Westerville September/October 2022

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TBDBITL! OSU Marching Band director Christopher Hoch BIA Parade of Homes Minerva France Elementary School Wizards and Wands Month www.westervillemagazine.com

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4 September/October 2022 www.westervillemagazine.com CityScene Media Group 1335 Dublin Rd., Suite 101C Columbus, Ohio 43215 614-572-1240 • Fax www.cityscenecolumbus.com614-572-1241 The publisher welcomes contributions in the form of manuscripts, drawings, photographs, or story ideas to consider for possible pub lication. Enclose a SASE with each submission or email editor@ cityscenemediagroup.com. Publisher does not assume responsibility for loss or damage. The appearance of advertising in Westerville Magazine does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s product or service by the City of Westerville. Westerville Magazine is published bimonthly in January, March, May, July, September and November. For advertising information or bulk purchases, contact Dan Nase at dnase@cityscenecolumbus.com. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publishers. Westerville Magazine is a registered trade mark of CityScene Media Group. Printed in the U.S.A. ©2022 www. westervillemagazine .com CityScene Media Group also publishes: CityScene Magazine www.CitySceneColumbus.com Dublin Life Magazine www.DublinLifeMagazine.com Tri-Village Magazine www.TriVillageMagazine.com Healthy New Albany Magazine www.HealthyNewAlbanyMagazine.com Pickerington Magazine www.PickeringtonMagazine.com Discover Grove City Magazine www.DiscoverGroveCity.com Westerville magazine TM Kathleen K. Gill President/CEO Gianna Barrett Vice President, Sales Jamie Armistead Vice President, Operations Dave Prosser Chief Creative Officer Tyler Kirkendall Editors Claire GarthMeganMillerRothBishop Contributing Editors Amanda DePerro Maisie Fitzmaurice Editorial Assistants AndreaBrandonPaolucciKlein Digital Editor Dan Nase Advertising Director Laura Pappas Advertising Sales Circulation 614-572-1240 Providing foot care for the whole family! Call today for an appointment. Westerville 575 Copeland Rd. 2F • Westerville, OH 43081 614-891-2828 Delaware 357 W. Central Ave. • Delaware, OH 43015 740-369-3071 www.westervillefoot.com Bryan M. Feldner, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S. Dr. James Foster, D.P.M. Dr. John Slomsky, D.P.M.

www.westervillemagazine.com 06 community calendar 08 faces Writing the Show OSU band director pursues passion by leading Buckeyes 12 in focus Minerva Moves In Minerva France Elementary School honors area history and includes contemporary features 16 Large Scale(s) Project Beloved Hilda the Dragon guards over Westerville Public Library for the month of October 20 2022 Parade of Homes Showcasing new builds in and around Westerville 22 living Contemporary Cabin Full remodel adds function and modern aesthetic to woodsy home 26 Luxury Living Real Estate Guide 28 on the table Fantasy Food Celebrate Wizards and Wands month with Westerville Public Library 30 Bookmarks Inside Read more online at WestervilleMagazine.com @westervillemagazine SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 121628 On the ChristopherCoverHoch See page 8 Repair Replacement Maintenance MRS POWERWASH To Schedule – Call 614-771-3892 MRSPOWERWASH.COM BEST BEST2019COMPANYPOWERWASH-2020-2021WOMANOWNEDBUSINESS2021 ANY HOUSE WASH $149 + TAX Houses - Decks - Concrete - Fences- and More RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Single Tier Decks - $69 + Tax Double Tier Decks - $99 + Tax Best Wash in Town! My Family Has Over 45,000 Washes Completed A+ Rating.

