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News and Information from Violet Township
Be Septic Smart!
By Joe Ebel, Fairfield County Health Commissioner
Nearly one-fifth of American households depend on a household sewage treatment system (HSTS) to treat their wastewater. Sometimes, these systems are referred to as septic systems, but may include septic tanks, leaching tile fields, mound systems, an aerobic treatment unit (ATU) or “aerator,” and other on-site treatment systems and components. Failure to maintain any of these sewage treatment systems can lead to backups, malfunctions and early failures that can result in costly repairs, pollute local streams and spread disease.
How do you know if you have a household sewage treatment system?
If you pay a monthly sewer bill to your city or county water and sewer district, then you are on a public sewer system, where your wastewater discharges through the sewer lines to a sewage treatment plant that processes the wastewater and assures that it meets all health and environmental safety requirements before it is discharged back into our streams and rivers.
If you are not paying a sewer bill, then you are probably on some type of household sewage treatment system. The most common HSTS types in northwest Fairfield County include septic tanks with a leaching tile field or mound, or an aeration system that discharges to a shallow leaching tile field or mound, or, for older aeration systems, may discharge directly to a stream, ditch or tile.
How do you know if your HSTS is working?
A foul odor isn’t always the first sign of a malfunctioning sewage system. Call a professional if you notice any of the following: • Wastewater backing up into household drains • Bright green, spongy grass in the yard, even during dry weather • Pooling water or muddy soil around your septic system or in your basement • Strong odor around the septic tank and leach field
For aeration systems, most problems are due to the aerator motor failing. Aerators have a motor or pump that mixes the sewage in the tank with oxygen, to help the bacteria in the wastewater break down the sewage and digest the waste. If the motor fails, the system may continue to discharge untreated wastewater to the leaching tile field, causing a failure, or worse, discharge wastewater directly to area steams where children, pets and others may come in contact with the sewage. That is why we recommend having your aerator under a service contract with a service professional who will check the operation of the system and do routine maintenance at least once a year. If you know that you have an aerator and you notice a foul odor, that the motor hasn’t been running or a warning light appearing on the control panel, have the system serviced right away.
Why should you maintain your sewage system?
Doing routine maintenance of your sewage treatment system in good for your wallet, good for the environment and good for your health. Regular maintenance fees and pumping your tank every three to five years is a bargain compared to the cost of repairing or replacing a malfunctioning system, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars. The frequency of pumping required for your system depends on how many people live in your home and the size of the system.
Keeping ahead of failures protects your property value. An unusable sewage system or one in disrepair will lower your property value and will need to be disclosed to any potential buyer, not to mention pose a potentially costly legal liability.
Household wastewater is loaded with disease-causing bacteria and viruses, as well as high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. If a sewage system is well-maintained and working properly, it will remove most of these pollutants. Insufficiently treated sewage from sewage treatment systems can cause groundwater contamination, which can spread disease in humans and animals. Improperly treated sewage also poses the risk of contaminating nearby surface waters, significantly increasing the chance of children and pets contracting a variety of infectious diseases.
How can you extend the life of your sewage treatment system?
Don’t Overload the Commode. Don’t flush diapers, wipes or other items meant for a trash can down the toilet.
Think at the Sink. Limit use of your garbage disposal and avoid pouring fats, grease, solids and harsh chemicals down the drain. Your sewage system contains a collection of living organisms that digest and treat household waste.
Pouring toxins down your drain can kill these organisms and harm your sewage system. Whether you’re at the kitchen sink, bathtub or utility sink, avoid chemical drain openers for a clogged drain. Instead, use boiling water or a drain snake. Never pour cooking oil or grease down the drain! Never pour oil-based paints, solvents or large volumes of toxic cleaners down the drain. Even latex paint waste should be minimized.
Don’t Strain Your Drain. Use water efficiently and stagger use of appliances that use a lot of water, such as your washing machine or dishwasher. Repair leaking faucets and toilets to avoid flooding your system.
Pump Your Tank. Household septic tanks are typically pumped every three to five years. Aeration systems or systems with electrical float switches, pumps or mechanical components need to be inspected more often, generally at least once a year. A service contract is important for these systems because they have mechanical/moving parts.
Shield Your Field. Divert rain and surface water away, and avoid parking vehicles and planting trees on your leach field or near your tanks.
Keep It Clean. If you are on a well, test your drinking water regularly to ensure it remains clean and free of contamination.
For more information about sewage treatment system maintenance, please visit www.epa.gov/septicsmart, contact the Fairfield County Health Department at 740-652-2800 or visit www.fairfieldhealth.org. For water conservation tips, visit www.epa.gov/watersense.
Holiday Safety
Holiday season is upon us, and that means decorating will happen in our homes and office spaces. While decorating creates a festive atmosphere and adds color to our drab Ohio days, it also adds the potential for fires if not done correctly. More than one-third of home decoration fires are started by candles, and two of every five decoration fires occur because the decorations are too close to a heat source (NFPA, 2019). In the Christmas season, tree fires are rare, but very destructive when they do happen. A heat source too close to the tree or an electrical problem causes 50% of the Christmas tree fires (NFPA, 2019). This year, the Violet Township Fire Department is providing you some seasonal decorating safety tips.
Decorating Safety Tips
• Choose decorations that are flameresistant or flame-retardant. • Keep lit candles away from decorations and any other flammable items. • Place candles out of reach of children and pets. • Always make sure to blow out candles before leaving the home or going to bed. • If hanging lights, make sure to use only lights rated for outdoor use. • Never use nails to hang lights; only use clips. • Make sure to turn off all lights before leaving the home or going to bed.
