Hello Vallejo,
At Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Vallejoans expressed their concerns about recent criminal activity. The City Council voted unanimously to convene a workshop next Tuesday, February 4th, to discuss and receive community input on public safety. This meeting will take place in the Vallejo Room at City Hall and will be widely promoted through various City communication channels.
Some positive news on public safety, you’ll find in this edition of the Vallejo Weekly the Vallejo Police Department press release from earlier this week that describes the growing partnership and commitment with the California Highway Patrol providing help in combatting sideshows and crimes in Vallejo.
Happy Lunar New Year! This is the Year of the Snake, symbolizing good luck, rebirth and transformation. I hope this good fortune will spread throughout the City of Vallejo as we work together to move forward.
The Winged Migration Expo, which celebrates migratory birds, takes place this weekend. Grab your umbrella and enjoy hikes, presentations, and craft activities with friends and family.
With much appreciation,
Andrew Murray
Vallejo City Manager
The Vallejo Citizens Academy aims to empower Vallejo residents by offering insights into City government and its operations. You'll be able to explore City Departments and make a meaningful difference in our community.
The Vallejo Citizens Academy is an 11-week interactive educational course aimed at helping Vallejo residents understand more about City government and, specifically, how the City of Vallejo operates. We hope that with this information, individuals feel more empowered to participate in Vallejo through their day-to-day work, in the political landscape, or by spreading information to their neighbors. The Citizens Academy will give residents a deeper dive into all City Departments and provide information that residents may not have realized is part of City’s operations.
City Manager’s Office and City Clerk’s Office
City Attorney’s Office
Vallejo Fire Department
Vallejo Police Department
Public Works Department
Water Department
Planning and Development Services & Economic
Development Department
Housing and Community Development Department
Human Resources Department, Risk Management and Information Technology Department
Finance Department
The Vallejo Citizens Academy is an 11-week interactive educational course beginning on March 5, 2025. Classes will be held from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Vallejo Room, located below the JFK Library. Class size will be limited to 25 participants, and a small fee of $25 will cover the cost of materials and light snacks that will be provided over the 11 weeks. For more information and to submit your application, MyVallejo.com/CitizensAcademy
On Saturday, January 25th, 2025, the Vallejo Sister City Association (VSCA) hosted their Annual Membership Meeting discussing their past year of events and activities, as well as future plans.
The Vallejo Sister City Association’s mission is to promote peace through mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation - one individual, one community at a time. This is aligned with the mission and goals of Sister Cities International organization, a non-profit citizen diplomacy network that creates and strengthens partnerships between communities in the United States and those in other countries. VSCA also supports the mission and goals of the Vallejo Sister City Commission through fundraising efforts, event planning, program support, and delegation support abroad and in the community.
General membership addresses were given by VSCA President, Norma Placido, Sister City Commission Chair, Elissa Shanks-Stewart, and the new Commission Liaison to the City Council, Councilmember Helen-Marie Gordon. VSCA will have an upcoming delegation to Baguio City, Philippines in February.
Notable efforts of 2024 included:
• Principal Masahiro visits Vallejo for Sister Schools Program Follow-up
• Annual Japanese Tea Gathering
• Annual Black & White Gala
• VSCA hosts Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative youth
• Mayors approve Ensenada, Mexico as 7th official Sister City
• VSCA participation at Pista Sa Nayon, Solano County Fair, and 4th of July Parade
• 18th Annual International Dinner
• Vallejo Delegation visits Jincheon, South Korea
• Korean delegations of Kangwon Land and Gyeonggi Province educators visit Vallejo
For more information about Vallejo Sister City Association or to get involved, visit their website at www.vallejosistercity.com
DATE: January 27, 2025
CONTACT: Sgt. Rashad Hollis #675, Public Information Officer VallejoPolicePIO@cityofvallejo.net
Vallejo, CA —The Vallejo Police Department (VPD) is proud to announce a collaboration with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to address the ongoing challenges of sideshows and reckless driving within the City of Vallejo. This surge, initiated under the authorization of Governor Gavin Newsom, aligns with recently enacted legislation designed to strengthen enforcement and increase penalties for these dangerous activities.
