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Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Foreword This book has been produced by the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) ePortfolio team and is funded by a Teaching Excellence Award presented to Mr. Dean Fisher of the English Language Centre.
Dear CityU Colleagues, In my time at City University of Hong Kong I have become more and more interested in how people learn and how different teaching techniques and strategies facilitate learning. Universities worldwide have recognised the positive impact that the ePortfolio can have on learning, how it can encourage effective learning habits and how it puts onus on the learner to prove to the teacher and to themselves that they have mastered what they set out to achieve. I use the word ‘can’ because the ePortfolio is only a tool. It is what teachers and students do with the tool that impacts learning. The purpose of this book is therefore to give teachers insight into how the ePortfolio might be used in teaching to enhance learning through the presentation and discussion of ten different CityU case studies. Wherever possible we have tried to include the voices of both teachers and students. Innovations in education are invariably challenging and this book not only acknowledges the benefits of ePortfolios for learning, but also presents possible solutions to the challenges identified by the teachers in this book. Teachers become better teachers by asking themselves questions to solve problems and in the same way this book provides a framework with guiding questions and principles to help teachers make key decisions about why and how they might integrate ePortfolios into their courses. Links to online resources created specifically for CityU by the ePortfolio team, and useful outside resources, are included here to provide valuable support. The electronic version of this book and further information about ePortfolios at CityU can be found at: www.cityu.edu.hk/edge/eportfolio/casestudies. The CityU ePortfolio team wishes to warmly thank all the teachers who have contributed to this book. We sincerely hope you enjoy reading it and feel inspired to use ePortfolios with your students. Dean Fisher Foreword
Introduction to ePortfolios
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum
20 benefits 04
A framework 07
Introduction to the case studies 11
Course integration
What are ePortfolios for learning? 01 Why use ePortfolios? 03
1 Encouraging student reflection
2 Facilitating reflection & collaboration
3 Assessment rubrics as guides for developing ePortfolios
4 Assessment for social work research and evaluation
5 Assessment for language learning
Programme integration
Experiential learning
7 Exchange experience ePortfolios
8 Industrial and professional training ePortfolios
6 Undergraduate experience ePortfolios
Career preparation
9 The ePortfolio as a digital CV
10 ePortfolios for job searching
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Instructional design 53
Tips for getting started Generic structure 57 Templates 59 Roadmap for success 61
Resources 63
References 67
Acknowledgements 71
Introduction to ePortfolios
What are ePortfolios for learning?
An ePortfolio is a way of presenting yourself online, a multimedia environment of personal artifacts selected for a specific purpose from a personal repository or archive. In an ePortfolio you can showcase your best work to present evidence of your expertise and accomplishments to a specific audience such as an employer or a teacher. Used as a learning and management tool, the ePortfolio facilitates an approach to self-directed, evidence-based and lifelong learning.
Employment & Professional Development Institutional Enhancement
Articulation of expertise & achievements
Career planning & preparation
Tenure review, awards, promotion
Performance assessment
Reflective practice
Evidence collection
Evaluation/Quality assurance
Enhancement of Learning & Teaching
Diverse Uses of ePortfolios in Higher Education
Motivation & engagement
Goal setting & action planning
Reflection/Reflective practice
Learning & knowledge management
University study guidance
Learning community
Student at-risk assistance
Lifelong learning
Academic Advising
Figure 1: Diverse Uses of ePortfolios in Higher Education
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
ePortfolios are more than a presentation tool (product). They can also be used to manage learning (process) and to develop your online persona (self).
Personal particulars
Values & beliefs Goals
Plan execution Documentation
Graduate Employment
Interests & hobbies
Presentation Figure 2: ePortfolios: Self + Process + Product
What are ePortfolios for learning?
Introduction to ePortfolios
Why use ePortfolios?
Research findings suggest that ePortfolios can: 01 help first year students transit from secondary schools into universities, and make their learning experience more engaging (e.g. Kift & Nelson, 2005; Riedinger, 2004); 02 encourage reflection, which is an important part of learning (e.g. Barrett, 2004; Greenberg, 2004; Kember, 2000; MacDonald et al. 2004); 03 encourage independent learning (e.g. Mahoney, 2007; Siemens, 2004); 04 guide students to develop desired graduate attributes, outcomes or skills (e.g. Leece, 2005; McCowan & Finn, 2007); 05 develop employability skills (e.g. Carliner, 2005; Love et al. 2004; McCowan et al. 2005); 06 help demonstrate learners’ achievements and growth over time (e.g. Barrett, 2000; Foley, 2008); 07 prepare learners for lifelong learning (e.g. Cambridge, 2008; Charlesworth & Home, 2005); 08 function as an effective tool for course and programme evaluation (e.g. Barrett, 2005; Lewis & Baggett, 2008; Mason et al. 2004); 09 facilitate communication and collaboration in higher education (e.g. Gordin et al. 2003; Stevenson, 2006); 10 function as an effective tool for professional appraisal in higher education (e.g. Batson, 2010; Halstead, 2005; Kardos et al. 2009).
