Vallejo Weekly | Vol 12 | Issue 21

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Vol 12 | Issue 21 | May 23, 2024




I am honored that the City Council has appointed me as Vallejo’s City Manager. I was drawn to the City’s diversity, natural beauty, and broad range of programs and services. I have already had the pleasure of engaging with many community members and City employees and look forward to meeting many more.

I am excited to have joined the City in time for the City Council’s discussion of the annual budget. On Thursday, May 30th at 6 pm, the City Council will hold a budget workshop at which City staff will present the proposed Fiscal Year 24-25 budget and City Council will provide direction. I am pleased to share that the proposed General Fund budget is balanced and that the City is forecasting a structurally balanced General Fund budget for the next five years. I am thankful for the City staff that have worked so hard to prepare the proposed budget.

This weekend, I hope you will take some time to remember those who have bravely served our country. Many Vallejoans have served the military in enlisted and civilian capacities. As you’ll see in our social media, there are special activities planned for Memorial Day (Monday May 27th) at Mare Island Naval Cemetery and Vallejo City Hall.

I appreciate your warm welcome and look forward to working in partnership with you.


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ON THE COVER: National Public Works Week May 19-25

Happy National Public Works Week! Our Public Works employees are the backbone of our communities, tirelessly working behind the scenes to ensure our daily lives run smoothly. Their dedication to their jobs and to Vallejo plays a crucial role in making life better for everyone.

These hardworking individuals maintain our roads, ensuring they are safe and accessible for all. They keep our streetlights shining, illuminating our streets and neighborhoods, making them safer and more welcoming. They care for our public spaces, creating and preserving parks and recreational areas where we can relax, play, and connect with one another.

Public Works employees also manage solid waste, ensuring our community remains clean and healthy. Through their efforts, they make significant contributions to environmental sustainability. Additionally, they oversee capital improvement projects, continuously working to enhance and upgrade our infrastructure to meet the growing needs of Vallejo's residents.

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Their commitment to providing costeffective, efficient, and responsive services is unwavering. They often work long hours and face challenging conditions, all to ensure our community thrives. Without their efforts, our city wouldn't be able to function as seamlessly as it does.

Let's take this opportunity to celebrate and thank the dedicated professionals of the Public Works department for all they do. Their hard work and commitment truly make life better for all of us in Vallejo!

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M O N D A Y , M A Y 2 7 , 2 0 2 4

City offices will be closed in observance of Memorial Day

Vallejo Housing Authority will reopen on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 9:00 am


Memorial Day 2024 Events

Join us on Monday, May 27, 2024, at 9 & 11 AM for two special Memorial Day events.


Hosted by the Vallejo Navy League and the National Cemetery Administration, the ceremony will take place on Monday, May 27th, at 9:00 AM at The Mare Island Naval Cemetery.

Location: The Mare Island Naval Cemetery, located at 167 O'Hara Ct., Vallejo (Mare Island)

Esteemed Speakers: Mayor Robert McConnell of Vallejo Proxies for US Rep. John Garamendi & State Sen. Bill Dodd Ms. Ashaley T. Jackson, Director of National Cemeteries in CA & NV

Assemblymember Lori D. Wilson and Patriotic Music, performed by a quintet from the US Air Force Band of the Golden West.


Hosted by The American Legion Mare Island Navy Yard (M.I.N.Y.) Post 550 on behalf of the Vallejo Veterans Memorial Building Council.

Location: Waterfront Memorial behind Vallejo City Hall - 555 Santa Clara Street

Guest Speaker: Mr. John H. Aldridge, Commander of The American Legion Department of California, retired USAF Veteran

Highlights: - Massing of Colors by Vallejo Veterans Organizations - Presentation of Colors by Boy Scout Troop 7012 & Jesse Bethel High School

NJROTC - Invocation by Pastor Jasper McCargo - National Anthem sung by Maximilian BurgessShannon - Memorial Wreath placement by Mayor Robert H. McConnell & Mr. Aldridge - Benediction & Taps In case of bad weather, the service will be moved to the Vallejo Veterans Memorial Building at 420 Admiral Callaghan Lane. Let’s come together to honor and remember our heroes.