Governor Newsom recently signed four key assembly bills (AB) into law, empowering law enforcement to take stronger action against illegal sideshows and street takeovers:
AB 1978: Grants law enforcement greater authority to impound vehicles involved in speed contests or exhibitions, regardless of whether the driver is arrested.
AB 2186: Closes existing loopholes by allowing the impoundment of vehicles used in speed exhibitions within off-street parking facilities.
AB 2807: Establishes standardized terminology for "sideshows" and "street takeovers" across California to streamline enforcement and prosecution efforts.
AB 3085: Authorizes law enforcement to obtain warrants for the seizure and impoundment of vehicles associated with sideshows, including those used to support or facilitate these events.
Beginning in the coming weeks, CHP will support VPD by conducting multiple operations per month during evening weekend hours. These operations will involve additional CHP officers supplementing VPD resources to enhance our ability to respond swiftly and effectively to sideshow activity. Together, the two agencies will enforce all California Vehicle Code (CVC) laws, aiming to deter and disrupt reckless driving while holding offenders accountable for jeopardizing public safety.
"These additional resources will allow us to expand our efforts using both traditional and non-traditional enforcement strategies," said Chief Ta. "We are also developing follow-up investigation techniques to address these incidents effectively and deter future occurrences."
The new legislation provides law enforcement agencies with essential tools to combat the growing threat of illegal street activities that endanger drivers, pedestrians, and neighborhoods.
The partnership between CHP and VPD underscores our shared commitment to public safety and our determination to combat reckless driving and sideshows. This increased collaboration will create a safer environment for Vallejo's residents, businesses, and stakeholders.
The Vallejo Police Department will continue to share updates on these operations and their positive impact on community safety.
For media inquiries, please contact Public Information Officer Sgt. Rashad Hollis by email at VallejoPolicePIO@ cityofvallejo.net or by phone at (707) 567-4233.
S p e c i a l E v e n t s S p o n s o r s h i p P r o g r a m
A p p l i c a t i o n O p e n s J a n u a r y 1 3 , 2 0 2 5
A p p l i c a t i o n D e a d l i n e : M a r c h 2 3 , 2 0 2 5 , a t 1 2 : 0 0
F u n d i n g P e r i o d : J u l y 1 , 2 0 2 5 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 2 6
R E S O U R C E S :
A p p l i c a t i o n L i n k : h t t p s : / / c i t y o f v a l l e j o . f o r m s t a c k . c o m / f o r m s / s e s p _ g r a n t _ a p p l i c a t i o n
A p p l i c a t i o n s Q & A C a l l s : J a n u a r y 2 9 , 2 0 2 5 , a t 2 : 0 0 P M Z O O M L I N K
T h e S p e c i a l E v e n t s S p o n s o r s h i p P r o g r a m ( S E S P ) o f f e r s f i n a n c i a l a s s i s t a n c e t o s u p p o r t l a r g e - s c a l e s p e c i a l
e v e n t s i n t h e C i t y o f V a l l e j o T h e p r o g r a m a i m s t o f o s t e r s u c c e s s f u l h i g h - i m p a c t c o m m u n i t y e v e n t s
T h e s e e v e n t s i n c l u d e f e s t i v a l s , p a r a d e s , a n d c o m m u n i t y c e l e b r a t i o n s t h a t r e q u i r e t h e s e r v i c e s o f t h e
P o l i c e D e p a r t m e n t , F i r e D e p a r t m e n t, a n d / o r t h e P u b l i c W o r k s D i v i s i o n o n t h e d a y ( s ) o f t h e e v e n t
S E S P a w a r d s a r e m a d e o n c e a y e a r t h r o u g h a c o m p e t i t i v e a p p l i c a t i o n a n d r e v i e w p r o c e s s
T h e S E S P a w a r d s a r e m e a n t t o p a r t i a l l y o f f s e t t h e c o s t o f c i t y s e r v i c e s b y p r o v i d i n g f i n a n c i a l s u p p o r t f o r e v e n t s . E v e n t p r o d u c e r s m a y r e q u e s t u p t o 2 5 % o f t h e a n t i c i p a t e d t o t a l e v e n t b u d g e t o r 1 0 0 % o f t h e a n t i c i p a t e d c o s t o f c i t y s e r v i c e s , w h i c h e v e r i s h i g h e r . A w a r d a m o u n t s m a y b e l e s s t h a n t h e a m o u n t r e q u e s t e d .
