message from mike
Hello, Vallejo!
First off this month, we celebrate Women’s History and I’d like to recognize the importance of women’s contributions to Vallejo and the world. My own mother was strong and influential in guiding me throughout life and I have 7 successful sisters with beautiful children. We have many dedicated women on our City Council, Staff and Senior Leadership Team and in the community who help keep the City of Vallejo running and responsive to the needs of Community. I appreciate the moms, grandmothers, sisters and aunts who set wonderful examples every day through their hard work and kindness and serve as role models to all of us.
This past week wrapped up our registration for the Housing Authority voucher program. More than 12,000 people applied for the vouchers! There are only 600 vouchers available to be issued over the next 18 months. The lottery will take place next week and all applicants will receive an automatic email if they were selected or not selected. The Housing Authority will select 2,500 applications for the wait list and this list should be effective through 2024 and the 1st quarter of 2025. The number of applications highlight the need for more affordable housing options in our city and the region. If you’re interested in renting out your home or property to a voucher recipient, you should contact the Housing Authority of the City of Vallejo at phone number 707648-4507.
Mike Malone Vallejo City Manager

Your voice matters! We want to hear your ideas and priorities for our next city manager. Help shape the future of Vallejo by sharing your thoughts through our community survey, available in English, Spanish, and Tagalog.
Let your voice be heard and make a difference in our community! Take the survey here: CityOfVallejo.CO/MyCityManager
¡Tu opinión es importante para nosotros! Comparte tus ideas y prioridades para nuestro próximo gerente de la ciudad a través de nuestra encuesta comunitaria, disponible en inglés, español y tagalo.
Ang iyong boses ay mahalaga! Ibahagi ang iyong mga ideya at prayoridad para sa susunod na city manager sa pamamagitan ng aming community survey, na makukuha sa English, Spanish, at Tagalog.
Together, let's create a brighter future for Vallejo!

VIRTUAL Community Forum for City Manager Search
The City of Vallejo is embarking on an important journey to select its next City Manager, and your participation is key to this process. To ensure transparency and community involvement, the City has engaged the services of the Executive Recruiting firm, Bob Hall & Associates, to assist in identifying the best candidate for this vital position.
As part of this collaborative effort, Bob Hall & Associates will be hosting an online Community Forum to gather feedback directly from the residents of Vallejo. Your insights and perspectives are invaluable in shaping the qualities and attributes desired in our future City Manager.
THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2024 @ 6:30 PM
This forum provides an opportunity for you to voice your opinions and contribute to the criteria that will guide the City Council in their decisionmaking process. Your input will play a crucial role in ensuring that the City Manager selected is wellsuited to meet the needs and aspirations of the community.
BY PHONE (one tap mobile)
+16694449171,,85202847863# US
+13462487799,,85202847863# US (Houston)
Webinar ID: 852 0284 7863
We encourage all Vallejo residents to participate in this important discussion.

IN PERSON Community Forum for City Manager Search
The City of Vallejo is embarking on an important journey to select its next City Manager, and your participation is key to this process. To ensure transparency and community involvement, the City has engaged the services of the Executive Recruiting firm, Bob Hall & Associates, to assist in identifying the best candidate for this vital position.
As part of this collaborative effort, Bob Hall & Associates will be hosting an online Community Forum to gather feedback directly from the residents of Vallejo. Your insights and perspectives are invaluable in shaping the qualities and attributes desired in our future City Manager.
SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 2024 @ 10:30 AM
This forum provides an opportunity for you to voice your opinions and contribute to the criteria that will guide the City Council in their decisionmaking process. Your input will play a crucial role in ensuring that the City Manager selected is wellsuited to meet the needs and aspirations of the community.
City Council Chambers
555 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA 94590
Enter through the first floor security checkpoint
We encourage all Vallejo residents to participate in this important discussion.

