VOLUME 8, ISSUE 10 | JUNE 11, 2020
City Hall Hours City Hall is currently open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Many staff continue to work remotely, with procedures implemented in response to COVID-19. Updates and resources are available at cityofvallejo.net/nCOV.
Face Masks Required The City’s number one priority is to protect the health and safety of our community members and staff during this pandemic. In response to multiple emails, phone calls, and social media post responses from concerned community members and business owners, the City Council passed an Emergency Order requiring the use of face masks in public spaces in a unanimous vote. The Emergency Order states “Each person over the age of five years old shall wear a mask or cloth face covering which covers both mouth and nose (“Face Mask”) at all times when in an enclosed space open to members of the public…”
Vallejo Fire Department Responds to Two Alarm Fire
On Monday afternoon, June 8, the Vallejo Fire Department responded to a two alarm vegetation fire on the north end of Mare Island, directly west of the Alco Iron & Metal facility. The fire proved difficult to access and posed a threat to the recycling facility. Crews utilized chainsaws and hand tools to access the area of the fire before aggressively encircling the fire to prevent any further spread. The fire was contained to roughly 1 ½ acres in size and no measurable damage occurred to the recycling facility or any other adjacent properties. Earlier this year, the Vallejo Fire Department received two new Type I fire engines as well as two smaller wildland fire engines. All of these newer apparatus have seen significant action since they were put in to service.
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Progress at Mare Island Preserve
Their hard work included hauling truckloads of trash and debris, along with recycling scrap steel at Alco Iron & Metal. Over a threeday period, staff mowed the area; 20 acres of firebreaks were cut around buildings, structures and roadside shoulders. Contracted staff removed 22 stumps located in the cemetery, and hazardous trees were removed from the tennis court, back to the main entrance gate along the roadside ridge. Temporary fencing was put up to restrict access to the landing area on three of the buildings. Staff also repurposed ten-foot Eucalyptus logs to delineate borders around the parking lot. Additionally, the traffic division set poles to restrict vehicles from further accessing the Preserve, as well as put up signage for the public.
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The Public Works Department worked diligently to prepare the Mare Island Preserve to reopen to the public, and as of May 29, is now open and accessible to the public Friday through Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Zoning Code Update On May 12, 2020, staff presented to the City Council an update on key City Council Goals and Priorities to complete the new Zoning Code, including the public review process. The goals of the new Zoning Code are to: 1. Make investing in Vallejo easier through a clear expression of Vallejo’s vision and expectations for development in various areas of the city as provided in the adopted General Plan 2040, Housing Element, and Sonoma Boulevard Specific Plan. 2. Provide a code that is clear, approachable, flexible, modern and easy to use. 3. Develop a code that represents best practices and up to date approaches. 4. Remove obstacles to development that will improve the City’s image as a good place to live and do business. 5. Provide design standards and remove obstacles to high-quality development such as unnecessary or inefficient procedures. Staff presented the objectives of the new Code to provide a flexible code for infill development, housing creation, and job creation.
Additional information is available at propelvallejo.com.
Fairview at Northgate Project Update The City Council has unanimously approved the Fairview at Northgate project located at the vacant 51-acre Cooke Property at Admiral Callaghan and Turner Parkway. This project includes the relocation of the existing Costco at 198 Plaza Drive to an expanded new facility of approximately 152,000 square feet, with a gas station serving 30 vehicles at a time. The project also includes a commercial center of 27,500 square feet, 178 single-family dwellings, 8.1 acres of public open space, widening of Admiral Callaghan to four lanes, and two new traffic signals. The project is expected to generate approximately $1.4 million in net City revenues per year and 92 permanent jobs, as well as construction jobs and secondary economic benefits to the surrounding area. The project will also transform a highly visible vacant property with a history of code enforcement issues into an attractive, master-planned development with public parks and trails. The project is anticipated to be completed in 2023. Additional information is available here. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT | VOLUME 8, ISSUE 10
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Free Reusable Mask Giveaway Event Links2Hope has partnered with Pull Up Neighbor to provide masks to the communities of Solano County to help protect and preserve public health, as well as slow the spread of COVID-19. The primary focus of Links2Hope is to diminish the impact of infectious diseases domestically and abroad, as well as underlying healthcare disparities that plague our communities, by providing educational outreach and protective equipment to medical professionals and the community at large.