T h e p r o g r a m i s n o t i n t e n d e d t o s u p p o r t e v e n t s w h e r e t h e p r i m a r y p u r p o s e i s f u n d r a i s i n g f o r a c a u s e . T o b e c o n s i d e r e d f o r s p o n s o r s h i p , e v e n t o r g a n i z e r s m u s t m e e t a l l e l i g i b i l i t y c r i t e r i a a n d a p p l y t o t h e p r o g r a m . E l i g i b i l i t y C r i t e r i a :
H a v e a p r i n c i p a l p l a c e o f b u s i n e s s , a s w e l l a s a n a d d r e s s , i n V a l l e j o .
P r o o f o f 5 0 1 ( c ) 3 n o n p r o f i t s t a t u s , I R S L e t t e r o f D e t e r m i n a t i o n
I n g o o d s t a n d i n g w i t h t h e C a l i f o r n i a S e c r e t a r y o f S t a t e , A c t i v e S t a t u s
R e g i s t e r e d w i t h t h e C A A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l o f f i c e , C u r r e n t S t a t u s
P r o o f o f G e n e r a l L i a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e , i n c l u d i n g S A M S c o v e r a g e w h e n w o r k i n g w i t h m i n o r s
C u r r e n t V a l l e j o B u s i n e s s L i c e n s e
T h e e v e n t m u s t o c c u r i n V a l l e j o n o l a t e r t h a n D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 2 6
T h e f i n a l a m o u n t a l l o c a t e d f o r t h e s p o n s o r s h i p p r o g r a m w i l l b e a n n o u n c e d f o l l o w i n g t h e a d o p t i o n o f t h e C i t y ’ s 2 0 2 5 - 2 6 b u d g e t i n J u n e 2 0 2 5
T h e V a l l e j o C i t y M a n a g e r ’ s O f f i c e a d m i n i s t e r s t h e S p e c i a l E v e n t s S p o n s o r s h i p P r o g r a m A l l a p p l i c a t i o n s r e c e i v e d o n t i m e w i l l b e r e v i e w e d b y a c o m m i t t e e c o m p o s e d b y 3 m e m b e r s o f t h e c o m m u n i t y a n d 2 s t a f f m e m b e r s . F o r d e t a i l e d i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g t h e p r o g r a m , i n c l u d i n g e l i g i b i l i t y , f u n d u s e r e s t r i c t i o n s , e v a l u a t i o n c r i t e r i a , a p p l i c a t i o n i n s t r u c t i o n s a n d c h e c k l i s t , c o n t a c t s p e c i a l e v e n t s @ c i t y of v a l l e j o . n e t o r c a l l
7 0 7 - 6 4 8 - 8 6 1 6 .
SUNDAY 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
• 10:00-11:00 AM Stay & Play @ JFK - Vallejo JFK Library Playgroup
• 3:00-7:00 PM The Makery - 3 Little Pigs Building Challenge
• 2:00-4:45 PM The Makery - 3 Little Pigs Building Challenge
• ALL DAY Black History Month: Tiny Art Show
• 11:00 AM-2:00 PM Dungeons & DragonsSaturdays @ the JFK Library using Roll20 and Discord.
