The Vallejo Weekly | Vol 12 | Issue 23

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Vol 12 | Issue 23 | June 6, 2024




We had an exciting start to summer last weekend with the Pista Sa Nayon Filipino festival and the Battle on the Bay Car Show downtown! It was great to welcome visitors from throughout the Bay Area to those events and to hear community feedback that they were both bigger and better than ever!

This past week, a Pride Flag Ceremony was held at City Hall. Throughout the month of June, there will be many other Pride-related events to enjoy.

Later this month, we hope you’ll check out the Juneteenth festivities, which are listed in this edition of the Weekly. We are showing our true colors of being a diverse and welcoming City!

I’d also like to share with you an update on the FY 2024-2025 Budget Workshop that took place last week in the Council Chambers. The City Council asked questions and requested additional information from staff, which will be provided at the City Council meeting on June 11th. I appreciate community members who turned out to provide input on the budget.

Finally, I would like to provide a warm welcome to our new Interim Fire Chief, Frank Drayton. He brings deep experience to the role, and we are thankful to have him.


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Vallejo Weekly 4

Overdue Tolls?


Do you have unpaid, overdue tolls for Bay Area Express Lanes or bridges? Bay Area FasTrak® is making it easier to pay, with payment plans for qualifying, low-income drivers to help you pay off your balance over time. Need help? Just ask.

For more information about the Bay Area Toll Payment Plan and eligibility requirements, visit

Vallejo Weekly 5

Fairview at Northgate Groundbreaking



P R E - N O M I N A T I O N C I T Y C O U N C I L


J o i n u s t o l e a r n a b o u t w h a t i t t a k e s t o r u n f o r C i t y C o u n c i l & w h a t l i f e l o o k s l i k e a s a V a l l e j o C i t y C o u n c i l M e m b e r

T h e 2 0 2 4 e l e c t i o n w i l l b e o p e n f o r s e a t s i n D i s t r i c t s 1 , 3 , a n d 6 . A d d i t i o n a l l y , t h e M a y o r ’ s s e a t w i l l b e

o p e n t h i s e l e c t i o n y e a r . W h i l e t h e C i t y o f V a l l e j o i s a C o u n c i l - M a n a g e r f o r m o f g o v e r n m e n t , t h e

M a y o r ’ s s e at c a r r i e s a d d i t i o n a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s t h a t a r e c r i t i c a l t o t h e s u c c e s s o f t h e e n t i r e C i t y

C o u n c i l

T o s u p p o r t p o t e n t i a l C i t y C o u n c i l c a n d i d a t e s , t h e C i t y C l e r k ’ s O f f i c e i s o f f e r i n g a u n i q u e o p p o r t u n i t y

f o r y o u t o a t t e n d a p r e - n o m i n a t i o n i n f o r m a t i o n a l C i t y C o u n c i l C a n d i d a t e s e s s i o n .

I n t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n a l s e s s i o n , t o p i c s w i l l b e c o v e r e d s u c h a s :

B a s i c s t e p s i n r u n n i n g f o r o f f i c e ;

C a l i f o r n i a g o v e r n m e n t e l e c t i o n c o d e s ;

F a i r P o l i t i c a l P r a c t i c e s C o m m i s s i o n i n f o r m a t i o n ;

F i l i n g o f f o r m s s u c h a s F o r m 7 0 0 ;

a n d m u c h m o r e .

Y o u w i l l a l s o g a i n v a l u a b l e i n s i g h t i n t o w h a t l i f e i s l i k e f o r a C i t y C o u n c i l m e m b e r o u t s i d e o f r e g u l a r

m e e t i n g s .

T o p i c s w i l l i n c l u d e :

C l o s e d s e s s i o n s , s p e c i a l m e e t i n g s , w o r k s h o p s ;

A d d i t i o n a l b o a r d s y o u m u s t s e r v e o n a s a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f V a l l e j o ;

a n d t r a i n i n g , s u c h a s t h e L e a g u e o f C a l i f o r n i a C i t i e s P r o g r a m f o r n e w l y e l e c t e d C i t y C o u n c i l M e m b e r s .