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum
20 benefits
The table below lists 20 generally accepted benefits of using ePortfolios. Though most often seen as a product for showcasing best work, the process of development dovetails well with current educational practices while also having intrinsic value for the individual. How many of these benefits coincide with your own values about teaching and learning? Tick the benefits that appeal to you.
Benefits of ePortfolios as a Product
Tick those which appeal to you
01 They allow students to select work to demonstrate and evidence their learning outcomes and accomplishments. 02 They can incorporate videos, pictures and other multimedia for a more diverse and dynamic presentation of accomplishments. 03 They can be shared, accessed and duplicated by stakeholders, such as teachers and the university, for review and documentation. 04 They encourage the application of integrated skills. 05 They support evidence-based assessment and enhance course/programme review, evaluation and benchmarking. 06 They enable students to showcase and celebrate their development and accomplishments. Table 1: Benefits of ePortfolios as a Product
20 benefits
Benefits of ePortfolios for Managing the Learning Process
Tick those which appeal to you
07 They motivate students to take ownership of their learning. 08 They enable students to take control of their learning through setting goals and/or identifying intended learning outcomes, planning and managing their learning.
09 They help learners to make connections between learning experiences.
10 They encourage reflection, self-evaluation and critical thinking. 11 They provide opportunities for collaboration and feedback from peers and the teacher.
12 They enable students to practise and develop IT and media production skills.
13 They cultivate the idea of lifelong learning and development. 14 They help students with transitions from school to university, and from graduation to employment.
15 They facilitate an evidence-based approach to learning and teaching and therefore dovetail well with the principles of Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL).
16 They can incorporate different kinds of guidance to support learning. Table 2: Benefits of ePortfolios for Managing the Learning Process
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
ePortfolios for the Self
Tick those which appeal to you
17 They emphasise what a learner CAN do. 18 They make the thinking behind the work explicit for the benefit of the student and the teacher. 19 They provide a platform for presenting a multi-faceted online identity.
20 They enable students to achieve a better self-understanding. Table 3: Benefits of ePortfolios for the Self
The above benefits can only be realised if the ePortfolio is integrated into a pedagogy that emphasises and supports a particular way of learning. The following pages will provide guiding questions to help you with the practicalities of integrating ePortfolios into your courses.
20 benefits
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum
A framework
How do I plan the integration of ePortfolios into my course? Part of the planning process for integrating ePortfolios into
Learning occurs in both personal and social domains and, as
a course or a programme should involve the consideration
such, teachers should decide whether emphasis will be put
of how ePortfolio use is related to the intended learning
on the ePortfolio as a platform for personal learning activities
outcomes (ILOs). Will ePortfolios be used in teaching and
or social interaction. Teachers need to provide clear guidance
learning activities (TLAs) to enable students to develop and
on the kinds of artifacts their students are expected to
accomplish the outcomes? Will the ePortfolio incorporate
produce, select and reflect on. Clear directions regarding the
assessment tasks (ATs) for demonstrating and assessing
content, structure, purpose and audience of the ePortfolio can
these outcomes?
be provided within the ePortfolio architecture in the form of a specially designed template or sample portfolio.
When students construct their ePortfolio, they need to have a very clear idea about what they are expected to do and why. It
The following framework presents an action plan for course
is essential that they understand how their ePortfolio will relate
integration within an outcomes-based structure and
to their learning and the kinds of opportunities it will provide for
depicts the dynamic interrelations between various critical
expanding and deepening their learning experiences.
components. It covers some of the questions teachers need to consider at the levels of process and product for the successful integration of ePortfolios into their courses. It shows the kinds of decisions teachers are required to make about instructional design so as to create the kinds of learning opportunities that will foster deeper learning. The case studies in the following sections illustrate how teachers in diverse disciplines at CityU have answered these questions to achieve the integration of ePortfolios into their courses.