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City Clerk Dawn Abrahamson

Installed as President-Elect of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks

We are delighted to announce that on May 22, City of Vallejo City Clerk Dawn Abrahamson was installed as President-Elect of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) during the institute’s annual conference hosted in Calgary, Canada. This prestigious appointment is a testament to Dawn’s exceptional professionalism, dedication, and extensive experience in municipal government. Her installation as President-Elect is a moment of great pride and honor for both her and our city.

As President-Elect, Dawn will be responsible for assisting the President, succeeding to the office of President either upon vacancy or if the President is unable to perform the duties of office, and appointing incoming committee members and chairs to serve during her term as President Elect as vice chairs and then chairs during her term as President. These critical assignments reflect her deep commitment to enhancing the standards and practices of municipal clerks worldwide.

Founded in 1947, the IIMC is the leading organization for municipal clerks, boasting over 75 years of experience in improving the professionalism of its members. With more than 15,000 members representing various jurisdictions across the globe, the IIMC is

affiliated with 49 U.S. and nine Canadian associations. Dawn’s leadership within this influential body underscores her significant role in the field of municipal governance.

In her capacity as City Clerk for the City of Vallejo, Dawn is responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the activities of the City Clerk's Office. With over 35 years of experience in municipal government, her expertise and leadership have been invaluable to our community. Dawn’s extensive resume includes serving on numerous committees within the City Clerk's Association of California (CCAC), where she also held the position of president. As well as previously serving as Vice President of the IIMC.

Throughout her illustrious career, Dawn has received numerous accolades, including the President's Award of Distinction in 2002 and 2008 for her contributions to both the CCAC and her community. In 2009, she was honored with the "Municipal Clerk of the Year" award for her exceptional contributions to the City of Fremont and the CCAC. Furthermore, in April 2017, she received the "Pat Hammers Spirit Award" in recognition of her dedication to promoting the professional growth of clerks and the advancement of the profession.

Dawn’s influence extends beyond our city. In May 2018, she was officially installed as one of two Region IX Directors on the IIMC Board of Directors. In this role, she represented the states of Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington, further demonstrating her leadership and commitment to the field.

The City of Vallejo is incredibly proud of Dawn Abrahamson’s achievements and her continued dedication to public service. Her appointment as President-Elect of the IIMC is a significant milestone, and we are confident that she will continue to inspire and lead with the same passion and professionalism that have marked her outstanding career. In May of 2025, Dawn will be installed as President of IIMC. Please join us in congratulating Dawn on this remarkable achievement.

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Vallejo Housing Authority landlord symposium

THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2024 - 3:00 PM TO 5:00 PM




Landlord incentives

Expedited inspection processes of new units.

Dedicated email for landlord concerns.

Loss Mitigation Fund

Timely monthly payments

Competitive contract rents


Meet us at the market


Join us at the corner of Georgia and Marin Streets every last Saturday of the month.

Come and grab some Vallejo swag, sign up to receive City communications, and ask Vallejo staff questions!

• MAY 25, 2024

• JUN 29, 2024

• JUL 27, 2024

• AUG 31, 2024

• SEP 28, 2024

• OCT 26, 2024

• NOV 30, 2024

• DEC 28, 2024

Vallejo Weekly 9

Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month: Staff Highlight

In celebration of Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, the City of Vallejo would like to focus on YOUTH COORDINATOR VICTORIA GRACE-BARKSDALE, one of our many AAPI staff members! Let’s get to know more about Victoria who helps create wonderful experiences to support and empower youth in Vallejo:

Q: How many years have you worked for the City of Vallejo?

A: I started in August of 2022. A bunch of people had sent me the job posting because I worked in the school sites, and I did a lot of community work revolving around youth. I read through it, and I knew this was exactly what I wanted to do, so it was a perfect fit. Though I really loved my job working for the school district, I was excited to step up and fill this new position.

Q: Why is AAPI Heritage Month important to you?

A: I think it's really important to recognize that there have been so many amazing contributions from Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders over

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time that go unnoticed. It’s good to be able to bring people together to highlight and celebrate the culture, the art, the food-just the people that have made America an amazing melting pot. In a community like Vallejo, where it is super diverse, it makes sense to have specific acknowledgements of cultural and ethnic backgrounds because they are so unique, and their contributions are unique as well. Every group should be recognized for their differences and for their similarities, especially for future generations to feel welcomed. One of the biggest things I learned while working on school sites is kids cannot be what they cannot see and if they don't see themselves represented and celebrated in leadership roles or movie screens or in local government, then they're less likely to want to attain those positions.