L a s t l y , w e w i l l c o v e r t h e n o m i n a t i o n p r o c e s s a n d f e e s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h b e c o m i n g a q u a l i f i e d

c a n d i d a t e , a s w e l l a s a d d i t i o n a l t o p i c s r a n g i n g f r o m c a m p a i g n s i g n s t o l e g a l r e q u i r e m e n t s a s a

c a n d i d a t e o n e l e c t i o n d a y

T h i s i n f o r m a t i o n a l s e s s i o n w i l l b e h e l d o n T h u r s d a y , J u n e 2 0 , 2 0 2 4 , f r o m 6 - 8 p m , i n t h e V a l l e j o

R o o m l o c a t e d o n t h e l o w e r l e v e l o f t h e J F K L i b r a r y , 5 0 5 S a n t a C l a r a S t r e e t , V a l l e j o . P l e a s e R S V P a t t h e f o l l o w i n g l i n k : c i t y o f v a l l e j o . c o / p r e - n o m i n a t i o n - 2 0 2 4

Vallejo Weekly 7

Youth Transportation and Mobility Needs Survey

The Solano Transportation Authority, in collaboration with Club Stride, the City of Vallejo, SolTrans, and the California Air Resources Board, is conducting a Community Based Transportation Plan to get input from local youth about the transportation and mobility issues they face.

Scan the QR Code on the flier or click the link below to access the survey. Surveys are in English/Spanish and should take around 5-10 minutes to complete:

Please complete the youth survey by June 30, 2024, and tell us what you think!

Vallejo Weekly 9

~You are cordially invited!

What Mrs. Fisher Knows about Old Southern Cooking

Sunday June 23, 2-4pm

Bay area culinary historian, Robert Brower, Esq will give a presentation detailing the life and work of Mrs. Abby Fisher who in the late 19th century became the first black female self-published author in San Francisco. The McCune Collection has an original first-edition copy of Abby Fisher’s 1881 cookbook. McCune visitors will also be treated to a culinary delight prepared using one of Abby Fisher’s recipes.

~The McCune Collection~ Lower-level of JFK Library Bldg

505 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo CA

~Finger food & light refreshments will be served~

(Enter through the sliding doors from the parking lot behind City Hall) Details & map:

Vallejo Weekly 10


DATE: June 6, 2024


City of Vallejo Appoints Frank Drayton as Interim Fire Chief

VALLEJO, CA – The City of Vallejo is pleased to announce the appointment of Frank Drayton as the Interim Fire Chief. Chief Drayton brings over three decades of extensive experience in fire protection and emergency services, demonstrating exemplary leadership and commitment to community safety.

Drayton's career spans various significant roles, most recently serving as the Deputy Fire Chief for the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District, where he oversaw a 200-member, 10-station agency. His leadership in managing emergency operations, advanced medical treatment, HAZMAT response, and technical rescue services has prepared him well for his new role in Vallejo.

Previously, Drayton served as the Fire Chief for the City of Vacaville from 2011 to 2015, where he was instrumental in formulating departmental policies, managing the budget, and developing long-term plans for the department. His earlier experience includes roles as the Fire Division Chief and Interim Fire Chief for the City of Vacaville and the City of Dixon, respectively. Drayton also served as the Fire Chief for the 349th CEF in the United States Air Force, where he directed all fire protection activities and training programs.

Drayton holds a Master of Science in Emergency Services Administration from Cal State University Long Beach, a Bachelor of Science in Management from Saint Mary’s College, and an Associate of Science in

Fire Technology from both Solano Community College and the Community College of the Air Force.

City Manager Andrew Murray expressed his confidence in Drayton's abilities, stating, "With Chief Drayton's extensive experience and proven leadership in fire services, he is an ideal choice for Interim Fire Chief. I am confident that under his guidance, the Vallejo Fire Department will continue to deliver excellent service and ensure the safety and well-being of our community."

Chief Drayton officially began his tenure with the Vallejo Fire Department on June 3.

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DATE: June 3, 2024

MEDIA CONTACT: Sgt. Rashad Hollis, Public Information Officer


VALLEJO, CA - On May 29, 2024, the Vallejo Police Department conducted an abandoned vehicle abatement operation to address the current complaints about abandoned vehicles on public streets throughout the city.

The operation involved both sworn and civilian personnel and covered central Vallejo. During the operation, 153 complaints were checked: 103 vehicles were gone on arrival, 58 vehicles were towed, 8 vehicles were tagged to be towed, 6 complaints were unfounded, and 1 stolen vehicle was recovered. Additionally, the two suspects inside the stolen vehicle were arrested.

Abandoned vehicles contribute to blight and are a concern for many of our community members. The Vallejo Police Department conducts daily checks for abandoned vehicles throughout the city and there will be large-scale abatement operations conducted at least once a month.

Community members are encouraged to report abandoned vehicles in Vallejo by calling the Abandoned Vehicle Hotline at 707-648-4682 or visiting our website to file an abandoned vehicle report online.

For all media inquiries, please contact Public Information Officer, Sgt. Rashad Hollis by email at or by phone at (707) 567-4233.

