Orthopedic Practice
“I’m a mom to busy and active kids. I met some friends for dinner after work. Heading home, I was hit head-on by a drunk driver and su ered multiple injuries. I ended up deciding it was best to go through with amputating my right leg. The physicians and sta at Orthopedic ONE were with me from the very beginning and every step of the way. It felt good that everyone had me in their best interest. They gave me my life back.“
- Jillian Kerr, SurvivorMeet the newest provider to join our Grove City o ce:

Wetzel, MD Fellowship-Trained Total Joint Reconstruction Surgeon

Watch Jillian’s story here or visit orthopedicONE.com.

Looking Flawless has never been easier.


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For more events visit www.DiscoverGroveCity.com
What’s Happening?
Events subject to change. Consult websites for details and updates.
Jan. 3
Planning Commission Meeting 1:30 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 4035 Broadway www.grovecityohio.gov
Jan. 3, 17
City Council Meeting 7-8 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 4035 Broadway www.grovecityohio.gov
Jan. 5-Feb. 23
Rotary Club of Grove City Thursdays 7:30 a.m. Eagle Pavilion at Fryer Park, 3899 Orders Rd. www.gcrotaryoh.com
Jan. 6, 20; Feb. 3, 17
Grove City Kingston Center Community Blood Drive Noon-6 p.m. Kingston Center, 3226 Kingston Ave. www.redcrossblood.org

Jan. 6, 20; Feb. 3, 17 Kingston
Jan. 7, Feb. 4
Grove City Lodge Public Breakfast 8-10 a.m. Grove City Masonic Lodge No. 689, 3558 Park St. www.grovecity689.org
Jan. 10, Feb. 14
S.A.L.T. Seniors and Law Enforcement Training Meeting 2 p.m. Evans Center, 4330 Dudley Ave.
Jan. 10-Feb. 28
Toastmasters International 7-8 p.m. second and fourth Tuesday 4035 Broadway or via Zoom www.5168204.toastmastersclubs. org
Jan. 11, Feb. 8
Grove City Lions Club 6:45 p.m. Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, 2213 White Rd. www.grovecitylions.org

Jan. 12, Feb. 9
Grove City Noon Lions Club Noon

China Bell, 1947 Stringtown Rd. www.grovecitylions.org
Jan. 17
Shelter House Registration
8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Kingston Center, 3226 Kingston Ave. www.grovecityohio.gov
Jan. 17, Feb. 21
Alzheimer’s Support Group
7 p.m.
Evans Center, 4330 Dudley Ave.
Jan. 20-Feb. 5
Little Theatre Off Broadway presents Rumors
Little Theatre Off Broadway, 3981 Broadway www.ltob.org
8 a.m.-5 p.m. www.buddyball.com
Feb. 1-28 Grove City Little
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Kingston Center, 3226 Kingston Ave. www.grovecityohio.gov
Mayor’s Message – A Showcase of Solidarity

For as long as I can remember, participating in a high school marching band – especially in Grove City – has been a big deal. Members are part of a driving force behind the spirit of high school and its sports.

However, there’s more to the marching band than gametime entertainment. The band members are a team, representing the school and community, taking great pride in their performance. They work all summer into the school days and evenings to perfect a performance that not only embodies their skill and effort, but motivates the football team while entertaining hundreds every Friday evening.
In addition, the band spends nearly every weekend in the fall participating in competitions, most leaving little room for error when the goal is to achieve the top score.

Band members strive for excellence just as the athletes they support, committing every day to working together, sharing struggles and triumphs, and ultimately building relationships that last a lifetime.
Our schools are blessed to have the talent and patience of outstanding educators and directors, and support of student families and district administration.
At the end of each marching season, the South-Western City School District hosts the District Marching Band Showcase, giving its four high schools an opportunity to share their competition shows. It’s truly magical. Not only do we see the
culmination of hard work from students and staff, it’s a terrific display of camaraderie, respect and preparation.
The Showcase closes with all four bands taking a final march onto the field, lining up next to each other with precision and playing their school’s fight song one last time. Then they break formation and mingle, many embracing and congratulating one another on their successful season.
I’m moved each year I attend this event, yet for some reason I was more emotionally struck this year, finding a greater symbolism behind those final moments.
For nearly three years we have all been exercising caution, yet slowly returning to what once was. Our eyes have been opened to things we maybe didn’t see before, and our hearts opened to welcome change.
As I watched the bands’ uniform colors blend on the field, I realized I was witnessing a great celebration of solidarity, exampling how we can live in different communities, have different backgrounds, faiths and cultures, cheer for different teams, and still have a common bond.
Not only do I applaud their hard work and performance, I recognize and praise their example – which still gives me goosebumps.
Tom Katt, band parent, supporter and talented videographer, filmed and produced a great video of the 2022 SouthWestern City School District Marching Band Showcase. I encourage you to watch all the amazing performances online at bit.ly/SWCSDBands.

100 Years of Memories
Laura Harper shares stories spanning 100 years

Laurina “Laura” Harper didn’t want a big party for her birthday this past year. She knows some would say she reached quite the milestone, but she didn’t want a spectacle. So, on Dec. 19, Harper hosted a small gathering of friends and family at her home in Orient to celebrate her 100th birthday just the way she wanted to – peacefully.
Harper has been involved with countless groups and communities around Grove City for the past 40 years, but she did not call Ohio home for the preceding 60 years.
Harper was born in New York in 1922 where she grew up as a firstgeneration Italian-American. With immigrant parents, Harper only spoke Italian until age 6 when she started attending school.
Her husband, John, also grew up in New York but the two wouldn’t meet until one special day in 1940.
They both got on a bus that was on its way to Ithaca, New York. John was going to see his mother and Laura was attending classes with plans to go home for the weekend.
When she got on the bus and saw the only open seat was next to him, she politely asked to sit and the two got to talking.
“By the time we got to Ithaca, he asked me for a date, but I already had a boyfriend and I had to say I was sorry, I couldn’t,” Harper says. “So, he wanted to know when I was going back and I said I was going back Sunday. And so he was at the bus station and he went back Sunday. And, as they say, that was it.”
The two got married two years later on Nov. 28. This past November marked 80 years since they got married.
After the wedding, Harper moved to Rochester with John so he could resume his work as an engineer. She continued

her education at the University of Rochester and eventually became an English teacher in the Brighton Central School District.
For the next few decades, they enjoyed their lives in New York, but as John got closer to retirement, they felt the pull to leave.
“It was always my husband’s desire that when he retired, he wanted to retire on the farm that belonged to his great grandfather, which he inherited, and that is this farm that I’m living in right now,” Harper says.
In 1975, after living in New York their entire lives, Harper and her husband moved into their farmhouse just 15 minutes south of Grove City and began a new life.

Although they were hundreds of miles away from friends and family, Harper said she began to meet new people and create a new family around herself.
She got involved with groups such as the Friends of Southwest Public Libraries, Grove City Cancer Thrift Store and the Concord Cemetery Association. Harper even started her own local sewing group that met once a month for nearly 40 years, only stopping when the COVID-19 pandemic hit.
The people she met through those groups not only became lasting friends but also her support system when she suffered the loss of her family.
In her spare time, Harper enjoys making needlework art that she displays in her house.
In 1984 John died at age 67, and a year later her mother died at 92. Losing both her husband and mother hit Harper hard, but she said with the help of others, she was able to find new joy in life.
One of the things she found new interest in was the one-room schoolhouse that sat on their property. Although it was built in 1888, Harper found that it was not protected as a historical building, and she made it her mission to change that.
She reached out to state officials and, after finding out what needed to be done,
she worked with a historian to complete research and make a case for the schoolhouse. After six months of work, Harper’s schoolhouse was awarded historical status by the State of Ohio in the late 1980s. Since then, Harper has been fixing and renovating the outside of the building, including patching the brick and mortar and replacing the broken windows with vinyl covers.
Although she had hoped to completely restore the building using only her own savings, Harper says she doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to afford to fix everything.
“I hope whoever buys this property will love it as much as I do,” Harper says. “I would think that whoever buys this property would want to have something like that, and then they could clean it out and do whatever they wanted to do with it.”
As Harper looks back on her life, through changes and losses, she has gained valuable memories and met many wonderful people.
She is still in touch with many of her students from New York, and people she has met in Grove City have become as much her family as her nephews and nieces.
Rachel Karas is an editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at rkaras@ cityscenemediagroup.com.
3989 Broadway is Home to 107 Years of Change
Consensus among local historians is, Henry J. Mayer erected in 1915 one of the first retail and service buildings located on the west side of Broadway. The building was first used by Carl Johnson as an automobile sales and service garage, where an elevator lifted vehicles to the second floor for mechanical repairs. After Johnson relocated, Mulzer’s Motor Sales moved into the building, once considered the largest Ford sales agency in Franklin County.
An addition was constructed in the early 1920s, and the building was remodeled by then owner and local businessman, Charles Eesley. Part of the building was portioned into four “modern store rooms.” The larger section of the building became known as Eesley Hall. In 1940, Eesley added bowling alleys to the second floor, where a duck-pin tournament was hosted the following year.
Council Briefs
The Grove City Post Office was relocated to the first floor of the building in 1944. A major disaster was averted in 1953, when volunteer firefighters extinguished a fire that broke out in the bowling alley. In 1954, postal operations moved to a new building on Grant Avenue.

