

General Fund 12%


CIP FY 2021-30 Transit Fund


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Transit Operations Facility ‐ $220K to initiate planning and design of transit operations facility to include office space, garage, storage, and parking. $1.8M programmed in outyears for construction. Project to be funded with combination of local, State, and Federal funds. ($160K Yr. 2, $60K Yr. 5)


CIP FY 2021-30 Fleet Fund


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Replacement of Fleet Facilities ‐ $14.5M for planning, design, and construction of a replacement fleet management facility. ($6M, Yr. 4, $8.5M Yr. 5)


CIP FY 2021-30 Information Technology Fund


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Records & Document Management Upgrade‐ $1M to upgrade the records management system to ensure compliance with State records retention and destruction policies. ($1M Yr. 1) Physical Security ‐ $750K to upgrade physical security, access control, and intrusion and detection systems in City buildings.($250K Yrs. 1-3)


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Citywide Fiber‐ $2.5M for installation of City-owned fiber to connect various City facilities and eliminate reliance on leased fiber for internet connectivity and data communication. ($2.5M Yr. 5)


CIP FY 2021-30 Stormwater Fund


Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Citywide Drainage Improvements ‐ $2.5M for design and construction of drainage improvements to address flooding across the City. ($500K Yrs. 1-5)

Olde Towne Master Drainage Improvements ‐ $5.3M to address drainage issues in the Olde Towne area. $2.3M in State funding anticipated.($606K Yr. 3, $2.2M Yr. 4, $2.4M Yr. 5) 61

Major Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Pughsville Drainage Improvements - $3.8M to continue drainage improvements in Pughsville. $2.2M anticipated from State Revenue Sharing and City of Chesapeake. 

Installation of closed pipe system on John Street Stormwater BMP between Town Point Road and Buchanan Street

Enhancements to existing culverts under Queen Street, James Street, and Wise Street ($1.8M Yr. 3, $2M Yr. 4) 


CIP FY 2021-30 Public Utility Fund


Public Utility Fund 5 Yr. Water Expenditures FY 21

FY 22

FY 23

FY 24

FY 25

5 Year Total

Water Projects Water Source Development and Water Treatment Plant Expansion Water Distribution & Transmission System Expansion Water System Upgrades Subtotal Water

$1,440,000 $4,242,000



2,630,000 $4,170,000


$3,005,600 $1,185,000











$4,780,600 $12,110,000 $29,982,600


Public Utility Fund 5 Yr. Sewer Expenditures FY 21

FY 22

FY 23

FY 24

FY 25

5 Year Total

Sewer Projects Sanitary Sewer Extensions Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades

$ ‐


$ 300,000

$ ‐

$ 600,000





$ 5,610,000

$ 7,275,000 $ 6,800,000

$ 6,950,000

$ 7,000,000


TOTAL Water/Sewer $ 9,780,000

$13,617,000 $ 9,380,000

$11,730,600 $19,110,000 $63,617,600

Subtotal Sewer


$ 300,000 $ ‐


Public Utility Fund 5 Yr. Funding Sources Funding Sources Revenue Bonds Utilities Fund Cash

FY 21

FY 22

FY 23

FY 24

FY 25

5 Year Total


$ 7,850,000

$ 3,575,000

$ 6,350,600

$ 13,375,000











$11,730,600 $19,110,000



Major Water Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Water Source Development Water Treatment Plant Expansion 

 

 


Water Plant HVAC Upgrades ($430K Yr. 1, $457K Yr. 2) Waters Road Well Abandonment ($150K Yr. 1) Lake I & Chuckatuck Creek Impoundment Improvements ($3M Yr. 2) Crumps Mill Pond Dam & Impoundment Improvements ($400K Yr. 3) EDR Membrane Replacement ($2.3M Yr. 4) Reids Ferry Well Upgrade & Crittenden Well Evaluation (435K Yr. 5) Water Source Development Charges ($860K Yr. 1, $785K Yr. 2, $805K Yr. 3, $730K Yr. 4, $750K Yr. 5) 67

Major Water Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Water Distribution & Transmission System Expansion 

Wilroy Rd. 12-inch Main (Executive Dr. to Old Mill Creek) ($100K Yr. 1, $700K Yr. 2) Southern Transmission Main Phase I (Everets Rd. and Lake Prince Rd between Moores Farm Lane to Exeter Dr.)($9M Yr. 5)


Major Water Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Water System Upgrades 

Neighborhood Replacements 

Peanut Park Area Phase 1, Third Ave. and Library area Upgrades, Majestic Dr./Squire Reach Service Line Replacements ($1.9M Yr. 1) Snead Dr./Torrey Pines Lane Water Service Line Replacements and Mahan St./Day St. ($525K Yr. 2) Forrest Street, Mahan St./Day St., Peanut Park System Phase 2, Olde Towne System Phase 1, and Downtown Water Improvements ($825K Yr. 3) Adams/Maple/Mulberry St. Upgrades, Olde Town System Phase 1, and Downtown Water Improvements ($1.3M Yr. 4) Adams/Maple/Mulberry St. Upgrades, Peanut Park/Hall Place Phase 2, and Downtown Water Improvements ($1.6M Yr. 5) 69

Major Water Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Water System Upgrades 

Water Service Line Upgrades ($150K Yrs. 1-5)

Carolina Water Tank Valve Upgrades (25K Yr. 1, $250K Yr. 2)

Meter Upgrades ($475K Yrs. 1 & 2, $400K Yr. 3, $300K Yr. 4, $200K Yr. 5)


Major Sewer Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Sanitary Sewer Extensions 

Miscellaneous Extensions ($300K Yrs. 2 & 4)

Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades 

MOM Program – System Maintenance Find & Fix Upgrades, Flowing Monitoring ($3.2M Yrs. 1–5) Pump Station #51 & #74 Electrical/Mechanical Upgrades, Pump Station #50 & Force Main Upgrades, Vacuum System Pit Upgrades ($2.4M Yr. 1)


Major Sewer Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades 

Pump Station Electrical & Mechanical Upgrades, Peanut Park/Hall Place Gravity Sewer System Phase 1 Upgrades, Pump Station #46 Upgrades and Vacuum System Pit Upgrades ($3.8M Yr. 2) Pump Station Electrical & Mechanical Upgrades, Pump Station #46 & #17 Upgrade/Relocation, Pinner & Pearl Sewer System Upgrades, Peanut Park/Hall Place Sewer System Upgrades Phase 2, and Vacuum System Pit Upgrades ($3.6M Yr. 3) Pump Station Maintenance Upgrades, Pearl & Pinner Sewer System Upgrades, and Downtown Sewer System Upgrades ($3.4M Yr. 4)


Major Sewer Projects Addressed – 5 Yrs. 

Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades Cont. 

Peanut Park/Hall Place Sewer System Upgrades Phase 2 and Pump Station Maintenance Upgrades ($3.8M Yr. 5)


CIP Wrap Up 

Document is a plan not a budget

Updated annually through a comprehensive process

Intended to identify needs and guide budget recommendations

Public Hearing held prior to City Council adoption

Year 1 proposed for funding in Operating and Capital Budget recommendation 74

Next Steps  Review the CIP and Direct staff on any recommended edits  Adopt a recommended FY 2021-30 CIP at the January 21, 2020 Planning Commission meeting  Forward to Council for consideration at February 5, 2020 City Council Meeting 75

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