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MAY 27, 2024 Homicide

On May 27, 2024, at approximately 11:37 P.M., Vallejo Police Officers responded to a report of an unresponsive person on the 500 block of Walnut Avenue.

Upon arrival, patrol officers located an adult female deceased on the roadway. The Vallejo Police Department Detective Division responded to take over the investigation. On May 31, 2024, the Solano County Coroner's Office ruled this death a homicide. The motive and circumstances surrounding the death are under investigation at this time.

The female's identity is being withheld pending notification of next of kin by the Solano County Coroner's Office.

Anyone with information regarding this case is urged to contact Detective Jordon Patzer at (707) 648-4278 or Jordon.Patzer@cityofvallejo. net, or Detective Jarrett Tonn at (707) 648-5427 or

This incident marks the 9th homicide in the city of Vallejo for the year 2024.

For media inquiries, please contact Public Information Officer Sgt. Rashad Hollis by email at or by phone at (707) 567-4233.

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The City of Vallejo is excited to announce that its municipal broadband service, formerly "VallejoNet," has been rebranded as "VIP Fiber."

The City of Vallejo is excited to announce that its municipal broadband service, formerly "VallejoNet," has been rebranded as "VIP Fiber."

Local businesses currently using VIP include Brooks & Co. Real Estate, Kindred Motorworks, Aardvarks Adventureland, Better Chew Kitchen, Suite Treatments Inc., and many more! You, too, can be a part of VIP.

This rebranding initiative is part of the City's ongoing efforts to position Vallejo as a hub for technological innovation and to reflect its commitment to providing high-quality, reliable internet service to its residents and businesses.

This rebranding initiative is part of the City's ongoing efforts to position Vallejo as a hub for technological innovation and to reflect its commitment to providing high-quality, reliable internet service to its residents and businesses.

Community-owned ISPs are driven by the needs and interests of the local residents rather than profit-driven motives. The profits generated stay within the community, promoting local growth, job creation, and economic development. VIP is committed to upholding net neutrality principles, ensuring everyone enjoys a level playing field on the internet.

Community-owned ISPs are driven by the needs and interests of the local residents rather than profit-driven motives. The profits generated stay within the community, promoting local growth, job creation, and economic development. VIP is committed to upholding net neutrality principles, ensuring everyone enjoys a level playing field on the internet.

Local businesses currently using VIP include Brooks & Co. Real Estate, Kindred Motorworks, Aardvarks Adventureland, Better Chew Kitchen, Suite Treatments Inc., and many more! You, too, can be a part of VIP.

Learn more about your local ISP and request a quote today to experience the premium internet service offered by VIP Fiber and join Vallejo in its mission to lead technological advancements in the region while enjoying fast and affordable internet!

Learn more about your local ISP and request a quote today to experience the premium internet service offered by VIP Fiber and join Vallejo in its mission to lead technological advancements in the region while enjoying fast and affordable internet!

Stay updated with the latest news, updates, events, and more on our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook!

Stay updated with the latest news, updates, events, and more on our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook!

Check your availability today at

Check your availability today at

Vallejo Weekly 15

Dr. Kerby Lynch Announces Youth Artist Showcase June 14, 2024

We are thrilled to invite you to the biggest art and music exhibition of the year - Vallejonomics: Art and Music Showcase, presented by Joshua Icban and LaDell's Shoes! Mark your calendars for June 14, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, at LaDells Shoes at 301 Georgia Street #100.

Join us for an immersive experience celebrating the vibrant local art scene and the power of music. This event aims to showcase the incredible talent of our youth artists and bring the community together for an unforgettable evening. Here's a sneak peek at what you can expect:

Local Youth Artists:

• Elijah LY

• RSS_Berm

• ABS Isaiah

• KHI Masya

• Lul Boobie

Soft Launch of Alana Foster's Upcoming Exhibit"Layers of Healing": Be among the first to witness

the mesmerizing artwork by Alana Foster. Her upcoming exhibit, "Layers of Healing," is a thought-provoking journey through the intricate layers of emotions and personal growth.

Live Performances: Get ready to be captivated by outstanding live performances from Keith, Coyote Le, and Sound Artist Amora. Their unique blend of music and talent will leave you inspired and wanting more.

We have carefully curated this event to provide you with an unforgettable experience of art and music coming together, creating a vibrant atmosphere. Whether you are an art enthusiast, a music lover, or simply looking for a delightful evening, Vallejonomics is the place to be.

Please spread the word and invite your friends, family, and colleagues to attend this remarkable showcase. Help us support our local talents and celebrate our community’s rich cultural diversity.

We look forward to seeing you on June 14th!

