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Revenue and Expense Summary

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Law Library Fund

Law Library Fund

Revenue Type


Real Property Public Service Corporation Taxes Personal Property Penalties and Interest on Taxes

Total General Property Taxes


Sales and Use Tax Communications Sales Tax Utility Taxes ( Electric / Gas) Business License Tax Motor Vehicle License Tax / Fee Bank Stock Tax Recordation & Probate Tax Tobacco Tax Admissions Tax Lodging Tax Meals Tax

Total Other Local Taxes



Animal License Land Use Application Fee Land Transfer Fee Zoning, Use and Ordinance Fee Building Permits Weapons Permits Borrow Pit Fees Fishing Permits Miscellaneous Permits

Total Permits, Privilege Fees, and Regulatory Licenses


General District Court Fines Parking Fines and Violation Fees False Alarm Violation Fees

Total Fines & Forfeitures


Interest on Investments Interest on Bond Proceeds Municipal Center Building Rent Park Facility Use Fees Recreational Building Rental Antenna Space Rental Vending Machine Commission Other Rentals

Total Revenue from Use of Money and Property

GENERAL FUND Revenue Summary

Budget 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022 2022-2023 %

Actual Actual Budget Projected Recommended Change

$ 107,935,979 $ 111,770,586 $ 117,869,846 $ 120,864,206 $ 134,267,755 14% 4,598,789 4,822,307 4,800,000 4,842,247 4,800,000 0% 26,018,535 26,278,166 26,000,000 27,439,091 29,000,000 12% 1,428,885 1,546,895 1,300,000 1,619,346 1,600,000 23%

$ 139,982,189 $ 144,417,955 $ 149,969,846 $ 154,764,890 $ 169,667,755 13%

12,626,601 15,618,307 13,500,000 15,618,307 15,500,000 15% 2,890,793 2,627,477 2,300,000 2,507,137 2,300,000 0% 4,755,918 4,864,689 4,700,000 4,852,127 4,700,000 0% 8,412,262 9,212,742 7,500,000 9,212,742 9,300,000 24% 2,624,213 2,682,701 2,500,000 2,682,701 2,500,000 0% 582,250 706,211 706,203 706,203 706,203 0% 2,513,189 2,448,497 2,200,000 2,224,020 2,200,000 0% 1,920,427 2,028,076 1,900,000 1,769,375 1,600,000 -16% 191,456 6,013 - 89,150 75,000 1,470,419 1,657,435 1,400,000 1,657,435 1,600,000 14% 10,723,032 11,239,883 11,000,000 13,747,948 13,500,000 23%

$ 48,710,560 $ 53,092,028 $ 47,706,203 $ 55,067,145 $ 53,981,203 13% $ 188,692,748 $ 197,509,983 $ 197,676,049 $ 209,832,035 $ 223,648,958 13%

27,713 29,279 35,000 21,201 30,000 -14% 13,090 15,339 15,000 15,000 15,000 0% 3,960 3,721 3,000 3,118 3,000 0% 287,280 360,772 300,000 312,961 300,000 0% 1,314,715 1,403,487 1,000,000 1,551,793 1,200,000 20% 74,048 77,273 70,000 56,359 70,000 0% 65,715 201,321 65,000 120,206 65,000 0% 830 1,955 1,300 1,300 1,300 0% 1,370 1,010 1,400 1,400 1,400 0%

$ 1,788,722 $ 2,094,158 $ 1,490,700 $ 2,083,338 $ 1,685,700 13%

466,986 373,637 500,000 373,637 375,000 -25% 137,700 162,638 140,000 110,596 140,000 0% 175,620 164,052 170,000 170,000 170,000 0%