Q: What is your ethnic background and how has being AAPI shaped you?

A: My ethnic background is very multiracial- my mother is Chinese, her parents came over from Canton, China and my father is half-Filipino and half African American. My great grandfather came over from the Philippines in the 30’s. My parents met at Vallejo High School and hence, I was born. I think being mixed with an Asian background has really helped shape who I am. Growing up in Vallejo, I didn't know that it wasn't mixed like this everywhere. I had no idea until I went to college that being this diverse is actually not common which also makes me love Vallejo even more. It’s kind of cool, like Vallejo is mixed just like me!

Being AAPI has really shaped me because I love to learn about my culture. My grandparents had a Chinese food restaurant called China Barn here in Vallejo for many years. I was basically raised there and so I learned a lot about Chinese culture, especially the food and traditional practices. We used to go to Chinatown in Oakland or San Francisco a lot. We’d go to the cemetery to honor our ancestors and offer food, burn incense, and burn paper “ items” and money for them to have in the afterlife. Those are the things that I cherish the most learning from my grandparents. I do wish they taught me how to speak Cantonese, though. My mom speaks Cantonese, but I don't. Also, unfortunately, when my Filipino Great Grandpa came to Vallejo it was during a time when people had to assimilate into American culture, so they were really really discouraged, if not punished, for speaking their native tongue. In order to fit in, my great grandparents didn't even teach my grandma how to speak Tagalog or Ilocano and so as a result of that my dad never spoke it and so then I didn't speak it. When I travelled to the Philippines with Vallejo Sister Cities, I got to visit

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family and they did teach me how to count in Tagalog, which is so cool.

Q: What do you love about your work and Vallejo?

A: What I love the most about my work in Vallejo is that I get to impact the community I grew up in and live in. I get to affect people at every level whether you are a youth, a parent, or a grandparent. I'm working to create systems that would help improve positive youth outcomes in Vallejo. I love the fact that I get to work with non-profits and schools to really help them solve issues that they have whether it's funding, connecting them to another person for collaboration, or providing an opportunity for youth groups to interface and engage with local government. I feel so grateful to be able to set that up and see kids learn and grow. When kids can see themselves on the dais speaking about how they feel the challenges are going in Vallejo, that makes me super happy and super proud that we're setting up those systems. I'm really excited and really love being able to engage with the youth and then providing them a place to be able to voice their opinions. Hopefully, by setting up our upcoming Youth Council, we'll be able to have a formal system that shows kids that their opinions matter. We can show youth that their input is valuable, and we welcome their opinions as a part of the decision-making of our City.

Q: What are your favorite sports and activities?

A: I do love to play sports. I loved to play softball, soccer, and volleyball while growing up. Now I just play volleyball. I actually met my husband playing volleyball, so we still play together in Benicia on a co-ed team called Hammertime. I also like to do community work. I love organizing people and throwing events for the community. I especially like to make them youth-friendly and have youth volunteers at my events. Currently, I sit on the Board of Directors for a couple different non-profits. One is Vallejo Together, who primarily serves our unhoused community here in Vallejo. We do a lot of advocacy work, coordinate a homeless roundtable, and a mobile basic needs program. My focus dealt primarily with youth and families and so we often work with the School District and hosted holiday events for McKinney-Vento kids. We also do a big Senior Citizens luncheon on Thanksgiving. The other Board that I sit on is the Vallejo Sister City Association- I love to travel, try different foods, and learn about different cultures, so Sister Cities really encompassed and embodied all of that. We get to highlight the diversity of our community and the different cultures that we have here. We also get to travel and learn about new cultures and eat their food and learn about the different challenges that they have and how they are similar or different to ours. I really enjoy doing those types of things.

Q: What do you love most about your culture?

