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City Employees Honor Colleagues

City of Westerville Information Systems Services Coordinator Sarah Hysell pairs her background in primary education and keen investigative skills to quickly solve complex technology and training issues. Since joining Westerville in 2015, Sarah has always acted on opportunities for special projects and professional development. According to her nominator, “If Sarah says something will be complete, it is. If she says she’ll be there, she is. She owns up immediately when something doesn’t go as planned and doesn’t blame anyone else. She is very reliable and accountable.” Join us in congratulating Sarah on this remarkable achievement.

Seven other employees were recognized for their excellence, service and leadership in certain roles.

Congratulations to all staff members listed here for their service to their teams and this community.

Sarah Hysell Services Coordinator - IS Department 2022 Employee of the Year

Kristen Gillenwater Services Coordinator - Planning and Development Excellence in Innovation

William “Newt” Long Water Plant Operator Excellence in Dependability/Accountability

Brice Dailey Water Consumer Service Tech Excellence in Customer Focus

Bryan Wagner Enforcement Manager - Planning and Development Excellence in Leadership and Flexibility

Kelley Flynn Facilities Supervisor - Parks and Recreation Excellence in Work Ethic

David Chambers Recreation & Special Projects Administrator Excellence in Initiative

John Scordia HR Coordinator - Department of Administrative Services Excellence in Special Projects

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