Empowering Vallejo: City of Vallejo Welcomed First Citizens Academy Cohort
Last night, excitement filled the air in Vallejo as the city's first Citizens Academy cohort gathered for their inaugural meeting. Residents from various neighborhoods came together to learn more about the inner workings of their city. The first of 11 class meetings was held in the Vallejo Room.
As the attendees settled in, representatives from the City Manager's office took the stage to kick off the evening's agenda. They began by introducing
themselves and explaining their roles within the office. The Assistant to the City Manager, Natalie Peterson, opened up the evening by welcoming the eager crowd, followed by opening words from City Manager Mike Malone.
The goal of the Citizens Academy is to provide residents with a deeper understanding of how our city operates and how decisions are made.
The staff from the city manager's office proceeded to cover the various departments and divisions within the office, starting with the City Clerk's office. City Clerk Dawn Abrahamson explained the crucial role of the City Clerk in maintaining official records, managing elections,

and ensuring transparency in government proceedings.
Staff then delved into participatory budgeting, emphasizing the importance of citizen involvement in allocating city funds. Attendees learned about the process of soliciting community input to determine budget priorities and how their voices could directly impact decision-making.
Communications and community engagement were highlighted as essential components of effective governance, along with a high-level overview of what Public Information Officers are tasked with.
Grant writing was another crucial aspect covered during the class. Staff members shared insights into the process of securing funding for various city projects and programs, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and strategic planning.
Organizational development and training were also addressed, focusing on building a skilled and responsive workforce capable of meeting the community's evolving needs.
Special events planning and permitting were
discussed in detail, highlighting the coordination required to execute successful events while adhering to regulatory requirements. It was also noted that Vallejo has seen an uptick of special events in the last year, which lends itself as a positive sign for the local economy.
Lastly, the staff touched on the vital role of office administration in keeping city operations running smoothly. From managing administrative tasks to providing support across departments, office administrators played a crucial behindthe-scenes role in ensuring the city's day-to-day functions.
Throughout the presentation, attendees eagerly took notes and asked questions, eager to absorb as much information as possible. As the evening drew to a close, there was a palpable sense of excitement and empowerment among the participants. They left the meeting with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of local governance and a renewed commitment to actively engage in shaping the future of their beloved city, Vallejo.
For more information about the Vallejo Citizens Academy, visit, www.myvallejo.com/ citizensacademy

On February 10, 2024, we proudly announced Derek Crutchfield's promotion to Environmental Services Manager. Derek's journey began in 2001 as the City’s Recycling Coordinator, swiftly progressing to Administrative Analyst II in 2005. His notable achievements include leading the transition to automated waste management and spearheading SB1383 Organics waste compliance efforts.
Dereks impact extends beyond operations; Derek's leadership in industry organizations, including serving as president of the Gold Rush Chapter of SWANA, reflects his commitment to environmental advocacy. Additionally, his appointment to the board of the California Product Stewardship Council underscores his broader contributions to sustainability.
Moreover, Derek's academic accomplishments, culminating in a Master of Science Degree in
Derek Crutchfield, Vallejo Environmental Services Manager
Marriage & Family Child Therapy in June 2023, showcase his dedication to personal growth.
Beyond professional endeavors, Derek's leadership in the City’s Social Club fosters unity and positivity among colleagues.
Please join us in congratulating Derek on this well-deserved promotion!
For more information on recycling services in Vallejo, visit https://vallejorecycling.com/

The City of Vallejo and the Solano Transporta�on Authority partnered on a passenger rail service study that assessed the feasibility of a rail service that links Vallejo with other communi�es. The Vallejo Passenger Rail Study explores opportuni�es for rail transit service between the City of Vallejo and other North Bay communi�es such as American Canyon, Suisun City, Fairfield, Napa, and Novato. The study developed a conceptual founda�on for a new transit service that would provide Vallejo residents, employees, and visitors with new regional mobility through safe and reliable rail transit service.
At this workshop, we will be discussing the study process, the rail service op�ons, and next steps for advancing the study findings. The City of Vallejo and the Solano Transporta�on Authority look forward to hearing what the community thinks and is commi�ed to improving transporta�on services for all!

