1 minute read
Do you have a healthy relationship with your CPA?
Use this Diagnostic Test to find out.
SCORE Place Your Score (1-5) in Box
I have confidence that the work performed by my CPA is done right. When discussing my needs, my CPA listens and works hard at understanding my business.
My CPA firm consistently meets my expectations. The staff are accessible when I need them. Staff members consistently meet agreed-upon schedules.
The firm’s staff have a positive, can-do attitude.
My CPA takes an interest in me personally as well as in my company.
I respect and trust the firm’s staff members I work with.
Assign A Score To Each Key Factor
If you think your CPA demonstrates a factor all of the time, give the characteristic a score of 5; most of the time, 4; some of the time, 3; hardly ever, 2; or rarely any more, 1. Then, based on your diagnostic score, take the recommended actions.
The relationship you have with your CPA is
• If you scored between 40 and 50, you have a great relationship with your CPA. Make sure to let them know.
My CPA takes the initiative to help me. The firm keeps me informed about legislative and regulatory changes that may affect my business.
• If you scored between 30 and 40, your relationship needs some work to make it better. Talk to your CPA about your concerns and develop a health fitness plan.
• If you scored below 30, your relationship is not healthy. Explore alternatives to your current CPA by contacting Whalen & Company, CPAs.