message from mike
Hello, Vallejo!
Happy Leap Day, Vallejo!
I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you to vote this Presidential Primary Election on Tuesday, March 5. We have much at stake here in Vallejo and the Country, so make sure your voice is heard. From the Presidential race, to the U.S. Senate race and local elections, your vote will help shape the future.
At last Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Councilmembers and Interim Police Chief Jason Ta discussed the need for the State and higher levels of government to step in and help improve Police staffing and reduce crime in Vallejo. Our Youth Coordinator and Administrative Analyst also described to Council how the Proposition 64 Grant is funding youth programs that help clean up the City of Vallejo and help children stay active in the Community. We are taking steps to build a safer community for all and your vote every election helps shape what we can provide with funding and support from our partners at the local, regional, State and Federal level. Thank you for staying involved and showing support for the City of Vallejo!
Mike Malone Vallejo City Manager![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240301015054-bc0264d6074269b773f9a72f7820852e/v1/b453ba2e8eca95f1ffaaf0881a3d7bc9.jpeg)
On the cover ...
On Tuesday evening, Vallejo Together convened for its annual memorial, a poignant occasion dedicated to honoring and remembering those from Vallejo's unsheltered community who tragically departed in the past year. United with members of Vallejo Together, local community members, city staff, a county supervisor, and representatives from the local media all gathered to pay homage to these individuals, affirming the significance of their lives in this community and the world.
As the names of the departed were read aloud, a palpable sense of solemnity filled the air, reminding us of the human faces behind the statistics of homelessness. The group also celebrated the remarkable life and enduring legacy of Maria Guevara, the visionary founder of Vallejo Together. Maria's unwavering
commitment to advocating for the homeless and her pioneering efforts in our community left an indelible mark on Vallejo, touching hearts and inspiring change.
A poignant symbol of Maria's enduring impact adorned the ceremony: a striking bust crafted by artist Jean Cherie, capturing Maria's likeness with profound artistry and reverence. Placed prominently on a pedestal amidst the soft glow of candles, this moving tribute served as a beacon of remembrance, symbolizing Maria's ongoing presence and guiding light in our collective journey toward compassion for all members of our community.
For more information on how you can assist our unsheltered friends, visit:
Local Artist Jean Cherie stands with her bust of Maria Guevara (1974 - 2020)![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240301015054-bc0264d6074269b773f9a72f7820852e/v1/31eb24f8eddce304777c821376456566.jpeg)
On the last Day of Black History Month 2024 ...
On this last day of Black History Month, let us focus on recognizing the significant contributions of individuals of Black and African descent to American history. The article linked below, sourced from the International Code Council's website, sheds light on a history often overlooked in mainstream education. It highlights the achievements of Black African Americans, which, unfortunately, often remain neglected in academic curricula.
It's essential to acknowledge these contributions, which other historical narratives might otherwise overshadow. In communities such as Vallejo, where messages like "BLACK LIVES MATTER" are prominently displayed, it is imperative that the knowledge of ancestral accomplishments is spread among our youth,
and therein exists an opportunity to foster a more profound sense of pride and understanding for continued generations.
Amidst the myriad challenges faced by communities, including negative portrayals and systemic hurdles, it's crucial to uplift stories of achievement and resilience. Understanding and appreciating the diverse contributions of Black African Americans to society enriches our collective understanding and fosters a more inclusive community.
We each have a role to play in promoting and celebrating stories such as these, which is a meaningful step in that journey.
https://www.iccsafe.org/building-safety-journal/ bsj-perspectives/17-black-architects-whoshaped-u-s-architecture-and-construction/
The Housing Authority of the City of Vallejo (HACV) will start accepting preliminary applications for its 2024 Housing Choice (Section 8) Voucher Interest List
Vallejo, CA - For the first time since 2015, the Housing Authority of the City of Vallejo (HACV) is excited to announce that it will be accepting preliminary applications for its Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Interest List beginning on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 8:00 a.m.
The application period will continue through Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
To apply, please visit https://waitlistcheck.com/ CA1004 using a computer or smart device.
