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2023 Construction Recap
Planning for 2024 Underway
The City of Westerville Planning and Development Department has completed several projects that have enhanced the City this year. The following recap outlines 2023 completed projects, works in process and projects planned for 2024.
2023 Recap
East Broad Street
Completed roadway reconstruction and widening including new curb and gutter, new water main and services, storm sewer upgrades, underground electric and communication facilities, street lighting and sidewalks.
Woodview Road
Completed roadway reconstruction including new curb and gutter, storm inlet replacement and culvert maintenance.
☑ Polaris ParkwayOlde Worthington to State Street
☑ Sunbury Road - County Line Road to southern corp limit (south of Dempsey Road) repavement
☑ City Building, Gutner Ally, COhatch, Firehouse 112, Community Center, COTA Lot, Lindenmore Drive off Main Street,
☑ Resurfaced - Thomas James Knox Hockey Rink
The City contracted 7.1 lane miles of new asphalt pavement and 5.4 lane miles of microsurfacing paving in 2023.
Additional Development
☑ Pulte development - Towns on the Greenway road infrastructure on West Street
☑ COhatch (240 S. State St.) - access to facility, parking lot, shared use paths infrastructure
☑ Oakland Avenue - reconditioning (in the planning phase) for access to 280/290 South State Street
☑ South State Street - conversion of the northbound curb lane to on-street parking from Hiawatha Avenue to just north of Glenwood Drive.
2024 Planning
Brooksedge Mobility Improvements Phase I (expected completion Summer 2024)
Concrete sidewalk installation and complete curb and gutter replacement on Brooksedge Boulevard from West Schrock Road to Greencrest Drive and on Greencrest Drive to Heatherdown Drive.
Additional street reconstructions are in the planning process. Information will be available at www.westerville.org/construction.
The Planning and Development Department is responsible for all aspects of development of the physical environment within the City of Westerville. The department consists of the Building, Engineering, Code Enforcement and Planning & Zoning. The Department works directly with the Westerville Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals and Uptown Review Board.
Photo caption: The Thomas James Knox Hockey Rink resurfacing project was completed this fall.