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Powered by Connection
National Older Americans Month Recognized in May
In honor of National Older Americans Month this May, Westerville promotes its Age-Friendly Initiative, a program adopted in 2021 that prepares a future community for the health, wellness and social needs for older adults.
Initially led by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the initiative was launched to learn how local government and residents can work together to keep our community a great place to live, work, play and retire.
According to the ACL, this year’s Older Americans Month theme is "Powered by Connection," which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being. “Powered by Connection” dives into the role connectedness plays in supporting independence and aging in place by combating isolation, loneliness and other challenges older Americans face daily.
“Westerville is fortunate to have initiatives and facilities in place that aid in increasing older adult wellness,” said Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Director J.R. Fourqurean. “The Senior Center at the Community Center (350 N. Cleveland Ave.) is a vibrant place for older adults to explore new hobbies, develop interpersonal skills and build new friendships. It’s an important place that cultivates community, meaning and purpose into the lives of seniors and older adults within and surrounding the City,” Fourqurean continued.
Age-friendly communities promote healthy aging and improve the quality of life for residents. Goals for the Westerville Age-Friendly Initiative plan are grouped into eight sections:
1. Outdoor Spaces and Buildings: Provide accessibility to recreational facilities.
2. Transportation: Provide accessibility to modes of private and public transportation.
3. Housing: Provide a wide range of housing options.
4. Social Participation: Provide access to activities for older residents.
5. Respect and Social Inclusion: Provide programs to support and promote diversity.
6. Work and Civic Participation: Provide professional and volunteer opportunities including lifelong learning.
7. Communication and Information: Provide various communication methods to keep older residents informed and connected to their community, friends and family.
8. Community Support and Health Services: Provide access to homecare services and programs to promote wellness and active aging.
Developing an age-friendly Westerville is crucial in understanding the needs of every resident and meeting them where they are. At its core, the Initiative is about everyone in the City coming together so everyone can be engaged and as self-sufficient as possible; promoting a healthy, balanced and fulfilled lifestyle.
Learn more about Westerville’s Age-Friendly Initiative Plan and find resources on the City’s website by visiting www.westerville.org/agefriendly