• 1:30-3:00 PM Ukulele Play-Along
• 2:00-3:00 PM Anime Cafe (On the first Saturday of each month.)
• ALL DAY Black History Month: Tiny Art Show
• ALL DAY Black History Month: Tiny Art Show
• 6:00-7:00 PM Cardio Fitness
• ALL DAY Black History Month: Tiny Art Show
• 9:30 AM-10:30 AM Baby Bounce
• 10:30-11:30 AM Family Storytime
• 3:00-7:00 PM The Makery - Pop-Up Cards
• ALL DAY Black History Month: Tiny Art Show
• 10:30 AM-11:30 AM Bilingual Storytime
• 4:30-6:00 PM Homework Help Center - K-8th grade tutoring
• 5:30-7:30 PM Lawyers in the Library
For more information about the JFK Library, Click Here!
Join the fun with youth and family events by the Greater Vallejo Recreation District (GVRD). The GVRD Main Office at 395 Amador St is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m for registrations and reservations. GVRD Board and Committee Meetings are held at 401 Amador St. To pre-register or find more information, visit www.gvrd.org, call (707) 6484600, or email recreation@gvrd.org. Click here to check our latest job openings.
View the Spring 2025 Activity Guide for more programs, events, classes and activities!
Saturday: February 8, 2025, 6:00-8:00 PM
Resident: $10.00
Non-Resident: $12.00 (per player)
Group Discount: Resident: $20.00
Non-Resident: $24.00 (per family - 4 tickets) $5 per additional player (discount applied at checkout)
GVRD Sports Gym, 501 Starr Ave
Let's Glow! Come play dodgeball with the family in the new GVRD Sports Gym! Put on something neon, play with family, and get competitive while fully submerged in a cool, glow in the dark ambiance. Come on in! Dodgeballs provided! *Players 12 & under must be accompanied by an adult Register here!
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Resident: $10.00
Non-Resident: $12.00
North Vallejo Community Center, 1121 Whitney Ave.
Love is in the air! It is time for our valentine’s dance. Make a valentine card, show us your best dance moves, and enjoy snacks and refreshments. We will also have a photo opportunity, and prizes. This is an adaptive activity designed specifically for individuals with unique abilities as well as their friends and family.
Register here!
Every 2nd Wednesday of the Month, Wed, 8:30-10:30 AM
This is a FREE community event!
Vallejo Community Center, 225 Amador St.
Ages 55+
Join us for a fun and relaxed morning of socializing, coffee, and light activities! Our Senior Social takes place once a month on the second Wednesday, from 8:30 to 10:30 AM. Enjoy a warm cup of coffee, delicious pastries, and a variety of puzzles and games
while meeting new friends. It's a wonderful way to start your day and make new connections in a welcoming environment. Best of all, it’s completely free! We hope to see you there! Coffee is sponsored by a local Starbucks, pastries from local businesses, and games and puzzles are provided by GVRD.
Registration Optional!
Join us at the Empress Marquee Lounge every Thursday for an evening of smooth jazz featuring the vibrant band Sizzle. Composed of skilled musicians, Sizzle delivers a blend of Jazz, R&B, Blues, and Rock with tunes from Herbie Hancock and Miles Davis. Experience this summer series curated by Kim Pruitt and Mark Elliott, and let the jazz sounds transport you.