A: I feel like my culture is a mixed culture because I can't claim any one culture and I absolutely love being mixed! I think my favorite

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parts are the food and learning about the people. It’s like being able to get the best of both worlds, or all three worlds really, and know that it represents me in many different ways. I also love being able to travel to different places around the world, where my family is from, to try the cultural food and meet the people and know that those are my people. There's so much rich history in Chinese culture. There's so much to learn about Filipinos and their amazing contributions to America and Vallejo. There is so much history and accomplishments in African American culture. I love it all.

Thank you, Victoria, for sharing your story with the Community!

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Vallejo Weekly 15 OPEN HOUSE May 30 2024
30, 2024 Mare Island Brewing Company • Coal Shed Location 850
Vallejo, CA 94592 Doors open at 5:00 PM. Program starts at
PM. Meet our Year 16 participants and learn about their community projects. Find out how you can get involved in Leadership Vallejo as a Year 17 participant or sponsor of the program. For more information, visit or call (707) 738-6964 Thank You Year 16 Sponsors: Six Flags Discovery Kingdom . Kaiser Permanente . Recology . Medic Ambulance . VTown Farms Enterprise Holding . Touro University California . Project Partners Consulting . Brass Tacks Coaching Georgia House Graphics . Gina Snyder . J.D. Miller . Mare Island Brewing Company Minuteman Press . Vallejo Chamber of Commerce Join us at our 16th Annual Open House
Nimitz Avenue,

Rodeo X Rigs Tour!

Come and experience the thrill of this exciting Off-Road / Overland meet held on Saturday, June 8th 2024 at Mare Island.

Located at 850 Nimitz Ave, Vallejo, CA, USA, our event promises to deliver for the off-road and overland enthusiast. This event will feature local community vendors, and some of the industries top off road companies such as Toyota, King Shocks, Tacoma Beast, Rays Wheels, DuroBumps, Attica 4x4, Rigid Industries, R4T, Wolf Box,

Klean Ridez, Premiere West, CBI, PRINSU, Peak Suspension and Front Runner Outfitters.

Bring your family, friends and pets along to enjoy a day filled with an off-road vehicle display, music, food and fun.

Mark your calendars and don't miss out on this incredible event! We can't wait to see you there!

For more information visit

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Disc golf is designed to be enjoyed by people of all ages, gender identity, and economic status, making it a great lifetime fitness activity. Because disc golf is so easy to learn, no one is excluded; players merely match their pace to their capabilities and proceed from there.

Disc golf is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to teach, share and, enjoy a lifetime sport. It's a healthy, inexpensive, recreational activity that provides upper and lower body conditioning, aerobic exercise and mental stimulation. Concentration skills expand by mastering shots and negotiating

obstacles. Players of limited fitness levels can start slowly and gradually increase their level of play.

Local Union 376, Painters and Drywall Finishers, will meet at Hanns Park for a Day of Service. The City of Vallejo will bring the Community Clean Up Tool Trailer out to support their efforts. The Vallejo Disc Golf Clubs will join the effort, installing a new kiosk built by Local 180 Carpenters Union. Disc Golf at Hanns Park, operated by GVRD, features 9 concrete tee boxes with 2 baskets on each hole at all times to make up 18 unique holes.

To learn more about the Vallejo Disc Golf League visit: Vallejo Disc Golf Club | Vallejo, CA | UDisc Leagues

To organize a Community Clean Ups events or volunteer as a group, please email volunteer@

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Vallejo Weekly 18

Everyone Plays a Part in Drinking Water Month

Water falls from the sky and into a lake or river, then flows through miles and miles of pipes to Vallejo’s Fleming Hill Water Treatment Plant, where the water is cleaned, disinfected, and pumped through a series of pump stations, reservoirs, and pipes until it ultimately comes out of your faucet. There are dozens and dozens of drinking water professionals, just in the City of Vallejo alone, who work behind the scenes to make sure the water that comes out of your tap is clean, healthy, and safe to drink. It may seem like you don’t have a lot of involvement in this process, but you have a bigger part to play than you might think.

As we continue to celebrate Drinking Water Month in the City of Vallejo, there are things that you can do to make sure current and future generations have access to clean drinking water:

Don’t litter. When you keep areas surrounding rivers and lakes clean, there’s less plastic and other debris to run off and pollute these drinking sources. This runoff can be treated at the water treatment plants, but the cleaner the water source

(lakes and rivers) are at the start of the process, the cleaner the water will be when it comes out of your tap. If you plan to enjoy some of our many beautiful outdoors areas this year, make a plan to pack out anything you bring in.

