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News and Information from the City of Pickerington
This holiday season, don’t let the spirit of giving lull you into giving burglars, thieves and pickpockets a better chance to do their dirty work. Criminals love the holidays as much as everyone else, especially because it’s an opportune time for them. The Pickerington Police Department has advice to keep you and your family safe during the holidays.
If You Are Traveling:
• Get automatic, variable timers for your interior lights. • Ask a trusted neighbor to watch your home, shovel snow and even park their cars in your driveway from time to time (so the house looks lived in). • Stop your mail delivery or have it picked up every day by a neighbor or friend. If it piles up, it’s a good sign no one is home.
If You Go Out for the Evening:
• Turn on some interior and exterior lights, play music, or turn on a TV so it seems like someone is home. • Be extra cautious about making sure your doors and windows are locked when you leave, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
If You Are Out Shopping:
• Stay alert and be aware of what’s going on around you. Are you being followed or does it seem like someone keeps looking at you? It could be a criminal sizing you up as a potential victim. • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash; pay with a debit or credit card whenever possible. • To deter pickpockets and purse snatchers, be extra careful with purses and wallets. Ladies, carry a purse with the strap across your body, not dangling by the strap from one shoulder. Put your wallet in an inside coat pocket or front pants pocket.
Protect Your Vehicle:
• Do not leave gifts or packages in plain view in your car. Remember the old cliché: “Out of sight, out of
mind?” The same idea applies to items in your car. • Always lock your vehicle and store all items out of sight, either in your trunk or covered up. Breaking into an empty car isn’t worth a thief’s time. However, anything left in plain view – from your holiday gifts to spare change, sunglasses, laptops, cell phones or purses – may tempt a thief. • If you have purchased a lot of gifts, consider returning to your home and dropping those packages off before going to another shopping location. • Help prevent your vehicle from being stolen by always locking your car and using anti-theft devices. • Although it’s cold, never leave your vehicle running while you run inside your home or a store – even if for only a minute or two.
Holiday Package Theft:
• Track deliveries online and confirm delivery has occurred. You can sign up for email notifications to track your packages from initial shipment to its arrival at your home, or the recipient’s address if you have the gift delivered directly. If you know a family member or neighbor will be home, ask them to pick up the packages as soon as they are delivered. • Check with your employer about having packages delivered there instead of your house, so it can be received by a person and not left unattended on your porch.
After You Have Opened the Gifts:
Following the holidays, burglars know that many households will have new and, often, expensive items (gaming systems, computers, televisions) in them. In too many cases, residents make it easy for burglars to figure out which homes to target by putting out boxes that identify their new gifts in plain view with their garbage and recycling. Avoid becoming an easy target by not leaving those boxes in your garbage pick-up locations for several days at a time. Instead, break or cut down any boxes you are throwing out, put them in garbage bags and place them inside a trash can. Or you can keep broken-down boxes inside your home until the day of your regular garbage pick-up.
Take a Holiday Inventory:
The holidays are a good time to create an inventory of the expensive items you have in your home. Take pictures or make a video of the expensive items you have. List descriptions, makes, models and serial numbers of these items. If your home is ever burglarized, having a detailed inventory can help identify stolen items and make insurance claims easier to file. Make sure things such as TVs, computers, gaming systems, cameras, jewelry and power tools are on the list.
Celebrate Responsibly:
The holiday season is a time for celebration. Many times, these celebrations involve alcohol. Drinking and driving is a danger to everyone on the road. If you choose to drink alcohol at a party, family gathering or work function, don’t drive. Have a designated driver, take a cab, call a sober friend or relative, or use Uber. Have fun, but remember to celebrate responsibly.
Upcoming events
Santa’s Mailbox
Holiday Gathering & Tree Lighting
Dec. 2 5-8 p.m. Olde Pickerington Village
Breakfast with Santa
Dec. 10 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. or 11 a.m. Pickerington Senior Center Price: $10 (1 & under free) Tickets available at www.pickerington.net Tickets will not be sold at the event. For more information on these events, visit www.pickerington.net.
Snow Removal: How You Can Help City Workers

• Do not park your car on the street (if possible) during periods of snow removal. • Push or shovel the snow to the LEFT side of your driveway if you can. • Residents and business owners are responsible for clearing sidewalks. • Make sure the postal carrier can reach your mailbox for delivery. • Please note: We are unable to plow individual driveways. • The City is not responsible for damage to basketball poles or other items in the roadway.
The City of Pickerington appreciates your cooperation and strives to provide safe roads within the City. Allow extra time and slow down during snow events. If you have any questions, please call the Service Department at 614-833-2292.

The 32nd annual Dorothy Steiger Memorial Mitten Tree will be at City Hall Dec. 2-16. Drop off your new or gently used mittens, gloves, hats and scarves and they will be donated to Fairfield County Job and Family Services, then distributed to children and families in need. Pickerington City Hall, 100 Lockville Rd.
(All numbers prefixed with the 614 area code)
Building Services .......................... 833-2221 City Clerk/Council .......................... 837-3974 City Manager................................. 837-3974 Development Services.................... 833-2204 Engineering Services ..................... 833-2221 Finance Services ........................... 837-3974 Human Resources.......................... 837-3974 Income Tax Division........................ 837-4116 Mayor’s Office (Lee A. Gray).................................. 837-3974 Mayor’s Court................................ 837-3974 Parks and Recreation..................... 833-2211 Police Services .............................. 575-6911 Service Department Streets .......................................... 833-2292 Utility Billing................................... 833-2289 Utility Maintenance ........................ 833-2292 Water Plant ................................... 833-2290 Waste Water Plant ......................... 837-6490 Water Reclamation......................... 837-6470