Timm leads the band BeaufunK and plays with a well-known Zydeco band in California. He will perform with seasoned rhythm and blues artist Larry James, known for his guitar work and soulful vocals. Together with bassist/vocalist Timm Walker and drummer William Allums, they formed The Larry James Band in the early 1990s. The February 5th show at Empress Lounge will feature these musicians along with multi-platinum keyboardist Michael Robinson. Comfortable shoes are recommended!
feb 5, 2025 | 6:30-8:30pm
Join us for a night of laughter at Vallejo's only comedy club! Headlining is the hilarious Louis Cervantez, a world-touring comedian known for his specials on Tubi and Amazon Prime Video. He'll be joined by viral sensation Bong Robbie, and the side-splitting Lordes Ayon, both making waves in the Bay Area comedy scene. Hosting the night is Guile Mosher, founder of Bay Area Comics. With only 65 seats available, grab your tickets now before we sell out! JAN 30, 2025 | 6:30-8:30pm
feb 6, 2025 | 7:00-8:30pm
Nzuri Soul, a talented R&B and Jazz singer from Dallas, has made her mark in the Bay Area's music scene for over a decade. With four albums and a recent concert at Yoshi’s Jazz Club, she is set to perform a tribute show at the historic Empress Theatre honoring legends like Betty Wright and Etta James. Her acclaimed band has won NCEMA awards, and in 2024, Nzuri received multiple Bay Area Music Awards, reinforcing her status in the music world.
feb 8, 2025 | 8:00-10:00pm
Terrie Odabi is a dynamic blues and soul artist in the Bay Area, comparable to Etta James. With a powerful voice, exceptional songwriting, and captivating stage presence, she brings a range of emotions to her music, setting her apart from her peers. Odabi's unique vocal character exudes faith and depth, making her an esteemed figure in today’s Blues scene, warmly embraced by fans and fellow musicians alike.
feb 12, 2025 | 6:30-8:30pm
At the forefront of legendary Rock and Roll bands, you are sure to find Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers.
Since 2003, San Francisco based Petty Theft has been touring the United States performing Tom Petty’s songs true to the originals and in the spirit of the Heartbreaker’s live shows.
feb 15, 2025 | 8:00-10:30pm
Greater Vallejo Recreation District
395 Amador Street, Vallejo, CA 94590
Date: 1/21/2025
Subject: Transparency Certificate of Excellence Awarded to Greater Vallejo Recreation District
Greater Vallejo Recreation District received the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence by the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) in recognition of its outstanding efforts to promote transparency and good governance.
“This award is a testament to Greater Vallejo Recreation District’s commitment to open government,” said, Gabriel Lanusse, General Manager. “Our staff is to be commended for their contributions that empower the public with information and facilitate engagement and oversight.” To receive the award Greater Vallejo Recreation District demonstrated the completion of essential governance transparency requirements, including conducting ethics training for all board members, properly conducting open and public meetings, and filing financial transactions and compensation reports to the State Controller in a timely manner.
SDLF is an independent, non-profit organization formed to promote good governance and best practices among California’s special districts through certification, accreditation, and other recognition programs.
Special districts are independent public agencies that deliver core local services to communities, such as Utility, wastewater treatment, fire protection, parks and recreation, healthcare, sanitation, mosquito abatement, ports, libraries, public cemeteries and more. Districts are established by voters and their funding is approved by voters to meet specific needs through focused service. They can be specially molded to serve large regions or small neighborhoods depending on the need.
For further information on this press release contact the General Manager, Gabriel Lanusse at (707) 980-9694 or glanusse@gvrd.org
Public Works is beginning work on the HAWK Intersection Improvements at Five Location Project. Construction is anticipated to commence on February 3, 2025 and end on May 7, 2025.
The Project involves work to enhance pedestrian safety at five unsignalized intersections by installing High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) beacons, construction of ADA curb ramps, removing and replacing curb, gutter, sidewalk; hot-mix asphalt paving; installation of pedestrian barricades; and lowering and raising of existing utilities.
Locations included are as follows:
• Broadway Street / Hampshire Street
• Broadway Street / Illinois Street
• Springs Road / Lassen Street / Hilton Avenue
• Springs Road / Tregaskis Avenue
• Springs Road / Heartwood Avenue
Questions regarding the project can be directed to: farrah.lim@cityofvallejo.net or 707-645-2627
Closing Date: 02/03/2025
Planning and Development Services, Building Division
$76,945.65 - $100,802.62 Annually
Closing Date: 02/03/2025
Planning and Development Services, Building Division
$108,599.50 - $132,003.25 Annually
This recruitment is being conducted to fill one full-time vacancy. The list established by this recruitment may be used to fill future full-time, part-time, limited term, and temporary vacancies for up to one year.