Kerby Lynch, PhD, and Joshua Icban Creators, Vallejonomics

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Mare Island Classic Rock Festival – Father's Day

Mr. Hat Presents the Inaugural Mare Island Classic Rock Festival, a family friendly Father's Day celebration of Classic Rock featuring 5 fantastic bands, food and craft vendors on the beautiful Mare Island Coal Sheds Waterfront, among the Art installations with stunning waterfront views.


$50 advance, $60 at the gate, kids under 12 FREE with paid adult, kids under 18 half price. Limited VIP Passes $89. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS

Limited VIP tickets include early entry, event poster, and reserved seating area in front of the stage. BRING YOUR OWN FOLDING CHAIRS.

There will be Food, beverage and craft vendors, and a variety of children's activities: The Tiny Yellow Fairy-Freckle Face-Painting Fiat, chalk art station, arts & craft station, nerf axe throwing, and lots and lots of bubbles.

Introducing artist-at-large Bella Rayne, 17 year old guitar prodigy from Northern California, who is making waves in the music industry.


• 12:30 VIP early entry

• 1 pm Main Gates Open

• 1:45-3 pm The Dans of Steel - Exploring the music of Steely Dan (main stage)

• 3-3:30 Love Mischief - perform Classic Rock Mashups (coal shed stage)

• 3:30-5 Petty Rocks - The Ultimate Tom Petty Tribute (main stage)

• 5-5:30 Love Mischief - perform Classic Rock Mashups (coal shed stage)

• 5:30-7 Dylan & The Dead - featuring Pat Nevins & Lovin Dead (main stage)

• 7-7:30 Love Mischief - perform Classic Rock Mashups (coal shed stage)

• 7:30-9 The Freestone Peaches - Allman Brothers Tribute (main stage)

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FACEBOOK | (Set us to your favorites so you never miss a post!)

• The City of Vallejo

• Vallejo Police Department

• Vallejo Fire Department

• Vallejo Water Department

• VIP Fiber



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Organizers are preparing for Vallejo’s 34th Annual Juneteenth Festival on Saturday, June 15 from 11 am to 5 pm. The event sponsored by the African American Family Reunion Committee takes place at Barbara Kondylis Waterfront Green on Mare Island Way at Capitol Street. The celebration will feature a parade through downtown Vallejo.

Last year, they attracted over 1,500 visitors to the festival in just a few hours! Come and enjoy vendors

selling merchandise and food, exhibitors, live entertainment, and activities for children.

Read the AAFRC 2023 Community Impact Report.

Vallejo’s Juneteenth has an emphasis on community health and wellness and also features nonprofit and for-profit organizations and businesses, entrepreneurs, and others who provide information about low or no-cost wellness services and programs, financial planning for banking, retirement and life insurance, homeownership, educational opportunities, job training and employment, small business development, and many other programs and services.

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WHEN: Wednesday, June 19, 2024

WHERE: Blue Rock Springs Park

It’s BBQ TIME! Come and enjoy some delicious BBQ, snacks, and refreshments. We will also have games and prizes for participants. This is an adaptive activity and is designed specifically for individuals with disabilities as well as their friends and family.


Join in the fun with a variety of events for youth and families brought to you by the Greater Vallejo Recreation District (GVRD). GVRD is a separate government agency from the City of Vallejo that provides parks and recreation programs for children, families, and seniors in Vallejo. GVRD operates primarily by means of locally controlled funding and receives revenue from fees for services, park entrances, programs, and facility rentals. Grants and park dedication permit fees assist in the provision for new park development projects and ongoing maintenance.

The GVRD Main Office (registrations & reservations) is temporarily relocated to Cunningham Aquatic Complex (801 Heartwood Ave). Open M-F 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. All GVRD Board & Committee Meetings are held at 401 Amador St (administration, finance, & human resources). The playground at Terrace Park will be closed through April for renovations.

View the GVRD Spring 2024 Activity Guide for more programs, events, classes and activities.

To pre-register for events or for more information, visit, call (707) 648-4600, or email

Vallejo Weekly 22
View these events and more at or scan the QR code Vallejo Weekly 22
Vallejo Weekly 23


Vallejo Weekly 24
4, 2024 Step off 10 AM at the Corner of Tennessee Street & Broadway PARADE ASSOCIATION Presented by FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scan the QR code or call 707.479.6131 or go to Grand Marshal Honorary Marshal Avery Greene Myrna Hayes Vallejo’s 169th Annual 4th of July Parade F
HOPES Thursday, July
Vallejo Weekly 25
555 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA 94590
For maintenance emergencies, please call: (707) 648-5235 CONTACT

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