$ 780,306 $ 700,327 $ 810,000 $ 654,233 $ 685,000 -15%

1,510,441 325,243 400,000 146,059 250,000 -38% 856,822 111,577 400,000 129,514 250,000 -38% 217,471 215,468 217,471 215,468 193,538 -11% 7,563 17,152 20,000 20,000 20,000 0% 58,959 67,926 100,000 104,485 100,000 0% 34,560 34,560 34,560 34,560 34,560 0% 16,536 6,171 - 7,798 - 4,675 4,675 4,675 4,675 4,675 0%

$ 2,707,027 $ 782,774 $ 1,176,706 $ 662,559 $ 852,773 -28%

Revenue Type


Excess Fees - Circuit Court Clerk Sheriff's Fees (Serving Court Papers) Court Appointed Attorney Fees Court Security Fee Commonwealth Attorney's Fees Police Fire & Rescue EMS Fee Animal Control Fees Recreation & Special Event Fees Library Fines and Charges Tourism Special Event Fees Charges for Planning & Community Development Sale of Service - Capital Projects Administration Sale of Service - Road Maintenance (Police Weights & Measures) Sale of Service - Road Maintenance Fund (Landscape by P&R) Grave Openings

Total Charges for Services


SRHA - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Sale of Salvage/Surplus Property Sale of Real Estate Delinquent Tax Collection Fee Miscellaneous Revenue Sales - Tourism

Total Miscellaneous Revenue


Reimbursement - Other Localities Reimbursement - School Board Reimbursement - Community Service Board Reimbursement - Extradition of Prisoners Reimbursement - Jury Duty Compensation

Total Recovered Costs



Mobile Home Titling Tax Tax on Deeds - Grantors Tax Rolling Stock Tax Police House Bill 599 Personal Property Tax Relief Vehicle Rental Tax Games of Skill

Total Non-Categorical Aid

GENERAL FUND Revenue Summary

Budget 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022 2022-2023 %

Actual Actual Budget Projected Recommended Change

125,645 183,562 100,000 146,576 100,000 0% 5,787 5,787 5,787 5,787 5,787 0% 16,421 12,771 18,000 18,000 18,000 0% 83,364 69,965 120,000 120,000 120,000 0% 9,385 7,376 10,000 10,000 10,000 0% 32,895 29,804 35,000 35,000 35,000 0% 22,719 13,208 15,000 15,000 15,000 0% 2,217,298 2,278,614 2,212,266 2,212,266 2,545,826 15% 39,995 15,987 50,000 50,000 50,000 0% 614,444 212,226 600,000 600,000 600,000 0% 17,446 1,551 20,000 11,241 15,000 -25% 14,196 4,184 26,100 4,627 26,100 0% 74 - 50 50 50 0% 38,148 29,024 55,000 55,000 55,000 0% 117,024 139,058 115,000 115,000 115,000 0% 3,135 3,475 7,500 7,500 7,500 0% 81,050 66,760 75,000 113,753 100,000 33%

$ 3,439,025 $ 3,073,351 $ 3,464,703 $ 3,519,800 $ 3,818,263 10%

- - 3,000

- 3,000 0% 382 33 1,000 1,195 1,000 0% 11,199 21,348 10,000 15,732 15,000 50% 700,129 571,287 700,000 436,320 500,000 -29% 1,623,061 (275,265) - (246,772) - #DIV/0! 8,057 5,339 7,000 10,327 10,000 43%

$ 2,342,828 $ 322,742 $ 721,000 $ 216,802 $ 529,000 -27%

111,992 106,578 100,000 100,000 100,000 0% 284,120 187,881 435,394 435,394 507,258 17% 249,569 186,995 100,000 127,771 100,000 0% 20,100 44,716 - 20,766 - 240 90 500 500 500 0%

$ 666,022 $ 526,259 $ 635,894 $ 684,431 $ 707,758 11% $ 11,723,929 $ 7,499,611 $ 8,299,003 $ 7,821,163 $ 8,278,493 0%