Conserve. What we don’t use now can be stored for later. We’ve been blessed with another rainy season, which refills our drinking water sources at Lake Berryessa and the Bay-Delta. It’s never too soon to start thinking about cutting back on water use in case we need it later in the dry summer, fall, and fire season.

Educate. The more you help others understand the importance of keeping water sources (and ultimately the environment itself) clean, the more you’re doing to preserve clean drinking water for future generations. If you’re looking for an opportunity to improve your own education on drinking water, the Vallejo Water Department invites you to take a tour of the Fleming Hill Water Treatment Plant. Call 707-648-4493 to schedule a tour.

While May is the month that we celebrate our clean, safe, and tasty drinking water, it’s important to remember that drinking water is a 24/7/365 mission, and each of us has a part to play.

Vallejo Weekly 19

Accounting Technician

Closes: June 6, 2024

Salary: $62,884.02 - $76,435.84 Annually

This recruitment is being conducted to fill one full-time vacancy. The list established by this recruitment may be used to fill future fulltime, part-time, limited term, and temporary vacancies for up to one year.

The Accounting Technician is the full journey level class within the accounting clerical series. The incumbent in this position performs accounting duties involved in maintaining fiscal records, and assists in the preparation, analysis, and review of budgets, payroll, and other related financial transactions.


The Finance Department assists other departments in the City in meeting their service objectives by allocating and monitoring the City's financial resources, financial reporting, payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable and other financial transactions.

The department monitors and reports on the financial position of the City, bills and collects most City revenues, provides treasury services, and monitors the City's debt and trustee activity.

The Department assists the City Manager with the annual operating and capital improvement budgets and in developing and maintaining the city's long-range financial projections.

The Finance Department provides several

financial support services to the City Council, City Manager, and other City departments. In addition, the Finance Department directs and manages the financial activities of the City and manages services provided to other City departments.

Minimum Requirements

Any combination of education and experience that would likely provide the required knowledge, skills, and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge, skills, and abilities would be:

Experience: Three years of increasingly responsible experience in the maintenance of financial and related statistical records.

Education: Equivalent to an Associate Degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in financial accounting and business practices.

License or Certificate:

*Any license, certification, or registration required for this position shall be maintained (i.e., active and in good standing) at all times during employment with City of Vallejo. For continued employment with City of Vallejo, you must maintain such license, certification, or registration to meet the minimum qualifications of this position.

To learn more and apply, CLICK HERE.

Vallejo Weekly 20

Enhancing Vallejo’s Participatory Budgeting

At the May 14 City Council meeting, the council unanimously approved a resolution to adopt the necessary Participatory Budgeting (PB) Rulebook changes to transition the Vallejo PB process from a one-year cycle to a two-year cycle. Click here to read the staff report.

Given comprehensive assessments and input from our community, our participatory budgeting process is undergoing pivotal changes. The adjustments are geared towards optimizing the process and maintaining the total project funding.

The rationale behind the Initiative took into consideration that in 2020, in response to the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Vallejo strategically decided to reduce the total project budget for Participatory Budgeting (PB) from $1,000,000 to $500,000. This adjustment was undertaken to mitigate the financial strain on municipal resources while addressing the evolving needs of

the community during the pandemic. Adopting a two-year cycle would lead to the accumulation of $1 million in project funding over the same period.

The key changes and benefits include dedicating a year to project execution, which allows more time and resources to monitor and track project outcomes effectively. This enhances transparency and accountability, demonstrating the impact of PB initiatives. The extended cycle duration provides another year, allowing ample time for thorough project planning and smooth execution, promoting better coordination among stakeholders and involving partners earlier. This aligns with community priorities and strengthens public trust in the government.

Your ideas, feedback, and involvement are crucial to the success of this endeavor. Together, we can create a more resilient, inclusive, and prosperous future for Vallejo through Participatory Budgeting.

Get involved by completing our volunteer form.

Share your ideas for future projects HERE.

