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Westerville Helps
Offering Equitable Access and Championing Financial Stability
In today’s ever-changing economic landscape, individuals and families can find themselves facing unexpected financial challenges. In such trying circumstances, assistance programs offer a lifeline to those facing financial hardships. The Westerville Helps program, launched in 2020, is one of those programs. It aligns with the City’s equity initiative to serve and empower our community and ensure that municipal services remain accessible, responsive and inclusive. Westerville Helps plays a vital role in helping residents weather the storm during their most difficult and vulnerable moments.
Westerville Helps houses three financial assistance programs: access to parks and recreation, utility bill assistance and the home improvement program.
Parks And Recreation
Funded by the Westerville Parks Foundation, Parks and Recreation has provided financial assistance for access to recreation since 1980. This includes reduced or waived fees for programs and classes, registration fees, daily admission and facility passes.
Utility Billing
Housed in the Utility Billing division, the utility bill assistance program was created to help residents with delinquent utility charges. This program is largely funded by contributions from residents through their utility bills.
Home Improvement
The home improvement program is administered through the Planning and Development Department and assists eligible property owners through reimbursement for projects like window and door replacement, siding repairs, landscaping, lighting, handicap ramps and exterior painting.
Since 2020, these programs have provided $140,000 to more than 125 residents in need. Donations to the Westerville Helps program can be made at any time throughout the year. Contributions can provide much-needed support, alleviating potential financial burdens or provide assistance directly into the hands of neighbors.
For more information on donating to Westerville Helps or to apply for assistance, visit www.westerville.org/westervillehelps or contact the utility billing supervisor at (614) 901-6436 or via email at askutilitybilling@ westerville.org.
AMOUNT | $100 per person/year; $500 per family/year. Credit only.
ELIGIBILITY | Programs, membership passes.
Must meet Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program Eligibility criteria to apply.
ABOUT | Financial assistance includes reduced or waived registration fees, daily passes and recreation facility passes.
FUNDING SOURCE | Westerville Parks Foundation.
APPLICATION | All year www.westerville.org/helps.
AMOUNT | Approved Westerville residents will receive a credit on their account, one time per year based on their past amount not to exceed $500.
ELIGIBILITY | Past-due bills only. Only residents. Tenant or owner-occupied. Not intended for water leaks.
Must meet Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program Eligility criteria to apply.
FUNDING SOURCE |Opt-in $1 per month at 10% participation = $18,000 annually.
APPLICATION | All year www.westerville.org/helps.
AMOUNT | Reimbursement up to 50%; $5,000 individual max; $20,000 annual program amount.
ELIGIBILITY | Single-family, owner-occupied for 12 months. Agree to remain five more years. All taxes current.
Maximum HH Income < Westerville Median HH.
ABOUT | Exterior home remodeling projects include windows, doors, porch, patio, siding, landscaping, lighting, handicap ramps and exterior paintings. Roofs, gutters are not eligible but may be considered part of match.
APPLICATION | www.westerville.org/helps.