1 minute read

Be "Salt Smart" this Winter

Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District (FSWCD) is encouraging residents to help protect our streams that receive stormwater runoff this winter by using only the necessary amount of de-icing salt.

FSWCD recommends applying no more than one pound of de-icing salt per 250 square feet of pavement. For reference, the average mug can hold about a pound of salt.

It’s also important to consult your product packaging to ensure that the salt you purchased will be effective at the current temperature. For example, most salt products are ineffective under 15 degrees.

FSWCD confirms that there is no such thing as a completely environmentally friendly de-icing product. It’s important to work to use the minimum amount needed to help keep families and neighbors safe.

Visit www.franklinswcd.org for more information.

The average mug can hold about 1 lb. of salt. Enough to safely clear 250 sq ft. of pavement.

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