22,364 22,568 25,000 25,000 25,000 0% 515,958 559,903 450,000 461,275 450,000 0% 125,561 125,252 125,000 127,143 125,000 0% 3,074,828 3,194,514 3,200,896 3,200,896 3,200,896 0% 10,169,730 10,169,730 10,169,730 10,169,730 10,169,730 0% 186,349 248,102 175,000 247,566 175,000 0% - 210,384 - 18,000 - -

$ 14,094,789 $ 14,530,452 $ 14,145,626 $ 14,249,610 $ 14,145,626 0%

Revenue Type


Commonwealth Attorney Sheriff Commissioner of the Revenue Treasurer Registrar Circuit Court Clerk

Total Shared Expenses


Asset Forfeiture Funds Jurors' Fees Courthouse Maintenance Fees Public Assistance Grants Comprehensive Services Act Property Seizure Program - Police Wireless E911 Grant Miscellaneous Grants Four for Life Grant - EMS Fire Programs Fund Library Aid

Total Categorical Aid



Property Seizure Program - Police Public Safety DEA Overtime Public Assistance Grants Refuge Revenue Sharing (Dismal Swamp)


FUND TRANSFERS Transfer from Fund Balance

Indirect Cost Return: Transfer from Road Maintenance Fund Transfer from Transit Transfer from Aviation Fund Transfer from Utility Fund Transfer from Stormwater Fund Transfer from Refuse Fund Transfer from Fleet Management Fund Transfer from Information Technology Fund Transfer from Risk Management Fund


Budget 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022 2022-2023 %

Actual Actual Budget Projected Recommended Change

982,206 1,166,794 1,125,098 1,125,098 1,125,098 0% 902,739 1,082,432 1,041,253 1,105,843 1,041,253 0% 172,010 208,582 229,865 229,865 229,865 0% 198,441 243,171 269,531 269,531 269,531 0% 114,417 66,083 51,702 51,702 49,916 -3% 511,466 588,025 554,471 564,941 554,471 0%

$ 2,881,278 $ 3,355,088 $ 3,271,920 $ 3,346,980 $ 3,270,134 0%

17,230 3,176 - 720

- 12,420 7,260 10,000 6,120 10,000 0% 33,067 26,391 40,000 26,391 30,000 -25% 2,243,904 2,378,027 2,750,141 2,750,141 2,807,378 2% 1,354,819 1,768,709 1,629,899 1,629,899 1,698,165 4% 44,627 6,860 - 2,159 - 391,057 406,575 350,000 406,575 400,000 14% 80 113 - 377 - 88,573 87,147 88,573 88,573 87,147 -2% 308,072 322,355 322,355 342,357 342,357 6% 169,694 185,669 174,914 185,043 184,160 5%

$ 4,663,542 $ 5,192,282 $ 5,365,882 $ 5,438,355 $ 5,559,207 4% $ 21,639,609 $ 23,077,822 $ 22,783,428 $ 23,034,945 $ 22,974,966 1%

3,982 19,381 - 5,025 - -

26,168 12,867 - -

- 5,385,394 5,228,204 5,107,404 5,107,404 5,213,702 2% 19,373 20,443 20,000 20,000 20,000 0%

$ 5,434,916 $ 5,280,895 $ 5,127,404 $ 5,132,429 $ 5,233,702 2%

- - 1,000,000 - - -100%

802,494 763,402 714,960 714,960 563,241 -21% 6,194 20,878 95,589 95,589 219,659 130% 49,554 64,544 89,329 89,329 100,135 12% 544,139 786,812 808,685 808,685 737,020 -9% 421,959 283,251 279,372 279,372 335,756 20% 293,539 267,451 302,897 302,897 244,397 -19% 329,236 380,140 280,676 280,676 263,842 -6% 204,476 289,637 290,789 290,789 351,128 21% 44,339 51,336 68,350 68,350 99,896 46%

$ 2,695,930 $ 2,907,451 $ 3,930,647 $ 2,930,647 $ 2,915,074 -26% $ 230,187,133 $ 236,275,762 $ 237,816,531 $ 248,751,218 $ 263,051,194 10.6%