As an accommodation, the HACV will provide technical support to assist with the submission of electronic applications and email creation at the Vallejo Room, lower level of the JFK Library, located at 505 Santa Clara St., Vallejo, CA 94590, from Tuesday, February 20, 2024, through Friday, February 23, 2024, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (PST).
A self-help kiosk is also available located at 200 Georgia St., Vallejo, CA 94590, from Tuesday, February 20, 2024, through Tuesday, March 5, 2024, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. to submit electronic applications.
Paper applications are available by request.
After the interest list closes, an electronic lottery will be conducted by the HACV to select preliminary applications to be placed on the waitlist list to be considered for a Housing Choice Voucher.
To read the full public notice in English, Spanish, and Tagalog, visit cityofvallejo.co/ HousingApplication
For more information, visit the Housing Authority's Frequently Asked Questions page by CLICKING HERE.
Senior Planner
CLOSES 3/11/24 - 5:00 PM
SALARY: $104,653.74 - $127,207.39
This recruitment is being conducted to fill two full-time vacancies the result of a promotion. The list established by this recruitment may be used to fill future full-time, part-time, limited term, and temporary vacancies for up to one year.
The Planning and Development Services Department has an excellent reputation for being an employer that is committed to providing a collegial atmosphere and growth for employees.
You will be part of a team that is the face of the City, reviewing complex discretionary projects, helping the community at the counter. Developing and nurturing strong relationships with a diverse group of customers.
We offer a competitive salary and benefits package as well as the opportunity to be a part of an organization that prides itself on customer service.
After initial training, a hybrid schedule is possible with Director’s approval.
We are dedicated to continually improving the City, with an emphasis on working collaboratively to promote equity as well as equality to keep Vallejo moving forward.
The successful Senior Planner candidate will have extensive experience working with the public, project management skills, including current development, long-range planning, special studies, zoning, and general plan updates. They will be a hands-on team player eager to assist applicants in meeting the requirements They will be an innovative and creative problem solver with excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to communicate concisely and effectively, including public speaking and presentation skills.
• Receives general direction from the Planning Manager.
• Exercises functional and technical supervision over professional and technical staff.
To read the full job description, review benefits and apply, CLICK HERE.
SolTrans Provides FREE Rides
Solano County – Solano County Transit (SolTrans) will offer FREE rides on all Local and Paratransit services on Election Day, Tuesday, March 5, 2024. It is SolTrans commitment to offer free rides this election day to increase community access to the polls. Exercising the right to vote is so important, SolTrans wants to make it as easy as possible to get you to the polls.
Free rides will be on all local-fixed routes for all riders and Paratransit trips will be free for all ADA eligible persons. Reservations are required for Paratransit service, please follow normal protocol to book a Paratransit trip on or before March 1, 2024.
“All Local rides are free March 5th, whether it’s to work, store, or for recreation. But we do hope you use the free rides to vote, too. No matter how you choose to cast your vote, access to transportation should not be a barrier. We are happy to provide passengers
safe transportation to and from the polls this March and again in November.” Said SolTrans Executive Director, Beth Kranda.
To find your Solano County polling place and check your voter status, visit: https://www. solanocounty.com/depts/rov/sample_ballot_ polling_place_lookup.asp. For help planning your trip, visit SolTrans’ trip planner, available on the home page of SolTrans.org. Have your starting address and the address of the polling place you will be traveling to available.
Solano County Transit (SolTrans) has been the public transportation provider for south Solano County since July 2011. SolTrans provides local and SolanoExpress fixed routes and complementary paratransit. The agency is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) governed by a six-member Board of Directors, composed of two representatives from the cities of Benicia and Vallejo, Solano County’s representative on the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), and a representative from the Solano Transportation Authority.
For more information, visit soltrans.org
The City of Vallejo and the Solano Transporta�on Authority partnered on a passenger rail service study that assessed the feasibility of a rail service that links Vallejo with other communi�es. The Vallejo Passenger Rail Study explores opportuni�es for rail transit service between the City of Vallejo and other North Bay communi�es such as American Canyon, Suisun City, Fairfield, Napa, and Novato. The study developed a conceptual founda�on for a new transit service that would provide Vallejo residents, employees, and visitors with new regional mobility through safe and reliable rail transit service.
