The Vallejo Weekly - Volume 9 Issue 6

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Vallejo W e e k ly Volume 9 Issue 6 February 12, 2021

HEROES AMONG US! Vallejo Marina Building Maintenace Worker, Paul Miller saves a life

PLANNING COMMISSION Two additional Planning Commission Study Sessions added to calendar




Development Services The Planning Division has approved a Site Development for construction of a new 13,137 square-foot station facility of the United States Coast

Guard at 2 Harbor Way. The new facility will have a two-story administrative and berthing component and a one-story boat maintenance component with a lobby connecting the two buildings together. The Planning Division has approved a Planned Development, Landscape Review and a sign permit to demolition of the existing Exxon service station and convenience store and the construction of a new 24-hour 7-Eleven fuel station with a carwash, convenience store, a trash enclosure and new signage. The construction of the new 3,098 square-foot convenience store, a 3,096 square-foot fuel canopy with six new fuel pumps and new underground storage tanks will be installed and a total of 3,947 square feet of new landscaping.


Volume 9 Issue 6

FIREFIGHTER APPRENTICES COMPLETE 6-MONTH EVALUATION The Fire Department's recently graduated class completed their 6-month assessment the week of February 8th. This was their first major evaluation since becoming Apprentices. The Vallejo Fire Department Apprenticeship program is 3 years long and entails monthly testing in addition to their daily training. This 6-month evaluation covered all aspects of fire suppression.

February12, 2021


Heroes Among us On February 3,

hesitation, used the Marina’s boat

2021, around

to search for the woman in the Mare

4:30 pm,

Island Strait. Paul Miller was able to

Paul Miller, a

locate her upon observing the tide and

Vallejo Building

current condition of the water. Once


Paul knew which direction to search in,

Worker for the

he explained, “At first, I thought I saw

Marina Division, received a call from the

a sea lion, but I wasn’t sure because it

emergency pager regarding a woman

was so far away. I continued to focus

trespassing on the K dock at the Marina.

my direction on this figure in the water, and it was indeed a sea lion, but – about

Witnesses said she seemed to be

30 feet away from this sea lion was

exhibiting distress and was also in

another figure that definitely looked like

and out of the water trying to steal a

a human’s head.”

boater’s canoe. Paul Miller contacted Larry Bowling, Sr. Maintenance Worker

He approached the individual and was

for the Marina Division, to alert him of

able to pull her out of the water and

the situation. Larry Bowling reached out

bring her back to safety. Shortly after

to the Vallejo Police Department. Upon

arriving back at the dock, Coast Guard,

arrival, Paul Miller made contact with

VPD, and other emergency responders

an Allied Universal Security guard on

arrived on the scene and handled the

J dock that stated she jumped into the

situation from there.

water and went out into the Mare Island Strait.

Paul is a shining example of what it means to B.E. G.R.E.A.T. in Vallejo,

Paul Miller immediately advised the

exhibiting the type of care and core

security guard to contact the Coast

values we all strive for daily!

Guard. Paul preceded to run to the other end of the Marina, and without 4

BRAVO Paul! Volume 9 Issue 6

Survivor Returns to Thank Firefighters

On February 10th, more than a year

The crew responsible for the rescue

after his accident, Mr. Murphy and his

were presented with Challenge Coins

wife were able to meet and thank the

personally designed by Mr. Murphy

Firefighters who assisted him, and who

representing the date of his accident.

he feels saved his life after a complicated vehicle extrication resulting from a severe automobile accident.

February 12, 2021


Check out the latest job openings at the City of Vallejo by visiting 6

Volume 9 Issue 6

Accountability and Transparency

The Vallejo Police Department

and create spaces where they can

(VPD) is pleased to announce the

proactively engage with members

launch of its new Accountability

of our community. Restoring the

and Transparency page on

heart of our community won’t be

their website. The page explores

easy, but is possible if we work

department policies, practices,


demographics and provides flow charts and other aggregate data on

Click here to learn more and check

internal investigations.

out the new page!