If informa�on is needed in Spanish, Tagalog, or another language, or if par�es with a disability as provided by the American Disabili�es Act require special accommoda�ons or aides in order to par�cipate in the public mee�ng,
LSC Transporta�on Consultants as soon as possible or at least 48 hours prior to the mee�ng
Thursday, March 7th
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
In Person: Vallejo John F. Kennedy Library, Joseph Room 505 Santa Clara St, Vallejo, CA 94590
Or Online via Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83523012838
Passcode: 11111
Telephone: 1 669 444 9171
Meeting ID: 835 2301 2838

Capitol Street Stairs Visitors & Lemon Festival
On a delightful Sunday in February, a "Walk and Talk" group from Contra Costa County had the pleasure of visiting the picturesque Capitol Stairs. Serendipitously, they encountered seasoned volunteers Sarah Nichols and Rick Weyrich, who diligently tend to the hillside landscape. Sarah Nichols, a steadfast advocate, has been involved with the project since its inception during the Participatory Budgeting Cycle 1 vote.
Having visited the stairs previously, the group was eager to witness the progress of the surrounding landscape. Pinole resident Diane Springer expressed admiration for the stairs' historical design elements and the breathtaking view from the summit, remarking on the dedication of the volunteers involved in the project. She exclaimed, "It must have taken considerable effort to get this project approved and completed. I'll never tire of visiting; it's truly a gem!"
After working up an appetite, the group headed to Better Chew Kitchen at 1745 Sonoma Blvd.
If you haven't had the chance yet, we invite you to witness firsthand how the Capitol Stairs have revitalized the neighborhood. Every day, you'll find Vallejoans enjoying leisurely walks and exercise on the stairs. Stay updated on volunteer opportunities by visiting their Facebook page.
Also, mark your calendars for the upcoming Vallejo Lemon Festival and Fundraiser on Saturday, March 23. The event aims to raise funds for the maintenance and repair of the landscape and artwork surrounding the stairs. For tickets, please contact the Capitol Stairs Community Stewards at 707-342-1118 or email mike782bk@ gmail.com.

S A T . M A R C H 1 6 & S U N . M A R C H 1 7
8 : 3 0 A M - 1 2 : 0 0 P M
S t . P a t r i c k ' s D a y W e e k e n d T r e e P l a n t i n g E v e n t I t ’ s y o u r L u c k y W e e k e n d ! H e l p m a k e V a l l e j o G r e e n e r ! I t ’ s y o u r L u c k y W e e k e n d ! C o m e j o i n u s f o r a f u n - f i l l e d d a y a t t h e M a r e I s l a n d S h o r e l i n e H e r i t a g e P r e s e r v e i n V a l l e j o ! W e ' l l b e p l a n t i n g t r e e s t o h e l p p r e s e r v e t h e b e a u t y o f o u r e n v i r o n m e n t T h i s i n - p e r s o n e v e n t a t O ' H a r a C o u r t i s a g r e a t w a y t o c e l e b r a t e S t P a t r i c k ' s D a y w e e k e n d w h i l e g i v i n g b a c k t o n a t u r e B r i n g y o u r f r i e n d s a n d f a m i l y f o r a d a y o f c o m m u n i t y , g r e e n e r y , a n d g o o d v i b e s . L e t ' s m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e t o g e t h e r !
H A P P E N R A I N O R S H I N E ?
W H A T S H O U L D I B R I N G ?

T h e e v e n t w i l l h a p p e n c o m e L I G H T r a i n o r s h i n e I n t h e e v e n t o f h e a v y r a i n , w e w i l l c a n c e l t h e e v e n t a n d s e n d o u t a n u p d a t e t o r e g i s t r a n t s .
W I L L T H E R E B E S N A C K S ?
W e w i l l h a v e s n a c k s f o r p a r t i c i p a n t s ! I f y o u h a v e f o o d a l l e r g i e s o r d i e t a r y n e e d s , p l e a s e f e e l f r e e t o b r i n g y o u r o w n s n a c k s

