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Fleet Management Fund

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School Fund


The Division of Fleet Management is operated as an internal service fund for the purpose of providing equipment and vehicles to City departments. The Division also houses a portion of the school transportation personnel and supplies them with controlled inventory and computerized maintenance records.


Civic Engagement & Responsive City Services

Maintain a strong replacement program to ensure fleet customers have safe and proper equipment and lower the expense of repairing an aging fleet. Utilize municipal and state contracts available to purchase City assets at the best possible price. Provide accurate billing to all departments supported.

PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 Actual Projected Estimated

Number of work orders received

4,676 7,000 7,000 Average work order completion time 8.8 days 7.0 days 7.0 days Percent of time fleet is available for users 89% 90% 90% Parts Inventory Turn Rate 3.55 4.70 4.70 Immediate Parts Fill Rate 87% 85% 85%

Interest on Investments Sale of Service - Interfund Revenue Sale of Service - Intergovernmental Revenue Sale of Surplus Property Miscellaneous Transfer from General Fund Transfer from Risk Management Fund Balance

Total Revenue

Actual Actual Budget YTD to Dec Requested Chng Recommended Chng

$ 200,755 $ 48,724 $ - $ - - $ - - $ - 9,261,519 9,330,015 11,013,483 4,896,986 44% 11,512,002 5% 11,515,919 5% 632,463 535,596 872,961 291,925 33% 928,900 6% 934,500 7% 117,539 103,396 - 128,599 - - - - -

647 - - - - - - - -

38,216 98,072 2,063,405 28,792 - - - - -

- - - -

- - 0% 3,869,000 88% 2,704,579 31%

$ 10,212,923 $ 10,154,018 $ 13,949,849 $ 5,346,302 38% $ 16,309,902 17% $ 15,154,998 9%

Expenditure Summary

2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %

Actual Actual Budget YTD to Dec Requested Chng Recommended Chng

Fleet Management $ 10,589,690 $ 10,697,237 $ 13,949,849 $ 3,255,187 23% $ 16,309,902 17% $ 15,154,998 9%

Total Expenditures $ 10,589,690 $ 10,697,237 $ 13,949,849 $ 3,255,187 23% $ 16,309,902 17% $ 15,154,998 9%

Sale of Service - Intergovernmental Revenue - includes Fleet service to WTCSB, Health Dept., WTRJ, School Transportation, VRT.

Account Number: 601-125202019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022 % 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %

Actual Actual Budget Exp to Dec Exp Requested Chng Recommended Chng

51100.02 Salaries and Wages 51100.04 Salaries and Wages - Overtime 52100 FICA $ 897,526 $ 1,059,543 $ 1,091,732 $ 545,808 50% $ 1,091,732 0% $ 1,160,637 6% 17,481 16,067 27,050 7,746 29% 27,050 0% 27,050 0%

67,127 79,853 85,587 41,140 48% 85,587 0% 90,858 6%

52210 VRS Retirement 902

52400 Group Life

13,035 53000.16 Purchased Services - Refuse Collection 1,417 (1,203) 135,448 67,664 50% 136,139 1% 160,187 18% 13,760 14,629 7,510 51% 14,629 0% 15,553 6% 1,445 1,854 765 41% 1,854 0% 1,854 0%

53300 Repairs and Maintenance 53320 Maintenance Service Contracts 54100 Information Technology 54500 Risk Management 55100 Utilities 55210 Postal Services 52,226 2,354

58,489 40,200 22,185 55% 40,200 0% 40,200 0% 1,962 3,000 1,177 39% 3,000 0% 3,000 0% 108,055 116,274 134,638 67,717 50% 134,638 0% 154,744 15% 560,429 534,566 590,147 295,073 50% 590,147 0% 645,992 9% 29,592 26,979 41,000 9,199 22% 41,000 0% 41,000 0%

34 47 150 0 0% 150 0% 150 0%

55230 Telecommunications 1,758 1,704 3,883 899 23% 3,883 0% 4,843 25%

55310 Employer HDHP Expense 55410 Lease/Rent of Equipment 55500 Travel and Training 55810 Dues and Association Memberships 4,250 33,288 6,416 1,358 - - - - - -

- 41,127 41,161 20,563 50% 41,161 0% 41,161 0% 2,538 6,000 762 13% 6,000 0% 6,000 0%

955 1,500

908 61% 1,500 0% 1,500 0% 56001 Office Supplies 1,549 1,393 4,500 362 8% 4,500 0% 4,500 0% 56007.04 Vehicle & Power Equipment Fuels 1,249,147 1,188,510 1,588,750 736,346 46% 2,108,000 33% 2,108,000 33% 56007.06 Vehicle & Power Equipment Supplies 2,241,126 2,443,016 2,525,000 1,174,510 47% 2,600,000 3% 2,600,000 3% 56011 Uniforms & Wearing Apparel 4,727 5,119 12,250 3,616 30% 13,760 12% 12,250 0% 56014 Other Operating Supplies 56,306 46,502 73,000 13,738 19% 73,000 0% 73,000 0% 56017 Copier Costs 7,890 5,166 11,165 2,544 23% 11,165 0% 11,165 0% 91400-55305 Employer Pension Expense 161,900 264,627 - - - - - - 91400-55306 OPEB Expense 37,085 35,371 - - - - - - 91400-55307 OPEB Expense - VRS Plans (5,336) 3,192 - - - - - - 91400-59902 Contingency - - 618 - 0% 618 0% - -100% 95100-59120 Interest 47,312 9,459 89,250 44,625 50% 89,250 0% 25,250 -72% 93000-50000.165 Transfer to GF - Indirect Cost 329,236 380,140 280,676 140,338 50% 280,676 0% 263,842 -6% 93000-50000.310 Transfer to Capital 125,000 - - - - - - - -

Total Operating Expenses

$ 6,053,190 $ 6,336,601 $ 6,803,188 $ 3,205,197 47% $ 7,399,639 9% $ 7,492,735 10%

Expenses Related to Asset Acquisition

58200 Capital Outlay 58211 Depreciation 58225 Loss (Gain) on Disposition of Assets 9,696

(5,130) 2,063,405 49,990 2% 3,869,000 88% 2,621,000 27% 4,526,804 4,363,366 5,083,256 - 0% 5,041,263 -1% 5,041,263 -1%

- 2,400 - - - - - - -

Total Annual Budget

$ 10,589,690 $ 10,697,237 $ 13,949,849 $ 3,255,187 23% $ 16,309,902 17% $ 15,154,998 9%

55410 - Lease of Equipment: Generator

Personnel Summary

Range Class 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 Actual Actual Budget

221 Fleet & Equipment Services Manager

1 216 Fleet & Equipment Services Assistant Manager 1 212 Mechanic Supervisor 1

211 Lead Mechanic 2

206/208/210 Mechanic I-III 207 Stock Room Supervisor 205 Accounting Associate I 203 Office Assistant 202 Stock Room Clerk 11 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 11 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 11 1 1 1 2


2022-2023 Requested Recommended

1 1 1 2 11 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 11 1 1 1 2

Number of Full-Time Positions

21 21 21 21 21

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