6 September/October 2022 www.westervillemagazine.com MARK CALENDAR!YOUR September/October 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT2022 Dates and events are subject to change. Check with event organizers before attending. Saturdays Through Oct. 1 Uptown Saturday Night Concert Series 7-8:30 Westervillep.m.City Hall 21 S. State Sept.www.westerville.orgSt.3–GhostStory Trio Sept. 10 – Lightnin’ Rod and the Thunderbolts Sept. 17 – Acoustic Super Friends Sept. 24 – Brian Michael Smith Oct. 1 – Swing’s the Thing Through Oct. 8 Westerville Saturday Farmers Market 9 Westervillea.m.-noonCity Hall 21 S. State www.westerville.orgSt. Sept. 1, 15, 29; Oct. 13, 27 Tipsy Temperance Tour 6:30-7:15 p.m. Beginning at American Issue Sculpture at City Hall Courtyard 21 S. State www.westervillelibrary.orgSt. Sept. 3 Schneider’s Bakery Donut Run 9 Hoffa.m.Woods Park 556 McCorkle www.allsportsraces.comBlvd. Sept. 5 No School – Labor Day Westerville School www.westerville.k12.oh.usDistrict Sept. 7 Pancake Breakfast 7:30-10 Westervillea.m.Community Center 350 N. Cleveland www.westerville.orgAve. Sept. 18 Cops and Kids Day Festival Noon-4 Westervillep.m.Sports Complex 325 N. Cleveland www.westerville.orgAve. Sept. 23 Mount Carmel St. Ann’s Fourth Friday Festival – Homecoming 6-9 Westervillep.m. City Hall 21 S. State www.uptownwestervilleinc.comSt. Oct. 1-31 Wizards and Wands Festival Westerville Public Library 126 S. State www.westervillelibrary.orgSt. Photos courtesy of Stephen Trouter and westerville.org Westerville Saturday Farmers Market W E S T E R V I L L E - D E N TA L H E A LT HAcce p ting N ew Pa tien t s! Stephen R Malik, DDS G enera l Dent ist r y Dr. Ma l i k has been pract ici ng in Wester v il le si nce 1991 614.882.6741 180 C om merce Pa rk Dr. Wester v il le, OH 43082 b uil din g on th e lef t by th e bik e path wester v i l ledent a l hea lth com OFFER ING: G entle Car ing Staf f Same Day Crowns Botox® ANiJuvéderm®trousOxideSaturdayppointments

September/October 2022 7www.westervillemagazine.com Oct. 15 Columbus Speech and Hearing presents Halloween Hop 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Graves Hall 333 W. 10th www.westervillechamber.comAve. Oct. 17 Creative Writing for Seniors 1:30-2:30 p.m. Westerville Senior Center 350 N. Cleveland www.westervillelibrary.orgAve. Oct. 19 Women in Business Luncheon 11:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m. The Lakes Golf and Country Club 6740 Worthington www.westervillechamber.comRd. Tipsy Temperance Tour Oct. 21-Nov. 6 Curtain Players presents Eleemosynary Curtain Players Theatre 5691 Harlem www.curtainplayers.orgRd. Oct. 23 Westerville Symphony presents Masterworks I 5 Fritschep.m. Theatre at Cowan Hall 30 S. Grove www.westervillesymphony.orgSt. Oct. 28 Mount Carmel St. Ann’s Fourth Friday Festival – Midnight Madness 6-9 Westervillep.m. City Hall 21 S. State www.uptownwestervilleinc.comSt.

8 September/October 2022 www.westervillemagazine.com faces By Claire Miller Photos courtesy of The Ohio State University Marching Band Writing the Show OSU band director pursues passion by leading Buckeyes


“I think it taught me perseverance,” Hoch says. “It taught me how to stick with it, how to improve myself, how to become a better musician and how to become more in tune with my own physical needs.”

September/October 2022 9www.westervillemagazine.com Connect with us! 216go.oncehub.com/HWhitehwhite@cochlear.com2872303

A Musical Upbringing Hoch developed his love of music ear nestly. His mother played piano and taught music. Both of his parents were educators.  Hoch attended St. Paul Catholic School up until high school, when he attended Westerville City Schools. “I wanted to attend Westerville North High School to go to a bigger school and be a part of a larger community,” he says. “My parents said, ‘Well, if you’re going to the big high school, you need to do something other than just go to class, so you need to pick something to be a part of. How about band?’” He quickly fell in love with the march ing band and music at Westerville North. As a graduating senior, he knew he wanted to make music a part of his life, but not necessarily as a career. He resisted his par ents’ career suggestions, but after a year of practice and playing at OSU and getting as involved as he could, his passion for music was solidified.

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If Christopher Hoch had let early failure deter him from chasing his dreams, The Ohio State University Marching and Athletics Band wouldn’t look or sound the same as it does today.

Hoch, director of OSU Marching and Athletics Bands since 2015, was in the same shoes as the musicians he now di rects. As a freshman trombonist, Hoch didn’t make the cut for the elite group of 228 marching and playing musicians, and called home sobbing. “I wouldn’t be the person today if it had not been for that experience,” Hoch says.  Instead of giving up, Hoch doubled down on honing his trombone. He was involved in every musical opportunity at OSU, playing in jazz band, pep band and concert band.