P l e a s e b r i n g y o u r o w n w a t e r b o t t l e s a n d d r e s s a p p r o p r i a t e l y f o r t h e w e a t h e r w i t h c l o s e d - t o e d s h o e s , l o n g p a n t s , a n d l a y e r s W e a r i n s e c t s p r a y a n d s u n s c r e e n T h e r e m a y b e t i c k s o r r a t t l e s n a k e s ( w e ’ r e i n t h e w i l d , a f t e r a l l , s o d r e s s a s i f y o u ’ r e g o i n g o n a h i k e a n d r e a d y t o h a v e f u n a n d g e t d i r t y ! )

Vallejo Water Department
Leads Demonstration on Slope Mowing to Create Firebreaks
Have you ever noticed water storage tanks up on some of Vallejo’s hills? That’s because of physics! Using the force of gravity, your drinking water flows from the storage tanks high atop Vallejo’s hills, through pipes and valves, into water mains in the streets, and eventually out of your faucet. –thanks mainly to gravity from those hilltops.
The Vallejo Water Department manages those water storage tanks, seven dams, and nearly 10,000 acres of rural land. Our dams, lakes, and storage tanks are surrounded by steep inclines and thick vegetation. Wildfire loves steep inclines and thick vegetation, so it’s critically important for everyone’s safety to keep that vegetation mowed and cleared. (The last thing we’d want is a wildfire to take out a water tank!)
Land management tactics like weed-eating thick vegetation on steep inclines can’t be done with a push lawn mower from the local home improvement store. It requires bigger and sturdier equipment. Also, it’s dangerous for employees to operate sharp-blade equipment on steep slopes, so safer options were pursued!
The Vallejo Water Department recently purchased a Remote-Controlled Slope Mower designed specifically for clearing large areas of deep vegetation at very steep inclines, such as on the hills around water storage tanks. Vallejo Water’s mower can operate for eight hours and up to 1,000 feet away from the Water staff operating the remote control. The mower’s camera shows the remote operator the terrain before mowing it, preventing run-ins with obstacles like large rocks, tree stumps, and cliffs.
“Nothing is more important than keeping people safe,” notes
Robert Ljuba, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor at the Vallejo Water Department.

“There are a lot of hazards on these slopes and terrain we are responsible for maintaining. People can trip and fall, especially on any incline, let alone an incline of 50 degrees. If that happens to a staff member who is operating hand-held machinery like a brush cutter or weed eater, it creates a very dangerous situation. This remotecontrolled equipment allows us to do our work efficiently and keep our staff safe.” Amazingly, these remote-control slope mowers can operate on inclines of up to 52 degrees. (By comparison, curvy Lombard Street in San Francisco has a 27-degree incline.)
Remote-controlled mowers also significantly increase efficiency. For the amount of work it would take five trained workers to clear vegetation in eight hours, a single remotecontrolled slope mower could do it in only 45 minutes. This frees up staff to do other work, increasing the Maintenance team’s overall productivity.
Vallejo Water is among the first government agencies in Solano County to purchase this
type of equipment. Knowing the many benefits that remote-controlled slope mowers can offer, the Water Department held a demonstration on slope mowing for neighboring agencies like the Vallejo Fire Department, Vallejo Flood and Wastewater District, Solano County Fire, the Napa Firewise Council, and the Marin Fire Department.
“It benefits everyone when agencies can share ideas for increasing efficiency and safety,” Ljuba noted. “For example, if a nearby city is inspired to purchase a remote-controlled slope mower and can then clear more hilly vegetation while keeping their staff out of potential harm’s way, all nearby communities, including Vallejo, will absolutely benefit from the firebreaks and wildfire prevention that were created by that slope mower.”

Water Treatment Plant Operator
$93,531.36 - $113,688.22 Annually
Full Time
March 29, 2024
This is the full journey level classification in the Water Treatment Plant Operator series. Employees in this classification have completed the thirty-six (36) month trainee portion of this progressive classification series (or equivalent experience from an outside agency), successfully obtained their Grade T3, and successfully demonstrated their ability to perform the full range of responsibilities, including operating and maintaining serviceable water supply through the City’s transmission, distribution facilities, water
treatment plants and sludge de-watering facility, often without immediate supervision. Incumbents apply independent judgment and standard job knowledge to resolve issues/ problems of diverse scope where analysis of data requires evaluation of identifiable factors, initiative, and action within established operational parameters.
Equivalent to completion of the twelfth (12th) grade.
Successful completion of relevant courses required in order to obtain and maintain Grade T3 certification from the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB).
To learn more and apply, CLICK HERE.