Together, Links2Hope and PUN are partnering with the City of Vallejo and Solano Public Health to host a free reusable mask giveaway event in Vallejo on Friday, June 19th, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the Six Flags Discovery Kingdom upper parking lot (1001 Fairgrounds Drive). Special thank you to the following organizations for providing volunteers for the event:
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Family and Friends Corvette Club
The Robby Poblete Foundation
Soroptimist International of Vallejo
Vallejo Peace Project
Pull up Neighbor (PUN) is a community-based emergency response initiative that brings masks and supplies to under-served neighborhoods and community organizations with a grab-and-go model to ensure proper social distancing. They’ve had immense success in Compton and other under-served areas in southern California and across the country.
June is LGBTQ Pride Month On June 1, the Pride Flag was raised in front of City Hall for the duration of the month in celebration of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride Month. Mayor Bob Sampayan read a Proclamation “Recognizing LGBTQ Pride Month – June 2020” and presented it to Thomas Bilbo, Chair of the Solano Pride Center.
In gathering were also Councilmember Hakeem Brown and members of the Solano Pride Center. The raising of the flag can be viewed here.
Proclamation Recognizing National Nurses Month On June 4, Mayor Bob Sampayan presented a proclamation recognizing National Nurses Month to Kaiser Vallejo, Sutter Solano, and the Solano County Public Health Department. Vice Mayor Hermie Sunga accompanied the Mayor, and Nestor Aliga graciously requested and authored the proclamations.
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City of Vallejo and Department of Justice Partnership Following several months of coordination, the City of Vallejo approved an agreement on June 5, 2020, to collaborate with the California Department of Justice on modernizing and reforming the Vallejo Police Department (VPD). The agreement is in effect from June 9, 2020, through June 9, 2023. The City of Vallejo and the VPD welcome insights and assistance on how to have the best possible police department for our community. The VPD looks forward to collaborating with the DoJ regarding 21st Century Policing, an initiative aimed at increasing fairness and transparency throughout the criminal justice system. According to the agreement, the City of Vallejo will work together and share information with the DoJ. The DoJ will review recommendations by the OIR Group, an expert consulting group the City proactively hired in 2019 to conduct an independent assessment of VPD policies and practices. The DoJ will then offer any additional recommendations on best practices and assist and evaluate as the Department implements the recommendations.
Under Chief Williams’ leadership, the VPD has implemented a stronger body-worn camera policy, an improved de-escalation policy, and a program to regularly analyze use-of-force data. Additional initiatives to improve the relationship between the VPD and the community are listed on the Vallejo Unites webpage. If you have questions about this issue, please refer to the list of Frequently Asked Questions at vallejodojpartnership.org, or contact us directly with your questions or feedback by emailing vallejodojpartnership@cityofvallejo.net. The webpage will continue to be updated as additional information becomes available. View the California Department of Justice Agreement here.
Sign Up for Alert Solano In order to receive important messages during emergencies, the City of Vallejo urges local residents who live, work, play, or travel through Solano County to sign up for its emergency alert system. Alert Solano efficiently delivers messages and information during incidents and emergencies as they occur via email, cell phone, and/or text messaging.
To register for Alert Solano through the self-registration portal, click here. Page 7
The City has had a series of reform projects in process and stands ready to implement further recommendations from both the OIR Group and the California DoJ. On November 12, 2019, the City welcomed a new Chief of Police, Shawny Williams. Williams was selected following a robust recruitment and hiring process, which involved community-focused activities, including two community forums and an interview panel of community members.
Vallejo Fire Department Reminds Residents That Fireworks are Illegal in Vallejo Vallejo Fire and Police Departments are reminding residents that all fireworks are strictly prohibited within City limits, including the unincorporated areas. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, all public display of fireworks have been canceled at the City's Waterfront and Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Amusement Park. Vallejo Fire Department appreciates the community's support in ensuring the safety and protection of life and property by avoiding the purchase and use of illegal fireworks. Each year, dozens of unnecessary injuries and property loss occurs which are directly attributed to illegal fireworks. On July 4th, both Vallejo Police and Fire Department resources will conduct community patrols to educate residents remain safe and educated of the dangers associated with illegal fireworks. Your Police and Fire Departments thank you for your cooperation and support. From your City family, please enjoy a safe 4th of July celebration! For additional information, please contact the Fire Prevention Section during regular business hours at (707) 648-4565 or by emailing Vincent.Sproete@cityofvallejo.net.
