8 minute read
A Teacher’s Reflection
A Teacher’s Reflection Teaching transitions triggered by pandemic
By Mallory Arnold
Heather Nesler celebrated a major milestone – 11 years of teaching at Jackson Middle School. It takes her a moment to reflect on whether it really was 11 or 10 – or maybe 12. She jokes that the years fly by, but 2020 is certainly a year to remember.
Nesler, who teaches eighth grade math and algebra, says it was difficult to calculate exactly how COVID-19 would affect her classroom early on.
“At the beginning of the week I was thinking, ‘Oh, this is kind of like the flu,’” she says, “and then by the end of the week we’re canceled. It was a whirlwind.”
Nesler quickly began planning for the virtual sessions ahead. When she told her students her plan to continue teaching online, they responded with relief.
“You could see it in them,” she says. “That I’m not going to be alone in this.’”
Algebra class transitioned to Google Meet. Nesler shared her digital white board screen and went through notes just like she would in the traditional classroom. Students had the ability to type in questions with a chat function on the online service and muted their mics so that no one was distracted

Heather Nesler and her family in Hocking Hills.

by background noises at home.
In the afternoon, Nesler also held office hours for students to hop on for help.
“In the beginning, I was trying to do too much,” Nesler says. “You want to do everything you were doing before, but then with them being at home, there’s a new added challenge that they were working virtually for all of their classes.”
A few students actually performed better in online classes than in person.
“Some students that didn’t thrive in the in-person classroom actually blossomed online,” Nesler says. “It was interesting. Some didn’t interact with me a lot, but I could see their work and assignments and they were performing really well.”
The social butterflies of the classroom continued to stay social even through a screen, always hopping on the chat.
Although Nesler made the best of her virtual classroom, there were some obstacles. Not being able to connect with them in person was one of the biggest ones. Email was the main source of feedback – a form of communication that eighth-graders were not accustomed to before the pandemic.
“I just wanted to make sure my students were doing okay,” she says, “which was harder because I couldn’t see

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Design: Formation Studio Nesler and fellow teacher Randi Flynn dressed up 80s-style for the school’s Decade Day.
their faces and all that.”
Following a turbulent end to the school year, Nesler is ready whether classes return to the classroom or continue online.
“During my eighth grade math class, we got into a good flow,” she says. “I’d create lesson videos and give them a Google form homework. Then I’d give them feedback. We got into a good routine, so if we’re starting this again next year, I’d continue what we were doing in the end.”
She credits South-Western City School District for giving its teachers all the help and resources it could. During the week before their first online lesson, the district set up webinars to showcase all kinds of resources teachers could use.
And just as teachers had to adapt, so did their students. Nesler couldn’t be prouder of how her students adjusted to the abrupt transition.
“I’m so proud of them for how well they did,” she says. “They were engaged, completed their assignments on time and did a really nice job.”
Teachers may lose track of how many years they’ve been teaching or what lesson plans looked like years ago, but we’re confident Nesler will always remember her 11th year.
After all, it’s pretty unforgettable.
Mallory Arnold is an associate editor. Feedback welcome at marnold@ cityscenemediagroup.com.
Developing a Community for 2050 Task force helps expand education and local workforce
City leaders, businesses and educational partners come together at a Workforce Development Meeting.

By David Rees
The workforce needs of Grove City may be ever-changing and evolving, but they’re always critical. One task force has mobilized, implementing initiatives such as higher education grant programs and classes closer to home, to meet those needs.
Community members have come together as part of the city’s Workforce Development 2050 task force to develop and implement a plan that connects business, education and the city. It’s developing a strategic plan with intentional careers and pathways that will meet the workforce needs of the community in 2050.
At the center of the plan is development for education, with the goal of creating a home for higher learning in Grove City, says Kyle Rauch, development director for the city of Grove City.
“(It) would house an array of three things: undergrad school – we’re hoping it will be Columbus State Community College – any number of multiple four-year and graduate degree universities, and a workforce development office, all tied to helping Grove City families, businesses, families and their educational goals.”
Some institutions of higher education offer classes in Grove City. Columbus State Community College and Ohio Dominican University offer classes at South-Western City Schools Career Academy, and Ohio Christian University offers classes at the Grove City Church of the Nazarene.
The Grove City Higher Education Program provides two investment programs for Grove City residents attending these schools or a skilled trade labor program.
The first program, the College Scholarship Investment Program, financially assists students who are obtaining a post-secondary education with a $1,000 tuition payment to the student’s participating school each semester. The second, the Grove City Skilled Trades Labor Award Program, is provided to residents seeking a license, apprenticeships or certified skilled trade education. The award assists in expenses that qualify for up to $700 a term.
“So many skilled trades are in real demand now and offering quite significant salaries that many people are moving to the skilled trades category,” Rauch says. “Grove City, like all other cities, has a demand for skilled trade professions.”
To flesh out their workforce development plan, the task force brought on members who work within a variety of
For more information about the Grove City Higher Education Investment Program go to www.GroveCityOhio.gov/topic/ grovecityhighereducationinvestmentprogram/
Columbus State Community College offers college classes at South-Western City Schools Career Academy. Grove City residents are eligible for a city grant if they take courses at Columbus State.

fields to address priorities for talent attraction, recruitment and development.
Amy Schakat, coordinator of careertechnical programs with South-Western City Schools, works with the task force to offer insight on what the school district is currently doing, and to listen to members of business and industry to find effective pathways for students to enter the workforce.
Schakat says her goal is for every decision and program created by the task force to align directly with demands of careers in the city.
“We’re not going to create something, a career pathway, if there are no jobs,” she says. “That would be the goal, you know, to be very intentional and partner so that our students are ready for that next step. Whether it’s directed to the workforce or training through a technical skill, a credential or a college degree.”
Moving forward, the task force will continue to listen to members such as Schakat, addressing current workforce challenges in diverse industries and providing solutions specifically with pathways for entry-level employees. In turn, initiatives and programs will provide growth for business, education, government and economic development that will allow Grove City to thrive.
David Rees is a contributing writer. Feedback welcome at feedback@ cityscenemediagroup.com.

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