Vallejo’s First Annual Earth
Daze Festival
Embodying the importance of sustainability and encouraging an active lifestyle with outdoor activities bringing the community together at no cost, the Earth Daze Festival is the kick-off of Vallejo’s 2024 event season! Guests can expect to find a toe-tapping live entertainment stage, delicious food, Battle Bots by Obtanium Works, and lots of fun activities for the kids.
Interested in being a vendor? APPLY HERE
Sat, Apr 27, 2024 - 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Downtown Vallejo – 300 Block of Virginia and 600 Block of Marin


Pets of the week
Domestic Longhair, female, young
Meet Shadow! This soft and sweet 6-monthold dilute Tortie is pure love! Shadow enjoys the company of people and other cats — and will easily introduce herself to share a sunny spot with a new buddy. Shadow is often found roaming throughout the HSNB cat care room, bumping noses with other kitties to say hello, and finding comfy new places to sit or perch. She gives the occasional playful face swat to a passing feline, but it's just to say, Hey, let's play! Her long, luxurious fur will require grooming to keep her locks mat-free but she turns on her purr to let you know when you hit the right spots. To meet Shadow, go to HSNB.org and fill out a cat adoption interest application.
Labrador Retriever/Shepherd, male, adult
Meet big, beautiful Bobby! This ultra-handsome 3-year-old Retriever/Shepherd mix has soft, gorgeous golden fur, big brown eyes, and a tail meant for wagging! Bobby LOVES hanging out with people, and he plays well with other doggo pals in the play yard and on walks. His favorite thing is playing fetch or chasing after a ball! Bobby would make a loving and loyal family companion. Bobby has pretty good leash manners and is always eager to work on his skills. At nearly 78 pounds, Bobby is a strong boy who needs an equally strong, confident handler in case he sees something fun to chase — like a squirrel! To meet Bobby, go to HSNB.org and fill out a dog adoption interest application.
Foralistofavailablecatsanddogs,gotoHSNB.organdclicktheAdoptionstab.Wewelcomepotentialadopterstobrowse availableanimalsonourwebsiteandifinterested,downloadanapplication.Emailcatapplicationstocatadoptions@hsnb.org anddogapplicationstoadoptions@hsnb.org.Petsareavailableatthetimeofarticlesubmission.Wecannotguaranteethey willbeavailableuponpublication.HumaneSocietyoftheNorthBayisa501(c)3nonprofitorganization.Wearelocatedat1121 SonomaBlvd.,Vallejo.Weareopendailybyappointment,from10:30a.m.to4:30p.m.Weareactivelyseekingfostersforour petsinneed,andwearealwaysseekingdonationstohelpusdothelife-savingworkwedo.

Serve on the City of Vallejo Youth Strategic Plan Working Group
Youth Development has been identified as a multi-year priority by the Vallejo City Council. In support of this goal, the City will be conducting a City-wide Needs Assessment to gather input related to youth needs, current offerings, barriers, gaps in services, and community priorities. Data from the needs assessment, as well as community input, will help inform the creation of a Youth Strategic Plan that will support decision making and funding for future programs and services.
The City of Vallejo’s Youth Coordinator is creating a Youth Strategic Plan Working Group as part of the City-Wide Youth Needs Assessment and Strategic Planning process. The Youth Strategic Plan Working Group will help identify the current, emerging, and future needs, services, and supports of all youth in the City of Vallejo, especially those who have been underrepresented or underserved.
Vallejo community leaders, advocates for children and youth, youth ages 15-25, and representatives from youth-serving organizations.
The Youth Strategic Plan Working Group members will meet six times for a one-and-a-half hour virtual meeting between March-October 2024 and must be able to commit until October 2024.
A stipend of will be available to youth members of the Working Group.
How Will You Make an Impact?
The Youth Strategic Plan Working Group will influence and support the development of the Youth Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan, which will help guide future community and City efforts to improve outcomes for youth ages 0-25, including community investments, programs, and services across the City of Vallejo.
If you are interested in serving, please click the link to submit an interest form , or request an email copy from victoria.grace@cityofvallejo. net, or fill out a paper copy and return to City Hall. Paper copies are available on the 1st floor resource table next to security.