That same year, Walter and Marguerite Luebben, who earlier purchased the property from Eesley, moved their 14-yearold hardware business into the space. Grove City Hardware was the longestrunning business at 3989 Broadway. Two generations of the Luebben family

operated the company until ownership changed hands in 1999. Competition from larger, chain hardware stores, combined with structural aging of the building, led to closure of the store in 2005.
The building was given a new lease on life after extensive repairs were completed in 2016, saving it from certain collapse. Today the structure is home to Cultivate, a nonprofit entrepreneur support organization, and The Garden Bar Café, serving fresh, healthy breakfast and lunch options.
Would a Rec Center Help Your Fitness?
Grove City does a great job providing opportunities for good health and fitness. Consider the outdoor options available. An extensive network of multiuse trails currently link all sides of the city. You can walk or bike from Beulah Park, to State Route 104 and into Scioto Grove Metro Park. Starting at Gantz Park, you can safely travel south on the trails to State Route 665. The city’s next goal is to link the trails on the north to Columbus and west to the Camp Chase Trail.
Other outdoor fitness opportunities include tennis and pickleball courts and ball diamonds. New pickleball courts recently opened at Windsor Park and more are nearly complete in the Park at Beulah; and lights are planned for installation at two of the Fryer Park softball diamonds. These are great examples of outdoor opportunities to exercise, but what about an indoor facility?
In 2013, when I was on the Park Board, a study and public survey was commissioned to explore interest for an indoor recreation center. Even 10 years ago, the findings strongly suggested health and exercise offerings would be enhanced with the addition of a community center. Keeping this study in the back of my mind, in 2021, I initiated further exploration into the possibility of constructing a community center. After several meetings with Parks and Recreation, the decision was made to partner with the Park Board and move the idea closer to reality.
After several meetings in spring 2022, the Park Board voted to endorse the concept and added it should be expanded to include future park development and programming. Leading the project is Board Member Wayne Kintz, who helped identify and encourage participation from more than 30 stakeholder groups.
An August 2022 organizational meet-

ing was held, and participants were divided into three working groups: community recreation center, future park expansion and park programming. Each group meets monthly, developing surveys and planning future public meetings.
I invite you to share your thoughts about a future community recreation center and potential locations for parks. Please email me at rsgccouncil@gmail.com.
Roby SchottkeCouncil Member, Ward 4
Grove City Business Community Earning Accolades
Grove City Business Community Earning Accolades
Grove City is home to more than 1,000 businesses, 22 of which opened their doors last year joining an ever-developing network of successful enterprises. Operating under a new normal, Grove City businesses and entrepreneurs earned multiple accolades and recognitions in 2022, raising the profile of our entire community. Our hometown identity and continued successful development is enhanced by the achievements of Grove City’s business sector.
Forge Biologics

Grove City is home to more than 1,000 businesses, 22 of which opened their doors last year joining an ever-developing network of successful enterprises. Operating under a new normal, Grove City businesses and entrepreneurs earned multiple accolades and recognitions in 2022, raising the profile of our entire community. Our hometown identity and continued successful development is enhanced by the achievements of Grove City’s business sector.
Brian & Dominique Brooks
E.E. Ward Moving and Storage Inducted into The National Civil Rights Hall of Fame
Brian and Dominique Brooks E.E. Ward Moving and Storage Inducted into The National Civil Rights Hall of Fame
Brian and Dominique
Brooks, co-owners of E.E. Ward Moving and Storage, the country’s oldest African American-owned business, were inducted into The National Civil Rights Hall of Fame during a formal ceremony in June 2022.

Brian and Dominique Brooks, co-owners of E.E. Ward Moving and Storage, the country’s oldest African Americanowned business, were inducted into The National Civil Rights Hall of Fame during a formal ceremony in June 2022.
Honorees are selected by the National Civil Rights Library, an independent Chicago-based charitable organization that seeks to acknowledge outstanding individuals who have advanced the goals of equality and inclusion.
Honorees are selected by the National Civil Rights Library, an independent Chicago-based charitable organization that seeks to acknowledge outstanding individuals who have advanced the goals of equality and inclusion.
John T. Ward started his moving business in 1881, not long after the adoption of the 13th Amendment, and often used his moving wagons to help individuals escape slavery. What started as a stop on the Underground Railroad 140 years ago, has flourished as one of the most trusted moving companies in the country.
John T. Ward started his moving business in 1881, not long after the adoption of the 13th Amendment, and often used his moving wagons to help individuals escape slavery. What started as a stop on the Underground Railroad 140 years ago, has flourished as one of the most trusted moving companies in the country.
Brian, godson to Eldon Ward, the last Ward family member to operate the business, and his wife Dominique continue the company’s long legacy of giving back. Under the couple’s leadership, E.E. Ward’s community involvement continues its far-reaching impact through fundraising events like Laps for Learning and partnership opportunities like the Childhood League and KidSmiles.
Brian, godson to Eldon Ward, the last Ward family member to operate the business, and his wife Dominique continue the company’s long legacy of giving back. Under the couple’s leadership, E.E. Ward’s community involvement continues its far-reaching impact through fundraising events like Laps for Learning and partnership opportunities like the Childhood League and KidSmiles.
FST Logistics | 2022 Top Food Chain Provider
FST Logistics | 2022 Top Food Chain Provider
FST Logistics, a third-party logistics company in Grove City, was recognized as a 2022 Top Food Chain Provider by Food Chain Digest, the official magazine of Food Shippers in America. An employee-owned company serving nationwide, FST Logistics employs over 400 associates and provides temperature-controlled transportation services and warehousing capabilities.
FST Logistics, a third-party logistics company in Grove City, was recognized as a 2022 Top Food Chain Provider by Food Chain Digest, the official magazine of Food Shippers in America. An employee-owned company serving nationwide, FST Logistics employs over 400 associates and provides temperature-controlled transportation services and warehousing capabilities.
Top Small Workplaces in the Columbus Area: Forge Biologics; Silco Fire and Security
Special Award for New Ideas: Forge Biologics
from devastating rare diseases. Columbus Business First magazine honored the young business late last year, with a Columbus Inno Biztech Fire Award for innovation in technology.
Launching business in July 2020, Grove City’s Forge Biologics captured the attention of the biotech manufacturing industry, developing innovative gene therapies aimed to help patients suffering from devastating rare diseases. Columbus Business First newspaper honored the young business late last year, with a Columbus Inno BizTech Fire Award for innovation in technology.
New photo and caption to come New photo and caption to come
The awards program highlights emerging entrepreneurs and companies making waves in the industry. Forge and 13 other businesses were among those honored at a Dec. 8 ceremony held at the Fawcett Event Center on the campus of The Ohio State University.
The awards program highlights emerging entrepreneurs and companies making waves in the industry. Forge and 13 other businesses were among those honored at a Dec. 8 ceremony held at the Fawcett Event Center on the campus of The Ohio State University.
Forge shared in an October 2022 press release that testing data revealed positive results from recent studies of an investigational adeno-associated virus (AAV) they developed for infants with Krabbe disease, a fatal neurodegenerative disorder. Chief Medical Officer Maria Escolar, M.D., presented the study’s finding to the 29th Congress of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy, noting the new treatment could be a potential solution to immune challenges.
Forge shared in an October 2022 press release that testing data revealed positive results from recent studies of an investigational adeno-associated virus (AAV) they developed for infants with Krabbe disease, a fatal neurodegenerative disorder. Chief Medical Officer Maria Escolar, M.D., presented the study’s finding to the 29th Congress of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy, noting the new treatment could be a potential solution to immune challenges.
Since its start, Forge has successfully raised a total of $330 million in funding, including the largest Series B fundraise in Ohio’s history. This allowed the company to accelerate client offerings and expand capabilities, laboratory space and staff. Starting with just four entrepreneurs, the Gantz Road facility now spans 175,000 square feet and employs approximately 270 people led by some of the most talented, experienced and sought-after executives in the industry. Forge is expected to grow it’s headcount by as many as 75 in 2023.
Since its start, Forge has successfully raised a total of $330 million in funding, including the largest Series B fundraise in Ohio’s history. This allowed the company to accelerate client offerings and expand capabilities, laboratory space and staff. Starting with just four entrepreneurs, the Gantz Road facility now spans 175,000 square feet and employs approximately 270 people led by some of the most talented, experienced and sought-after executives in the industry. Forge is expected to grow its headcount by as many as 75 in 2023.
“If there’s a secret to Forge’s success,” said CEO, President and Co-Founder Timothy J. Miller, Ph.D., “it’s our people.”
“If there’s a secret to Forge’s success,” said CEO, President and Co-Founder Timothy J. Miller, Ph.D., “it’s our people.”
Special Award for Meaning fulness: Schoedinger Funeral and Cremation Services
Special Award for Training: Kenneth’s Hair Salons and Day Spas
Launching business in July 2020, Grove City’s Forge Biologics captured the attention of the biotech manufacturing industry, developing innovative gene therapies aimed to help patients sufferingFour Grove City Businesses are Top Workplaces in Columbus, according to a survey by Columbus CEO magazine. Brian Brooks and National Civil Rights Library Chairman William G. Thurman
Fits Like a Glove
American Nitrile chooses Grove City for manufacturing plant

Just a few years ago, the acronym “PPE” wasn’t a household phrase. But today, following the pandemic and subsequent shortage of protective equipment, a local man and his company are on track to break records worldwide in the PPE manufacturing industry.
In mid-November, 2022, the first production line of American Nitrile’s glove manufacturing was underway. Every 30-45 days, they expect to have another line up and running until all 12 production lines are functional at the Grove City facility located at 3500 Southwest Blvd.
Eventually, the factory will have the capacity to manufacture 3.5 billion nitrile gloves per year, making it the largest nitrile glove manufacturer in the United States. The company is the brainchild of Jacob Block, a graduate of The Ohio State University, who wanted to bring PPE manufacturing back to the U.S. after creating a PPE brokerage company, Block Medical Supply, to acquire materials from overseas during the pandemic. He saw the need for American manufacturing in the space, as the majority of PPE comes from Malaysia and other Asia-Pacific countries.
“It’s critical for our country to have domestic capabilities for critical supply chain products, nitrile gloves being one of them,” Block told the Columbus Dispatch in March 2022. “We’re the largest user by far in the world for nitrile gloves, yet we don’t produce even a percent of what we consume here.”
He’s teamed up with local manufacturing and financial experts committed to reshoring PPE manufacturing. American Nitrile received an initial investment of $140 million, 35 percent from private equity investors and 65 percent financed. The company received $105 million from Orion Infrastructure Capital in March to help complete the 527,000-squarefoot factory. As of Nov. 15, the first line was running and undergoing tests, according to human resources manager Tracy Pabst.
“As soon as line one is up and running, we have people waiting for these gloves,” Pabst says. “So our goal is to have line and line two open in, I say, late December, early January, and then every 30 to 45 days. (There will be) a new line all the way through 2023.”
Last November, the company had 60 employees but expects to employ 400 people by the time all 12 lines are running. Ultimately, the factory will operate 24 hours, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Pabst says the company stresses work-life balance and a family culture to its employees, offering benefits such as same-day pay and flexible part-time and full-time shifts. The majority of the jobs they’ll be hiring going forward will be finishing operators.
“We’re really thinking about blue collar workers, hardworking people and how we can accommodate them,” Pabst
says, “and we’ll definitely stand by that. We have our team right now, first team on that first production line, and they will all tell you how supportive this team has been. They’ve met the owners, they’ve met the VPs, they understand how important their role is going to be here. They want to be a part of it.”
The company rolled out three products in 2022 with different grades meant for different industries such as the medical, dental and industrial fields. The SteelFlex is an FDA-certified medical exam glove approved for use in handling chemotherapy drugs and fentanyl. The glove Granite is an extra tough industrial glove, and the Slate is a medium-duty, general-purpose glove for a variety of non-medical uses, which is soon to be FDA certified for medical and dental use.
“It is an entry level job but it’s a great way to get in from ground level. I mean, think, who has ever worked in a glove
factory?” Pabst says. “Everybody that comes in here has very little experience, so finishing operators learn everything. They learn everything about making gloves, putting these gloves in boxes to be shipped out. They’re really learning about quality control.”
Pabst says the Grove City Development Department and the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce have been helpful and welcoming to the company.
“They’ve been so supportive of not only our hiring needs, but anything that’s ever happened here and the issues with production,” she says. “They have embraced us 100 percent and been supportive of everything we’ve done.”
American Nitrile received a $3.5 million grant from JobsOhio, which was the first awarded to a pre-revenue start-up. The company also received an Opportunity Zone incentive to set up in Grove City, among other positive factors that come from starting up within the Columbus area.