GENERAL FUND Expenditure Summary

Budget 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022 % 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %

Actual Actual Budget Exp To Dec Exp Request Incr Recommended Change


City Council City Manager Budget & Strategic Planning City Attorney Human Resources Commissioner of the Revenue Assessor Treasurer Finance Purchasing Registrar

Total General Government


$ 416,591 $ 390,895 $ 533,303 $ 216,664 41% $ 575,031 8% $ 603,229 13% 1,045,939 1,154,475 1,188,483 557,918 47% 1,201,153 1% 1,344,734 13% 350,677 355,658 371,289 180,496 49% 375,089 1% 401,826 8% 1,130,275 1,233,667 1,215,582 607,310 50% 1,328,432 9% 1,323,626 9% 911,738 1,035,817 1,403,659 707,034 50% 1,808,031 29% 1,794,834 28% 1,096,734 1,088,603 1,208,108 582,959 48% 1,208,108 0% 1,339,245 11% 1,717,395 1,642,929 2,047,026 844,979 41% 2,058,986 1% 2,298,704 12% 1,610,700 1,601,832 1,756,182 863,977 49% 1,820,771 4% 1,928,269 10% 1,491,931 1,586,850 1,736,055 738,698 43% 1,748,918 1% 1,968,307 13% 320,148 335,955 360,212 182,620 51% 361,978 0% 394,220 9% 568,747 684,259 779,263 365,230 47% 909,768 17% 985,366 26%

$ 10,660,875 $ 11,110,940 $ 12,599,163 $ 5,847,885 46% $ 13,396,265 6% $ 14,382,359 14%

Circuit Court Judges General District Court Magistrate's Office Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court Court Services Unit Clerk of the Circuit Court Sheriff Commonwealth's Attorney

Total Judicial


210,355 212,189 222,334 108,479 49% 222,334 0% 228,452 3% 60,369 61,670 93,585 11,999 13% 120,085 28% 98,585 5% 14,775 15,561 18,061 6,266 35% 19,761 9% 19,561 8% 10,852 11,726 17,560 7,135 41% 20,560 17% 20,160 15% 965,119 1,076,349 973,435 281,651 29% 973,885 0% 973,885 0% 1,620,656 1,650,249 1,731,809 760,401 44% 1,780,869 3% 1,921,006 11% 2,965,715 3,027,593 3,325,633 1,679,553 51% 3,582,922 8% 3,590,692 8% 3,390,747 3,454,670 3,619,483 1,704,321 47% 3,619,484 0% 3,811,304 5%

$ 9,238,589 $ 9,510,008 $ 10,001,900 $ 4,559,806 46% $ 10,339,900 3% $ 10,663,646 7%

Police Police - Emergency Communications Animal Shelter Management Fire and Rescue Fire and Rescue - Emergency Management Western Tidewater Regional Jail

Total Public Safety


23,949,860 23,966,662 27,609,540 12,605,595 46% 28,112,722 2% 30,670,770 11% 1,825,246 1,817,971 2,094,905 790,449 38% 2,299,380 10% 2,385,694 14% 891,313 827,345 995,111 371,568 37% 1,075,323 8% 1,114,283 12% 33,415,702 32,451,971 35,229,936 16,044,073 46% 36,889,125 5% 42,555,825 21% 6,969 7,957 18,267 3,984 22% 21,267 16% 14,867 -19% 4,297,658 4,492,631 4,492,631 2,246,316 50% 4,644,332 3% 4,644,332 3%

$ 64,386,748 $ 63,564,537 $ 70,440,390 $ 32,061,985 46% $ 73,042,149 4% $ 81,385,772 16%

Public Works - Administration Capital Programs & Facilities

Total Public Works

905,883 1,046,582 1,082,753 509,951 47% 1,176,216 9% 1,235,170 14% 4,107,761 4,090,052 4,502,534 2,145,912 48% 4,667,534 4% 5,070,870 13%

