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Strategic Outcome 1
Partner effectively with suppliers to ensure compliance with health & safety requirements and to drive continuous improvement in health & safety performance.
Why are we doing this?
• As a PCBU (Person in Charge of a Business or Undertaking) under the Health & Safety at Work Act, we have a duty to ensure that we have appointed competent and capable suppliers, and that we undertake reasonable checks to ensure they are discharging their legal duties and contractual requirements appropriately.
• All individuals working for Link Alliance are afforded the same protections, regardless of which organisation they are employed by.
• As work on the CRL project progresses towards railway systems installation, Mechanical, Electrical, Fire and Hydraulic (MEFH) and architectural work on the stations, public realm works and testing and commissioning, more interfaces between work being delivered by different suppliers emerge. It’s therefore important that the project engages with these suppliers to ensure those interfaces are well managed, and that all suppliers are aware of the minimum standards of work expected.
• Continuous improvement requires that all PCBU’s engaged on the project actively learn from where things have gone well, or not so well. We therefore need to facilitate the sharing of H&S information across suppliers, including H&S performance data, examples of good risk management practice, and relevant learnings from incidents or successes.
What are we going to do?
• Review and revise project minimum H&S requirements to ensure that remain fit for purpose and appropriate.
• Establish and communicate clear delineations of H&S responsibilities between suppliers and principal contractors, including the management of work at interfaces between different work groups.
• Undertake frequent inspections and reviews of work to ensure critical risk controls are being implemented effectively in practice.
• Establish and manage frequent H&S forums with contractors to facilitate the sharing of information, lessons learnt and examples of good H&S risk management practice.