The VPD is working diligently to build trust through transparency February12, 2021


What is your role with Vallejo Water, and how long have you been with the City? Currently, I am the Water Quality Manager for the Department. I oversee the City’s certified environmental laboratory, as well as regulatory compliance for our source waters, including three treatment plants, and two distribution systems. I’ve been with the City for about 15 years, with my first opportunity being a high school intern in the laboratory, and following that, as a Laboratory Analyst I/II, Water Quality Analyst, and Laboratory Supervisor. What does a typical day look like for you? There’s no such thing as a typical day at a water municipality, but with that being said, you can usually find me in my office reviewing data and laboratory reports, coordinating projects with other divisions such as water treatment operations and water distribution, or participating with other local agencies on regional topics. Occasionally, I get out into the field which is always welcomed. What is your scientific background? I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies and planning with an emphasis in conservation and restoration, along with a minor in biology. What, or who, inspired you to start a career in water? Opportunity was the inspiration. Growing up, my dad worked in water. He showed me that the water industry was not only sta-

ble, but extremely diverse with a wide range of opportunities if you worked hard. Secondly, as someone who has always been interested in science, I knew I wanted to be in a laboratory setting but also recognized that I enjoy environmental challenges. Because the water industry is essential in providing affordable water that meets state and federal requirements, there are unlimited opportunities - a little bit of everything from sample collection, chemical and data analysis, problem solving and community engagement. I feel extremely fortunate that I found my dream career at such a young age. What part of your role is most rewarding for you? Having grown up and been a resident of Vallejo off and on over the years, I would say it’s serving the community - who are also my family and friends. It’s not uncommon to see us (Water Department staff) at local events engaging with the public. The water department has over 130,000 customers in the service areas of Vallejo, including Green Valley and Travis Air Force Base. As civil servants, we are directly responsible for the public’s health. It’s a great feeling to be part of that. What advice do you have for aspiring females who may be interested in a career in water? Be motivated and passionate about whatever career path you take. With that being said, find a mentor. There are a lot of resources available, take advantage of them and the people around you who share your interest and excitement. We are all a part of the same team who want to support each other. The opportunities in the water industry are abundant. There’s literally something for everyone - from engineering, to information technology, and the laboratory to administration, distribution, and operations.

Vallejo PD Welcomes New Officers The City of Vallejo recently welcomed Officer N. Carter #747 and Officer E. Diaz #748 to the Vallejo Police Department. Please join us in congragulating our newest officers and wish them well in their journey and endeavor to serve our community.

February12, 2021



Vallejo area, making our unsheltered

(VPD) Community Services Section and

community members aware that there

Code Enforcement Division collaborated

were services available. Outreach was

with City and County mental health and

conducted with campers on Enterprise

social services partners to conduct an

Drive, White Slough, the 700 Block of

outreach event with Vallejo’s unsheltered

Sereno Avenue, Couch Street, and the

population near the 3600 Block of

neighboring CVS property.

Sonoma Blvd. VPD would like to give a special thanks The VPD worked in partnership with the

to Police Sergeant Wanzie and the hard-

City of Vallejo Housing Authority, the

working community partners and allied

Solano County Sheriff’s Office, Code

agencies who all played a significant

Enforcement, and Behavioral Health

role in the completion of approximately

Divisions, to offer free mental health and

25 program applications for Vallejo’s

substance abuse screenings, benefits

unsheltered population.

and identification assistance, and support services. VPD, along with a Solano County Code Officer, traveled around the 10

Volume 9 Issue 6

This week a Planning and Building customer from the Granite Store, purchased the two Divisions lunch from Gracies BBQ. The customer had the following



to say when thanked for his generosity: “I haven’t been to City Hall in a year, but I sure can tell that your customer service is amazing, and I really appreciate all of you. The city of Vallejo has never before had a Planning & Building Division with such great staff and dedicated people. Our community really appreciates all the hard work and effort that you all continue to give, even in these tough times”.

February12, 2021



Shaping Vallejo the Way We Envisioned!


NEW ZONING CODE! Two Additional Planning Commission Study Sessions have been added to the Schedule! Wednesday, February 17, 2021 & Wednesday, February 24, 2021 7:00 pm. Public Hearing Dates have extended for the Draft New Zoning Code, Zoning Map and related documents! PUBLIC COMMENTS Comments can be made on Open City Hall, Vallejo’s internet forum at: https:// open_city_hall#peak_democracy. Comments can also be Emailed to: Or Mailed to: Michelle Hightower, City of Vallejo,

PUBLIC HEARINGS - NEW DATES! Planning Commission Monday, March 15, 2021 - 7:00 PM City Council Tuesday, April 13, 2021 - 7:00 PM The public is invited to participate in the Study Sessions and Public Hearings and may do so by accessing the following link:, click on Planning Commission and City Council meeting date, and follow the public comment instructions listed for this agenda item.

The Public Hearing Draft of the New Zoning Code, Zoning Map, and ISMND are available on the City’s website at: _services/planning_division/planning_division_document_library, click on Zoning Code (New). Visit for additional information. 12

Volume 9 Issue 6

Click image to visit the website


For more information of the program,

Could you use $25,000 to help buy a

obtain homebuyer education and next

home of your own?

steps to verify eligibility visit

program requirements, income limits for the program, information on how to The Neighborhood LIFT Program is a national down payment

Contact for

assistance program that could make

more information on how to qualify for

homeownership a reality for you.

the NeighborhoodLIFT Program.

