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Showing Support for Our Educators
Showing support for education in all scenarios
Lately it seems an impossible task to predict what the next month, week or even day will bring.
Our school systems are facing the task head on as they work to create a learning environment that must consider click-to-brick-to-click options while implementing precautions and practices to safeguard students and staff while mitigating the spread of COVID-19.
Throughout the development process, one thing is predictable – the plan used for learning in the coming school year will be born from intense, thoughtful and collaborative problem solving across many entities.
It’s the same cooperative mindset that has guided the City’s partnership with local private and public schools, colleges and businesses as we work together to ensure the best educational opportunities for our community.
We enjoy a special working relationship with the South-Western City School District (SWCSD) and are proud of the cooperation and efforts throughout the recent construction of new facilities and renovations of Buckeye Woods Elementary, Jackson Middle and other schools within Grove City. This has been a terrific benefit for our children and community.
In September 2019, an agreement was reached among SWCSD, the City and the developer of the Beulah Park community. The City purchased property within and adjacent to the Beulah Park development for SWCSD to construct a new building to relocate Brookpark Middle School, which is in need of replacement.
In exchange, SWCSD agreed to a nominal purchase amount for the current school’s property for future use by the City for potential recreational programming and office space.
I believe SWCSD Superintendent Dr. Bill Wise was spot on during an interview with ThisWeek Community News when he called the agreement “a textbook example of how a city and school district can work together to come up with an arrangement that benefits the City, the schools and the community as a whole.”
Working with area businesses and colleges, we continually extend financial assistance opportunities to fund intern
ships and apprenticeships. Nearly 150 Grove City students have been awarded financial support through the City’s Higher Education Investment Program for continuing education and skilled trade certifications.
Grove City is proud of its reputation as a small-town community with big opportunities, where, by working together with our community partners, we all achieve more.
Mayor Richard L. “Ike” Stage
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