To see more openings with the City of Vallejo and apply, CLICK HERE.
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• Vallejo Fire Department
• Vallejo Water Department
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MYVALLEJO | myvallejo.com
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State of California • Department of Transportation
Date: Jan. 2, 2025
District: 4
Contact: Alexander Tidd
Phone: (510) 421-3168
Weeknight Closures on Eastbound SR-37 Begin Evening of Monday, Jan. 6
Caltrans is slated to begin overnight work on eastbound State Route 37 between the State Route 121 junction near Sears Point and Railroad Avenue in Vallejo beginning Monday, Jan. 6, at 9:00 p.m.
Caltrans will conduct drilling operations on weeknights only as part of its mitigation efforts against rising sea levels. We expect this work to be completed by Feb. 1, 2025.
Eastbound traffic will be detoured north on SR-121, east on SR-12, and south on SR29 to the 37/29 connector. Westbound traffic will be unaffected by this work.
Jan. 6 to Feb. 1: Monday Evenings to Saturday Mornings, 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.
For real-time traffic, click on Caltrans QuickMap: http://quickmap.dot.ca.gov/ For 24/7 traffic updates, follow 511.org: https://x.com/511SFBay
Or call 1-800-472-7623 1-800-427-ROAD for state highway conditions statewide. | CleanCA.com | #BeWorkZoneAlert | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube |
Are you warming up to the idea of solar power for your home?
Symbium and Vallejo are proud to announce the launch of instant permits for residential solar and battery storage systems. This groundbreaking platform by Symbium verifies code compliance in real time and automates the issuance of solar and energy storage permits, lowering the costs for permit applicants and homeowners and increasing the speed of installing residential solar energy systems in Vallejo.
launch of instant permits for residential solar and platform by Symbium verifies code compliance and energy storage permits, lowering the costs increasing the speed of installing residential solar energy systems in Vallejo.
Benefits of instant solar permits:
Benefits of instant solar permits:
The automatic analysis of code compliance necessary safety and regulatory standards, decreases costs for homeowners and permit applicants, and increases the speed of solar
greenhouse gas emissions by furthering its goal of supporting the installation of small-scale
The automatic analysis of code compliance requirements and instant permit issuance not only ensures that every application meets the necessary safety and regulatory standards, decreases costs for homeowners and permit applicants, and increases the speed of solar installations. It also helps the City reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by furthering its goal of supporting the installation of small-scale renewable energy systems by identifying and eliminating procedural barriers and by training staff to facilitate the permitting process in as smooth a manner as possible.
barriers and by training staff to facilitate the permitting process in as smooth a manner as possible.
Kristin Pollot, Vallejo's Planning & Development Services Director, expressed enthusiasm for the launch, stating, "With this new online platform, Vallejo will not only be able to continue to ensure compliance with California’s SB379 solar permitting mandate, but it will also reinforce the City's position as a committed long-term partner in fostering and promoting renewable energy adoption, while prioritizing efficiency, safety, and sustainability."
Kristin Pollot, Vallejo's Planning & Development launch, stating, "With this new online platform, permitting mandate, but it will also reinforce the in fostering and promoting renewable energy adoption, while prioritizing efficiency, safety, and sustainability."
How to apply for instant permits in Vallejo using Symbium:
To get started with applying for a residential solar permit in Vallejo, visit https://symbium.com/
To get started with applying for a residential solar visit
CONTACT: pio@cityofvallejo.net
VALLEJO, CA – The City of Vallejo is requesting applications to serve on a number of the City’s boards, commissions and committees. Vallejo residents who are interested in serving on an advisory body are invited to submit an application and supplemental questionnaire for consideration.