City Landmark Designation for Bay Terrace Theater
On June 4, the Architectural Heritage and Landmarks Commission approved the City Landmark designation of the Bay Terrace Theater at 51 Daniels Avenue. The Bay Terrace Theater, which was built in 1919, originally served as the Bay Terrace School until approximately 1959 when it was deemed unfit as a school due to an earthquake. The building served as a U.S. Army Reserve armory and training center from 1959 until 1963. The Mira Theatre Guild, Vallejo’s longest operating theatrical group, purchased the building in 1963 and conducted renovations until at least 1967. On February 23, 1968, the Mira Theatre Guild held its first show in the building and has been in operation ever since.
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Applications for Boards and Commissions The City of Vallejo is requesting applications to serve on the City’s Boards and Commissions. Vallejo residents who are interested in serving on an advisory body are invited to submit an application and supplemental questionnaire for consideration. There are currently openings on the following Boards and Commissions: • Beautification Commission (2) • Design Review Board (2) • Housing & Community Development Commission (1) • Human Relations Commission (1) • McCune Collection Commission (2) • Planning Commission (2) • Participatory Budgeting Steering Committee (PBSC) (1)
*Vallejo Housing Authority Board – Tenant Commissioner (1)
In most instances, to be eligible for appointment, applicants must be residents of the City of Vallejo. Information regarding the duties of each board and commission, and specific criteria for appointment may be found within each application. With some exceptions, appointments are typically for a term of four years. Applications must be received no later than close of business on Friday, June 12. City Council interviews have tentatively been scheduled for Monday, June 15 and, Monday, June 22, if needed. Interviews will start as early as 5 p.m. Applicants must attend the interview in order to be considered for appointment. Application forms and supplemental questionnaires are accessible in several ways:
The City’s website, located on the City Clerk’s page under Boards and Commissions.
At City Hall, Office of the City Clerk, 555 Santa Clara Street, 3rd Floor, Vallejo, CA
By e-mail at dawn.abrahamson@cityofvallejo.net, or by phone at (707) 648-4527
By Mail: City of Vallejo C/O City Clerk PO Box 3068 Vallejo, CA 94590
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*Applicants for the Vallejo Housing Authority Board of Commissioners must be a participant in the HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher Program at the time of application. In accordance with Health & Safety Code Section 34272(a), tenant commissions shall be appointed for a term of two years.
COVID-19 Business Recovery Plan The City of Vallejo recognizes the real need for our community to re-open for business. The City recognizes the need for physical and economic health and wants to support its residents and businesses with these recommendations to keep us safe and healthy. City of Vallejo staff will continue to provide on-site and online support to businesses and residents until we resume to full time in-person, regular business hours.
This document contains recommendations which are not necessarily regulatory, unless specifically required by a local, County, State or Federal agency. The City of Vallejo is closely monitoring government policy changes, Center of Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, government mandates, and Public Health directives. The City will continue to adjust as necessary or appropriate to these recommended procedures and work to support businesses and residents during this difficult time. Click here to view the Recovery Plan.