February12, 2021


Vallejo Homeless CORE Team On Wednesday, February 10th The City of Vallejo and Solano County held a homeless outreach for individuals at the CVS Shopping Center located at 3678 Sonoma Blvd. The outreach event provided resources, referrals and assistance with wellness goals for unsheltered residents at the location. Wednesday’s event was coordinated by the Vallejo Homeless Collaborative, Outreach, Referral and Engagement (CORE) Team. The CORE Team is made up of representatives from Vallejo Community Service Section, Housing Authority, Public Works, Solano County Mental Health, Solano County Code Enforcement, Solano County Sherriff’s Department, Vallejo City Attorney’s Office, 14

Volume 9 Issue 6

Vallejo Public Information Office,

With the current state of COVID-19

and Vallejo City Manager’s Office.

and the pandemic, the team’s efforts

The concept of a CORE team for the

and focus were prioritized to larger

City of Vallejo began in early 2020

encampments. These are areas where

and was established in July, with the

a large populations of unsheltered

team hitting the ground running in

individuals began to camp and

September with their first full team

became a health and safety concern

meeting. The purpose of the CORE

due to the density of individuals in

Team is to support the unsheltered

the area. The area by Highway 37

residents in the community and

at Wilson and Sacramento became

other partners throughout the City

an area of focus with the mission to

by delivering needed and requested

reduce the capacity of individuals

services. The CORE team provides

staying there and get them connect

these services by conducting outreach

with services. A secondary benefit

events at large and small areas of

from the multiple outreaches at Hwy

concern throughout the City. The

37 was creating a bridge to housing for

CORE Team and their partners

44 individuals.

conduct two to three outreaches a week at their predetermined locations.

The CORE Team is committed to their purpose of supporting the unsheltered

These locations are established

residents in our community.

by reports of homeless related concerns and the CORE team meets to strategize their approach to provide outreach and services to the individuals camping at the location. Once an area is reported the CORE Team creates a planning action team to establish an outreach and triage plan. February12, 2021


State Emergency Rental Assistance Program Senate Bill 91 was passed on January 28,2021 and extends key tenant and property owner protections provisions provided by AB 3088 and includes new protections for tenants including debt treatment and civil procedures. The primary purpose of this funding is to pay down arrears in tenants’ rent and utility bills that were due between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. The Solano County Board of Supervisors has authorized the County Administrator’s Office to hire a consultant to administer a Request for Proposals (RFP) to allocate $14.3 Million of new Rental Assistance Relief Funding.


Volume 9 Issue 6

Recuitment Extended! Water Treatment Plant Operator The City of Vallejo is seeking a

and semi-skilled labor, as regulated

candidate to fill the Water Treatment

by Federal and State potable water

Plant Operator position, as a

treatment guidelines, in the operation

collaborative member of the City’s

and maintenance of the City’s

Water Department. This recruitment

drinking water treatment plants,

is being conducted to fill one full-time

transmission, distribution systems, and

vacancy. The list established by this

appurtenances. While not required,

recruitment may be used to fill future

possession of at least an Associate’s

full-time, part-time, limited term, and

Degree in Water Treatment, Water

temporary vacancies for up to one

Distribution or related field is highly



The ideal Water Treatment Plant

Applications are due Monday, March

Operator will possess, and have the

1, 2021 before 5:00 PM. To apply for

ability to maintain, a Water Treatment

this amazing opportunity, or for more

Plant Operator Grade T3 Certification

information about the recruitment

issued by the California State Water

process, please click here.

Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and have the ability to perform a variety of skilled technical duties


Volume 9 Issue 6


offering this service virtually so other

Triple P aims to support parents

There is no cost to participate in the

experiencing problems with their children’s behavior by assisting parents with tips on how to manage and prevent problems from developing such as: tantrums, bedtime battles, disobedience, and aggression. Assistance to parents can be in an individual or group setting depending on the parent’s needs. Catholic Charities of Yolo-Solano are also February 12, 2021

locations outside of Vallejo in Solano County are able to participate.

program and is available to Solano County parents of young children, 0 -5 years old. How to Sign Up: Parents in Solano County can sign up and register for the program directly on our website: www. or call our main number 707-644-8909.


Vallejo Housing Authority invites you to participate at the


RESIDENT ADVISORY BOARD ZOOM MEETING February 18, 2021 6:30pm-8:00pm Your attendance is highly appreciated as you are one of the participants currently being assisted by the Vallejo Housing Authority whose voice would be beneficial to the enhancement of the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Please email to request for the Zoom Meeting details. 20

Volume 9 Issue 6

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