5 minute read
Citizens power plants in Vienna
from CITY:ONE.1.2020.EN
by CityOne
The proved guidance : Citizens power plants in Vienna
: Project in a Nutshell
The project started in 2012. Each citizen can purchase a maximum of ten panels (online or by phone) at the price of EUR 950. The contract with Wien Energie comes into force when the amount is paid, and the citizen offi cially becomes a co-owner. At that point, Wien Energie build the photovoltaic module on behalf of the citizen. Each citizen then leases the panels to Wien Energie and receives, once a year, a percentage of the amount invested as remuneration (started with 3,1 %, now 2,25/1,75 %). The amount can be also received in forms of vouchers, thanks to the collaboration with the SPAR supermarket chain. The contract lasts a minimum of fi ve years, but can be terminated before, by paying a EUR 75 fee. Once the lifetime of the panels has been reached (approx. in 25 years), Wien Energie buys back the solar panels and the full amount invested is returned to the individual owner.
: Impact & Next steps
After the fi rst 5 years of the project, Wien Energie installed 30 plants producing 19,3 MW of green electricity. The investments amounted to EUR 35 million, with 10 000 citizens involved in the project. The citizens’ installations produced 50 000 MWh, equal to the annual consumption of 550 000 fridges, therefore saving around 17 000t CO2. Since October 2017, citizens can also purchase e-charging stations of 11 kW with the same model used for the PV panels. The target is 1 000 e-charging stations by 2020.
: Replicability: Challenges &
Success Factors
This model was extremely successful in mobilizing the citizens in generating renewable energy. The majority of citizens in Vienna live in fl ats, so do not have the possibility of taking part in solar energy generation: they lack the physical space, but also the technical expertise and they would have to go through a very complex approval procedure. The Municipality of Vienna managed to overcome all these issues, providing a simple, profi table and secure option. The supermarket vouchers model was particularly appreciated – it sold out in only 72 hours!
: A success story for Vienna
Vienna’s fi rst citizens’ power plant opened on 4 May 2012 on the premises of Donaustadt power station, and Wien Energie has been expediting the expansion of the model ever since. Over 30 solar and wind plants are already supplying the city with carbon-free energy. The thousands of local investors and the continued high levels of interest in the model demonstrate the Viennese public’s strong commitment to climate action.
: 30% renewables by 2030
A secure, aff ordable, environmentally sound, needs-based energy supply is and remains one of the most important prerequisites for the city’s high quality of life and economic development. The Smart City Wien Framework Strategy envisages that by 2030 30%, and by 2050 70% of Vienna’s fi nal energy consumption will originate from renewable sources. This requires both investment in power plants within the urban area as well as imports of renewables from the surrounding region and/or via long-distance cables. The citizens’ power plants are

making a major contribution to renewable power generation within the municipal boundaries and in the wider region and are thus helping to meet the energy targets of the Smart City Wien Framework Strategy.
: Photovoltaic system in Unterlaa
„This project is a model of citizen involvement in support of Vienna‘s largest photovoltaic system Unterlaa. By purchasing a voucher package, you can contribute to the operation of the Unterlaa photovoltaic system and to the general expansion of renewable energies in the wider Vienna area,” the project description states.
The system consists of 6400 solar modules and generates approximately two million kilowatt hours of solar energy. It is used to control the local pumping system, which is supposed to get Viennese drinking water into the city in an even more ecological way. Not only that, but locally produced solar energy can power approximately 600 households.
Off er to citizens
How to support the largest photovoltaic system in Vienna by purchasing vouchers:
· You can use the registration form to purchase a maximum of three voucher packages (SPAR or energy vouchers). The package costs 250 euros. · After placing your order using the online form, you will receive a request for payment and conditions of participation by e-mail. · The contract between you and Wien Energie enters into force upon payment. You will receive an annual fee in the form of SPAR or energy vouchers for a period of five years. You will receive the first vouchers one year after
Technical data of the Unterlaa public solar power plant
Placement Watertank in Unterlaa
Year production 1,92 megawatts
2,05 GWh of solar energy
CO2 savings
Project start 40 % of energy demand for Unterlaa water is covered and 600 households are powered by the solar energy
706 tons per year
November 2019
Installation May 2020
Area covered by panels cca 10 100 m² = 1 ha
Whole area cca 28 000 m² = 2,8 ha
purchasing the package. Vouchers will be sent by e-mail. · For Wien Energie customers, the value of the voucher corresponds to a return of 6.4% per year (they receive
EUR 60 per year in the form of SPARs or energy vouchers). For customers other than Wien Energie, the return is 1.32% (= EUR 52 per year in the form of SPAR vouchers). · To benefit from a higher reward, become a Wien Energie customer immediately.
How the interest rate is calculated
At the beginning you pay 250 euros, after one year with an interest rate of 6.4 percent, this corresponds to 266 euros, and after issuing the fi rst voucher for 60 euros, 206 euros remain. After another year at 6.4 percent interest, this corresponds to EUR 219.20 and after the issuance of the second voucher, EUR 159.20 remains. After another year at 6.4 percent interest, this corresponds to EUR 169.40 and after the issuance of the third voucher remains EUR 109.40. After another year at 6.4 percent interest, this corresponds to 116.40 euros, and after the issuance of the fourth voucher, 56.40 euros remain. At an interest rate of 6.4 percent, this corresponds to 60 euros, which we will give you in the form of a fi fth voucher.
There are two diff erent voucher off ers:
· Vouchers for electricity and natural gas - can be used on the electricity and / or natural gas invoice from Wien
EnergieVertrieb GmbH & Co KG. · SPAR vouchers - can be used at the cash registers of all
SPAR, EUROSPAR, INTERSPAR stores, in INTERSPAR restaurants throughout Austria and in the online store.
Sources: cityof Vienna, energ-cities.eu