Vallejo Weekly 21

Future Leadership Vallejo’s Government Day at City Hall

On Saturday, May 11 , 2024, the City of Vallejo was honored to host a group of high school students from the Future Leadership Vallejo Program for their Government Day in Council Chambers.

The Future Leadership Vallejo (FLV) Program is a five-month interactive youth leadership development and community education program. It was created by a group of graduates of the Leadership Vallejo (LV) program (Cohort 14), which is an adult personal and professional development program designed to motivate participants to enhance the quality of their leadership skills. The Future Leadership Vallejo program serves high school sophomores and juniors and encourages them to learn about the Vallejo community while raising their voices around critical issues in the city. Activities include hands-on leadership training, field trips, and active conversations with local Vallejo officials and community leaders.

During Government Day, the youth participants were joined by Vallejo City Council Members Rozanna Verder Aliga, Charles Palmares, and Tina Arriola. The council members hosted small group discussions where they got to know the students and talked about the successes and challenges within our community. They shared about their paths to public service, their priorities for the City, and the realities of being an elected official. The students engaged our council with critical questions regarding the city’s response

to issues such as safety and homelessness. They also shared some of their main concerns as Vallejo youth including school facilities, community resources, and mental health services.

The event continued with a mock City Council meeting, where students were able to act as council members for the day and sat proudly with their names displayed on the dais. Council member Verder-Aliga presided over the meeting along with students who sat in as the City Clerk, City Manager, City Attorney, and IT Support positions. The City of Vallejo’s Youth Coordinator, Victoria Grace-Barksdale, along with one of the FLV students, presented a mock staff report in which the council members provided insights, asked questions, listened to citizen concerns, and voted on the item. Students were also able to speak during the mock community forum as concerned constituents that either supported or were against the item.

This important dialogue and learning experience that took place between youth and City of Vallejo leadership supports the multi-year council goal of increasing positive youth opportunities and outcomes. Events like this help to foster transparency with current leadership, increase opportunities for youth voices to be heard, and create pipelines to careers in local government as well as future city leadership.

To learn more about the Future Leadership Vallejo Program and signature Leadership Vallejo Program, please visit

Vallejo Weekly 22

Solano Senior Fraud Prevention Center

Solano Public Health’s Older and Disabled Adult Services (ODAS) Bureau is proud to announce the launch of their new website, which houses the Solano Senior Fraud Prevention Center, to address financial abuse among seniors. Due to a significant portion of our APS clients reporting financial abuse last year (about onethird of our clients which totaled close to 750 individuals), ODAS began the Financial Abuse Media Campaign. This campaign focused on

financial abuse prevention among the senior population. Nationally, seniors lose more than $3 billion each year, or an average of $34,200 per victim. Unfortunately, this type of abuse is under-reported, so the loss is likely greater.

Hopefully, through the Solano Senior Fraud Prevention Center, seniors and others will be educated so that they will not become a victim. The new website Solano Senior Fraud Prevention Center is on the Network of Care – site, www.

Vallejo Weekly 23

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• Vallejo Water Department

• VIP Fiber



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YSEALI Fellows Explore Vallejo Participatory Budgeting

On May 17, City Hall buzzed with excitement as Vallejo hosted the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellows Program. This visit was a unique opportunity to introduce 25 bright academic fellows to Vallejo’s pioneering Participatory Budgeting (PB) process.

The day’s agenda was rich with learning and interaction. Fellows delved into the history of Participatory Budgeting, gaining insights into its significant impact on the Vallejo community and the detailed processes that drive it. The City staff and members of the Participatory Budgeting Steering Committee played a pivotal role, leading small group discussions that allowed for deeper engagement and understanding.

During an energetic brainstorming session, the students contributed a wealth of creative ideas and real-world solutions to address challenges in their home countries. Their suggestions ranged from enhancing transportation systems

and implementing effective literacy programs to supporting sustainability practices, such as initiating maker spaces to upcycle goods. This collaborative exchange not only showcased the fellows' ingenuity but also their dedication to fostering positive change in their communities.