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He’s also able to understand the experi ence of students who go through the same situation each year. “The tryouts for Ohio State are an intense process,” Hoch says. “They were when I was in the band, and they are now. Having been through it myself both on the happy side of things and on the not-sohappy side of things, I can empathize with most of our students as they go through that process.”

“It really is a sort of specialized thing that not everybody gets into unless they show an aptitude or an interest in it,” he says. “But when they are, boy, am I happy to share what I know with them.”

Claire Miller is an editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback is welcome cmiller@cityscenemediagroup.com.at

“I’m really proud of the Ohio State marching band and of what we’ve built in the Ohio State marching band,” Hoch says. “It really is a group of people from all walks of life. They come from all over the place to be with us because, like me when I was growing up … they fell in love with music.”

TBDBITL The OSU Marching Band celebrates its 145th anniversary this year. The brilliance of the OSU Marching Band, Hoch says, is its mixture of tradition and innovation. The band still performs staples: 1928’s ramp entrance, 1936’s Script Ohio, 1965’s rendition of “Hang on “SomeSloopy.” of those great traditions that come along don’t happen unless you’re innovative,” Hoch says. “We always like to look back to our past, but also be in ventive and creative in how we develop ourBeyondfuture.”the Shoe, Hoch has directed the OSU Marching Band in national and international performances. In 2015, he took the band overseas to play before an NFL game at Wembley Stadium in London. They performed a segment called “The British Invasion” with the music and imagery of iconic British music groups and formations of London’s famousAnotherlandmarks.memorable moment for Hoch was the first trip to the Macy’s Thanksgiv ing Day Parade in 2018, which turned out to be the coldest day in the history of the event. His first Rose Bowl trip, in January 2019, was yet another milestone, and he and the band were able to relive that ex perience with another trip to Pasadena in January 2022.

OSU has only one class – Marching Band Techniques, which Hoch now teaches – dedicated to show design. It was a rare thing, Hoch says, to gain the level of expe rience he did before his 2000 graduation with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and music Occasionally,education.Hoch invites interested students to study drill writing with him. Graduate students are required to study show design and drilling writing, so Hoch works with them each year.

After his second year, Hoch auditioned for OSU’s School of Music. After being accepted, he decided he wanted to teach. “I decided, well, if I’m going to do music, I’m going to be a teacher like Mom and Dad,” he says, “and realized very quickly that I had a passion and talent for that, master’s degrees in instru mental conducting and music education in 2002. He spent seven years as the director of bands at Hayes High School in Delaware before completing his Ph.D. of music education in 2012. At OSU, he served as assistant director for one year and associate director of the marching and athletic bands for two years before being chosen as interim director in 2015. After that year, he took on the official position as director. Dots on Paper Hoch is responsible for viral halftime shows performed at OSU, such as the “Tribute to Classic Video Games,” which he created for the 2012 homecoming game. He remembers being a band kid who would sit at home after rehearsals, putting dots on paper as he practiced writing his own drills. He studied band charts with fascination.Dr.John Woods, the OSU band director during Hoch’s college years, took him on as a private student during his senior year, and later brought him on as a graduate as sistant, helping him learn to design shows.



Afternoon/evening: In the office preparing for the season

“The fall is very, very busy as you can imagine,” Hoch says. “The summer is a little more free, but there’s still plenty to do to prepare for the fall.”

Off to work: Meetings, interviews, etc.

Day(s) in the life of the OSU marching band director

Summer Morning: Get up, exercise and “relax at home with the kiddos a little bit.”

Some nights: With athletic band “Then, it’s time to go to sleep and start the whole thing over the next day,” he says.

Evening: Summer session band rehearsal  Fall Mornings: In meetings or writing shows

Afternoons: In rehearsals with the marching band

yson Hilkert has been a part of Westerville City Schools since 2011. He’s worked as a teacher, intervention specialist and principal, but this school year presented another new opportunity: to lead a brand-new building.

Hilkert is now principal of Minerva France Elementary School, part of the district’s expansion in the southern end of the “Thecity.first day of school always has that sense of joy and excitement,” he says. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to expe rience that and a brand-new school that nobody’s ever been to before.” Hilkert welcomed students to the build ing on Aug. 11, but planning began years earlier. In 2019, the district recognized a student population growing beyond capac ity at the time and identified the area south of Interstate 270 as ideal for new buildings.

Minerva Moves In

In addition to Minerva France Elementary School, Minerva Park Middle School is set to open for the beginning of the 2023-24 school year.