There are currently openings on the following boards, commissions, and committees: (click links to access applications)
• Code Enforcement Appeals Board (2) terms to expire 12/31/25
• Commission on Culture + Arts (2) terms to expire 12/31/28
• Economic Development Commission (1) term to expire 6/30/26
• Housing Authority Tenant Commissioners - Must be in the Housing Voucher Program and 1 of the tenant commissioners must be age 62 or older (2) terms to expire 12/31/26
• Housing & Community Development Commission – (2) 1 term to expire 6/30/27 and 1 to expire 6/30/28
• Marina Advisory Committee – (2 berther seats) – 1 term to expire 6/30/26 and 1 term to expire 6/30/25
• Measure P Oversight Committee – District 6 Member Only – (1) term to expire 10/10/26
• Participatory Budget Steering Committee (1 member and 3 alternates) terms expire 6/30/25
• Surveillance Advisory Board – At-Large, District 1, 3 & 6 Members Only – (4) terms to expire 1/2/29
For City Boards and Commissions, except for the Commission on Culture + Arts, Marina Advisory Committee, Participatory Budgeting Steering Committee, and the Surveillance Advisory Board, all appointed members must complete and file a Statement of Economic Interests, Form 700, within 30 days of appointment. All City Board and Commission members must complete AB 1234 Ethics training and file a Certificate of Completion within 30 days of appointment.
In most instances, to be eligible for appointment, applicants must be residents of the City of Vallejo. Information regarding the duties of each board and commission and specific criteria for appointment may be found within each application. With some exceptions, appointments are typically for a term of 4 years.
The application period will remain open until a sufficient number have been received in the City Clerk’s Office
Specific dates for applicant interviews with the City Council will be announced at a later date. Applicants must attend the interview to be considered for appointment on a board or commission.
Application forms and supplemental questionnaires are accessible in several ways:
• The City’s website, located on the Boards and Commissions page
• At City Hall, Office of the City Clerk, 555 Santa Clara Street, 3rd Floor, Vallejo, CA
• By Email at dawn.abrahamson@cityofvallejo.net, or by phone at (707) 648-4527
• By UP Postal Mail: City of Vallejo, C/O City Clerk, PO Box 3068, Vallejo, CA 94590
Solano County and CAP Solano JPA have partnered with United Way California Capital Region to help prevent homelessness in our communities.
Keep People Housed – Solano is a program that can provide eligible households with flexible financial assistance to pay rent, utilities, security deposits, or moving costs, as well as legal referrals and other services to prevent Solano County residents from becoming unhoused.
kphsolano.org (707) 316-8047
El Condado de Solano y CAP Solano JPA se han asociado con United Way California Capital Region para ayudar a prevenir la falta de vivienda en nuestras comunidades.
Keep People Housed – Solano es un programa que puede brindar asistencia financiera para pagar la renta, servicios públicos, depósitos de seguridad o costos de mudanza, así como referencias legales y otros servicios para evitar que los residentes del Condado de Solano se queden sin hogar.
Solicita ayuda ahora escaneando el código QR a continuación.
kphsolano.org (707) 316-8047
Develop skills to take care of yourself and your Diabetes:
✓ Improve your quality of life and prevent complications from diabetes.
✓ Understand and make sense of your lab values.
✓ Learn about your medications and medication management.
exercises for all skill and age levels.
¡En este programa interactivo GRATUITO de 6 aprenderá cómo vivir una vida más saludable con diabetes!
Sesiones En Persona en la clinica
Family Health Services
1119 E Monte Vista Ave, Vacaville, CA
Miercoles | 4 p.m. comenzando el 26 de Febrero
Para registrarse, siga el link: https://linktr.ee/diabetestuca
Registrese Hoy!
Teléfono: 707.638.5970
canee código QR su teléfono!