At this workshop, we will be discussing the study process, the rail service op�ons, and next steps for advancing the study findings. The City of Vallejo and the Solano Transporta�on Authority look forward to hearing what the community thinks and is commi�ed to improving transporta�on services for all!
If informa�on is needed in Spanish, Tagalog, or another language, or if par�es with a disability as provided by the American Disabili�es Act require special accommoda�ons or aides in order to par�cipate in the public mee�ng,
contact LSC Transporta�on Consultants as soon as possible or at least 48 hours prior to the mee�ng
Thursday, March 7th
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
In Person: Vallejo John F. Kennedy Library, Joseph Room 505 Santa Clara St, Vallejo, CA 94590
Or Online via Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83523012838
Passcode: 11111
Telephone: 1 669 444 9171
Meeting ID: 835 2301 2838
Serve on the City of Vallejo Youth Strategic Plan Working Group
Youth Development has been identified as a multi-year priority by the Vallejo City Council. In support of this goal, the City will be conducting a City-wide Needs Assessment to gather input related to youth needs, current offerings, barriers, gaps in services, and community priorities. Data from the needs assessment, as well as community input, will help inform the creation of a Youth Strategic Plan that will support decision making and funding for future programs and services.
The City of Vallejo’s Youth Coordinator is creating a Youth Strategic Plan Working Group as part of the City-Wide Youth Needs Assessment and Strategic Planning process. The Youth Strategic Plan Working Group will help identify the current, emerging, and future needs, services, and supports of all youth in the City of Vallejo, especially those who have been underrepresented or underserved.
Vallejo community leaders, advocates for children and youth, youth ages 15-25, and representatives from youth-serving organizations.
The Youth Strategic Plan Working Group members will meet six times for a one-and-a-half hour virtual meeting between March-October 2024 and must be able to commit until October 2024.
A stipend of will be available to youth members of the Working Group.
How Will You Make an Impact?
The Youth Strategic Plan Working Group will influence and support the development of the Youth Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan, which will help guide future community and City efforts to improve outcomes for youth ages 0-25, including community investments, programs, and services across the City of Vallejo.
If you are interested in serving, please click the link to submit an interest form , or request an email copy from victoria.grace@cityofvallejo. net, or fill out a paper copy and return to City Hall. Paper copies are available on the 1st floor resource table next to security.
Join Elite Public Schools in a community cleanup! Here in Vallejo, we believe in fostering a sense of pride, unity, and environmental responsibility. Come out and play your part in keeping our community healthy, safe, and free from litter!
Participants will be assisting in a voluntary cleanup to restore the beauty of one our beloved community parks.
Saturday March 9, 2024
11:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Setterquist Park 300 Stanford Drive
S A T . M A R C H 1 6 & S U N . M A R C H 1 7
8 : 3 0 A M - 1 2 : 0 0 P M
S t . P a t r i c k ' s D a y W e e k e n d T r e e P l a n t i n g E v e n t I t ’ s y o u r L u c k y W e e k e n d ! H e l p m a k e V a l l e j o G r e e n e r ! I t ’ s y o u r L u c k y W e e k e n d ! C o m e j o i n u s f o r a f u n - f i l l e d d a y a t t h e M a r e I s l a n d S h o r e l i n e H e r i t a g e P r e s e r v e i n V a l l e j o ! W e ' l l b e p l a n t i n g t r e e s t o h e l p p r e s e r v e t h e b e a u t y o f o u r e n v i r o n m e n t T h i s i n - p e r s o n e v e n t a t O ' H a r a C o u r t i s a g r e a t w a y t o c e l e b r a t e S t P a t r i c k ' s D a y w e e k e n d w h i l e g i v i n g b a c k t o n a t u r e B r i n g y o u r f r i e n d s a n d f a m i l y f o r a d a y o f c o m m u n i t y , g r e e n e r y , a n d g o o d v i b e s . L e t ' s m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e t o g e t h e r !
H A P P E N R A I N O R S H I N E ?
W H A T S H O U L D I B R I N G ?
T h e e v e n t w i l l h a p p e n c o m e L I G H T r a i n o r s h i n e I n t h e e v e n t o f h e a v y r a i n , w e w i l l c a n c e l t h e e v e n t a n d s e n d o u t a n u p d a t e t o r e g i s t r a n t s .
