Pickerington February/March 2021

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pickerington community calendar february/march 2021 Through Feb. 28 Decorative Arts Center of Ohio presents Russian Decorative Arts from the Tsars to the USSR

Pickerington Library

Virtual www.decartsohio.org

Be transported to the Russia of decades past. From the decadence of the czars to the destitute communist-rule years, Russian history is filled with contradictions. During the Bolshevik Revolution (19171945), a significant amount of Russianmade art was destroyed, lost or taken from the country. Curator Michael Reese has acquired an incredibly personal collection of Russian art from that period that he is now sharing for the first time at the Decorative Arts Center of Ohio.

Feb. 1 Facebook LIVE Book Chat: Paranormal Romance 6-6:30 p.m., virtual www.pickeringtonlibrary.org

Feb. 3 Wednesday Connects Virtual www.pickeringtonchamber.com

The Pickerington Chamber offers this networking opportunity to get business referrals, stay visible to your peers and colleagues, and to grow strong professional relationships.

Go to the library’s Facebook page where new books are featured.

Feb. 13 American Red Cross Blood Drive 1-6 p.m., Pickerington Church of the Nazarene 11775 Pickerington Rd. NW www.redcrossblood.org

Donate about a pint of blood. This type of blood donation usually takes about an hour.

Feb. 6 Sensory Stories 10 -10:30 a.m., virtual www.pickeringtonlibrary.org

A virtual early literacy class specifically designed for children with special needs.

Feb. 10 No School Pickerington Local School District www.pickerington.k12.oh.us

Professional development

Feb. 15 No School Pickerington Local School District www.pickerington.k12.oh.us

Presidents Day

Feb. 17 Wednesday Connects

Nominations Open Feb. 15 - March 15. Voting open March 15 - April 15.

Vote at www.cityscenecolumbus.com


8:30-9:30 a.m., virtual www.pickeringtonchamber.com

The Pickerington Chamber offers this networking opportunity to get business referrals, stay visible to your peers and colleagues, and to grow strong professional relationships.


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