Correo: tuc.mobec@touro.edu
Desarrolle habilidades para cuidarse usted y su diabetes:
✓ Mejore su calidad de vida y prevenga las complicaciones de la diabetes.
✓ Aprenda y comprenda los valores de sus exámenes de laboratorio.
✓ Aprenda sobre sus medicamentos y el manejo de los mismos.
✓ Aprenda una variedad de ejercicios para todas las edades y niveles de habilidad.
✓ Mejore sus habitos alimenticios
Se ofrecen clases en todo Solano County
overdue tolls?
Do you have unpaid, overdue tolls for Bay Area Express Lanes or bridges? Bay Area FasTrak is making it easier to pay, with payment plans for qualifying, low-income drivers to help you pay off your balance over time. Need help? Just ask.
For more information about the Bay Area Toll Payment Plan and eligibility requirements, visit www.BayAreaTollPaymentPlan.org.
The City of Vallejo is excited to announce that its municipal broadband service, previously known as "VallejoNet," has been rebranded as "VIP Fiber."
This rebranding initiative is part of the City's ongoing efforts to position Vallejo as a hub for technological innovation and to demonstrate its commitment to providing high-quality, reliable internet service to residents and businesses.
Community-owned internet service providers (ISPs) are focused on the needs and interests of local residents rather than profit-driven motives. The profits generated remain within the community, fostering local growth, job creation, and economic development VIP Fiber is dedicated to upholding net neutrality principles, ensuring that everyone has equal access to information on the internet.
Local businesses currently using VIP Fiber include Brooks & Co. Real Estate, Aardvarks Adventureland, Vegan Mob, Fusion Pizza, Don Ramon Authentic Mexican Food, and many more! You, too, can be a part of VIP Fiber.
Explore your local ISP and request a quote today to experience the premium internet service offered by VIP Fiber. Join Vallejo in its mission to lead technological advancements in the region while enjoying fast and affordable internet!
Stay updated with the latest news, events, and updates by following our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook! For additional information and documentation, please visit www.myvallejo.com/broadband.
Check your availability today at www.vipfiber.com.
HOST: Greater Vallejo Recreation District
ADDRESS : 401 Amador Street, Vallejo CA 94590
Greater Vallejo Park, Recreation and Open Space Foundation received a grant from the Impact Library Program. The Amador Street location sees lots of daily foot traffic: teens walking to/from school, families stopping at the recreation office to register for classes, seniors and adults visiting the center. Having a little free library at this site will allow a wide range of community members to have easy access to books without having to travel to other locations.
Here’s how it works :
• We initially stock the Little Free Library with a variety of books
• You stop by and take whatever catches your eye
• You bring books to contribute when you can
Visit www.littlefreelibrary.org for more information
Are you newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (T2D) within the last 6-9 months? Your experience matters!
We are conducting a research study to gain insights into the emotional responses and challenges faced by individuals navigating life living with type 2 diabetes. Your participation will contribute to understanding the unique journey of managing this condition.
Individuals with diagnosed T2D within the past 6-9 months
Must be fluent in English
Individuals who are willing to share personal experiences and perspectives
If selected, willing to share journal entries at least 2 times a week for 3 months regarding experience in living with T2D.
Please contact Dr. Clipper Young, PharmD (cyoung6@touro.edu) for questions.
• Individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the last 6 to 9 months
• Fluent in English
• All participants will recieve $100 after completing a 60-90 minute interview
• Some participants will be selected to complete journal entries at least 2 times a week for 3 months for an additional $300
• Individuals willing to share their personal experiences and perspectives surrounding their diagnosis Compensation: Questions? (707) 638-5969
• Principal Investigator, Dr. Clipper Young cyoung6@touro.edu
• Research Assistant, Cherry Myung cmyung@student.touro.edu
• Research Assistant, Shougat Barua sbarua2@student.touro.edu
• Research Assistant, Tristan Rath trath@student.touro.edu