The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) is a signature program of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) in order to strengthen leadership development across the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), deepen engagement with young leaders on key regional and global challenges, and strengthen peopleto-people ties between the United States and Southeast Asia. The YSEALI Academic Fellows Program is designed for undergraduates and recent graduates between the ages of 18 and 25. These young leaders from Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam participate in a five-week experiential academic program. Participants are competitively selected by their local embassies based on their backgrounds, leadership experience, and

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dedication to service.

Vallejo's Participatory Budgeting process has earned a stellar reputation, gaining positive attention both locally and internationally. Impressed by the success of our program, the East-West Center approached Vallejo staff to host the PB training session, believing that our expertise could significantly inspire and impact their young leaders.

At the end of the training, the Vallejo Sister City Association (VSCA) hosted a memorable closing ceremony. The event featured an offering to the Fellows of a Vallejo trademark; Senorita bread rolls, symbolizing the warm, culturally diverse, and welcoming nature of our community. The ceremony included thoughtful speeches from the Vallejo Sister City Commission Chair Pelton Stewart and VSCA Board Vice-President Victoria Grace-Barksdale, each emphasizing the importance of international relationships and the value of cultural exchange through the Sister City program. Their hospitable closure included a tour of the Vallejo Sister City room, where they showcased gifts and artifacts from each of our Sister and Friendship cities. During this gathering, the YSEALI Fellows took a moment to share something significant and unique about their respective countries, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation among the group.

A special thank you goes out to everyone involved in making this visit a memorable and

successful experience. Your dedication and enthusiasm truly impacted our distinguished guests, leaving them inspired and equipped to bring positive change to their own communities.

To host a Participatory Budgeting training/ Idea collection assembly for your group, please contact

To learn more about Volunteer opportunities, click HERE.

Vallejo Weekly 26


The City of Vallejo is excited to announce that its municipal broadband service, formerly "VallejoNet," has been rebranded as "VIP Fiber."

The City of Vallejo is excited to announce that its municipal broadband service, formerly "VallejoNet," has been rebranded as "VIP Fiber."

Local businesses currently using VIP include Brooks & Co. Real Estate, Kindred Motorworks, Aardvarks Adventureland, Better Chew Kitchen, Suite Treatments Inc., and many more! You, too, can be a part of VIP.

This rebranding initiative is part of the City's ongoing efforts to position Vallejo as a hub for technological innovation and to reflect its commitment to providing high-quality, reliable internet service to its residents and businesses.

This rebranding initiative is part of the City's ongoing efforts to position Vallejo as a hub for technological innovation and to reflect its commitment to providing high-quality, reliable internet service to its residents and businesses.

Community-owned ISPs are driven by the needs and interests of the local residents rather than profit-driven motives. The profits generated stay within the community, promoting local growth, job creation, and economic development. VIP is committed to upholding net neutrality principles, ensuring everyone enjoys a level playing field on the internet.

Community-owned ISPs are driven by the needs and interests of the local residents rather than profit-driven motives. The profits generated stay within the community, promoting local growth, job creation, and economic development. VIP is committed to upholding net neutrality principles, ensuring everyone enjoys a level playing field on the internet.

Local businesses currently using VIP include Brooks & Co. Real Estate, Kindred Motorworks, Aardvarks Adventureland, Better Chew Kitchen, Suite Treatments Inc., and many more! You, too, can be a part of VIP.

Learn more about your local ISP and request a quote today to experience the premium internet service offered by VIP Fiber and join Vallejo in its mission to lead technological advancements in the region while enjoying fast and affordable internet!

Learn more about your local ISP and request a quote today to experience the premium internet service offered by VIP Fiber and join Vallejo in its mission to lead technological advancements in the region while enjoying fast and affordable internet!

Stay updated with the latest news, updates, events, and more on our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook!

Stay updated with the latest news, updates, events, and more on our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook!

Check your availability today at

Check your availability today at

Vallejo Weekly 27


CONTACT: Marianne Butler, County Cleanup Coordinator Cell: 567-674-5611 | E-mail:


Lake Solano County Park, CA (May 6, 2024): The 14th annual Solano County World Environment Day cleanup begins at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 1 at Lake Solano County Park. The morning promises activities for all participants: trash removal from Lake Berryessa, native vegetation planting, creation of take-home seed packets, and a delicious, free picnic lunch. Registration for the event is required and can be completed at Everyone who registers by May 30th will also receive a free World Environment Day event t-shirt.