12 September/October 2022 www.westervillemagazine.com in focus

Honor the Past Minerva France Elementary’s name is a tribute to one of the first Black gradu ates of Westerville City Schools, Minerva J. France. France and her family moved to Westerville in 1920. After graduating from high school, she went on to receive a bachelor’s in library science and became a librarian and English instructor at Wilber force University, a particularly impressive

By Maisie Fitzmaurice Photos courtesy of Greg Viebranz

Minerva France Elementary School honors area history and includes contemporary features

Live in the Present While the building celebrates historical significance, it clearly exists in the present day with contemporary architectural choic es and state of the art learning technology.


The school’s Green Line Learning Station media lab pays homage to the trolley car that once ran between downtown Colum bus and Minerva Amusement Park. The room’s architecture and color mimic the old trolley car. At the front of the building, a turret mimics those once present at the entrance of the park. That feature connects to a unique turret room to be used as a learn ingFollowinglab. the amusement park, the land where the elementary school now stands once held a golf course. That bit of history is honored with a small disc golf course outside the building.

France’s achievements continue to be an example for students today, says board of education member Vaughn Bell.

The elementary school’s architecture includes curved hallways inspired by the amusement park’s Scenic Railway roller coaster, and some of the building’s signs use fonts derived from the amusement park entrance tickets. The cafeteria also incorporates twisting ceiling displays. Other glimpses of the area’s history can be found throughout the school.

“We believe the community is in agree ment that recognizing the accomplish ments of Minerva France is important,” he says, “because her life, and now legacy, speaks to what we believe is a very positive message of hope to our young people: that if you apply yourself, you can accomplish greatNotthings.”only is the school named after France, it features a permanent display high lighting her history and accomplishments.

The new building also pays tribute to Minerva Amusement Park, which existed in Westerville from 1895 to 1902, featuring a casino, rides, bowling alleys and more.

www.westervillemagazine.com accomplishment for a Black woman before the civil rights movement.

The new floor plan allows for more movement within the classrooms, Bell says, and includes furniture and technology to enhance students’ experience.

“We think it will have a positive impact on student learning, because these are spaces that have been designed specifically for them,” he says. “They’re not that kind of cookie-cutter learning environments.”


September/October 2022 13

“We’re looking at that one in ways that honor the natural beauty of Minerva Park,” she says. “(The area) has always been known for its beautiful trees, and its attention to its environment.”

Maisie Fitzmaurice is a contributing writer at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com.

14 September/October 2022 www.westervillemagazine.com

The design choices also serve to create an appealing atmosphere for students and staff. In addition to the amusement park tributes, the school uses bright pops of color both inside and outside that take inspiration from a standard eight-pack of crayons. Those colors are complemented by an abundance of natural light from many large windows throughout the building.

The art room includes a ceramic kiln and gallery wall for displaying student works, while the small group rooms include com puters and other learning technology and will serve as spaces for learning interven tion, group projects and meetings.

The building includes a music room, an art room, a gym and small group rooms.

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The construction of the new buildings is important not only for their students, but for students throughout the district. The new schools, supported by voters in the community, will allow buildings through out the district to more closely match their capacity and better utilize resources, says Assistant Superintendent of Operations Scott“ThatDorne.(community) support allowed us to create a couple of new spaces that are closer for students to their home, but also allowed us to make schools across the district more appropriately sized and provide additional specialized learning environments,” he says.

The elementary school is a preview of what to expect when Minerva Park Middle School opens its doors next school year. Though plans for that building are still in progress, Nestor-Baker says it will pay trib ute to the green space throughout the area.

The building’s 24 classrooms are simi larly equipped to create optimal spaces forEachlearning.classroom includes a sink, water fountain and interactive touch monitor.

“We’re going to have so many kids who walk in excited about music every day when they see this room,” says board of education member Nancy Nestor-Baker. “Walk into that art room and you can’t help but feel the urge to create.”

The kindergarten classrooms feature a surround sound audio system to project the teacher’s voice throughout the space.

Prepare for the Future

The first-generation Hilda became a time crunch to com plete, says Smith. After Uptown Westerville Inc. reviewed and approved the building plans for the dragon’s architecture, The Point crew had only three to four weeks to build the dragon. Smith says he’s unsure how many hours were put into building Hilda.

Photos courtesy of Catherine Murray and Tamara Murray

It was a text message that led to a 30-foot dragon perched atop the Westerville Public Library.  Curtis Smith, operations manager for The Point at Otterbein University’s maker space and laboratory, is good friends with Erin Francoeur, executive director of the library.