The company is already planning to build another facility three times the size of the Grove City facility within four to five years.

“We all embrace ‘made in the USA’ and working for an owner who is local and cares about people and making a product we can be proud of, right here in Grove City,” Pabst says.

Claire Miller is an editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at cmiller@cityscenemediagroup.com.

Fighting Fires with Fitness
The Jackson Township Fire Department stays ready to protect area residents

Having to get a 20-ton truck out the door in less than two minutes after waking up in the middle of the night is no easy task, but it’s one that firefighters at the Jackson Township Fire Department have mastered.

The team at Station 202 does not sit idly, waiting for an emergency. Instead, they use their time to train and prepare so they are at peak mental and physical health, ready for any situation at any moment.
Their trainer, Matt Wenning, understands that as the average weight for Americans increases, it makes a huge difference in how firefighters must train for emergencies, as they may need to carry victims to safety. Through his training, firefighters learn proper technique and utilize every muscle in their bodies.
But Wenning isn’t training for the short term – when he trains a firefighter, his goal is for them to maintain their physique for 30 years. That’s why he helps build habits rather than rushing them through exercises.
“These guys didn’t learn the (basic) lifts for almost a year, we were just teaching them technique,” says Wenning. “Body mechanics, balancing weak muscle groups, fixing diet, nutrition, all of these things, it’s a 360-degree process.”
It’s not just about exercise and diet, especially for emergency responders whose sleep schedules may be interrupted at any moment.
Sleeping at the station is part of the job for many firefighters. Each of their small rooms is separated by curtains and wooden shelves, which are especially important for those speedy exits.

Once training for the day is through, there are a variety of recreational activities for the firefighters to do together while
they await a call. There are two rooms with TV and chairs as well as ping-pong and foosball tables.
The station is also home to a fully equipped kitchen. Jackson Township Fire Chief Randy Little says that one of the most frequently asked questions he gets is whether taxpayers pay for food at the station.
“The firefighters don’t use the taxpayers’ money to eat. They all put in seven or 10 dollars a day, then they go to the store and buy their own groceries,” he says.
Maintaining the best value for the taxpayers’ dollar is a common theme at the Jackson Township Fire Station Headquarters. Their focus on healthy habits and injury prevention ensure that firefighters are staying healthy and able to do their best work.
They optimize their time and allocate funds properly to be sure every dollar the department gets goes back into helping people.
The station makes use of some very specific technology that ensures quick response times and the safety of its crew.
Among the most interesting of these innovations is a tube that can hook up to the exhaust of a firetruck which prevents the toxic fumes from the truck from filling the air of the station. The tube is attached with magnets directly into the exhaust and disconnects automatically once the truck is out the door.
Monitors can be found all over the station which list the important details of emergency calls and the crew who is responding to them.

Where each crew is sent is up to the battalion chief. Station 202 has three, each working a 24-hour shift before taking the next 48 hours off. This schedule rotates consistently throughout the year to ensure 24/7 coverage.
Though it can be difficult for firefighters to work such long hours and spend time away from their families, Lit-
tle says that work enhances his life rather than detracts from it.
“It’s a neat job. I don’t know anybody who has looked forward to going to work every single day of their life,” he says. “I knew every day when I came in, there would be something exciting that happened. And you get to spend time with your second family.”
Little had no particular interest in becoming a firefighter as a child, but figured it might be an interesting job. So, in high school, he shadowed a neighbor who was

Little says that the most important safety measure for families to do is ensure that they have a working smoke detector on every floor of their home. Call the department’s non-emergency line at 614-875-5588 if you would like to schedule a free in-home visit to have your detectors tested.
a firefighter. It’s clear to see from the badge on his chest today that the experience was a massive success.
“I wish more people could come in and observe for even a few hours,” he says. “You would see how rewarding it is, but also the sacrifices that firefighters make for the safety of the community. Every day is something new, it’s something different, and all we can do is work together as a cohesive group to ensure that everyone goes home safely to their families.”
All of these factors – living together, exercising together, eating together and responding to emergencies together –mean firefighters build fast and strong bonds with one another.
“It’s those kinds of bonds that you build over the years and those friendships that you make that are irreplaceable, and I wouldn’t have been able to make those connections if it weren’t for the fire department,” says Little.
Little grew up in Grove City and is grateful for the opportunity to serve the community that he has always called home. Grove City has a reputation for honoring its heroes and showing great appreciation for those that serve it, and Little says that they feel this impact in the fire department.
“The amount of emails, phone calls, people that stop by to thank us for what we’ve done, thank us for our service, give us feedback on family members that we’ve ran on, … that means a lot,” he says. “That really does help if you know that the actions that you’re taking are actually helping people and you get that follow-up.”
Tyler Kirkendall is an editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at tkirkendall@cityscenemediagroup.com.

The Grove is Always Greener
By Tyler KirkendallAs the winter months carry on, it can be difficult to find motivation to get outside and stay active. Luckily, Grove City has many opportunities to uphold your New Year’s fitness commitments, stave off cabin fever and keep your body moving. There are 23 public parks run by The Grove City Parks and Recreation Department, as well as 459 acres of parkland. The city estimates that in 2020, roughly a million visitors took advantage of Grove City’s parks offerings.
Kim Conrad, director of Parks and Recreation for Grove City, says that the most exciting thing about Grove City’s parks is the variety of activities they support. She understands that Grove City residents have diverse needs, and she hopes that they can accommodate as many people as possible.
From skate parks and pickleball courts to open fields and densely forested nature walks, there is something for everyone seeking fresh air and outdoor activity.
“There is such value in what it does to relieve stress and what it does to cen-
ter people, especially in our busy lives that we have nowadays,” Conrad says.
Fifty-seven miles of bikeways are accessible to Grove City residents. This number is always increasing, as recent surveys revealed that it is important to the community to
continue expanding pedestrian and bike-friendly pathways.
There are 29 miles of paved multiuse paths in Grove City, and odds are one of them passes right by your home.

The longest path is Buckeye Parkway Trail, which, as the name suggests,

Grove City’s parks and trails offer residents great opportunities to enjoy the outdoorsPhotos courtesy of Grove City Parks and Recreation
runs along Buckeye Parkway. Running from Stringtown Road to London Groveport Road, it gives walkers, runners and cyclists access to Parkway Centre, which has its own two-and-ahalf miles of walkable paths that can get you anywhere you want to shop or eat.

The Buckeye Parkway South Trail originates at Indian Trails Park, where the Indian Trails walking route also begins.

The Indian Trails path offers a beautiful walk through the largely residential southeast corner of the city.
If you are looking for a greener, more scenic route, you can try out the Hoover Road/North Meadows Trail. A large portion of the trail will take you through a wooded area and along Hoover Road for a 2.5-mile round-trip.
The Gardens at Gantz Farm also offer a beautiful walk through three different gardens, each representing a unique era of gardening style: the past, present and future. The historic Gantz farmhouse is surrounded by these gardens and provides a backdrop for the carefully crafted labyrinth, which is intended to ease your mind and allow you to take your time and reflect while working your way to the center.
The Fragrance Garden is a great place to stimulate all your senses, as you can walk through this tranquil section and smell herbs used for perfumes, oils and potpourri. This portion of the garden is best for taking your time and watching bees and butterflies buzz around in spring and summer – though it’s just as immersive following a fresh coat of snow.
If a walk through gardens and woods sounds perfect, Henceroth Park
is another great option for you. Its wooded nature trail is beautiful and easily accessible for all ages, and the butterfly garden and bluebird boxes aid your chances of a beautiful visitor approaching while you walk.

Henceroth Park is also the location of Grove City’s Purple Heart Memorial Walk, which was officially unveiled in August 2017. There are plans to add picnic shelters, sports fields and courts, and recreational trails.
For the more adventurous, nearby Scioto Grove Metro Park is an incredible place to get out and see its sights through the untouched forest and beautiful views of the Scioto.

Scioto Grove is a great spot for all kinds of outdoor adventures such as fishing, canoeing and kayaking. The more than seven miles of trails are perfect for choosing your own adventure. If you head over during these cold winter months, you can take advantage of the sledding hill at the park as well.
Battelle Darby Creek boasts many miles of trails alongside Big and Little Darby Creeks, which are recognized as National Wild and Scenic Rivers.
There are a wide variety of trails and ecosystems maintained by the park, and each trek is a varying level of challenge for visitors. There are many sections of the park that are perfect for dog owners and parents bringing along their children.

Prairie and wetland restoration areas are some of the most aweinspiring and important parts of this expansive wildlife haven. Bison were reintroduced to the area in 2011, and it serves as one of the few local havens for these beautiful animals that were once abundant in Ohio. Seasonal pastures are marked accordingly, so you can’t miss the opportunity to see these beautiful animals whether you are visiting in the summer or winter.

Tyler Kirkendall is an editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at tkirkendall@cityscenemediagroup.com.

A Greyhound Takes the Lead
Grove City High School student
Greyhounds are one of the fastest land animals on the planet. They are known for their athleticism and speed, which can surpass well over 40 mph.
Among the ranks of the Grove City High School (GCHS) Greyhounds’ track and field team is a student who mirrors the athleticism and speed of the school’s mascot. Esther-Faith Henn, a junior at GCHS, has cemented herself as a superstar not only on her school’s team, but across the state of Ohio.