W I L L T H E R E B E S N A C K S ?
W e w i l l h a v e s n a c k s f o r p a r t i c i p a n t s ! I f y o u h a v e f o o d a l l e r g i e s o r d i e t a r y n e e d s , p l e a s e f e e l f r e e t o b r i n g y o u r o w n s n a c k s
P l e a s e b r i n g y o u r o w n w a t e r b o t t l e s a n d d r e s s a p p r o p r i a t e l y f o r t h e w e a t h e r w i t h c l o s e d - t o e d s h o e s , l o n g p a n t s , a n d l a y e r s W e a r i n s e c t s p r a y a n d s u n s c r e e n T h e r e m a y b e t i c k s o r r a t t l e s n a k e s ( w e ’ r e i n t h e w i l d , a f t e r a l l , s o d r e s s a s i f y o u ’ r e g o i n g o n a h i k e a n d r e a d y t o h a v e f u n a n d g e t d i r t y ! )
Art Event
Did you know there’s been a Jewish community in Solano County for more than 100 years?
If not, a first-ever, community organized art exhibit at the Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum, 734 Marin Street in Vallejo, can be your introduction. And even if you do, there will be something to be learned and enjoyed.
Open to the public, the Jewish People – Stories, Voices, Visions, a Multi-Media Art Exhibit – begins Sunday, March 3 and runs through March 24 when a closing program is planned.
The free and family friendly opening event on Sunday, March 3 from 3 to 8 pm, will feature an exhibit of Solano County artists curated by Vallejo’s Askari Sowonde~Productions, unique collections from community members, from
Chabad of Solano County, Congregation B'nai Israel, and more. It will feature presentations, including a brief history of the Jewish Community of Solano County by the authors of the book of the same name; there will be music, poetry, delicious food and a children's area.
The evening concludes from 6 to 8 p.m. with the powerful film, Who Will Write Our History, (which may not be appropriate for children under 13) followed by a panel discussion.
“Join us as we learn about and celebrate the art, culture and stories of the Jewish Community of Solano County,” event organizers said.
“The event on March 3rd is a community organized event. It does not necessarily represent the views of the Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum.”
For more information, please contact: Community Event Director (510) 407-0411
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The City of Vallejo is excited to announce that its municipal broadband service, formerly "VallejoNet," has been rebranded as "VIP Fiber."
This rebranding initiative is part of the City's ongoing efforts to position Vallejo as a hub for technological innovation and to reflect its commitment to providing high-quality, reliable internet service to its residents and businesses.
Community-owned ISPs are driven by the needs and interests of the local residents rather than profit-driven motives. The profits generated stay within the community, promoting local growth, job creation, and economic development. VIP is committed to upholding net neutrality principles, ensuring everyone enjoys a level playing field on the internet.
Local businesses currently using VIP include Brooks & Co. Real Estate, Kindred Motorworks, Aardvarks Adventureland, Better Chew Kitchen, Suite Treatments Inc., and many more! You, too, can be a part of VIP.
Learn more about your local ISP and request a quote today to experience the premium internet service offered by VIP Fiber and join Vallejo in its mission to lead technological advancements in the region while enjoying fast and affordable internet!
Stay updated with the latest news, updates, events, and more on our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook!
Check your availability today at www.vipfiber.com
is scheduled to alternately close eastbound and westbound State Route 37 (SR-37) on four consecutive weekends starting the weekend of Friday, April 12, 2024. During the 55-hour weekend full highway closures, Caltrans will perform major pavement repair work on eastbound and westbound SR-37 between Solano and Sonoma counties. One traffic direction on SR-37 will be worked on at a time. Detours will be in effect. All work is weather dependent.
WESTBOUND (WB) SR-37 FULL HIGHWAY CLOSURES AT SR-29 (Vallejo) to SR-121 (Sonoma)
Weekend closure on WB SR-37 is scheduled on
the weekend of April 12 & April 19. WB SR-37 will be closed and traffic detoured beginning at the WB SR-37 Connector Off-ramp to SR-29 in Vallejo.
Closures will start Friday April 12 at 9:00 PM. and conclude on the following Monday, April 15 at 4:00 AM.