Beloved Hilda the Dragon guards over Westerville Public Library for the month of October By Claire Miller

Large Scale(s) Project

Hilda, who was named by library patrons, is made of steel, wood, vinyl, foam and latex. Since her debut, Hilda has had a body, head and tail. In 2020, The Point added a wing to her sculpture, which now hangs over the edge of the library building. The wing is made with PVC plastic tubing and a special two-part epoxy mix.

“Erin texted me and she said, ‘I want to build a dragon,’” Smith says. “And I thought that it was a crazy idea.” Naturally, then, he agreed to the project, which would be ready to unveil at the library’s second Wizards and Wands Festival in 2019.  Smith, who has an MFA in sculpture, took on the creation of the art installation with the help of five or six interns at The Point and Otterbein students.

Smith says the drive of the maker space interns was inspiring and fun to watch. Most of the students involved were engi neering majors, plus one art student. One of the advantages of the unique undertaking was the exposure students gained to community and multiple-entity project management.

“It’s exposing students to different orga nizations in the city and allowing them to work together,” Smith says. “It takes a team.”

In The Armory (Media Department), discover whether you’re the rightful heir to the throne by inspecting the Excalibur sword in the stone. Study the elaborate iconography used to decorate medieval swords, shields, banners and suits of armor. The Banquet Hall & Castle (Second Floor) will transport you to another place and time as you move through the colorful glow of stained-glass windows and draped tapestries. Be sure to examine each table setting, inspired by a different fantasy fandom. Explore 3D storefronts such as Wee Beasties Pet Shop, Fairy Tale Realty and Sanderson Bed & Breakfast in the Medieval Village (Mallway). Enjoy window shopping for bits and bobs, cauldrons, wands, magical plants or delicious treats.

The Friends of the Westerville Public Li brary sponsored the project to help bring at tention to the Wizards and Wands Festival.

Hilda will once again be on display on the roof of the library during October, when the Wizards and Wands Festival takes place. Throughout the month, Hilda breathes smoke and roars every 30 min utes during the hours of 5-9 p.m. While not guarding over the festival-goers, Hilda spends the rest of the year out of sight on the library roof. She was built extremely safely and du rably, Smith says, with materials such as highly flame-retardant two-by-fours. In the future, Smith expects more addi tions to Hilda. Suggestions have included a baby, an egg or even a giant taco.

Westerville Public Library will be transformed during the month of October. Its Magical Wonderland is a walk-through experience of fantasy-themed décor for the community to Exploreenjoy.the Enchanted Forest (Children’s Area) where you’ll weave through moss-covered toadstools and tree stumps to uncover fairies, mermaids, unicorns and more. Discover dragons of all shapes and sizes in the Dragon Hatchery (Homework Help Center) Pore over potions in Sanderson’s Apothecary (Teen Room) while sharing the room with slimy toads, furry rats and even a few animal skeletons.

“I don’t even want to know… I was basi cally living there,” he says. “But it wasn’t too bad. It was a short-term project and I’ve done it before.”

Initially, the makers were looking into the possibility of making Hilda breathe actual fire, but the fire hazard and safety considerations got in the way. After con sulting with the fire marshal, they decided against combustion and, instead, chose CO2 smoke to give Hilda the illusion of having just breathed fire.

Claire Miller is an editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback is welcome cmiller@cityscenemediagroup.com.at

The Point has now been in existence for six years. The unique maker space has been working on contacted sales and custom fabrications for businesses, including the Columbus Chamber of Commerce and Bibibop. It is avail able for hire for all kinds of projects from laser custom awards to manager plaques. Smith says he has six to 10 students interns at any time during the school year. On Oct. 28, Midnight Madness will take place in Uptown Westerville. During this free event for all ages, costumes are encouraged for a night of enchanting improv, mystical science, flying falcons and more celebrations of fantasyHildafandom.theDragon will certainly be there, too.

September/October 2022 17

Showcasing new builds in and around Westerville

Megan Roth is an editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at mroth@cityscene mediagroup.com.

2022 Parade of Homes

Westerville, a part of the north east quadrant, features a build by M/I Homes. Called the Granville model, the 2,774-square-foot build houses four bedrooms and a twoand-a-half baths. It’s located within Hoover Farms, one of M/I Homes’ secure, energy efficient and peaceful communities, off of Lee Road. One of the Parade’s dream homes is located in Galena. Built by Old World Homes, the $1.5 million home is referred to by the builder as “the ultimate family home,” due to its use of an open-concept floor plan. The home features a seamlessly flowing first floor, complete with a lounge space, centralized open kitchen, great room and dining room.