As a sophomore, Henn qualified for the state tournament for the second time in her career. During the meet, which took place on June 3 and 4 last year, Henn medaled in all three of her events
Esther-Faith Henn
“On the way to a meet we have a playlist that we made of songs that we find that hype us up, and then we have a cooldown playlist for afterwards. In the days leading up to the meet, we do breathing and calming exercises before.”
“I eat a lot of food that is meant to strengthen muscles; … noodles because of the potassium and starch, potatoes, meat and rice because of the protein in them, and sugar. It gets you hyped up and full of energy, then you get the sugar crash right after.”
“Don’t let anybody tell you no. I’ve had that a lot and I’ve proven a lot of people wrong. … Keep doing what you are doing. If it’s what you love, you just do it.”
in the girls’ seated division. She placed third in the 800-meter race with a time of 3:20.79, second place in the 400-meter race at 1:47.07 and won the gold medal in the 100-meter race at 23.01 seconds.
Despite her impressive showing, Henn isn’t slowing down. Her goals for the upcoming season are simple:
“I want to get another gold besides the one I got last year, make more friends and train with them,” Henn says.
The track team began indoor training at the end of November and will continue training outdoors in February. Right now, Henn is focused on improving her 800-meter time.
To further build endurance, Henn says she trains “ladders,” or drills that start by pushing a short distance with a longer break and gradually increase the distance while decreasing the rest
Esther-Faith Henn shares her passion for track and fieldPhoto courtesy of Karin Henn
shares how she stays healthy and ready to performHenn displays one of three medals from state competition.

time. Then, she does the drill backward, going back down the “ladder.”

Not all of Henn’s track and field goals relate to personal record times, endurance and competition, however.

“One of my favorite memories was meeting my friend. She was a freshman last year and she’s awesome. I’m going to train with her and it’s going to be a lot of fun,” she says.

Alongside building strong relationships on the field and setting new personal records, Henn also loves simply training and practice.
“It actually feels really good. I keep forgetting how good it feels to do laps around that track,” she says.
Connor Quinn is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@ cityscenemediagroup.com.

Same Size, More Space
Grove City couple brings house out of the ’80s

When Tonja and Matt Davenport moved into their dream home in 2018 with their daughter, they knew it required serious remodeling to fit their vision of a modern-day farmhouse that optimized its space.
“We wanted to preserve the integrity and character of the home from when it was built in 1927,” Tonja says.
The project began in December 2019 and finished in May 2022.
“The timing was actually beneficial to us because we were already locked
into the contract,” Matt says. “The only setback was the amount of time the contractor said it would take to complete the project. The projected 12-week process was doubled to 24 weeks to completion.”
The Kitchen
The Davenports’ kitchen is the heart of the home. When they moved in, the kitchen was dated and its walls encroached on the living room and dining room areas.
The area was narrow and lacked proper flow and was in dire need of additional cabinet and counter space. A wall and doorway that led to the downstairs bathroom occupied much-needed kitchen space, so AIS Renovations removed it.

“(Before the remodel) you could fit three people in there, but we were always bumping into each other,” Matt says. “Removing that wall enabled us to have cabinets on both walls, clear out to the dining area and counter space to match.”
Once construction was complete, the duo brightened the kitchen by choosing stylish sage green cabinets and bringing in balanced white countertops.
Before After
The Downstairs Bathroom
Because the downstairs bathroom was primarily Matt’s, he took charge of its design. The three-piece bathroom felt cramped and outdated.
“The stand-up shower felt like a coffin; it was very tight,” he says. “You couldn’t raise your arms to wash your hair without banging your elbows onto the walls.”
When the bathroom entrance was moved from the kitchen to the back door, AIS Renovations doubled its size with its new configuration.
“The workers had to move all the pieces. … Everything was reorganized to fit the space more efficiently while making it larger without using a larger footprint,” Matt says.
To finish off the renovated bathroom, Matt chose calming gray and blue tones.
The Upstairs Bathroom

Tonja and her daughter, Kailey, share the upstairs bathroom, so they wanted to ensure they both had enough space for their toiletries. Before the renovation, the bathroom was stuck in the ’80s with outdated tile and a whirlpool bath that monopolized space.

“The Jacuzzi tub was up on a platform and not functional. You would have to climb into it to use it,” Tonja says.
AIS Renovations LLC removed the old bath and in the reclaimed space installed a double sink, vanity, new tub and walk-in shower, all accented by modern tiling. The upstairs bathroom is now a haven for Tonja and Kailey with black and white tiling and sage green cabinets.
In an effort to preserve the house’s character, the Davenports used penny tile, hardwood flooring, industrial light fixtures, animal paintings and ancientstyle pieces throughout their home to tie in with the farmhouse style house after renovations were complete.

Mariah Muhammad is a contributing writer for CityScene Media Group.

welcome at feedback@ cityscenemediagroup.com.

A round Grove City
Discover Grove City Magazine hosted a coloring contest with all our visitors at Boo Off Broadway in 2022. Of all the talented artists that stopped by our booth, Lydia Litman, age 7 has been selected as our contest winner! Congratulations Lydia and thanks to everybody who entered.

Top homes sold in Grove City

In September 2022, Grove City home prices were up 10.2% compared to last year, selling for a median price of $303K. On average, homes in Grove City sell after 38 days on the market compared to 37 days last year. There were 105 homes sold in September this year, down from 142 last year. (Data from Redfin)
All information is collected from the Franklin County Auditor’s Office.

5382 Thornhill Ct. 5 beds, 4 baths $752,500 Sold on 11/30/22

1116 Manorwood Trace 4 beds, 3 baths $644,306 Sold on 11/03/22
1917 Timer Haven Ct. 6 beds, 6 baths $612,500 Sold on 11/01/22
6027 Windcliff Dr. E. 3 beds, 3 baths $598,901 Sold on 11/09/22
6003 Honey Farm Way 4 beds, 3 baths $576,498 Sold on 10/17/22
5983 Honey Farm Way 4 beds, 3 baths $575,305 Sold on 10/11/22
6432 Kropp Rd. 3 beds, 2 baths $535,000 Sold on 10/28/22
4353 Rishel St. 3 beds, 2 baths $525,000 Sold on 11/18/22
2431 Milligan Gr. 6 beds, 4 baths $520,000 Sold on 12/05/2022
4576 Xavier Run Ct. 3 beds, 2 baths $513,100 Sold on 11/28/22
Southwest Public Libraries

Grove City Library
Recommendations from New Year’s resolutions or not, it’s never too early or too late to focus on improving your mental, physical, and spiritual health. Let these staff picks inspire you on your path to well-being.
My Mess is a Bit of a Life: Adventures in Anxiety by Georgia Pritchett

A hilarious, yet painfully honest, exploration of Pritchett overcoming her anxiety in all stages of her life. You’ll be laughing alongside Pritchett and all her self-deprecating moments, while also empathizing with her heartfelt vulnerability in this memoir.
Budgeting 101: From Getting Out of Debt and Tracking Expenses to Setting Financial Goals and Building Your Savings, Your Essential Guide to Budgeting by

Michele Cagan, CPA
This beginner-friendly book on budgeting shows you how to create a livable budget, reduce your debt and set personal financial goals.
Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May

A beautifully written book that explores the ways we can care for and repair ourselves when life knocks us down.
Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before by Dr. Julie Smith

The author uses her years as a clinical psychologist to provide an assortment of practical ways to combat anxiety, frustration, grief and more.
Follow the library on social media
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

A must-read story of a young neurosurgeon diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. The author brings the reader into his journey through the emotional toll of his diagnosis and his transition from doctor to patient.
The Self-Care Solution: a Year of Becoming Happier, Healthier, and Fitter—One Month at a Time by Jennifer Ashton, M.D., M.S.

Learn how to take charge of your life by making a few simple lifestyle changes. This book includes recipes, a two-week meal plan and selfassessment tools to get you started.
The Craving Cure: Identify Your Craving Type to Activate Your Natural Appetite Control by Julia Ross

The Source
activity guide details the classes and programs offered by Grove City Parks and Recreation Department and is published every two months. Register online at bit.ly/gcpReg or in person at the Evans Center, 4330 Dudley Ave., for programs for ages 55+, and the Kingston Center, 3226 Kingston Ave., for programs for all other ages.
With the transition to the new registration software, all users must set up a new household. This process can now be done online. See page 15 for details. For more information on classes, activities and events in Grove City, visit GroveCityOhio.gov, sign up for our electronic newsletter and follow social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram @GroveCityOhio and @GroveCityParks and Twitter @GroveCityOhio.
Building Division 614-277-3075

City Council 614-277-3065
City Information 614-277-3000 Community Relations 614-277-3040 Development 614-277-3004 Division of Police 614-277-1710 Evans Center .........................614-277-1060

Finance/Tax 614-277-3025
Human Resources 614-277-3013
Mayor’s Court ........................614-277-1715
Mayor’s Office 614-277-3006 Parks & Recreation 614-277-3050
Parks Weather Hotline ............614-277-3060 Service Department 614-277-1100 Zoning 614-277-3086
City Offices
City Hall 4035 Broadway Evans Center 4330 Dudley Ave.
Kingston Center 3226 Kingston Ave. Safety Complex (Police) 3360 Park St. Service Complex 3262 Ventura Blvd.
Parks & Event Spaces
Big Splash/Evans 2831 Southwest Blvd. Breck Community (Dog Park) 3005 Demorest Road Concord Lakes Off Lake Mead Drive Creekside Off Holton Road Fryer (Century Village, Splash Pad) 3899 Orders Road Gantz (Gantz Barn, Gantz Farmhouse) 2255 Home Road
George Edge Music Park on Broadway Park St. at Broadway Grant-Sawyer Home 4126 Haughn Road Grove City Gold Star Families Memorial Columbus St. at Broadway Grove City Museum 3378 Park St. Henceroth (Purple Heart Memorial Walk) 2075 Mallow Lane


Hoover Off Haughn Road Indian Trails Off Buckeye Parkway Keller Farms Off White Road Meadowgrove Off Springhill Drive Pinnacle Area 2430 Holton Road Scioto Meadows Off Scioto Meadows Blvd. Skate Park 3728 Hoover Road
Town Center Gazebo Grove City Road at Broadway Town Center Promenade Park St. to Grant Ave. (parking lot)
Walden Bluff Walden Bluff Court Westgrove Park 3580 Magnolia St. Windsor (Evans Center) 4330 Dudley Ave. 4408 Broadway

