You Count: U.S. Census Responses Have Big Impact on Local Funding Every household in the country will receive an invitation to participate in the U.S. Census by April 1. For the first time, citizens are invited to complete their surveys online, in addition to the traditional mail and phone options. Accurate census “Ohio loses responses are crucial at least $1,200 to helping the federal government determine in federal how many seats a state funding for receives on the U.S. every person House of Representatives, informs decisions not counted to redraw congressioin the U.S. nal and state legislative boundaries. Importantly, Census.” responses also tell the federal government how to allocate more than $675 billion in funding for programs like schools, public safety, health care, affordable housing and more. The state of Ohio received more than $33.5 million through federal spending programs informed by 2010 census data. Census representatives say every person living in a household, ages 1-100-years old, should be counted in surveys. According to the bureau, the state loses at least $1,200 in federal funding for every person not counted in a household survey. A non-partisan government agency, the bureau is mandated by the U.S. Constitution to conduct a census every 10 years. Responses are kept confidential and only used to produce statistics. Personal details cannot be accessed by law enforcement, nor can they be used to determine individual eligibility for government benefits. Find a list of census stations and more information about this civic opportunity at www.
Charter Review Committee Accepting Feedback Through mid-March Speaking of decennial opportunities for civic engagement, residents have until Friday, March 13 to provide feedback to the Westerville Charter Review Commission about the charter. First adopted in 1964, the Home Rule Charter gives the city government of Westerville greater local control and flexibility than the statutory form. The Charter, which serves as a “mini constitution” for the City, requires Westerville City Council to appoint a commission of “five qualified electors of the Municipality holding no other office, appointment or employment in the government of the Municipality as members” every 10 years. The group is charged with reviewing the current Charter and, if they see fit, recommending changes for City Council’s recommendation. Review the Charter and provide feedback at www.westerville. org/charter. March/April 2020