Outdoor Dining Permits As the State allows counties to move deeper into Phase 2 of reopening, the City of Vallejo realizes that some restaurants and cafes may not be able to meet the social distancing requirements for indoor dining, which could hinder their operations and reopening efforts. Outdoor seating could provide a solution. To assist our restaurants and cafes, we have streamlined the permitting process to allow outdoor dining, with specific requirements, at no cost to restaurants, for the first six months. Outdoor seating areas may be located:
On public or private sidewalks in front of a restaurant or cafe (with a 4-foot clearance for pedestrians)
Within a parklet (utilizing 1-4 parking spaces onstreet)
Within a public or private parking lot in front of the restaurant or café
To learn more, or to apply for an outdoor dining permit, click here. Questions may be directed to Annette Taylor, Senior Community Development Analyst via email at annette.taylor@cityofvallejo.net or by phone at (707) 649-3510. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT | VOLUME 8, ISSUE 10
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Throughout California, wildfires will continue to be fueled by a build-up of seasonal dry vegetation driven by extreme dry conditions and local strong winds, making brush fuels extremely dangerous and challenging for firefighters. The Vallejo Fire Department stands ready to quickly respond and contain wildfires, but we can't do this without your cooperation. The "Ready! Set! Go!" brochure is intended to provide valuable information on being prepared in the event of an immediate evacuation order due to an emergency like a brush fire. The "Defensible Space" brochure provides critical information on proper protecting your family and property associated with the threat of wildland fires.Both brochures (below) can be downloaded and referred to for preplanning and preparation. Please take the time to learn how to create and maintain a defensible space around your property and how to harden your home against flying embers. You play the most important role in protecting your family and home in the event of wildland fires evacuations and other significant emergencies. Prepare yourself by taking the necessary steps to give you, your family, and property the best chance of surviving a devastating wildfire.
COVID-19 Testing Get free testing for COVID-19, even if you have no symptoms.
The OptumServe community testing sites are available to anyone, including agricultural workers, undocumented individuals, residents, and homeless individuals. Testing is free, and you will receive test results within 2-5 days. Schedule your appointment today at lhi.care/covidtesting. For those without internet access, call (888) 634-1123. Questions? For more information: Visit solanocounty.com/COVID19 Call the COVID-19 Warmline at (707) 784-8988 Email COVID19@SolanoCounty.com Page 11
Wildland Safety
SolTrans Releases Upcoming Policy and Service Changes On Monday, June 15 SolTrans will require all riders to wear a face cover- either a mask, a scarf, or other covering- while boarding and riding the bus. This requirement does not apply to children under the age of 5 or to individuals who are unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition or disability. Bus Operators will have masks on hand during the enforcement transition, for those unable to supply their own. SolTrans will also start to enforce fare collection on all local, SolanoExpress and Paratransit services on June 15. Riders are asked to board the bus at the front doors and exit from the rear doors on the local buses. Front door boarding and departing will be available for those who need ramp assistance. SolTrans strongly recommends using cash free fare options like Clipper and the Token Transit App. Single rides and Day Passes can still be purchased on the bus. All other passes should be purchased at the Vallejo Transit Center Ticket Office or on the cash free options. To help transition riders to cash free fare all passes on the Token Transit App will be 50% off through the month of August.
Riders are asked to continue following social distancing guidelines and remain six feet apart when waiting for or riding the bus, and not to travel when feeling ill or having any COVID-19 related symptoms. Operators may deny boarding or enforce capacity restrictions to safeguard the health of our operators and other riders. Partial restoration of SolanoExpress service will begin for the Red and Yellow lines, operated by SolTrans, on July 5, and for the Green and Blue lines, operated by FAST, on July 6. The recommended schedule changes can be found at solanoexpress.com. Red Line service to the Solano Town Center shopping mall will be eliminated. Those needing to get to Solano Town Center will need to transfer at the Fairfield Transportation Center to FAST local routes. Minor adjustments were made to weekend service. Final schedules are posted on the SolTrans webpage . Staff will continue to monitor the travel patterns and needs of SolTrans riders.
Rider feedback is encouraged for future service adjustments and may be submitted by filling out the "Leave a Comment Form" on the SolTrans website, SolTrans.org and checking the "Route Planning" topic.
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Solano County Library Plans Phased Reopening Solano County Library is preparing for a phased reopening of its library branches, which have been closed since March 16 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Below are the important dates related to the resuming of in-person services. These dates are subject to change:
Monday, June 15: Solano County Library will begin reopening with its three large branches: the Fairfield Civic Center Library, Vallejo’s John F. Kennedy Library, and Vacaville Public Library-Cultural Center.
Monday, June 29: The Dixon Public Library and Rio Vista Library will reopen.
Monday, July 13: The following branches will reopen: Fairfield Cordelia Library, Suisun City Library, and Vacaville Public Library- Town Square.
Monday, July 27: The Springstowne Library is scheduled to reopen for in -person services.
The Law Library reopening is yet to be determined; it will be based on the reopening of the county courts.