The following weekend, closures will start Friday, April 19 at 9:00 PM and conclude the following Monday, April 22 at 4:00 AM.
Motorists traveling westbound on SR-37 will need to exit right onto northbound SR-29 (Sonoma Blvd) in Vallejo and continue on NB SR-29 (Broadway) in American Canyon to SR29/SR-12; then turn left and continue on SR-12/ SR-121 (Carneros Hwy/Fremont Dr); turn left on SR-121 (Arnold Drive) and make a right back onto WB SR-37.
EASTBOUND SR-37 FULL HIGHWAY CLOSURES AT SR-121 (Sonoma) to SR-29 (Vallejo) WEEKENDS OF April 26 and May 3:
Weekend closures on eastbound (EB) SR-37 is scheduled on the weekend of April 26 & May 3. EB SR-37 will be closed and traffic detoured beginning at the NB SR-121 (Sears Point) in
Closures will start Friday April 26 at 10:00 PM. and conclude on the following Monday April 29 at 5:00 AM.
The following weekend, closures will start Friday, May 3 at 10:00 PM and conclude on the following Monday, May 6 at 5:00 AM.
Motorists traveling eastbound on SR-37 will need to exit left onto northbound SR-121 in Sonoma; Make a right on SR-12/SR-121(Carneros Hwy) and continue; Right on SR-12/SR-29; Enter left for the connector loop Off-ramp back to EB SR-37.
Please note that all work is weather dependent. The weekends of May 3 and May 10, 2024 are scheduled as contingency if any scheduled work is delayed or postponed.
If you have a question or want to share a concern about the project, please call the SR-37 Pave Project Hotline (510) 286-0319.
You can also learn more about the SR-37 Paving Project on our Caltrans Bay Area project webpage at; www.37pave.com
Pets of the week
Domestic Shorthair, female, young
Meet Peanut Butter! This 7-month-old kitty is equal parts sweet lover-girl and salty mischief-maker. Peanut Butter makes friends with everybody, humans and animals alike. She enjoys the company of people, other cats — and with the proper introduction — dogs, too! Peanut Butter is often found roaming throughout the HSNB cat care room, bumping noses with other kitties to say hello, and finding comfy new places to sit or perch. She is the perfect pet for a fur-loving, fun-loving household. And her stunning jet-black fur feels like velvet to the touch, so by all means, pet and groom her all you like! To meet Peanut Butter, go to HSNB.org and fill out a cat adoption interest application.
English Bulldog, male, adult
Are you in need of extra love and snuggles?
Choppa is your guy! This laid-back 4-year-old English Bulldog has a soft red-and-white merle coat that's as unique as his personality — warm and full of character. Choppa currently has a cherry eye, which is common in the breed, and is typically highly treatable. But it doesn't get him down! This super-friendly guy is always ready to shower his human companions with affection! He loves the company of other dogs, so if you already have furry friends at home, he'll fit right in. He's the perfect companion for adventures or lazy afternoons lounging with pals. To meet Choppa, go to HSNB.org and fill out a dog adoption interest application.
Small Business Loan Program
Loan Amount: $25,000 to $125,000
Interest Rate: 6%, Fixed Rate
Loan Term: 5 Years
Minimum Credit Score: 630
No Prepayment Penalty
Loan Application Fee: $250 (Borrowers who complete an assessment and counseling with the Solano-Napa Small Business Development Center shall receive a $250 rebate)
Eligibility: Small Business must meet Covid-19 impact eligibility requirements and be located in Solano County.
707-864-1855 x21 & 707-631-3891
Join in the fun with a variety of events for youth and families brought to you by the Greater Vallejo Recreation District (GVRD). The GVRD Main Office (registrations & reservations) is temporarily relocated to Cunningham Aquatic Complex (801 Heartwood Ave). Open M-F 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Sat 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. All GVRD Board & Committee Meetings are held at 401 Amador St (administration, finance, & human resources). The playground at Terrace Park will be closed
through April for renovations.
View the GVRD Spring 2024 Activity Guide for more programs, events, classes and activities.
To pre-register for events or for more information, visit www.gvrd.org, call (707) 648-4600, or email recreation@gvrd.org.