4 minute read
A Message from City Manager Megan O’Callaghan
The state of our community is strong. Dublin is sustainable, connected and resilient. And we are dedicated to transparency, accountability and communication.
Per the City Charter, the City Manager is responsible for sharing the City’s nancial and administrative activities with the public. Each year, we produce an annual report, which is published on the City website and included in Dublin Life. On the following pages, you will see the 2022 nancial report, which includes the City’s revenues and expenditures. I also hope you will ip to the center of this issue for some of your City’s accomplishments, initiatives and other highlights from the last year.
There have been many challenges over the past three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift of some employees to remote and hybrid work. While there is still some uncertainty in forecasting our nancial future, the picture that is emerging is one of resilience. Our income tax revenues increased by 3.7% in 2022, ending the year at nearly $105 million and exceeding $100 million for the second time in the City’s history. Our numbers continue to show that our tax base is diverse and robust enough to o set the increase in refunds owed to employees who work remotely.
We were also honored to earn the rare Triple Crown distinction for scal health, transparency and accountability from the Government Finance O cers Association of the United States and Canada. Dublin is one of just 317 governments to receive this award. The Triple Crown designation validates that we meet the highest standards of nancial transparency.
Fiscal sustainability is only one part of the picture, though. Through exemplary economic stewardship, we are able to provide world-class, innovative services and amenities that make Dublin the most desirable community to live, work and enjoy. While we have a history of providing best-in-class services to our residents and businesses — and will continue to do so — our future is aimed at being a model for sustainable community design that supports our natural environment. In September 2022, we launched a Styrofoam collection program, which recycled more than one ton in its rst four months. We continued our pumpkin composting program for a second year, collecting more than 67,000 pounds of pumpkins. These new programs join our other sustainability initiatives, including food composting, electronics recycling, prescription pill collections, household hazardous waste drop-o s and document destruction days, in diverting tons of waste from the land ll each year. Our 2022 diversion rate was 47%, which is above the national and state averages of 33% and 25%, respectively.
Our community became more connected in 2022 thanks to investments in state-of-the-art infrastructure. This includes maintaining the roads, bridges, sewers and buildings we have, as well as launching new projects. Among the most signi cant endeavors was the U.S. 33/S.R. 161/Post Road interchange recon guration. Once completed in 2024, the new, e cient design will eliminate backups and delays, improve safety and handle the increasing travel demand in this fast-growing area. This critical interchange is in the heart of Dublin’s West Innovation District and along the world’s most connected highway — the 33 Smart Mobility Corridor which features a 35-mile redundant loop of ber connectivity, opening the door for innovators from around the globe to test connected and automated vehicle technology. Another noteworthy milestone was the completion of University Boulevard Phase 2, a new section of roadway that provides access to Ohio State Outpatient Care Dublin. This 272,000-square-foot facility o ers a wide array of medical services for the community and brings hundreds of jobs to Dublin.
We also know the importance of connecting people to places. Through our partnership with Share Mobility, the Dublin Connector provided more than 6,300 rides for Dublin’s seniors, workforce and people with disabilities. We also launched a micro-mobility pilot program, making electric scooters available for transportation and recreation. And our more than 150 miles of shared use paths helped us become the rst city in Ohio to earn a silver-level bicycle friendly community distinction. Amenities like these add value for our residents, businesses and visitors.
Above all else, we created new connections among people. From more than 6.7 million social media impressions to dozens of public meetings and countless in-person engagements, public engagement is the cornerstone of everything we do. City Council held 30 regularly scheduled meetings and work sessions in 2022, all open to the public. A new Community Inclusion Advisory Committee was established to advise City Council on the unique needs of diverse Dublin residents and review City policy through an inclusive lens. The City launched a podcast, Link Ahead, which explores the many personalities and experiences that make Dublin a thriving place to live, work and grow. Our world-class sta ful lled more than 7,700 service requests through the GoDublin app, and we added a “Tell Dublin” feature to facilitate convenient two-way communication.
We are constantly evolving and innovating to nd new ways to connect with those we serve and those who serve with us. We are fortunate to have 2,800 volunteers who help make Dublin a global city of choice. They roll up their sleeves for river clean-ups and neighborhood service projects. They provide preservation service at the Dublin Cemetery and heritage interpreter services at Ferris-Wright Park, two e orts launched in 2022. And without them, we could not put on our beloved events, including the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Independence Day Celebration and the Dublin Irish Festival. While we have much to be proud of, our success is best measured by the satisfaction of our residents. On that note, perhaps our biggest accomplishment last year was earning a 99% approval rate in the Community Attitudes Survey. Residents ranked City services, events and police protection all very highly. These survey results a rm that we are a safe, resilient and inclusive city with the best quality of life and environment for all to thrive. It is our distinct honor to serve this community and our greatest achievement to do it well.
As a citizen-centered democracy, we look forward to working with you to build an even better future. This year, the City will be updating our Community Plan, which was last updated in 2013. Through a robust public engagement process, together we will decide how we want to grow, develop and improve so that we can continue to be a desirable community for generations to come.
Megan O’Callaghan