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9. Recommendations

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10. Conclusion

10. Conclusion

 The siren from the crane is excessively loud  Light impacts are a concern and lights on site should have directional covers to reduce lighting impacts for nearby residents.

The draft report was subsequently circulated to the CLG for comment prior to the report being finalised. These comments have been responded to in Table 18.

Table 18: General feedback on the draft Annual report from CLG attendees and Link Alliance response

General feedback received on the draft Annual Report

A suggestion to record the number of dwellings alongside the household figures (in Section 4.). This would help to interpret the data.

Recognition of issue raised regarding the loss of amenity as a result of the removal of the 17 mature Wattle trees. These trees separated the existing rail line from Boston Road and the current mitigation plan which does not replace like for like.

Link Alliance Response

 The Annual Report has been informed by a review of census data, including household numbers and years at usual residence. Alongside this feedback has been collected directly from the community, via the CLG.  Additional data collection will be considered in the 2022

Annual Report.  Link Alliance recognises the concern for the loss of mature vegetation has been raised previously however it is not recorded as a complaint as it falls outside this definition.  Link Alliance are aware of this issue and met with this member of the community in early 2021. After the meeting, it was determined that additional trees were outside of Link

Alliance scope to deliver, i.e. not part of CRL construction works.  Link Alliance also facilitated discussions with Auckland

Transport. However, due to a number of factors including the cost and difficulties with the road conditions and location of services further mitigation is not possible.  Link Alliance will continue to engage with the community to and address concerns where they can by directing stakeholders to the relevant responsible authority.

Page 34 | 2021-2022 SIBD Annual Report – Maungawhau Station

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