SCAN TO WIN A CAMBRIA PRIZE PACKAGE! with Midwest Quartz & Worly Plumbing Supply Inc.

The Parade includes different cat egories highlighting different aspects of

Photos courtesy of Miles Austin and New Horizon Media Group

By Megan Roth Since 1952, the Building Industry As sociation of Central Ohio has been bringing state-of-the-art homes to communities across central Ohio. The largest showcase of new homes in central Ohio, the BIA Parade of Homes is designed to connect homebuyers with builders and associates. This fall, more than 15 builders display their newest homes.

New to the Parade this year: A unique QR code is positioned in each Parade home. Scan the QR code, fill out the online form to enter for a chance to win a Cambria Prize EachPackage.QRcode is unique - so each home you visit (and SCAN) is another entry in the contest! For complete details of the contest, visit www.CitySceneColumbus.com/contests.

To get specifics on the homes featured, visitCityScenewww.biaparade.com.MediaGroup, publisher of Westerville Magazine, partnered with the BIA to create the Official Event Guide for the 2022 Parade. Guides are distributed at Parade homes and a digital edition with all tour home addresses can be accessed free at www.cityscenecolumbus.com.TheBIAParadeofHomesbegins

homebuilding considerations: new builds, featured communities and dream homes. The new builds showcase modern homes across a range of price points, the featured communities help to imagine a life within the comforts of a community and the dream homes spark the imagination for all that a home can be. Homes span a range of prices, sizes and styles. In 2021, the Parade underwent a vast expansion to showcase homes throughout the greater Columbus area, rather than focus attention on just one neighborhood. The new format means that homes are more easily accessible to at tendees every year. Homes in the Parade are categorized into four quadrants of central Ohio: north west, northeast, southwest and southeast. Within the quadrants, homes are spread across multiple communities as well.

20 September/October 2022 www.westervillemagazine.com

Old World Homes’ Dream Home in Galena M/I Homes in Hoover Farms

Sept. 15 and runs Thursday to Sunday through Oct. 2. Map out your day, explore the area and build your dream home!


The Weekleys settled on Dave Fox Design Build Remodel ers, and say the Dave Fox team went out of its way to ensure

Full remodel adds function and modern aesthetic to woodsy home

living By Andrea Paolucci

hen Matt and Joanne Weekley purchased a cabin-like home off Schrock Road, they knew it would need serious updating. The couple settled on a full remodel with maximal function and minimal black-and-white design, transforming it into a cozy yet contemporary home. Soon after buying the cabin, the Weekleys realized that the style of the home did not align with their contemporary tastes. The house hadn’t been updated significantly since its construction in the 1980s and was in dire need of an update.

Contemporary Cabin

“The first step was identifying a design and construction company that could do the work,” Matt says. “We knew it was a large undertaking and we wanted to find someone that we felt knew the industry and that we could trust and rely on.”

Photos courtesy of Dave Fox Design Build Remodelers


September/October 2022 23www.westervillemagazine.com 5800 Forest Hills Blvd • Columbus, OH 43231 AUTUMN EVENTS: LiveAtWesterwood.org Brand-New Community Amenities Completed early fall, we have new one- and twobedroom garden apartments as well as a cozy new outdoor fire pit, more outdoor seating, new putting green, bocce ball court, and raised garden beds. RSVP for our events or schedule a tour at LiveAtWesterwood.org or call (614) 304-3915 . the process was collaborative and sought approval from the couple on every decision. A full home remodel is always a com plex process, but because the remodel took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, the couple faced additional hurdles to keep the

Expanding the functional space of the house was a top priority for Matt and Joanne. The move marked a downsize from the empty-nesters’ Dublin home, but the renovations would mean they didn’t have to compromise on anything.

project moving smoothly. Supply chain is sues caused significant delays, particularly with cabinets that Joanne says they had ordered from Fortunately,overseas.theWeekleys were able to stay in their previous home in Dublin during the renovation process, giving the construction company space to continue as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

“We created as much storage space as we could because we were downsizing so significantly,” Matt says. “We think we did a really nice job of utilizing whatever extra space we could to create storage.”

Following a long period of hard la bor and close collaboration with Dave Fox, the Weekleys were able to create a home that was perfect for them and their“Wefamily.don’t miss the other home at all,” they say. “We love what we have here.”

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Andrea Paolucci is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com.