$ 5,013,643 $ 5,136,634 $ 5,585,287 $ 2,655,863 48% $ 5,843,750 5% $ 6,306,040 13%

GENERAL FUND Expenditure Summary

Budget 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022 % 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %

Actual Actual Budget Exp To Dec Exp Request Incr Recommended Change


Social Services Children's Services Act Western Tidewater Health District Western Tidewater Community Service Board

Total Health & Welfare


11,115,294 10,774,157 12,058,083 4,903,167 41% 12,335,211 2% 12,888,052 7% 2,352,353 2,519,254 2,512,554 714,215 28% 2,612,562 4% 2,625,748 5% 895,655 920,000 1,095,655 547,828 50% 1,189,651 9% 1,189,651 9% 307,330 363,021 474,404 237,202 50% 651,931 37% 550,000 16%

$ 14,670,632 $ 14,576,431 $ 16,140,696 $ 6,402,412 40% $ 16,789,355 4% $ 17,253,451 7%

Transfer to School Operating - Local Support 58,106,679 65,526,746 65,775,180 26,354,370 40% 67,775,180 3% 67,775,180 3%

Total Education $ 58,106,679 $ 65,526,746 $ 65,775,180 $ 26,354,370 40% $ 67,775,180 3% $ 67,775,180 3%


Parks and Recreation - Administration 2,666,361 2,660,068 2,831,249 1,287,097 45% 3,013,804 6% 3,435,463 21% Parks and Recreation - Parks, Gateways & Maintenance 2,939,121 2,753,793 3,329,473 1,428,265 43% 3,547,268 7% 3,670,963 10% Parks and Recreation - Recreation 2,221,082 2,068,246 2,954,337 1,004,680 34% 3,348,048 13% 3,650,777 24% Library 3,309,874 3,248,723 3,671,591 1,722,839 47% 4,059,958 11% 4,002,167 9%

Total Parks, Recreation & Cultural $ 11,136,438 $ 10,730,830 $ 12,786,651 $ 5,442,880 43% $ 13,969,078 9% $ 14,759,370 15%


Planning and Community Development Economic Development Tourism Media and Community Relations Virginia Cooperative Extension Service

Total Community Development


Local and Regional Organizations

Total Other Public Services


3,908,282 3,717,606 4,889,188 1,909,318 39% 5,102,199 4% 5,362,191 10% 925,108 1,286,945 1,139,447 544,859 48% 1,142,647 0% 1,096,599 -4% 647,376 712,904 761,317 358,307 47% 822,230 8% 819,608 8% 755,247 922,431 800,156 508,329 64% 806,375 1% 824,071 3% 36,211 50,850 69,688 9,967 14% 76,799 10% 76,799 10%

$ 6,272,224 $ 6,690,737 $ 7,659,796 $ 3,330,779 43% $ 7,950,250 4% $ 8,179,268 7%

1,068,747 1,255,321 1,231,512 688,873 56% 3,053,861 148% 2,299,544 87%

$ 1,068,747 $ 1,255,321 $ 1,231,512 $ 688,873 56% $ 3,053,861 148% $ 2,299,544 87%

Non-departmental 594,986 759,119 710,000 393,358 55% 1,236,500 74% 1,236,500 74% Transfer to Funds (Capital, Debt, Transit, Aviation) 32,139,012 35,572,236 34,885,957 13,945,475 40% 36,522,063 5% 38,810,064 11%

Total Non-departmental $ 32,733,998 $ 36,331,354 $ 35,595,957 $ 14,338,833 40% $ 37,758,563 6% $ 40,046,564 13%

Total General Fund Expenditures $ 213,288,575 $ 224,433,538 $ 237,816,531 $ 101,683,684 43% $ 249,918,351 5% $ 263,051,194 10.6%

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