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Our Vision 2035

Suffolk is a vibrant and fiscally strong community leading the region in advancements in education, comprehensive transportation, public safety and diverse economic growth while continuing to preserve its rural heritage and enhancing its neighborhoods and urban centers.

Our comprehensive plan is a shared vision for the future of our community. It is meant to be aspirational and inspirational, while also being practical.

This plan is intended to guide and assist City staff, the public, development community, City Council, Planning Commission, and other officials in decisions related to development, redevelopment, growth, preservation, and the provision of public services through the year 2035. The elements of this plan establish policy statements to guide decisions about growth, housing availability, transportation, public facilities and services, and the preservation and enhancement of natural and cultural resources.


Population: 96,130

Median Home Income: $79,899

Median Home Cost: $313,700 $

Unemployment Rate:

Median Age:



Major Principles and Values:

• Maintain an efficient transportation network with effective choices for mobility.

• Define and enhance the various unique character types and development patterns within the City.

• Promote a diverse housing stock, providing options in terms of type, location, and affordability.

• Protect the natural, cultural, and historical assets of the City.

• Maintain high-quality services and facilities as growth occurs.

• Preserve the agricultural heritage and character of the City.

• Keep jobs and schools near population centers.

To view the full 2035 Comprehensive Plan visit: www.suffolkva.us/2035cp

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