Carving out that space allowed the Weekleys to transform the cabin sig nificantly. The couple turned a guest bed room into a gym and had a new bar and kitchen designed to open up the potential forThesocializing.renovations also include impor tant safety corrections with both visitors and everyday living in mind. A loft, previously accessible only by ladder, transformed into a cozy, third-floor sit ting room perfect for listening to records or “Wereading.wanted to make it as user-friendly for grandkids and pets as possible,” Matt says. “There were a lot of quirks to this house that we wanted to fix.”

24 September/October 2022 www.westervillemagazine.com

Full Service Paint Stores Professional Color Matching Custom Stain Matching Delivery Service Available Color Consultation services in home or in store – Clintonville Wallpaper Selection • Thibaut • York • Brewster • Wallquest Worthington 1042 PROPRIETORS RD Worthington, OH 43085-3231 614-888-5386 Blacklick 781 Blacklick,ALBANYREYNOLDSBURG-NEWRDOH43004-9638 614-759-0200 Clintonville 4738 N HIGH ST Columbus, 43214-1586OH 614-263-5437 Bexley 2894 E MAIN ST Columbus, 43209-2613OH 614-237-7001 Dublin 7020 OH-161 A Dublin, 43016-9361OH 614-873-2750 COLOR OF THE YEAR & COLOR TRENDS 2022 OCTOBER MIST 1495 CreativePaintsOhio.com

26 September/October 2022 www.westervillemagazine.com Contact Dan Nase today for more information: 614-572-1243 dnase@cityscenemediagroup.com Don’t miss your opportunity to showcase your home listings to every homeowner in Westerville. Your listings will also appear in the digital edition of the magazine, hosted on the WestervilleMagazine home page: westervillemagazine.com what’s your style?Luxury Living Beautiful move in ready home located in West Albany. Newly remodeled kitchen features an eat in space, large island and pantry. Upstairs you will find four bedrooms and a loft that can be used as an office or lounge area. The fenced in backyard is a nature lovers dream. Relax on large deck backing to wooded lot with mature trees. COLDWELL BANKER REALTY connieSELLShouses.com The Powell (614)GroupBuehler915-4588 7455 Center Green Dr., Westerville – Wow, beautiful Romanelli & Hughes custom built home located on a premium (almost) 1 acre lot! Walk to schools, parks & Westerville bike/walking trails! $625,000. COLDWELL BANKER REALTY ThePowellBuehlerGroup.com The Powell (614)GroupBuehler915-4588 5561 Oslo Dr., Westerville – Award winning gardens, stunning 450 sq. ft. gourmet kitchen addition & so much more! $329,900. COLDWELL BANKER REALTY ThePowellBuehlerGroup.com Connie Sadowski (614) 943-0025 INCONTRACTINCONTRACT The Powell (614)GroupBuehler915-4588 151 Fescue Rd., Sunbury – Wonderful open floor plan in this 4 bedroom beauty located in the Communities at Sunbury! Walking distance to community pool! $419,900. COLDWELL BANKER REALTY ThePowellBuehlerGroup.com The Powell (614)GroupBuehler915-4588 1022 Denman Ct., Westerville – Stunning inside and out, you will love the open floor plan, custom built! $550,000. COLDWELL BANKER REALTY ThePowellBuehlerGroup.com SOLDINCONTRACT

September/October 2022 27www.westervillemagazine.com

28 September/October 2022 www.westervillemagazine.com on the table


1/4 cup butter • 1 cup packed brown sugar • 1 can (20 oz.) pineapple slices in juice, drained, juice reserved • 1 jar (6 oz.) maraschino cherries without stems, drained • 1 box yellow cake mix + ingredi ents listed on package Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 325 degrees if using a dark or nonstick pan. Melt butter in oven in a 13x9-inch pan, then scatter brown sugar over melted butter evenly. Then, place pineapple slices atop brown sugar, followed by a cherry in the center of each slice.

Photo courtesy of Claire Miller


Dan 614.572.1243Nase dnase@cityscenemediagroup.com

Celebrate Wizards and Wands month with Westerville Public Library UpsideDemogorgonDown

By Claire Miller

It’s the fifth anniversary of the Wizards and Wands Festival, created and hosted by the Westerville Library Oct. 1-31. This year, the library invites patrons of all ages to champion the power of stories with its Fantasy Fandoms theme, in addition to its mission that carries throughout the years: To celebrate the magic of the library.  From Hocus Pocus to Lord of the Rings to How to Train Your Dragon, fantasy worlds of all kinds will be celebrated during the month-long magical event.  “This goes far beyond the wizarding world,” says Robin Gibson, youth services manager. “There’s bugs and stilt walkers and wood carving and science experiments and music. It’s like you’re stepping through the pages of a book.” Bite into a bit of whimsy – and super natural – with this simple, yet delightful cake recipe from the event organizers that honors the world of Stranger Things

