IMAGES BY TOSHIFUMI JODAI Curated by Toshihiro Oshima Design by Constanza Jobet Translation: Naoko Miki / OFFICE MIKI / Made for Japan logo designed by Leo Uehara Made for Japan project by Toshihiro Oshima and George Lever Copyright for all images Toshifumi Jodai Citypulse Inbook
FROM THE CURATOR History has changed it’s direction in Japan on March 11th, 2011, 14:46PM JST. Every single element of human activity will be influenced deep inside the core of our nature, and every single form of Creativity cannot avoid to step over the Post March 11th effect. This new project from CITYPULSE “Made for Japan” is an ordeal for each artist, and I am more than proud to present the artworks of the people who I respect from my deepest heart. This series will be the Requiem to the dead, and also the Hymn to life, and we are releasing them from the edge of the abyss, which is also the starting point of the new frontier. Toshihiro Oshima
福岡県在住 ヘアースタイリスト/フォトグラファー 自由という言葉が持つ可能性はもうこれ以上 追求してはいけないと悟った男、46歳。 Resides in Fukuoka Prefecture. Hair Stylist / Photographer A man who, at the age of 46, has come to realize that he should no longer pursue the potential offered by the word freedom. /flickr/ /FLIER in Dark Room/