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Nati onal Senior Health & Fitness Day Event
Date: October 26 Age: 55+ Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Cost: Free Locati on: East Suff olk Recreati on Center Come celebrate Nati onal Senior Health & Fitness Day with us! We will have exercise demos, healthcare vendors & giveaways. Pre-registrati on is required.
Fitness 15
Dates: September 6 - December 13 Days: Mondays and Tuesdays Time: 1:00 – 1:15 PM Locati on: East Suff olk Recreati on Center Age: 55+ Cost: Free Seniors, come out for chair exercise! You can use your body and move through diff erent exercises to work full range of moti on in diff erent planes of moti on. This class is about 15 to 20 minutes two days a week.
Acti ve Adult Senior Walking Club
Dates: September 7 - December 14 Days: Wednesdays Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM Locati on: East Suff olk Recreati on Center Age: 55+ Cost: Free Let’s get together and walk laps around diff erent area trails and paths here in Suff olk. You will be burning calories while having great conversati ons with others!
Senior Aerobics
Date: All year Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays Time: 10:00 -11:00 AM Locati on: East Suff olk Recreati on Age: 55+ Cost: $12 for 6 weeks (12 classes) This class focuses on fl oor aerobics which may help to increase your mobility, balance, strength and fl exibility. Instructi on includes stretching and general conditi oning.
Stay Strong
Date: September 19 - October 1 Days: Mondays and Wednesdays Time: 10:00 -11:00 AM Locati on: Curti s Milteer Recreati on Age: 55+ Cost: $12 “Stay Strong” Senior Aerobics is an hour class for mature, acti ve adults that targets not only muscular strength and endurance, but also aids in improving cardiopulmonary and mental health.
For more informati on on Senior Fitness Programs at East Suff olk Recreati on Center, contact mcrook@ suff olkva.us or call 757-514-4500. For Curti s Milteer Recreati on Center, contact mcutt en@suff olkva.us or call 757-514-7112.
Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED for the Community (Blended Learning)
Date: September 3 Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Locati on: East Suff olk Recreati on Center Ages: 18+ Cost: $45 Become American Red Cross certi fi ed in Adult and Pediatric CPR and AED. Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to help sustain life and minimize the consequences of sudden illness as a result of breathing and cardiac emergencies. Components from the American Red Cross include Adult and Pediatric CPR, AED, and First Aid.
Women on Weights
Dates: September 6 -December 15 Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM Locati on: East Suff olk Recreati on Center Ages: 18+ Cost: Free A judgment free zone where women can learn how to use the various pieces of equipment in the fi tness center and build confi dence in their workout routi nes. Sign up today. FREE with recreati on and fi tness membership.
Stroller Fit
Dates: September 9 -December 16 Days: Mondays and Fridays Time: 3:00 - 3:45 PM Locati on: East Suff olk Recreati on Center Ages: All Cost: Free Join our group of families at Stroller Fit class and learn a variety of exercises the family can do together at home.
Family 2 Mile Fun Run at Lake Meade Park
Dates: Saturday, October 15 Time: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Locati on: Lake Meade Park and Trail Ages: All Cost: Donati ons will be collected to benefi t the Nati onal Breast Cancer Foundati on, Inc. Join us this Fall for a family 2 mile fun run at Lake Meade Park located behind Kroger off of Main Street. Families will run through the trail and enjoy the scenic route and enjoy the ti me together as a family.
Line Dance Class
Dates: All year Time: Mondays 6:00 – 7:00 PM; Thursdays 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Locati on: East Suff olk Recreati on Center Ages: 17+ Cost: $20 for 6 weeks (12 classes); $4 drop in Come out and learn exciti ng line dances with us! Our classes are set to the latest R&B music; it’s a great way to relieve stress, exercise and most of all, have fun!
For more informati on on East Suff olk Recreati on Center Fitness Programs, contact Melissa Crook at 757-514-4504 or mcrook@suff olkva.us
COMMIT Dance Fitness Class
Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays all year round Time: 6:30 - 7:30 PM Locati on: East Suff olk Recreati on Center Ages: 17+ Cost: $20 for 6 weeks (12 classes) This class creates community through music, dance and fi tness. While listening to a variety of hits, you will dance to choreographed routi nes, learn, and more!
Core Blast
Dates: September 9 - December 16 Days: Mondays and Fridays Time: 10:00 - 10:30 AM Locati on: East Suff olk Recreati on Center Ages: 17+ Cost: Free with membership A variety of exercises will be uti lized such as calisthenics, isometrics, strength and endurance exercises.
Kidz in Moti on
Dates: November 28 - December 21 Days: Mondays and Wednesdays Time: 5:30 - 6:30 PM Locati on: Facebook LIVE Ages: 7-15 This class will include fundamentals of exercise as well as an introducti on to exercise equipment.