Fantasy Food

Press the remaining

Claire Miller is an editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback is welcome cmiller@cityscenemediagroup.com.at cherries into brown sugar around the outside of slices. Measure out reserved pineapple juice, adding enough water to have liquids equal 1 cup. Then, prepare cake batter as instructed while substitut ing pineapple juice and water mixture when recipe calls for water. Pour bat ter into pan over top of brown sugar, pineapple and cherries. Bake for 42 to 48 minutes or 44 to 53 if using dark/nonstick pan. After removing from oven, run knife around edge of pan to loosen cake imme diately. Place serving plate upside down on pan, then flip plate and pan over. Keep pan on top of cake for at least five minutes to allow brown sugar to drip on cake, then remove pan. Let cool for half an hour. Good to serve warm or cool.

September/October 2022 29www.westervillemagazine.com • Uptown Westerville within the DORA • Down the brick walk across from City Hall Local Family Owned and Operated, Carryout / Door Dash, Take N’ Bake, Drinks 20 S. State St. Unit K, Westerville, OH 43081 TheRiaUptown.com New Local Event Space! insta@theRiaRoom 20 S. State St. – Unit H Westerville, OH 43081 • Bar Set Up, TV and Fireplace • Tables & Chairs included NOW OPEN Since 1945! DiCarlosPizza.com 614-800-6422 Ohio Valley Style Pizza Columbus Speech & Hearing is thrilled to share that our new Westerville location is now open with immediate appointments available for audiology services. Westerville 470 Olde Worthington Road Suite Westerville,470 OH 43082 HearingComprehensiveTests For Children and Adults To learn more about Columbus Speech & Hearing’s services, visit ColumbusSpeech.org.

In 1911, Lucy Wilson arrives in Rowan County, Kentucky to work for the superintendent of education. When Lucy is sent into the hills to act as scribe for the mountain people, she is repelled by the primitive conditions and intellectual poverty she encounters.

How to Survive Middle School: Math, A Do-It-Yourself Study Guide by Concetta Ortiz (Juvenile Nonfiction)

For online library resources such as ebooks, digital magazines, kids activities and more, visit www.westervillelibrary.org

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30 September/October 2022 www.westervillemagazine.com bookmarks

From the Westerville Public Library

Recommended Reads from Sarah Simpson, Youth Services Librarian

Cece Loves Science: Push and Pull by Kimberly Derting and Shelli R. Johannes (Reader) Teacher Ms. Curie has tasked Cece and her friends with creating a machine using the forces of push and pull to dispense a treat to Cece’s dog Einstein. Will they be able to pull it off?

Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. • 126 S. State St. •

Recommended Reads from Mindy Bilyeu, Adult Services Librarian

Chill, Chomp, Chill! by Chris Ayala-Kronos (Picture Book) Chomp is a dinosaur with absolutely zero chill. He stomps, he roars and he chomps. When Chomp uses his mantra Chill, Chomp, Chill, and counts to five, he learns to turn his anger around and be a good friend.

Learning America: One Woman’s Fight for Educational Justice for Refugee Children by Luma Mufleh (Nonfiction) Mufleh is the founder of Fugees Family, with schools in Ohio and Georgia, bringing educational equity to refugee resettlement communities across America.  Our Class: Trauma and Transformation in an American Prison by Chris Hedges (Nonfiction) This memoir takes readers into the lives of men in a New Jersey prison who were all but destined to become incarcerated because of their impoverished and dangerous childhoods and shows why criminal justice reform is so essential.

The Westerville Public Library Phone: 614-882-7277

Beat the middle school math blues with this guidebook that helps to explain those tricky math concepts in vibrant graphics and easily understandable text. Sadiq and the Big Election by Siman Nuurali (First Chapter) Somali American third-grader Sadiq is excited about the upcoming election for student government. When he makes up his mind to run, he finds out his good friend is running for the same position. Will this ruin their friendship?

The Child is the Teacher: A Life of Maria Montessori by Cristina De Stefano (Biography) Maria grew up in Italy and was inspired by the work being done with children from the slums of the San Lorenzo neighborhood. She is the creator of the Montessori method for teaching children.

The Moonlight School by Suzanne Woods Fisher (Fiction)

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