BOARD Of DIREcTORS BOARD cHAIR HELEN PIERSON Medic Ambulance PAST cHAIR ANDREA GARCIA Touro University California TREASURER CAROL LARSON Georgia House Graphics SEcRETARY ADMIRAL THOMAS CROPPER California Maritime Academy DIREcTORS SHIYAMA CLUNIE Kaiser Permenente JOSETTE LACEY Leadership Vallejo Alumni Chair GABRIEL LANUSSE Greater Vallejo Recreation District STACY MADIGAN Nimitz Group MIkE MALONE City of Vallejo Water Department Lisa Gannon Program Coordinator
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS CONTACT: Lisa Gannon • (707) 738-6964 March 15, 2021 2020 LEADERSHIP VALLEJO PROGRAM WRAPS UP THE YEAR WITH 12 GRADUATES! Leadership Vallejo (LV) is proud to announce that this past December, we have graduated twelve class members from the Year 13 program, bringing the Leadership Vallejo Alumni group to over 200 people! Our Alumni range from public service employees, health care workers, private employers and business owners, just to name a few. We are proud of our alumni taking the initiative to complete the 9-month program, coming out with an in-depth overview of the entire city of Vallejo, as well as with enhanced leadership skills, knowledge, and a clearer idea of how to move forward as a leader within their own businesses and community. In January 2020 the class began with 26 students participating in a two-day retreat held at Hiddenbrooke Golf Club. Senator Bill Dodd and Assemblymember Tim Grayson joined the group to kick-start a year they will likely never forget. When the pandemic began and the Governor issued a stay-at-home order, the Leadership Vallejo Board of Directors and Curriculum committee were faced with a challenge. The group was offered two choices: return the following year or continue virtually. The twelve that chose to continue met virtually until the day of their graduation. The participants completed the year with “Drive by Graduation,” (a new celebration we have all become too familiar with). Students drove their own vehicles to the beautiful campus at California Maritime Academy to receive their completion certificates. The group continues to meet once a month in partnership with the City of Vallejo to "Give Litter the Boot," cleaning up the trashing in our community. “The Leadership Vallejo program is an immersive experience that provides unparalleled insights into the government and nonprofit entities supporting our great city. The program at its core builds leadership and community. It was a rewarding experience and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in finding ways to get involved,” stated Year 13 graduate Alexander Matias. For 13 years, Leadership Vallejo has been the go-to organization that educates and trains future business, government and volunteer leaders who are eager to gain the skills and experience needed to make positive changes in Vallejo and beyond. LV also offers an array of networking opportunities among city and local leaders, with many graduates working in successful business, government and nonprofit careers. Our 2021 Year 14 program begins September 24th and 25th, 2021. For information about the program, or to download and application, please visit
Leadership Vallejo c/o Vallejo Chamber, 425A Virginia Street, Vallejo 94590 • 707.738.6964 -