Nature Tots (Ages: 2-3 with an Adult)
Toddlers and young 3 year olds explore nature with a loving adult. Each class includes independent playtime, planned activities and gathering for singing and reading.
NatureTots: February (Ages: 2-3 with an Adult)
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Fri. Kingston Center $38 (NR: $43)
Begins: Feb. 3 • 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Fri. Gantz Farmhouse $38 (NR: $43)
Begins: Feb. 3 • 10:45-11:45 a.m.
NatureTots: March (Ages: 2-3 with an Adult)
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Fri. Kingston Center $38 (NR: $43)
Begins: March 3 • 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Fri. Kingston Center $38 (NR: $43)
Begins: March 3 • 10:45-11:45 a.m.
Nature Kids (Ages: 3-5)
Preschool-age children gain appreciation for the environment as they explore the natural areas of local parks through spontaneous learning opportunities, planned activities and circle time with reading and movement.
NatureKids: Animals in Winter (Ages: 3-5)
Wks: 2 • Classes: 4 • Days: Mon., Wed. Kingston Center $60 (NR: $68)
Begins: Jan. 30 • 9-11 a.m.
Wks: 2 • Classes: 4 • Days: Tue., Thu. Kingston Center $60 (NR: $68)
Begins: Jan. 31 • 9-11 a.m.
NatureKids: How I Feel (Ages: 3-5)
Wks: 2 • Classes: 4 • Days: Mon., Wed. Kingston Center $45 (NR: $50)
Begins: Feb. 13 • 9-11 a.m. No class: Feb. 20 (Mon.)
Wks: 2 • Classes: 4 • Days: Tue., Thu. Kingston Center $60 (NR: $68)
Begins: Feb. 14 • 9-11 a.m.
NatureKids: Weather (Ages: 3-5)
Wks: 2 • Classes: 4 • Days: Mon., Wed. Kingston Center $60 (NR: $68)
Begins: Feb. 27 • 9-11 a.m.
Wks: 2 • Classes: 4 • Days: Tue., Thu. Kingston Center $60 (NR: $68)
Begins: Feb. 28 • 9-11 a.m.
NatureKids: Signs of Spring (Ages: 3-5)
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Days: Mon., Wed. Kingston Center $60 (NR: $68)
Begins: March 13 • 9-11 a.m. No class: Feb. 20 (Mon.), Feb. 22 (Wed.)
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Days: Tue., Thu. Kingston Center $60 (NR: $68)
Begins: March 14 • 9-11 a.m. No class: Feb. 21 (Tue.), Feb. 23 (Thu.)
Modern Dance (Ages: 3-4)
Participants learn jazz dance style, adapting bold, dynamic movements and techniques to later apply to a variety of modern dance, as they develop skills to grow and enhance the journey to future dance.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 4 $48 (NR: $54)
Begins: Feb. 2 • 6-6:30 p.m.
Miss the Activity Number?
Registration in the new software system no longer requires a number. Use the class name to sign up online at Register.GroveCityOhio.gov or in person at Kingston or Evans Centers.
Gymnastics (Ages: 3-5)
Preschoolers learn gymnastics foundations for vault, bars, beam and floor to build upon for future gymnastics and other athletics, developing direction-following skills and balance, coordination, flexibility and strength.
Gymnastics (Ages: 3)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Tue. Kingston Center Gym $48 (NR: $53)
Begins: Jan. 31 • 5-5:30 p.m.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Gym $48 (NR: $53)
Begins: Feb. 2 • 5-5:30 p.m. Gymnastics (Ages: 4)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Tue. Kingston Center Gym $48 (NR: $53)
Begins: Jan. 31 • 5:30-6p.m.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Gym $48 (NR: $53)
Begins: Feb. 2 • 5:30-6 p.m.
Gymnastics (Ages: 5)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Tue.
Kingston Center Gym $48 (NR: $53)
Begins: Jan. 31 • 6-6:30 p.m. Parkour (Ages: 4-5)
Preschoolers learn the basics of jumping, climbing and rolling and using obstacles, mats and blocks. They gain strength, coordination and stamina while learning to safely perform skills with parkour form.

Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Mon. Kingston Center Gym $65 (NR: $70)
Begins: Jan. 30 • 4:30-5:15 p.m. No class: Feb. 20 (Mon.)
JumpBunch (Ages: 1-3)
Toddlers build coordination, balance, teamwork and motor skills during coach-led activities. Through encouragement and success, children gain confidence, sports-readiness skills, and the foundations of fitness.
JumpBunch (Ages: 1-2)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Wed.
Kingston Center Gym $75 (NR: $83)
Begins: Feb. 1 • 6-6:30 p.m.
JumpBunch (Ages: 2-3)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Wed. Kingston Center Gym $75 (NR: $83)
Begins: Feb. 1 • 6:30-7 p.m.
Sporties for Shorties (Ages: 3-5)
Young children develop kicking, running, throwing and team skills through exciting lead-up sports activities and group games. Focus sports may include baseball, soccer, football and others. Powered by JumpBunch.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Wed. Kingston Center Gym $75 (NR: $83)
Begins: Feb. 1 • 7-7:45 p.m.
Little Sluggers T-Ball (Ages: 3-4)
Bally Sports Group introduces young children to the game of baseball using age-appropriate activities. Players learn fundamentals in a fun, encouraging atmosphere. Each week includes an instructional portion that introduces players to batting, base running, fielding, throwing and catching, followed by a modified game. Parent participation is welcomed, but Bally Sports staff lead. This fun, positive T-ball experience starts children on a life of participation in sports! Includes T-shirt and cap.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Fri. Windsor Park $85 (NR: $85)
Begins: April 6 • 4-5 p.m. Register at bit.ly/BallyTBallGC
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Fri. Windsor Park $85 (NR: $85)
Begins: April 6 • 5-6 p.m. Register at bit.ly/BallyTBallGC
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Fri. Windsor Park $85 (NR: $85)
Begins: April 6 • 6-7 p.m. Register at bit.ly/BallyTBallGC
Mini Soccer Stars (Ages: 3-4 )
Beginning soccer players learn fundamentals through fun, ageappropriate games and activities. Bally Sports coaches focus on the basics of dribbling, passing, scoring and the concept of game play, emphasizing sportsmanship in a positive, encouraging atmosphere. Includes team shirt and recreational game play each week.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Wed. Westgrove Park $80 (NR: $80)
Begins: April 6 • 4-5 p.m. Register at bit.ly/BallySoccerGC
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Wed. Westgrove Park $80 (NR: $80)
Begins: April 6 • 5-6 p.m. Register at bit.ly/BallySoccerGC
KinderMusik (Ages: 1-5 with an Adult)
Music lifts the spirit and supports cognitive, social, physical and musical wholechild development. Children (each with one caring adult) join Stephanie Dille of Groove City Kids Music for interactive musical experiences as they play instruments, sing and dance for learning, health and joy.
KinderMusik (Ages: 1-3 with an Adult)
Wks: 3 • Classes: 3 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 3 $50 (NR: $55)
Begins: Feb. 2 • 9:30-10 a.m. Wks: 3 • Classes: 3 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 3 $50 (NR: $55)
Begins: Mar. 2 • 9:30-10 a.m.
KinderMusik (Ages: 3-5 with an Adult)
Wks: 3 • Classes: 3 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 3 $50 (NR: $55)
Begins: Feb. 2 • 10:15-11 a.m.
Wks: 3 • Classes: 3 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 3 $50 (NR: $55)
Begins: March 2 • 10:15-11 a.m.
After-school P.A.R.K. (Grades K-4)
Programmed After-school Recreation for Kids is committed to providing a safe, secure, enriching and affordable place to be after school. This schoolage childcare program offers daily afterschool activities for children in kindergarten through grade four staffed by qualified childcare providers. P.A.R.K. operates in the school gymnasiums every day the SouthWestern City School District (SWCSD) is in session. The program is designed for, but not limited to, children of working parents. P.A.R.K. provides planned cooperative games, outrageous play, fitness, indoor and outdoor activities, free art, special interest and free-choice activities and much more. Please pack a nutritious snack daily.
School Days • Days: Mon.-Fri. SWCS Elementaries 2:30-6 p.m. Follows SWCSD schedule
Before-school P.A.R.K.: Elementary (Grades K-4)
Before-school P.A.R.K. creates a safe, fun environment in the morning hours before school starts for students of Buckeye Woods, Highland Park, J.C. Sommer, Monterey and Richard Avenue elementaries. The monthly tuition fee includes breakfast and supervised recreational activities. This program meets every day the SWCSD is in session. Transportation to the child’s home school is provided by the SWCSD Transportation Department; J.C. Sommer elementary students walk to school with P.A.R.K. staff.
School Days • Days: Mon.-Fri. Kingston Center 6-8 a.m.
Follows SWCSD schedule
Before-school P.A.R.K.: Intermediate (Grades 5-6)
Before-school P.A.R.K. creates a safe, fun environment in the morning hours before school starts for students of Hayes, Holt Crossing and Park Street intermediate schools. The monthly tuition fee includes breakfast and supervised recreational activities. This program meets every day the SWCSD is in session. Transportation to the child’s home school is provided by the SWCSD Transportation Department; Park Street Intermediate students walk to school with P.A.R.K. staff.
School Days • Days: Mon.-Fri. Kingston Center 6-9 a.m.
Follows SWCSD schedule
Little League Baseball Registration (Ages: 5-17)
Grove City Parks and Recreation offers a baseball program for boys and girls ages 5-17 that teaches basic skills, sportsmanship, teamwork and enjoyment of the game. Our goal is to make the experience pleasurable for all children, parents and coaches. Be prepared to provide full payment fee, uniform size, parent/guardian approval, an emergency contact, and participant’s birth certificate if participating in the baseball program for the first time. Proof of residency required to receive resident fee rate. Limited spaces available. Visit bit.ly/ gcLLball for details.
Little League Baseball (Ages: 5-8)
Games: 10 • Practice Begins April 3; Games Begin April 29 Windsor Park $70 (NR: $80) Register Feb. 1-28
Little League Baseball (Ages: 9-17)
Games: 10 • Practice Begins April 3; Games Begin April 29 Windsor Park $100 (NR: $110) Register Feb. 1-28
Mini Soccer Stars (Ages: 5-6)
Beginning soccer players learn fundamentals through fun, ageappropriate games and activities. Bally Sports coaches focus on the basics of dribbling, passing, scoring and the concept of game play, emphasizing sportsmanship in a positive, encouraging atmosphere. Includes team shirt and recreational game play each week.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Wed. Westgrove Park $80 (NR: $80)
Begins: April 6 • 6-7 p.m. Register at bit.ly/BallySoccerGC
Modern Dance (Ages: 5-10)
Learn jazz dance style, adapting bold, dynamic movements and techniques to later apply to a variety of modern dances as you develop skills to grow and enhance your future dance journey.
Modern Dance (Ages: 5-6)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 4 $48 (NR: $54)
Begins: Feb. 2 • 6:30-7 p.m.
Modern Dance (Ages: 7-10)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 4 $56 (NR: $63)
Begins: Feb. 2 • 7-7:45 p.m.
Gymnastics (Ages: 5-8)
Practice foundational gymnastics to build upon and increase skill levels through use of vault, bars, beam and floor. Develop balance, coordination, flexibility and strength to use for future gymnastics and other athletic pursuits.
Gymnastics (Ages: 5)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Gym $48 (NR: $53)
Begins: Feb. 2 • 6-6:30 p.m.
Gymnastics (Ages: 6-8)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Tue. Kingston Center Gym $48 (NR: $53)
Begins: Jan. 31 • 6:30-7 p.m.
Gymnastics (Ages: 6-8)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Gym $48 (NR: $53)
Begins: Feb. 2 • 6:30-7 p.m.
Parkour (Ages: 6-8)
Learn the basics of jumping, climbing and rolling and using obstacles, mats and blocks. Gain strength, coordination and stamina while learning to safely perform skills with parkour form.
Parkour (Ages: 6)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Mon. Kingston Center Gym $65 (NR: $70)
Begins: Jan. 30 • 5:15-6 p.m. No class: Feb. 20 (Mon.)
Parkour (Ages: 7)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Mon. Kingston Center Gym $65 (NR: $70)
Begins: Jan. 30 • 6-6:45 p.m. No class: Feb. 20 (Mon.)
Parkour (Ages: 8)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Mon. Kingston Center Gym $65 (NR: $70)
Begins: Jan. 30 • 6:45-7:30 p.m. No class: Feb. 20 (Mon.)
Karate: Peewee Beginner (Ages: 4-7)
Learn basic movements, the martial arts philosophy and the importance of concentration and confidence.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Mon. Kingston Center Room 3 $45 (NR: $50)
Begins: Jan. 30 • 5-5:30 p.m. No class: Feb. 20 (Mon.)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Wed. Kingston Center Room 3 $45 (NR: $50)
Begins: Feb. 1 • 5-5:30 p.m.
Karate: Peewee Advanced (Ages: 4-7)
Build on the basics of karate with movement drills, kata (form) and noncontact sparring with added emphasis on concentration, confidence and the martial arts philosophy.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Mon. Kingston Center Room 3 $45 (NR: $50)
Begins: Jan. 30 • 5:30-6 p.m. No class: Feb. 20 (Mon.)
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Wed. Kingston Center Room 3 $45 (NR: $50)
Begins: Feb. 1 • 5:30-6 p.m.
Karate: Beginner (Ages: 8+)
Build concentration and confidence with an emphasis on martial arts philosophy while learning karate basics, movement, drills, kata (form) and non-contact sparring.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Mon. Kingston Center Room 3 $60 (NR: $65)
Begins: Jan. 30 • 6-7 p.m.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Wed. Kingston Center Room 3 $60 (NR: $65)
Begins: Feb. 1 • 6-7 p.m.
Karate: Advanced (Ages: 8+)
Deepen levels of concentration and confidence while emphasizing martial arts philosophy and learning more advanced movements, drills, kata (form) and non-contact sparring.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Mon. Kingston Center Room 3 $60 (NR: $65)
Begins: Jan. 30 • 7-8 p.m.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Wed. Kingston Center Room 3 $60 (NR: $65)
Begins: Feb. 1 • 7-8 p.m.
Acting Class with Showcase (Ages: 7-16)
Work in groups to act out various, age-appropriate acting scenes, including some from TV, movies and plays. Improve memory, learn to develop a character and increase self-confidence and stage presence. Great for anyone interested in working in the entertainment industry. The instructor can provide guidance to parents of children interested pursuing professional acting. Last day is a showcase for guests to see the participants in action.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 3 $113 (NR: $128)
Begins: Feb. 2 • 6-7 p.m.
Will Spring Be on Time?
(Ages: 5-10)
Don’t let winter overshadow your fun! Create groundhog crafts and make your own predictions on when warmer weather will arrive.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
Feb. 2 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Valentine’s Day Cards (Ages: 5-10)
Nothing says I love you like a handmade greeting card! Craft cute Valentine’s Day cards for your favorite people.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
Feb. 7 • 4:15-5:15 p.m.
Valentine’s Day Party (Ages: 5-10)
You will love playing games and decorating cookies with others to celebrate this heart-warming holiday.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
Feb. 9 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Minion (Ages: 5-10)
Go bananas making fun Minions crafts while watching the movie “Minions.”
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
Feb. 21 • 4:14-5:15 p.m.
Shrinky Dink (Ages: 5-10)
Experience some cool science! Color in fun outlines on plastic sheets, then see what happens when you heat them up.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
Feb. 23 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Sensory (Ages: 5-10)
Stimulate your senses while creating fun items to keep your mind and hands busy.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
Feb. 28 • 4:15-5:15 p.m.
Oh, the Places You’ll Go (Ages: 5-10)
It’s Dr. Seuss birthday and there is fun to be done! Spend time making crafts about where you can go and how.

Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
March 2 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Rainbows (Ages: 5-10)
Travel the full spectrum of fun making rainbow treats and crafts.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
March 7 • 4:15-5:15 p.m.
Shamrock (Ages: 5-10)
It is no sham, you can be-leaf us when we say this class rocks! Make shamrockthemed crafts to decorate your home for the holiday.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
March 9 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Leprechaun Traps (Ages: 5-10)
Ssshhh, do not let the leprechauns hear! Create a trap to catch one of the wee folk to see if he will share the secret hiding place of the gold.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
March 14 • 4:15-5:15 p.m.
Patrick the Turtle (Ages: 6-9)
Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, use clay saucers and garden gloves to create a cute critter to keep watch in your garden all season.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Weded. Gantz Farmhouse $12 (NR: $15)
March 15 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
St. Patrick’s Day Party (Ages: 5-10)
Do you pine for a good time? Be a hunter no more! Leave the drab behind and spring into action. Join us and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with green treats and games.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
March 16 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Bunny Flowerpot (Ages: 5-10)
Hop, hop, hop like a bunny to this class to design and decorate a cute flower pot.

Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
March 30 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Succulent Pen Planter (Ages: 5-10)
Who doesn’t like cool pens? Create a pen everyone will be jealous of using succulent plants then decorate a pot to place them in.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
Feb. 16 • 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Carrot Garden (Ages: 5-10)
You cannot eat the carrots in this decorative garden, but they sure are deliciously cute!
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Kingston Center Room 2 $17 (NR: $19)
March 28 • 4:15-5:15 p.m.
Kids in the Kitchen (Ages: 6-8)
Learn to read recipes, practice basic kitchen safety and use cooking techniques while creating delicious treats.
Kids in the Kitchen: Chocolate (Ages: 6-8)
Wks: 3 • Classes: 3 • Day: Thu. Evans Center Kitchen $48 (NR: $53)
Begins: Feb. 2 • 6-7:30 p.m.
Kids in the Kitchen: Breakfast (Ages: 6-8)
Wks: 3 • Classes: 3 • Day: Thu. Evans Center Kitchen $48 (NR: $53)
Begins: March 2 • 6-7:30 p.m.
Chocolate-covered Strawberry Ladybugs (Ages: 6-9)
Make a tasty treat to honor a favorite garden critter. Dip fresh strawberries in chocolate and decorate them to look like ladybugs.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1Day: Wed. Gantz Farmhouse $15 (NR: $17)
Begins: Feb. 8 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Adult Spring-Summer Softball (Ages: 18+)
Slow-pitch softball leagues are available for men’s, women’s and co-rec teams at competitive and recreational levels featuring a 3-2 pitch count. Register by team. Visit bit.ly/ GCASoftball for details.
Wks: 10 • Games: 10 • Day: Varies by League Fryer Park $400
Begins: April 17 • Weekday Evenings; Sunday Afternoon Register March 1-31
Karate: Beginner (Ages: 8+)
Build concentration and confidence with an emphasis on martial arts philosophy while learning karate basics, movement, drills, kata (form) and non-contact sparring.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Mon. Kingston Center Room 3 $60 (NR: $65)
Begins: Jan. 30 • 6-7 p.m.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Wed. Kingston Center Room 3 $60 (NR: $65)
Begins: Feb. 1 • 6-7 p.m.
Karate: Advanced (Ages: 8+)
Deepen levels of concentration and confidence while emphasizing martial arts philosophy and learning more advanced movements, drills, kata (form) and non-contact sparring.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Mon. Kingston Center Room 3 $60 (NR: $65)
Begins: Jan. 30 • 7-8 p.m.
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 • Day: Wed. Kingston Center Room 3 $60 (NR: $65)
Begins: Feb. 1 • 7-8 p.m.
(Ages: 18+)
Harkening back in time, bitter substances were added to alcohol for medical benefits or to improve taste. Today they mainly flavor cocktails. Learn the history, taste examples and mix up some to take home.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu.
Gantz Farmhosue $20 (NR: $25)
Feb. 9 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Spring Floral Wreath (Ages: 18+)
Use the bounty of the Gantz Garden’s dried flowers to make a beautiful wreath for spring. Instructor: Mary Jane LaLonde
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Gantz Farmhouse $35 (NR: $38)
Feb. 23 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
(Ages: 18+)
Can’t tell a Darjeeling from a Nilgiri? Taste as you go while learning about types of teas grown worldwide including how to purchase loose leaf teas then store and prepare them. Bring your favorite teacup! Instructors: Gloria Hartung, Mary Jane LaLonde
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Evans Center $15 (NR: $18)
March 7 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
(Ages: 18+)
Learn the basics of starting seeds indoors including devising a simple light system. Go home with a flat of vegetable and flower seeds. Instructor: Mary Jane LaLonde
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Gantz Farmhouse $25 (NR: $28)
March 21 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Workout with Weights (Ages 18+)
This series presents simple, effective exercises that EVERYONE can do. Complete a different strength workout each week that can be repeated at home. Bring a yoga mat and 5+ pound hand weights. Instructor: Dana Olshefski, certified personal trainer.
Wks: 4 • Class: 4 • Day: Wed. Evans Center $23 (NR: $25)
Begins: Feb. 1 • 6-7 p.m.
Wks: 4 • Class: 4 • Day: Wed. Evans Center $23 (NR: $25)
Begins: March 1 • 6-7 p.m.
Yoga (Ages 18+)
Learn to relax the body and calm the mind. Melt away tension and stress by combining Hatha yoga posture with breathing techniques and deep relaxation. Wear loose, comfortable clothing, bring a towel or mat and come with an empty stomach. Instructor: Toni Weeks.
Wks: 4 • Class: 4 • Day: Tue. Evans Center $22 (NR: $24)
Begins: Feb. 7 • 6-7 p.m.
Wks: 4 • Class: 4 • Day: Tue. Evans Center $22 (NR: $24)
Begins: March 7 • 6-7 p.m.
Miss the Activity Number?
Registration in the new software system no longer requires a number. Use the class name to sign up online at Register.GroveCityOhio.gov or in person at Kingston or Evans Centers.
Chocolate-covered Strawberry Ladybugs (Ages: 18+)
In a fun twist on a favorite treat, make chocolate-covered strawberries that look like ladybugs. Instructor: Gloria Hartung
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Gantz Farmhouse $15 (NR: $18)
Feb. 2 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Gardens at Gantz Farm Volunteers Spring Symposium (Ages 18+)
Welcome spring with a day of learning presented by experts in the world of herbs! During “A Greener Planet, One Garden at a Time,” learn how home gardening contributes to a stronger, healthier environment.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Sat. Evans Center
March 18 • 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Visit GroveCityOhio.gov for details including fees and presenter information.
March Madness Munchies (Ages: 18+)
Get ready to watch March Madness! No need to miss the buzzer beaters if you have tasty, nutritious dishes and snacks prepared ahead for watch parties and nights in front of the screen. Taste as you go and take home recipes.
Instructor: Arlene Crosser

Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Gantz Farmhouse $20 (NR: $25)
March 7 • 6:30-8 p.m.
Chair Volleyball (Ages: 55+)
Indoor chair volleyball promotes physical wellness, social interaction, competition and, most of all, lots of laughs. Reduce stress while boosting self-esteem and confidence as you meet new people, strengthen upperbody mobility and have fun while staying seated. Game is played with a light-weight beach ball and net. Registration required.
Wks: 4 • Days: Mon., Wed.
Evans Center Auditorium Free
Begins: Feb. 1 • 1-2 p.m.
No class: Feb. 20 (Mon.)
Wks: 4 • Days: Mon., Wed.
Evans Center Auditorium Free
Begins: March 1 • 1-2 p.m
. Senior Exercise (Ages: 55+)
Are you a more physically active senior looking to increase strength, gain flexibility and range of motion, produce better mobility and gait, and improve balance? This group class offers low-impact aerobics with a warm-up session, aerobic exercise, progressive resistance strength training (weightlifting), and a cool down and stretching session. Stay active and moving in a fun, motivating, camaraderie-based atmosphere. Bring an exercise mat and hand weights.
Wks: 4 • Days: Mon., Wed.
Evans Center Auditorium $15 (NR: $15)
Begins: Feb. 1 • 9-10 a.m. No class: Feb. 20 (Mon.)
Wks: 4 • Days: Mon., Wed.
Evans Center Auditorium $15 (NR: $15)
Begins: March 1 • 9-10 a.m.
Chair Exercise (Ages: 55+)
This video-based program provides a group exercise experience for social interaction and motivation to get you moving! Seated fitness routines offer people with mobility, endurance and balance issues a way to lower blood pressure and to increase stamina, muscle tone, flexibility, coordination and a sense of well-being through lowimpact workouts.
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Thu. Evans Center Auditorium Free
Begins: Feb. 2 • 10-11 a.m.
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Thu. Evans Center Auditorium Free
Begins: March 2 • 10-11 a.m.
Senior Yoga (Ages: 55+)
Move through yoga poses designed to increase flexibility, balance and range of movement while enjoying restorative breathing exercises that promote stress reduction and mental clarity.
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Thu. Evans Center Auditorium $20 (NR: $20)
Begins: Feb. 2 • 11 a.m.-Noon
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Thu. Evans Center Auditorium $20 (NR: $20)
Begins: March 2 • 11 a.m.-Noon
Tai Chi (Ages: 55+)
Yang-style tai chi creates a peaceful mental space and builds a calm balancing energy that fosters positivity and confidence. The slow, mindful movements leave you feeling energized and more physically and mentally flexible.
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Tue. Evans Center Auditorium $18 (NR: $18)
Begins: Feb. 7 • 10-11 a.m.
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Tue. Evans Center Auditorium $18 (NR: $18)
Begins: March 7 • 10-11 a.m.
Fitness Room (Ages: 55+)
It is normal to have life events and setbacks get in the way of staying active. Get back on track using the Evans Center fitness room to make physical activity a regular part of your life. Exercise at your own pace using elliptical machines, treadmills, NuSteps, recumbent and upright bikes, hydraulic weight machines and free weights.
Wks: 4 • Days: Mon.-Fri. Evans Center Fitness Room $15 (NR: $15)
Begins: Feb. 1 • 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Wks: 4 • Days: Mon.-Fri. Evans Center Fitness Room $15 (NR: $15)
Begins: March 1 • 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Lunch & Learn: Easy Movement for a Joyful Life (Ages:
Find the fun and joy in exercise without feeling like exercise. Learn to play with a child-like mentality that makes everyday activities easier. Along the way, you may discover it opens your heart and mind to feelings you thought impossible to experience again.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Fri. Evans Center Multipurpose Free March 24 • 11 a.m.-Noon
Bingo (Ages: 55+)
Compete against others to be the first with a winning arrangement and earn a prize. Play for different patterns like classic, X, T, postage stamp and full card. Games are $.25 per card.
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Thu. Evans Center Multipurpose Free
Begins: Feb. 2 • 1-2:30 p.m. Drop in
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Thu. Evans Center Multipurpose Free
Begins: March 2 • 1-2:30 p.m. Drop in
Open Art Studio (Ages: 55+)

You provide the artistry, we provide the space for all kinds of creations. Create your own self-guided artwork using paint, pencils, markers, charcoal and other media. Bring your own supplies. All skill levels welcome!
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Fri. Evans Classroom Free
Begins: Feb. 3 • 9 a.m.-Noon Drop in
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Fri. Evans Classroom Free
Begins: March 3 • 9 a.m.-Noon Drop in Bead Artwork (Ages: 55+)
Beads are versatile and make the perfect material for crafting projects. Join us as we use beads to create a variety of handcrafted items perfect for sharing. Come prepared for crafting on another level by adding loads of fun and personality. Purchase kits separately.
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Mon. Evans Classroom Free
Begins: Feb. 6 • 9 a.m.-3 p.m. No class: Feb. 20 (Mon.) Drop in Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 • Day: Mon. Evans Classroom Free
Begins: March 6 • 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Drop in
Registration in the new software system no longer requires a number. Use the class name to sign up online at Register.GroveCityOhio.gov or in person at Kingston or Evans Centers.
Valentines Day Brunch (Ages: 55+)
Join the Evans Center staff for a Valentine’s Day brunch.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Evans Center Multipurpose $3 (NR: $3)
Feb. 14 • 10 a.m.-Noon
Presidential Trivia (Ages: 55+)
Test your knowledge on the U.S. Commanders-in-Chief over more than 230 years. Get introduced to them in a whole new light at an interactive session with informative questions and answers presented by historian Jeri Diehl-Cusack, M.L.S.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Fri. Evans Center Multipurpose Free
Feb. 17 • Noon-1 p.m.
Mardi Gras Party (Ages: 55+)
Mardi Gras means fat Tuesday in French, which references the custom of using all the fats in the home before Lent in preparation for fasting and abstinence. At the Evans Center, we are celebrating with dancing, music and great food, including a king cake!
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Evans Center Auditorium $10 (NR: $10)
Feb. 21 • 1-3 p.m.
St. Patrick’s Day with Danbury (Ages: 55+)
Don your best green outfit and head to Danbury to celebrate St Patrick’s Day.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Fri. Departs Evans Center $3 (NR: $3)
March 17 • 2-4 p.m.
Movie Fun
Immerse yourself in the scent of fresh popcorn, the darkness illuminated by the flicker of a film, and the emotion of the surrounding crowd reacting to the on-screen events. The shared experience changes the way you see the movie, and spurs conversation and analysis. Join us for movie days in our own theater. Registration required.
Movie Fun: Bruce Almighty (Ages: 55+)
(2003; PG-13) Bruce’s career in TV news is stalled. After being passed over for the anchorman position, he blames God for treating him poorly. God contacts Bruce and offers him his powers if Bruce thinks he can do better. He accepts and uses his abilities for selfish gain before realizing the prayers of the world are going unanswered.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Days: Fri. Evans Center Auditorium Free
Begins: Mar. 3 • 1-3 p.m.
Computer Lab (Ages: 55+)
Several desktop computers are available for usage by Evans Center patrons.
Days: Mon.-Fri. Evans Center Multipurpose Free Center hours Drop in
LifeCare Alliance Lunch Program (Ages: 60+)
Enjoy a nutritious lunch twice weekly at the Evans Center. There are no financial restrictions, but please call in advance to make a reservation.
Days: Twice Weekly Evans Center Lunchroom $2 (suggested donation) 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Call 614-277-1067 to make a reservation.
Dining Trips (Ages: 55+)
Enjoy time away with others for conversations over a good meal at popular regional dining destinations! Hop on the Evans Center bus to enjoy door-to-door drop-off and pickup service at the door.
Lunch Bunch: Olympic Diner (Ages: 55+)
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Departs Evans Center $5 (NR: $5)
Feb. 7 • 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Lunch Bunch: Mitchell’s Fish Market (Ages: 55+)
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Departs Evans Center $5 (NR: $5)
March 7 • 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Supper Club: Ichiban Steakhouse (Ages: 55+)
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Departs Evans Center $5 (NR: $5)
Feb. 16 • 4-8 p.m.
Supper Club: Villa Nova (Ages: 55+)
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Departs Evans Center $5 (NR: $5)
March 21 • 4-8 p.m.
Senior Club Meeting (Ages: 55+)
Join other members of the Grove City Senior Citizens’ Club to hear club updates.

Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Wed. Evans Center Multipurpose Free
Feb. 1 • 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Drop in
Lunch & Learn: Pros & Cons of Moving (Ages: 55+)
Considering downsizing but don’t know where to start? Learn all you need to know to make a decision including what the market in Grove City is like, options on where to move, what you can make on the sale of your home, and where to find assistance on getting rid of unneeded items. Also learn about a program to purchase your next home for a one-time payment and NO monthly mortgage payments!
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Fri. Evans Center Multipurpose Free Feb. 24 • 11 a.m.-Noon
Talks with Tammy (Ages: 55+)
Meet with the Evans Center director to ask questions about Center-related activities and share suggestions.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Wed. Evans Center Multipurpose Free
March 1 • Noon-12:30 p.m. Drop in S.A.L.T. (Ages: 55+)
Through Seniors and Law Enforcement Together, the Grove City Division of Police acts as a resource and advocate for older citizens. Seniors are often targeted for crimes due to high levels of trust and other vulnerabilities. S.A.L.T. raises awareness and shares prevention tips to lessen the risks. Elder Services Coordinator Teri Ruslander also discusses neighborhood concerns and answers questions.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Evans Center Multipurpose Free
Feb. 14 • 1 p.m. Drop in Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Evans Center Multipurpose Free March 14 • 1 p.m. Drop in
Loss Support (Ages: 55+)
There is no normal way to experience grief. While you may be tempted to isolate yourself, it is healthy to lean on others for support. Interacting with friends, family and support groups can be helpful when you feel low or overwhelmed. Meet with others with similar experiences and join in discussions or just listen.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Wed. Evans Classroom Free
Feb. 8 • 10-11 a.m. Drop in Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Wed. Evans Classroom Free March 8 • 10-11 a.m. Drop in
Alzheimer’s Support Group (Ages: 55+)
The everyday challenges faced by those dealing with Alzheimer’s and related diseases can be overwhelming. If someone you care about suffers from a dementia disease, do something to help them and yourself. Caregivers meet monthly to share experiences and receive support, acquiring a sense of belonging by interacting with others facing similar challenges.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Evans Center Multipurpose Free
Feb. 21 • 7 p.m. Drop in
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Evans Center Multipurpose Free March 21 • 7 p.m. Drop in
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center (Ages: 55+)
Through permanent and traveling exhibits, the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center challenges and inspires by sharing stories of freedom’s heroes, from the era of the Underground Railroad to contemporary times. Also explore The Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center, formed by passionate Holocaust survivors and their families. This interactive, award-winning museum shares the stories of local survivors, leading us on a journey using photographs and other artifacts, quotes and video testimony. Lunch on your own.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Departs Evans Center $26 (NR: $26)
Feb. 23 • 8:15 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
LaComedia: Little Women (Ages: 55+)
The adventures of the March sisters is brought to vivid musical life as this timeless classic set during the Civil War is filled with adventure, heartbreak and a deep sense of hope. The joyful melodies and memorable characters remind us sometimes when you dream, your dreams come true.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Thu. Departs Evans Center $57 (NR: $57)
March 9 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Cincinnati & Ark Encounter Adventure (Ages: 55+)
Travel to Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati in a deluxe motor coach with Prime Tours for a value-packed overnight tour experiencing a lifesize rendition of Noah’s Ark, an Ohio Riverboat Dinner Cruise, The American Sign Museum, Union Terminal and Findlay Market. Detailed information available at the Evans Center and goprimetours.com.
Wks: 1 • Class: 1 • Day: Tue. Departs Evans Center June 13
Visit goprimetours.com or contact the Evans Center
Recreation.GroveCityOhio.gov 24-7
Credit Card only
Evans Center, 4330 Dudley Ave. 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday
Ages 1-54
Ages 55+
Credit card, cash, money order, check
Payment Methods
Kingston Center, 3226 Kingston Ave. 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday Credit card, cash, money order, check
Drop Box, 3226 Kingston Ave. (Rear) 24-7
Cash, money order, check
Due to security concerns, payments are no longer accepted by phone. Registrants can pay online using a credit card (VISA, MasterCard or Discover Card); in person via credit card, cash, money order or check made payable to the City of Grove City. Payment can be made by cash, check and money order via the drop box on the parking-lot side of the Kingston Center.
Fees, Residency Rates & Fair Share Policy
Most activities list two fees with a lower rate for residents. Grove City Parks and Recreation facilities and offerings are funded through property and income taxes; in recognition of this, residents receive a discount. A resident is someone whose home address lies within the corporation limits of Grove City or unincorporated Jackson Township. Please note: this does not include all of ZIP code 43123; the U.S. Postal Service uses ZIP codes to designate the office that delivers mail to an address. To verify your rate level, visit Property.FranklinCountyAuditor.com and search for your address. Eligible addresses feature a parcel ID that starts with 040 or 160.
The Fair Share Policy extends eligibility for lower rates to non-residents who pay income tax to the City of Grove City. To receive the rate, these non-residents must provide proof of employment such as a current pay stub showing tax payment. This process must be completed annually.
No further confirmation regarding registration is made unless there is a change to the time or location. It is the participant’s responsibility to be present at the time and location listed. Patrons can view a household calendar by selecting their account at Recreation.GroveCityOhio.gov.
Cancellation by Participant
Registered participants may cancel from a program before the program starts or materials are ordered. Requests must be in writing (hard copy or email). To receive a full refund for team sports, a request must be made before uniforms are ordered. Decisions on full or partial refunds are at the discretion of department personnel. Refunds are by check mailed to the household or reversal of a credit card charge.
Class/Event Cancellation by Department
Activities are subject to change or cancellation based on participation, instructor availability, weather or building conditions, and public safety concerns. Staff will notify registered participants of changes to classes. For day-of updates on events and team sports, call 614-277-3060, monitor social media and visit GroveCityOhio.gov.
Equal Opportunity and Special Populations
The Source
Every attempt is made to produce an accurate, complete activity guide. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the publication and the timeline for printing, the guide may include incorrect or incomplete information. We apologize for any errors or omissions and encourage you to visit the website and review online offerings for the most up-todate information.

Photos and Videos

The City of Grove City reserves the right to photograph or otherwise record activity, program and event participants and spectators as well as park visitors. Images may be used in social media, website, catalogs, brochures, magazines, ads or other print or electronic communications or promotions.
Looking for your photo? Did you see someone at an event taking photos and want to know if there is a good one of your family? Check the City social media accounts: EQ@GroveCityParks and EQ@GroveCityOhio, browse Discover Grove City magazine and visit GroveCityOhio.gov.

The Grove City Parks and Recreation Department is committed to serving the whole community. All persons regardless of age, sex, race, color, national origin or religion are encouraged to participate. Our goal is to include individuals with special needs in existing programs based on need and ability. Individuals or groups serving special populations are welcome to contact the department to make proper arrangements.
The City of Grove City does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to programs or activities. An ADA Coordinator is designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Justice regulations implementing Subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.), prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability by public agencies. Call 614-277-3050 for information.
Grove City Has a New Registration System Parks and Recreation Activities!
Grove City Parks and Recreation has implemented a new, more user-friendly registration system. CivicRec, a national leader in cloud-based registration solutions, offers users registering online a system more colorful, understandable and easy to navigate that also offers more flexibility. Find classes that appeal to you and your family members, easily register for them, and create personal activity calendars on a system that works well on desktops and laptops as well as mobile devices including smart phones and tablets.
Please remember:
• Information was not imported from the old system. Existing users need to recreate their households.
Easy Navigation & Communication
This system is much simpler to navigate, so users can easily sort for the programs that work best for them and their family. Select color-coded options like age, day of the week and activity type. Sign up to receive text messages for activity updates.
Users enjoy more 24-7 online access to registration, while also being able to access traditional methods of registration - in person and by phone. Select and pay for classes, reserve shelters and register for sports when it works best for you on your favorite device.
Family Flexibility
CivicRec provides increased flexibility that makes registering and paying for programs by families living in a variety of structures much easier. A child can seamlessly be included in multiple households, so parents in different residences can both manage programs and payments for the child.
Once users register for classes, they can easily view the family's schedule in the program and share it to third-party calendars such as Google Calendar. Managing a busy schedule and remembering when family members' classes are has never been easier.
Document Management
Securely upload relevant documents and assign them to specific activities as part of the registration process or add them later, including medical releases, codes of conduct and more.
Shelter Rentals
Choosing an open date for a shelter has never been easier! Users can view availability calendars and make a reservation online at any time, so it is easier to find the perfect date when you can discuss it with friends or family, even evenings and weekends.
Creating an Account
More information is available on the website at bit.ly/gcpReg, but keep these tips in mind when setting up your account.
• Register the primary account holder for your household first. This person will receive emails and text messages
• Enter adults first followed by minor household members.
• Your current password and other account information will not be available.
• Be patient. Allow yourself time to "unlearn" the old system.
• Call 614-277-3050 or 614-277-1060 with questions. Parks and Recreation staff are here to help!
Grove City Parks and Recreation Outdoor Shelter Rentals

Windsor and Gantz parks feature shelters large enough for gatherings available to the public year-round, dawn to dusk, and are open for walk-up usage if not already reserved. Reservations for April through December 2023 begin Tuesday, Jan. 17. All other shelters and gazebos are accessible on a first-come basis and are not reservable. The Eagle Pavilion in Fryer Park has separate policies from open shelters including no walk-up usage.
For more information, call 614-277-3050 or visit GroveCityOhio.gov and select Park Rentals from the Parks and Recreation menu.
Outdoor Shelter Reminders:
• Refunds only granted 30 or more days before reservation date.
• Water fountains/flushing toilets are seasonal to protect pipes (approximately April 15-Oct. 15; subject to change per weather). Restrooms are open to all park visitors.
• Reservations have priority. Police will assist if walk-up occupants refuse to leave. Call the non-emergency police number at 614-277-1710.
• Shelters are cleaned early each morning. Be prepared in case others have left messes.
• Tobacco products, alcohol use/impairment and weapons are prohibited.
• All park laws apply; see Grove City Code Chapter 903.
6 FRYER PARK ROTARY SHELTER Size 1,500 square feet Picnic Tables 7 Rental Times & Fees 9 a.m.-3 p.m. or 4-9 p.m.: $50 ($75 NR) Full Day (9 a.m.-9 p.m.): $90 ($125 NR)

SHELTER Size 850 square feet WINDSOR PARK BASEBALL FOR ALL/DREAM FIELD SHELTER Size 1,500 square feet Picnic Tables 8 (8 ADA) Rental Times & Fees 9 a.m.-3 p.m. or 4-9 p.m.: $75 ($125 NR) Full Day (9 a.m.-9 p.m.): $125 ($200 NR)

9 a.m.-3 p.m. or 4-9 p.m.: $50 ($75 NR) Full Day (9
(9 a.m.-9 p.m.):
GANTZ • Scioto Meadows • Swearingen • Westgrove • Windsor Reservations for rentable shelters for 2023 are available starting Tue., Jan. 17.
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