Christmas Tree Safety Tips
• Pick a tree with fresh, green needles that do not fall off when touched. • Cut 2” off the tree base before placing in the stand. • Add water to the tree stand daily. • Make sure the tree is at least 3 feet away from any heat source (fireplaces, radiators, vents, candles or lights). • Only use tree lights that have the label of a recognized testing laboratory (UL, for example). • Strings of lights that show wear, have broken cords or loose bulb connections should be replaced. • Never use candles to decorate the tree. • Always turn off the tree lights before leaving the house or going to bed.
More Winter Safety Advice
Winter will be upon us before we know it. This will bring snow, ice, sledding opportunities and potential cold weather issues such as frostbite and hypothermia. It is important that you are educated and ready for this season. Here are a few tips to follow to make your winter outings fun and safe: • Always prepare and check your vehicle before going anywhere. Make sure the battery is charged and your tires have sufficient tread depth (no less than 2/32 of an inch, per the
National Safety Council). Also, check your tire pressure and wiper blades, and keep at least a half tank of gas at all times. • To avoid frostbite or hypothermia, dress in layers and limit your time outdoors. Mittens are recommended over gloves. Always keep your head and ears covered. • If sledding, make sure your equipment is in good condition. Never sled headfirst or on/around frozen
bodies of water. Again, dress warmly and in multiple layers to avoid frostbite or hypothermia. • Snow is inevitable. If you are going to shovel the snow, please remember to start slow and take it easy.
Many of us are not in the best physical shape. Shoveling snow can put significant strain on our bodies, especially the heart. Stretch before you begin and take frequent breaks.
Remember that snow is heavier than it looks. If you experience chest pain or shortness of breath, stop immediately and call 9-1-1.
If you have any questions about holiday safety, winter safety or any other fire-related safety issue (other than emergencies), please call us at 614-8374123. We are here for you 24 hours a day, every day. As always, remember we are your “Friends for Life.”
How to Reach Us
Violet Township Administrative Offices 10190 Blacklick-Eastern Rd., Pickerington, OH 43147 614-575-5556 www.violet.oh.us Violet Township Fire Stations Phone 614-837-4123 Fire Chief: Michael Little #592: 8700 Refugee Rd. #591: 21 Lockville Rd. #593: 2365 Taylor Park Dr. Violet Township Service Center Phone: 614-382-5979 490 Center St. Pickerington, OH 43147
Violet Township Annual Toy Drive

The 2022 toy drive started Nov. 24 and run through Dec. 24.
We will be accepting new unwrapped toys and gift cards at all three Violet Township Fire stations.
There will also be our familiar red toy drop boxes at businesses throughout the Township.
Our toy drive annual “drive-thru” will be at Station 592 (8700 Refugee Rd.) on Dec. 10 and 11 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visit our toy drive Facebook page for links to our Amazon, PayPal and Target options for an easy way to give during this busy season for all of us.
Snow Plowing Priorities
During the snow season, Violet Township will clear Township streets of snow and ice by applying salt; however, there are times when the use of snow plows is necessary. The driving lanes are cleared first to allow drivers clearance and minimize the potential for accidents with either moving or parked cars on the street. The truck drivers then return after clearing the driving lanes to remove snow from the parking lanes. Parking vehicles in driveways when snowfall is expected will expedite snow removal and prevent cars from being blocked in by plowed snow.
The priority during a snow event is to clear the bridges and major roadways. The second priority is to clear collector streets within neighborhoods. Only when the first- and second-priority streets are clear do crews move in and begin clearing residential streets. As long as it is still snowing, crews will work to remove snow and ice accumulation from the priority streets.
When crews move into residential areas, they make one pass in and one pass out to provide for two-way traffic on all streets. After the entire route is completed and all thoroughfares are clear, a second pass will be made to clear the residential streets from curb to curb. Depending on the severity of the storm, crews may leave residential areas at any time to concentrate their efforts on major roadways. Again, depending on the intensity of the storm, the return trip to residential areas to clear from curb to curb may be a day or more after the initial pass. The Township tries to salt all intersections throughout the routes.
Once crews move into residential areas, there are things residents can do to help expedite snow and ice removal. Since snow is pushed to the side of the road by the plow, residents are asked to remove parked vehicles from the streets during snow events to avoid being plowed in.
Snow plowed to the curbs will often block driveways. This cannot be avoided and understanding is appreciated. Our personnel are committed to providing safe streets as soon as possible after a snowfall for drivers and pedestrians, and are unable to prevent or remove snow blocking driveways. The Township encourages residents to assist their neighbors who may be unable to remove snow from their driveway apron or from around parked cars on the street.
If a mailbox was damaged by contact with a Township snow plow, it will be repaired or replaced. If damage was caused by snow or ice hitting the mailbox, or due to deteriorated materials, repairs or replacement is the responsibility of the resident. Residents are encouraged to make sure their mailboxes can withstand heavy snow thrown by passing plow trucks.
Pictures with Santa
The Wigwam Event Center will be doing pictures with Santa on Sunday, Dec. 18 from noon to 6:00 p.m. This event is free for the community.
Bring your own camera to snap that special photo of your kids, dogs, cat or even yourself! Hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows will be waiting.
Santa is looking forward to making a trip to Violet Township to meet with all of you!