EV Charging Stations for City’s Fleet plus more in the works
The City of Vallejo has worked diligently to get Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations installed at the City’s Corp Yard and Flemming Hill Water Plant in order to start bringing electric powered vehicles into the City’s fleet. These EV charging stations are a step towards modernization and GHG (Greenhouse Gas) reduction for Vallejo’s emerging EV fleet.
The bid for installation of the City’s fleet EV charge stations was awarded to EVCHARGE4U on October 24, 2023. The installation of 14 charging stations started in Mid December 2023 and was completed in February 2024. 10 Charging stations are located at the Corp Yard and 4 charging stations were installed at Fleming Hill. These chargers have Power Sharing capabilities to maximize their effectiveness keeping a fleet of
vehicles fully charged overnight. Power Sharing shifts the electricity to vehicles that are still charging, once a vehicle is fully charged that charger shuts down and the other remaining chargers start charging faster until every vehicle is fully charged.
Funding for these charge stations has primarily come from grants acquired from Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) along with incentives from Marin Clean Energy (MCE), California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CAL EVIP), and Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) for public chargers that are just starting to be built through our agreement with Electric Vehicle Charging Systems. These upcoming public chargers will be available in many public lots in Vallejo including Lots B, F, A, I, J, K, L and the future Boat Launch ramp parking lot in Downtown and the Waterfront plus the Senior Center along Amador Street and the North and South Vallejo Recreation Centers.

From a Sideshow to a pursuit, then an arrest
On March 3, 2024, at approximately 10:45 P.M., the Vallejo Police Department received multiple calls for service regarding a sideshow at the intersection of Sonoma Blvd. and Lemon St. Callers reported approximately 100 vehicles participating in the sideshow and impeding traffic in the area.
Upon arrival, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Air Unit observed a Mercedes-Benz spinning donuts in the listed intersection and directed our patrol officers to the driver's location. A pursuit was initiated as soon as our officers got behind the Mercedes-Benz.
The pursuit led to the city of Richmond. The driver of the Mercedes-Benz attempted to outslick our officers by parking his vehicle and then running to his associate, who was waiting for him in another vehicle. The driver failed to realize that he could not outslick the CHP Air Unit, who was watching his every move. Officers conducted a traffic stop on the associate's vehicle and arrested the driver of the MercedesBenz.
The male was booked into the Solano County Jail and his vehicle was towed from the scene.
Thank you to CHP and Richmond PD for assisting us in arresting this reckless driver who attempted to evade arrest.
A friendly reminder to those unaware of the consequences of participating in an illegal sideshow in Vallejo:
Your vehicle will be impounded for 30 days at the impound lot, incurring various fees totaling approximately $2,589, detailed as follows: Tow release fee from the Vallejo Police Department: $339
Tow from the scene fee: $300
Storage fees per day: $60
After-hour tow fees: $150
Additionally, participation in such activities will result in an arrest under the following ordinance: 8.74.040 - Spectators prohibited at street races and reckless driving exhibitions.
A.) It is unlawful for any person to:
Knowingly be present as a spectator at a street race conducted on a public street or highway. Knowingly be present as a spectator at a reckless driving exhibition conducted on a public street or highway or in an off-street parking facility.

