6 minute read
CLG Feedback on the Annual Report
During the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, the CLG events were undertaken virtually through Microsoft Teams. This ensured stakeholders were kept up to date with details of Project Construction Works and were able to provide feedback.
The results of the information gathering exercise were presented at the CLG on 30 June 2022 and the opportunity was provided for feedback, questions or concerns. During the meeting the CLG raised the following issues: • Timing and process for providing the draft report • Additional information about the number of complaints.
The draft report was made available for comment following the CLG meeting. No comments were received on the draft report. The report will be made available on the CRL website.
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9. Recommendations
Based on the matters raised by the community (as outlined in Sections 6 and 8) the following recommendations are made:
• Link Alliance continues to engage with the community and develop relationships with key stakeholders through the various engagement tools outlined in the CCPs. • Link Alliance continues to provide the affected community with detailed work notifications and information about potential impacts from proposed construction activities using a multitude of engagement tools (i.e. in person, on the phone, works notification emails, station newsletters). • Continue to implement the range of mitigation measures, as outlined in the DWPs and
Management Plans prepared for the construction works. • Undertake a review of noise complaints with the noise and vibration technical specialists who authored the Noise and Vibration Delivery Work Plan, and implement any practicable mitigation recommendations.
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10. Conclusion
This Annual Report confirms that the range of mitigation measures (as outlined in the SIBDDWPs prepared for the Karanga-a-Hape Construction Works) have been implemented to manage construction impacts upon the public and affected community. Information collected including complaints received, accessibility and wayfinding audits, concerns raised during interviews and CLG meetings have been used to review the effectiveness of a range of mitigation measures (as outlined in the SIBDDWPs prepared for the Karanga-a-Hape Station Construction Works) that have been implemented to manage construction impacts for the affected community including businesses and residents within the Karanga-a-Hape Station area. Key findings identified that: • A site accessibility assessment was undertaken in December 2021 and the outcomes were used to improve accessibility of the site for example for those with mobility issues or visual impairment. • Site audits are undertaken on an ad-hoc basis to manage minor issues around the site. • A range of proactive development response actions have been undertaken including: − Proactive engagement with stakeholders e.g. around scheduling of noisy or disruptive works − New CPTED lighting and additional security to support safety around the site − Sponsored events, public realm works and activation programs to attract visitors to the area e.g. Artweek, Pocket Park − Business support through promotion of local businesses and use of local procurement, small business support programme, parking vouchers etc. • The majority of complaints received were in relation to disruptive impacts from noise and vibration • Other concerns from the KBA were related to cumulative impacts e.g. from unrelated road works on Cross Street and East Street, homelessness and anti-social behaviour and the lack of public amenities. There has also been progress on recommendations from the 2019/2020 report, namely: • Ongoing engagement with stakeholders to build relationships with businesses and residents especially around scheduling of disruptive works. • Continued implementation of mitigation measures as outlined in the DWPs and Management Plans, and monitoring of the effects
Additional recommendations for Link Alliance in this 2021/22 report include: • Continuing to engage with the community and develop relationships with key stakeholders through the various engagement tools outlined in the CCPs. • Continuing to provide the affected community with detailed work notifications and information about potential impacts from proposed construction activities using a multitude of engagement tools (i.e. in person, on the phone, works notification emails, station newsletters).
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• Continuing to implement the range of mitigation measures, as outlined in the DWPs and
Management Plans prepared for the construction works. • Reviewing noise complaints with the noise and vibration technical specialists who authored the Noise and Vibration Delivery Work Plan, and implementing any practicable mitigation recommendations.
It is noted that it is not always possible to satisfy all of the community’s concerns relating to the construction activities associated with the Project, given the limits of what is reasonably practicable to mitigate the construction effects of a major infrastructure project. Link Alliance will, however, ensure that scale, time and likely extent of impacts is communicated to affected parties alongside the implementation of the Delivery Work Plans and monitoring of these and the Designation conditions.
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Appendix A: Previous Recommendations
The previous SIBD Annual Report made several recommendations for Link Alliance to consider in terms of business disruption and the annual report process. These are summarised below in Table A-1.
Recommendation Observation
• The Link Alliance continue to engage with the community and develop relationships with key stakeholders through the various engagement tools outlined in the CCPs. Link Alliance seeks to actively engage with businesses in the planning stage of the works to get feedback on construction methodology, timing and any specific requirements for these businesses and accommodating this feedback where possible. • The Link Alliance continue to provide the affected community with detailed work notifications and information about potential impacts from proposed construction activities using a multitude of engagement tools (i.e. in person, on the phone, works notification emails, station newsletters). Link Alliance continues to use multi-channel communication to deliver updates regarding upcoming works and closures through monthly newsletters, flyers/posters, social media, emails and CLG meetings. • The Link Alliance review the CLG to ensure that it is representative of the affected community and continue to use the CLG as a platform to obtain feedback on SIBD related issues relevant to CRL construction activities. The CLG is an open forum and any person who is on the Karanga-a-Hape Station mailing list is invited to attend the meetings. Minutes and presentations are available online for all meetings. This enables the CLG to be accessible to all residents, businesses and the wider community. • Continue to implement the range of mitigation measures, as outlined in the DWPs and Management Plans prepared for the construction works. Link Alliance continues to implement the mitigation measures outlined in Section 8 of the SIBDDWP. The site is well managed and this can be evidenced by the reduced number of complaints for this site.
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Appendix B: Site Walkover Photos
Figure 10-1: Artwork and placemaking around Beresford Square. Fairy lights have been installed to increase light in the area.
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Figure 10-2: Example of business visibility and wayfinding signage around Mercury Lane.
Figure 10-3: Examples of local artwork and clear wayfinding signage on Cross Street. Artwork is Goldfish by Misery (Tanja McMillan).
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Figure 10-4: Example of Local Artwork used on hoardings. Artwork by Margarita Vovna.
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