Vallejo W e e k ly Vo l u m e 9 I s s u e 1 8 May 7, 2021
Photo: Justin Saroyan
52 ND ANNUAL PROFESSIONAL MUNICIPAL CLERKS WEEK May 2nd through the 8th, marks the 52nd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks Week. Initiated in 1969 by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) and endorsed by all of its members throughout the United States, Canada, and fifteen other countries, the week is a time of celebration and reflection on the importance of the Clerk’s office. This week the City of Vallejo celebrates Dawn Abrahamson, our City Clerk, and Angelina Joya, our Deputy City Clerk! Thank you both for everything you do for City Council, our residents, and our staff!
Angelina Joya, Deputy City Clerk “I love what I do because I serve my community, and get to work with the best City Clerk.”
Volume 9 Issue 18
Dawn is pictured with City Clerk mascot, Every, the laborador
Dawn Abrahamson, City Clerk “I am proud to serve my city, Vallejo, as your City Clerk. The Office of the Professional Municipal City Clerk is a time honored and vital part of local government that exists throughout the world. My office is committed to providing a professional link between the citizens of this community, the local governing body and agencies of government at other levels. My staff and I pledge to be ever mindful of neutrality and impartiality, rendering equal service to all.” May 7, 2021
Volume 9 Issue 18
CARFLIX CINEMA Greater Vallejo Recreation District (GVRD) is presenting the film Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker, during their outdoor movie night at Dan Foley park on May 15. Gates open at 7:30 PM and movie starts at 8:00 PM. This event is free, but preregistration is a must, there will be no registration available at the gate. Registration receipt needs to be presented either printed or on a mobile device for entry. Guests will be queued into aisles and spaces by parking staff to ensure physical distancing. Vehicle must fit in one paid parking space. Larger vehicles such as SUVs and trucks will be parked toward the back to allow best viewing for all guests. ADA parking spots are available near the restroom. Please alert GVRD at the time of registration if you need an ADA parking spot. Show parking staff a valid handicap sticker or license plate when you check in at the entrance gate. To view all the rules and pre-registration, click here.
May 7, 2021 5
Volume 9 Issue 14 5
WILDFIRE PREPAREDNESS WEEK The first full week of May marks
from your home, but as studies have
Wildfire Preparedness Week.
shown, the first five feet around your home are the most crucial.
Preparing for a wildfire begins at
Ensure that your home is clear from
home. A well-maintained home and
overgrown trees and bushes crowding
property are your greatest defense
the structure. Clearing your gutters
against wildfires.
can also have a positive effect.
The attached infographic
Not only do cluttered yards contain
demonstrates how you can defend
more fuel to burn, but the clutter
your “Home Ignition Zone”. Cal
creates obstacles for firefighters during
Fire recommends well-maintained
emergency scenarios.
landscaping 100 feet in all directions 6
Volume 9 Issue 18
HEY VALLEJO! SOLANO LAND TRUST NEEDS OUR COMMUNITY INPUT Solano Land Trust would like to receive input from the Vallejo Community about how can open spaces help the community be healthier, happier, and more connected; how can natural areas better support the needs of all people who live in Solano County; and how important is it for kids to connect to nature. Participants will receive a $20 gift card to a local small business and a free parking pass for Lynch Canyon Open Space. Space is limited, to participate, click here. Join the Zoom community conversation on Thursday, May 13 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. May 7, 2021
COMMUNITY CLEAN UP DAY SUCCESS! On April 17th, volunteers with the Emmanuel Temple Church Community Cleanup event was a huge success! According to Mr. Harding from Emmanuel Temple,12 volunteers worked for three hours in South Vallejo cleaning up the community. Through their efforts, they were able to fill up three 25 yard dumpsters of illegally dumped materials from the South Vallejo area. During the cleanup event, they simultaneously distributed free clothing, held mini gardening workshops and distributed free lunches to the homeless. If you have any questions regarding the event or similiar events with the church, please contact Daniel Harding at (707) 631-1261.
Volume 9 Issue 18
Check out the latest job openings at the City of Vallejo by visiting
May 7, 2021
HELLO VALLEJO! Starting with your April 2021 billing cycle, MCE became your primary electricity provider. MCE is a groundbreaking, notfor-profit, public agency. As a customer, you’ll benefit from comprehensive local energy programs and help fight climate change at the same time. MCE provides cleaner, locally-controlled, and competitively priced electricity options for all residents and businesses. Need Help Understanding Your Bill? PG&E will continue to send one monthly bill. Instead of one fee that combines charges for the delivery and generation of your electricity, the bill will show separate charges – one for PG&E’s electric delivery and one for MCE’s electric generation, which replaces PG&E’s generation charge. MCE’s generation rates simply replace the generation charges you currently pay to PG&E; they are not an additional charge. To learn more about your electric bill, please visit our Understanding Your Bill page.
Volume 9 Issue 18
Benefits of MCE Community Reinvestment You will have a voice in your electricity rates and programs. MCE is controlled by a Board of locally-elected officials, not private shareholders. We reinvest in the communities we serve by providing access to programs that help you save money. Since 2010, MCE has reinvested over $180M to support local energy projects and energy savings programs. Environmental Benefits More of your service comes from renewable sources, like solar and wind, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the environment. MCE provides customers with 100% more, or twice the amount of clean energy than traditional electricity service. MCE customers are making our electricity supply cleaner while helping to invest in local energy programs. Competitive & Stable Rates Having a choice of energy provider means stable rates and more value. MCE has saved our customers $68 million on their bills since we started service in 2010. Rates are evaluated annually to ensure they remain competitive. Since our launch, MCE has been cheaper than PG&E 70% of the time.
May 7, 2021
Vallejo W e e k ly WWW.CITYOFVALLEJO.NET Subscribe to the Vallejo Weekly, and other City communications, here. View previous issues of the Vallejo Weekly, here. Submit your positive community story or event for consideration in the Vallejo News section, here.