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The City of Vallejo is excited to announce that its municipal broadband service, formerly "VallejoNet," has been rebranded as "VIP Fiber."
This rebranding initiative is part of the City's ongoing efforts to position Vallejo as a hub for technological innovation and to reflect its commitment to providing high-quality, reliable internet service to its residents and businesses.
Community-owned ISPs are driven by the needs and interests of the local residents rather than profit-driven motives. The profits generated stay within the community, promoting local growth, job creation, and economic development. VIP is committed to upholding net neutrality principles, ensuring everyone enjoys a level playing field on the internet.
Local businesses currently using VIP include Brooks & Co. Real Estate, Kindred Motorworks, Aardvarks Adventureland, Better Chew Kitchen, Suite Treatments Inc., and many more! You, too, can be a part of VIP.
Learn more about your local ISP and request a quote today to experience the premium internet service offered by VIP Fiber and join Vallejo in its mission to lead technological advancements in the region while enjoying fast and affordable internet!
Stay updated with the latest news, updates, events, and more on our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook!
Check your availability today at www.vipfiber.com

three-day design workshop
The Solano County Department of Resource Management Planning Services Division is hosting a three-day design workshop inviting Homeacres property owners and residents to help identify ways to envision a safer and more attractive neighborhood along the County portion of Benicia Road. The workshop will be occurring Thursday March 14th through Saturday March 16th at the Vallejo JFK Library-Joseph Room at 505 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo. Drop in visits and discussions are available every workshop day from 10am-5:30pm!
Volunteer architects from around the region are committed to participating and sketching designs
in real-time for area residents and developers to get a glimpse of Benicia Road’s potential future. This is the first-time Solano County Planning will be hosting this type of workshop which is more widely known as a design charrette. We anticipate 50-75 participants daily. The focus area is between Glen Cove Road/Rollingwood Drive and Homeacres Avenue (See map above).
QUESTIONS? please contact planning@ solanocounty.com or 707-784-6765.
Jacalyn Eyvonne
Vallejo Co-Poet Laureate
Jacalyn Eyvonne began writing poetry early in a home where books lined the walls, and found solace through reading and writing. In a world that often seemed plagued by turmoil and injustice, her early poetry mimicked the struggles surrounding the civil rights movement. The voices of Nikki Giovanni, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Maya Angelou inspired her artistry. However, Jacalyn writes across a range of poetic themes and topics. She was later drawn to the camera, where she became a photographer, gravitating to film and eventually overlapping her talents. Most recently, creating an art photography display exhibited at the McCune Rare Book and Art Collection during the Vallejo Open Studios. The project "The Unyielding Weight of Words" intertwined photography with poetry from her upcoming book "The Unyielding Weight of Words - Poems for Reflection, Healing, and Love."
work appear in ‘Sistah’s With Ink Voices’ and, most recently, Wheelsong Poetry Anthology 3, Wheelsong Books, United Kingdom. Her poetry is not limited to any particular subject but encompasses all that moves her, all that consumes her mind. It is an outlet for her deepest thoughts and reflects her journey.
Working with her non-profit KidsNFilm
Multimedia, along with the monologues that students currently learn and present on camera, she will be incorporating poetry on film into the workshops, and as a Teaching Artist, she already has a spring project scheduled to work with poetry on film with students through VTA, Vallejo Teaching Artists. She has also produced and hosted the Monologues and Poetry International Film Fest, an online festival screening in its 3rd year, and will take place this December 16. The festival screening is free to attend, and you can register for the event at her website, www. MonologuesInternational.com.

