Westerville Congratulates all
Graduates 2 0 22
Area graduates took advantage of a perfect photo op at Westerville City Hall. Thank you to Westerville Electric Division for the installation of 2022 in lights.
“M y daughter, Bry from ATC Presc nleigh gradua ted hool today!” - Je ssica
rs celebrate e d a r g th 5 y entar raduation . Hanby Elemth eir g
Iris D’Costa, St. Francis DeSales. Iris is heading to The Ohio State University this fall.
Kendyl Burns, Worthington Christian High School. Kendyl will be attending Miami University.
rchio Samuele MDaeSales S t Francis
e North eyer, Westervill em enn V h ia O M e d h io State Nick Tener l.anNick will be attending TOhio University. High Schoond Mia will be attending University a
Alleah Ebbin au s, Westerv High School. Agh lleah will attenillde South Capitol University for nur sing.