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Public Education
The City Council and City Management place a high priority on education in the City. Approximately $394.4 million in school projects are included in the Capital Improvements Plan over the next 10 year. Projects include school replacements and additions, HVAC improvements, and the second phase of the operations facility. Suffolk Public Schools has 2,300 full time employees, which includes 1,444 teachers, principles, and assistants.
The residential growth and change in Suffolk require the City to be proactive in planning for its future to ensure efficient and effective delivery of services and a high quality of life for its citizens.
The transportation network plays a key role in accommodating growth within Suffolk and providing connections throughout the region. The 2035 Comprehensive Plan addresses areas of limited connectivity within the City, as well as issues such as congestion, heavy freight traffic, emergency preparedness, and promoting mobility and alternate forms of transportation.
Civic Engagement and Responsive City Services
BY THE N umbers
11 Elementary Schools
5 Middle Schools
3 High Schools
1 Alternative School
• Suffolk Animal Care Center increased its online presence, posting more pictures and information for stray animals.
• The Commonwealth’s Attorney Office promoted community outreach and awareness and crime prevention by attending and/or hosting 100 community events.
• The Library implemented Home Delivery and Books by Mail services to rural areas as well as those with mobility and transportation concerns.