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CAP Solano JPA Community Needs Assessment
The Community Action Partnership Solano, Joint Powers Authority is soliciting feedback for its twoyear Community Action Plan to identify the needs of people experiencing homelessness and income insecurity in our community and set goals and priorities for services.
To ensure this plan is responsive to the true needs of our community, they need to hear directly from as many partners and community members as possible.
CAP Solano JPA would also appreciate it if anyone working directly with low-income individuals and families can assist with encouraging participants to attend the community forum or take the survey.
Learn more about the current Community Solutions Block Grant (CSBG) - Community Action Plan:
WHEN: Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 11:15am to 12:45pm WHERE: Zoom at https://homebaseccc.zoom.us/j/88434176388
Share your thoughts and ideas about the community’s greatest needs and highest priorities relating to addressing homelessness and poverty in Solano County, and discuss how best to incorporate new ideas into the County's homeless response system.
Complete a brief Survey by March 31st, and be sure to share the Survey with program participants, staff, providers, agencies, and organizations in the County!
Take the survey here!
If you have questions about the session or the strategic planning process, please contact solano@homebaseccc.org
City of Vallejo GrantS Update
February was a busy month in the grant arena for the City of Vallejo. In their continued quest to improve Vallejo, the City Manager’s Office submitted three grants. They are as follows:
Bloomberg Philanthropies presented this funding opportunity to support innovative temporary public art projects that enhance the vibrancy of cities. The Public Art Challenge encourages cities to partner with artists, elevating the value of including the creative sector, when developing solutions to significant urban issues. The program supports temporary public art projects that celebrate creativity, enhance urban identity, encourage public-private collaborations, and strengthen local economies.
The City of Vallejo’s City Manager’s Office collaborated with Vallejo’s Arts Commission to propose a city-wide, multi-date, spoken word, and visual art festival engaging Vallejo's youth in expressing their visions of themselves and the future of Vallejo. In each of Vallejo's six City Council voting districts artists will unveil their murals and perform their spoken word presentations focusing on their concerns regarding their lives, their environment, and their visions of Vallejo as our future leaders. The application was submitted on February fourteenth.
Plan Bay Area 2050 includes an Economy Element which details a strategy to retain and invest in key industrial lands – including PPAs – as part of a broader effort to shift the location of jobs and achieve a better jobs-housing balance throughout the Bay Area. The MTC PPA grant offered funding to jurisdictions seeking planning grants and technical assistance for their Priority Production Areas (PPAs). The application was submitted on February twenty-third.
The City of Vallejo pursued the PPA grant to amend the City’s outdated plans for the waterfront and downtown areas. The proposed amendment for the downtown area will address past inequities by incorporating antidisplacement strategies to guide increased density and commercial growth. This proposed amendment will reduce VMT, create a better live/work balance, and enhance connections with Vallejo’s waterfront. The proposed amendment also includes a Downtown streetscape implementation in an effort to allow shovel-ready plans to advance to construction.
The focus of the proposed waterfront amendment is to incorporate MTC’s policies and revitalize the Waterfront. The proposed amendment will result in higher density residential areas near a major transit hub, increased pedestrian and alternate-transit access, increased affordable housing production, and commercial protection and stabilization. The amendment’s call for more pedestrian and transit-friendly features will draw residents and visitors to the Waterfront and dovetail into the City of Vallejo’s Mare Island Specific Plan.
The State of California’s ERF Program funds local demonstration projects that provide services to address the immediate crisis of unsheltered homelessness in encampments, to support people living in encampments onto paths to safe and stable housing, and result in sustainable restoration of public spaces to their intended uses while safeguarding the needs of unhoused people seeking shelter. Grant funds may be used for activities that advance the goal of any proposed project in one of the following categories: Direct Services and Housing Options, Capacity Building, Sustainable Outcomes, and Administration Costs.
The City of Vallejo’s application proposed on-site individual service assessments to improve transfers into a coordinated entry system, immediate short-term sheltering with personalized support, and the transition of individuals to permanent supportive housing to ensure stability. The ultimate goal of Vallejo’s proposal is to decrease the size of the major encampments within the Vallejo community. The application was submitted on February twenty-eighth.
Vallejo Sports Hall of Fame
Sponsored by GVRD
Come celebrate the rich history of Sports in Vallejo as this year with a ceremony to honor the 2023 Inductees: Richie Anderson, Ronnie Anderson, Willie Anderson, Joanie Bettencourt,
Bobby Gonzalez Jr, Tony Longmire, Everett Robinson, Ann Talamantes-Ristow, Debbie Ayres - 1987 Vallejo High Girls Basketball Team, and Mike Kollar - Vallejo PAL German Soccer program.
For more information, CLICK HERE.