The Putah Creek watershed, including Lake Berryessa and Lake Solano, is one of the most essential water systems for our County,” says Drew Gantner, Supervising Water Resources Specialist for Solano County Water Agency. “This watershed not only provides Solano County with high quality drinking and irrigation water, but it also provides a beautiful place for recreational opportunities. Taking good care of it is important for everyone who uses the water. Careless discards of trash degrade water quality, harm fish and wildlife, impact water system functionality and create hazards to boaters and recreators.” Nailah Souder, Environmental Manager at Anheuser-Busch in Fairfield adds, “We hope everyone will join us in volunteering at the June 1st Lake Berryessa Cleanup to help care for the natural resources we all rely on.”

World Environment Day builds global awareness of the environment, draws political attention to environmental issues, and supports individual and community projects. Lake Berryessa is the seventh largest reservoir in California. It delivers high quality drinking water to around 500,000 Solano County residents. Lake Berryessa is also the primary source of irrigation water for regional growers and companies like Anheuser-Busch and the Jelly Belly Factory Lake Berryessa was created by damming Putah Creek. Making sure the creek receives enough water to maintain its vital ecological link between the neighboring mountain range and the Yolo Bypass is an important part of this constructed water system

Solano Resource Conservation District coordinates the annual World Environment Day event in partnership with Solano County Water Agency, Anheuser-Busch in Fairfield, Solano County, Lake Berryessa Watershed Partnership, and Volunteer Solano/CVNL. Additional support for this year’s event is being provided by Solano County Parks, Putah Creek Council, and US Bureau of Reclamation. To learn more about these and other Solano County cleanup activities, including Solano County Coastal Cleanup Day on Saturday, September 21, please visit

Vallejo Weekly 28
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Pets of the week


Domestic Shorthair, female, young

Meet Brigette! This stunning 1-year-old gray and white furball is bursting with energy and affection. With her sparkling gold eyes and soft fur, Brigette is the epitome of feline charm. She's a curious explorer, always ready to investigate every nook and cranny of her new kingdom. Brigette is also a cuddle connoisseur! Whether it's snuggling up on the couch for a movie night or curling up in your lap while you work, she's happiest when she's by your side, soaking up all the love and attention you have to give. To meet Brigette, go to our Adoption Page at and fill out a Cat Adoption Interest Application.



Shepherd (Unkown Type), male, adult

Meet Archie! This handsome 2-year-old dog is a gentle soul in search of a caring family to call his own. While he can be shy at first, Archie absolutely loves human contact! He will lean against you while you pet him (he has the softest fur!) and he will sit on your lap whenever possible. At 54 lbs., he's not quite too big for laps. He enjoys chasing toys and going for walks. Archie is relatively new at the shelter, and we can't wait to know him better! If you'd like to know Archie too, visit our Adoption Page at and fill out a Dog Adoption Interest Application.

Vallejo Weekly 29




TUESDAY, JUNE 11 4:30-8 PM.

TUESDAY, JUNE 25TH 4:30 -8 PM.


TUESDAY, JULY 23RD 4:30 -8 PM.






Join in the fun with a variety of events for youth and families brought to you by the Greater Vallejo Recreation District (GVRD). GVRD is a separate government agency from the City of Vallejo that provides parks and recreation programs for children, families, and seniors in Vallejo. GVRD operates primarily by means of locally controlled funding and receives revenue from fees for services, park entrances, programs, and facility rentals. Grants and park dedication permit fees assist in the provision for new park development projects and ongoing maintenance.

The GVRD Main Office (registrations & reservations) is temporarily relocated to Cunningham Aquatic Complex (801 Heartwood Ave). Open M-F 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. All GVRD Board & Committee Meetings are held at 401 Amador St (administration, finance, & human resources). The playground at Terrace Park will be closed through April for renovations.

View the GVRD Spring 2024 Activity Guide for more programs, events, classes and activities.

To pre-register for events or for more information, visit, call (707) 648-4600,

Vallejo Weekly 30
View these events and more at or scan the QR code Vallejo Weekly 30
555 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA 94590
For maintenance emergencies, please call: (707) 648-5235 CONTACT

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