In-person programs or the use of meeting rooms will remain suspended at this time. However, digital programs will continue to be added to the Library’s Facebook and YouTube accounts. Digital resources such as eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and music are always available through the Library’s website 24/7 through services like OverDrive, RBdigital and Hoopla. Solano County Library is also taking these additional measures to ensure the safety of patrons and staff: Face coverings are strongly recommended for staff and public. Per the Solano County Public Health Officer, patrons will be required to wear face coverings at the Springstowne Library and Law Library because of social distancing constraints. Plexiglas sneeze guards have been installed at all service desks. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be available at service desks. Returned materials are quarantined for 72 hours before they are checked in and shelved. To learn more about the updates, visit the Solano County Library’s website.
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Solano County Library branches will be open to the public by appointment only between 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday. Branches will be closed Saturday and Sunday. To best serve the community during this time, the Library has designated 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. as seniors-only hour. All patrons must call 1-866-572-7587 to schedule an appointment. This service includes materials check out and computer use; one hour is allowed per visit. The Literacy Program office will also be open for appointments and phone calls. Curbside service will continue to be provided for those who prefer picking up their materials outside of the library.
Solano Race Place at Solano County Fairgrounds Now Open The Solano Race Place at the Solano County Fairgrounds is now open after having closed in March 2020 due to health and safety restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fairgrounds staff has worked diligently and undergone special training to ensure that operations conform to the requirements for low risk activities as defined in the “Solano County Social Distancing Protocol” which was updated on May 5, 2020. The Solano Race Place will be open on Fridays through Sundays, with additional select days based on the broader simulcast racing calendar.
“We are pleased to be able to open the Solano Race Place in advance of the Belmont Stakes, which takes place on June 20,” stated SCFA Executive Director & CEO, Mike Ioakimedes. “Although the Belmont Stakes is not typically the first race of the Triple Crown series, this year it replaces the Kentucky Derby in that role due to the disrupted schedule of horse racing across the globe. We welcome patrons to once again start enjoying all the fun that the Race Place has to offer and build up to the excitement of the Belmont Stakes happening in a couple of weekends.” The following is a partial list of the physical and operational changes at the Solano Race Place enacted to ensure social distancing and health protections.
Installation of plexiglass shielding at the security station and parimutuel betting windows.
Removal of multiple chairs and stools to limit the proximity of seating positions.
Disabling half of the betting machines and betting windows to provide social distancing.
Clearly marked, six-foot spacing for seating and queues for admissions, ATM and betting stations.
Limiting capacity to 50 patrons at any given time.
Posting of signage inside and outside of the facility regarding social distancing and hygiene guidelines for both patrons and employees.
Installation of multiple hand sanitizing stations throughout the facility.
Frequent cleaning of high-contact surfaces and common areas along with cleaning logs to document sanitation procedures.
In addition to these items and the entire list of county operational requirements, employees and patrons who are exhibiting any symptoms associated with COVID-19 or who are not practicing social distancing will be asked to leave the facility. Patrons of the Solano Race Place are strongly encouraged to wear face masks while in the facility and masks will be available for purchase for those that need them. Food and beverage operations will remain closed until a future date. While these services are closed, patrons will be allowed to bring in their own food and non-alcoholic beverages. Once food service resumes, outside food and beverages will no longer be allowed. For exact operating days and times click here.
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Vallejo Ferry Service Beginning June 15, San Francisco Bay Ferry will have four trips in each direction on weekdays, including the commonly requested 5:30 a.m. Vallejo departure to San Francisco. Weekend service and ferry service to Mare Island and Pier 41 remain suspended. WETA, the agency that provides San Francisco Bay Ferry, is also sharing information on its Passenger and Crew Safety Plan to protect the health of all those who board the ferry. The 6-point safety plan includes enhanced cleaning, social distancing, face coverings, hand sanitizer, healthy crews and touchless payment. Please note that masks or face coverings are required for all passengers on board the ferry.
Additional information is at sanfranciscobayferry.com/bestwayback.
The Vallejo Ticket Office will be open weekdays from 5 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. the week of June 15 so that passengers can load Clipper Cards and purchase tickets or passes. Passengers can also load Clipper or buy tickets and passes at Bay Crossings in the San Francisco Ferry Building.