Jacalyn’s first published poem appeared in the Oakland Tribune. It was a tribute to Magic Johnson, titled “It’s Magic,” after his announcement that he had HIV in November of 1991. Thereafter, she became the founding editor of “In The Company of Poets Magazine,” an international publication that later followed with a cable access poetry show under the same title. She is the author of “I Am Not An Inconsequential Word – A Collection of Poetry and Remnants” and “From Venting To Verse – How To Turn Anger Into Poetry.” She has also finalized a new collection, The World of Black and Words,” and has had
Poem: Note this poem is from an upcoming collection scheduled for next spring, so your readers are getting an early peek.
Awake each morning to greet the dawn, as the sun peeks over the horizon and the sky turns a soft hue. A mesmerizing work of art transforms magically across the early morn, revealing an untouched day of fresh promises of hope looming colors of life to fill hearts with wonder and grace, and the radiance of a brand-new day.
Kathleen Herrmann
Vallejo Co-Poet Laureate
Kathleen Herrmann is proud to be serving as the Co-Poet Laureate of the City of Vallejo along with author, photographer and film maker Jacalyn Eyvonne. Kathleen writes poems about small moments with big feelings. A retired elementary educator, she taught writer’s workshop to children, who in turn, reawakened her inner child with their powers of observation and honesty. She has published nonfiction articles as well, on topics ranging from parenting skills to home security. She is currently interviewing refugees, compiling their stories for her new book, I Was There, Now I’m Here. Music is her twin passion. She currently sings in a local trio and plays piano, guitar and ukulele.
“Somewhere I read of the freedom of speech.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
When I was very young, I was taught what to say
What not to say and how to say it
My real words locked up inside
Knocking around in an empty chamber inside
I couldn’t seem to shake them, so I carried them around
When they slipped out, I lost ground
So I kept it quiet
Volume down
Today I look around and see people in the streets
Raising one voice in solidarity
Celebrating unity with funk, hip hop, jazz
Turning our lost country around
Turning hate upside down
No more pretending
No more laying low
I know my truth
It’s time to let it show
Here it comes, I’m gonna say it
Say it LOUD
What about you?
I can do what you need me to
So you can say it, too
Say it LOUD
Together, our voices ring clear and strong
Together, no one can put us down
Everybody now
Say it, say it LOUD
If you’re gonna say it, say it LOUD
Amen, brothers and sisters

Business Assistant Job Description
Solano County Fair Association
The Solano County Fair Association (SCFA) seeks an energetic and accomplished Business Assistant to perform administrative, bookkeeper, and office manager duties. This full-time, benefitted position, offers competitive pay, and a unique opportunity to serve the community in a positive work environment. A passion for the County Fair, entertainment, community engagement, and the event industry are a must!
Solano County Fairgrounds are in Vallejo, CA. Position is for on-premises employment.
Anticipated start date Monday, March 25, 2024
Apply at: https://www.scfair.com/employment-opportunities
Submit completed application & resume to: ceo@scfair.org
• Hours: 40 hours per week. Additional hours may be required.
• Salary: $26.25 to $31.90 per hour
• Benefits: Health, Dental & Vision Benefits
• Retirement: 401(k) Retirement account with 3% matching employer contribution
• Vacation: Accrual at 3.08 hours per pay period, following probationary period
• Holidays: 11 paid days
• Sick Leave: Accrual at 3.7 hours per pay period
Position Summary
Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the position is responsible for overseeing and administering the SCFA’s day-to-day financial and administrative activities and cultivating a welcoming environment for co-workers, visitors, and business partners. The Business Assistant is responsible for overseeing and coordination of the activities and tasks within the administrative office team.
Desired Qualifications:
• A cooperative, professional, positive attitude.
• Ability to work collaboratively with diverse groups.
• Effective written & verbal communication; Spanish speaking a plus.
• Proficient computer skills.
• Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite products – MS Word, Excel, etc.
• Proficiency with standard accounting practices.
• Familiarity with “Sage” &/or “Activity” software is beneficial.
• Associate of Arts degree, bookkeeping or accounting experience required. Experience may be substituted for an AA depending on the experience.
• A valid California driver’s license.
• Ability to lift 30 lbs.
• Must be able to work occasional unusual hours, evenings, & weekends.

Join in the fun with a variety of events for youth and families brought to you by the Greater Vallejo Recreation District (GVRD). GVRD is a separate government agency from the City of Vallejo that provides parks and recreation programs for children, families, and seniors in Vallejo. GVRD operates primarily by means of locally controlled funding and receives revenue from fees for services, park entrances, programs, and facility rentals. Grants and park dedication permit fees assist in the provision for new park development projects and ongoing maintenance.
The GVRD Main Office (registrations & reservations) is temporarily relocated to Cunningham Aquatic Complex (801 Heartwood Ave). Open M-F 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. All GVRD Board & Committee Meetings are held at 401 Amador St (administration, finance, & human resources). The playground at Terrace Park will be closed through April for renovations.
View the GVRD Spring 2024 Activity Guide for more programs, events, classes and activities.
To pre-register for events or for more information, visit www.gvrd.org, call (707) 648-4600, or email recreation@gvrd.org.