With the stay-at-home Order and physical distancing rule putting a halt to typical weekend activities, many have put their time at home to use with extra spring cleaning. With deep cleaning often comes piles of “stuff,” once treasured, that no longer has a place in the home. But with the same state-issued Orders putting a stop on garage sales, what is one to do with it all? While contactfree exchanges through buy-trade-sell groups are still an option, you could also consider donating gently used items to a charitable organization. Many nonprofit organizations use the proceeds from donated clothing, electronics, books, furniture and more to fund programs for people in need. Be sure to check the organization’s website for donation center availability as some operations have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is a list of organizations with local branches to consider. This list is not meant to be comprehensive, but a sampling of local organizations:
OTTERBEIN THRIFTSHOP: www.otterbein.edu/thrift-shop GOODWILL MARION: www.mariongoodwill.org GOODWILL COLUMBUS: www.goodwillcolumbus.org AMVETS: www.amvets.org SALVATION ARMY: www.salvationarmyusa.org HABITAT FOR HUMANITY/RESTORE: www.habitatmidohio.org
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the spring Household Hazardous Waste Collection was moved to Saturday, June 13. Shredding Day has been moved to the fall. Find details at www.westerville.org.
Clean Water Star ts with Sustainable Lawn Care
Spring has sprung and that means many-a weekend and after-work warrior will spend the next few months nurturing their lawns to an enviable hue of green. While residents get to work on manicuring lawns, the City’s Water Division requests keeping a few things in mind to help make it easier to keep drinking water clean: Never place lawn clippings on hard surfaces and definitely don’t place them in the streets! Yard waste and litter can clog stormwater drains and send chemicals into the water system.
Good to Gnome, er, Know: Grass is required to be 8 inches or less in height? Proper yard care not only benefits our entire community, it’s the law! (Ordinance 539.01a) Yards should also be free of noxious weeds such as thistle, milkweed, poison ivy and ragweed. (Ordinance 539.01a) Read about the City’s stormwater protection plan at www.westerville.org.
Sustainable Tip: Leaving grass clippings on your lawn and recycle nutrients! Use environmentally friendly materials and follow application instructions carefully for fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides to maximize outcome with the least impact. Use rain barrels for irrigation to help minimize flow downstream and minimize your water bill. 20
WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org