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
ePortfolio Content
Goal setting
Individual work
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
Teaching & Learning Activities (TLAs)
Social •
Peer feedback
Group reflection
Group work
Peer assessment
Instruction, decision & selection process
Assessment Tasks (ATs)
Curriculum & instructional design
Figure 3: ePortfolio Course Integration Framework: An Overview
A framework
ePortfolio Content •
Make the purpose of the portfolio evident to your students. Make it clear who they are
Personal •
learning preferences and styles.
writing to and why. •
It may be useful to provide an ePortfolio
Use the portfolio to help your students engage
Decide what artifacts will serve as evidence of learning.
questions, models of reflection, prompts. •
Enable students to discover connections between theory and practice, different
Help your students understand how important reflection is for learning.
Decide what sort of scaffolding you will use to help students with their thinking, e.g.
with the course intended learning outcomes. •
Decide whether to encourage your students to add personal goals to their portfolios.
template. •
Provide students with space to explore their
disciplines, etc. •
To what extent will your students be able
What kind of support do you need
to choose the content, and organise and
– technical or pedagogical?
personalise their portfolios? •
Design rubrics that allow your students to assess their progress.
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) •
Decide which outcomes will be assessed through the ePortfolio.
Teaching & Learning Activities (TLAs) •
Think about how to adapt/enhance your TLAs to suit ePortfolio integration.
Social •
Allocate time for peer and teacher feedback on ePortfolio work.
Would it be useful to use extra Web tools in the portfolio to
Assessment Tasks (ATs) •
Write student-friendly rubrics to
Will reflection form part of the evidence of learning and therefore be assessed?
help your students assess each other.
Make it clear to your students what details are required in their portfolio to authenticate evidence.
facilitate collaboration? •
Put formative assessment procedures in place.
Are there clear rubrics in place for assessment?
Figure 4: ePortfolio Course Integration Framework
A framework
Introduction to the case studies
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
At CityU, we have collaborated extensively with many dedicated teachers to integrate ePortfolios into the curriculum. In this section, ten of these teachers discuss their experiences of using ePortfolios in different contexts and for different purposes. In addition to basic information such as the course/programme, semester and student numbers involved, each teacher provides a brief summary of how the ePortfolios were used and some personal comments. They also highlight specific challenges they have encountered. Possible solutions to the challenges are suggested by both the teachers themselves and the ePortfolio team. Readers who wish to further investigate any particular case are encouraged to follow the links to both the course templates and sample student ePortfolios.
Introduction to the case studies
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum: Course integration
Encouraging student reflection
If students take ePortfolios seriously, they can be very useful for students to track what they have learned in class.
Dr. Paul Shin
Department of Biology and Chemistry
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
How were ePortfolios used? In order to engage students more actively and reflectively in the learning activities, ePortfolios were integrated into the course and students were required to regularly write down their reflection upon the learning activities.
Comments from the teacher
01 In weeks 2, 7 and 13 students were asked to select and comment on one news item related to environmental conservation. 02 For the end-of-semester field camp experience, students had to a) understand why they had to join the camp, b) think about the outcomes they should expect from it, and c) plan what they could do to help achieve these outcomes. After the
When students say something like ‘I had the lecture and realise that I don’t understand...’ or ‘I did the quizzes but I still can’t do it....’ in their ePortfolios, I know their problems and can pay more attention to them. So ePortfolios provide another platform for communication between me and my students. If students take ePortfolios seriously, they can be very useful for students to track what they have learned in class.
field camp, students a) recorded their learning experiences through reflective writing, and b) critically thought about classmates’ and teacher’s feedback.
Environmental Conservation and Resources Management (BCH4039) 49 students in Semester A, 2009-10
Case Study 1: Encouraging student reflection
Possible solutions
Reading students’ ePortfolios and giving prompt feedback is
01 Next time I will make it a course requirement for my
“ “
very time-consuming especially when the class is big: It’s a lot of work... It requires a lot of commitment
explain that I will give feedback to my students in other ways
from teachers.
and that their comments on each others’ work will help me
In fact, if you don’t have enough time, I think it
inform my teaching practice and consequently provide my
is better not to use ePortfolios. Students expect prompt feedback. Timing for comments is very important. They don’t want your comments to come back after a few weeks.
Convincing co-teachers on a course to use ePortfolios can be
students to provide feedback to each other instead. I need to
to see what and how well they are learning, which will in turn students with a better course. 02 Successful examples of integrating ePortfolios into courses can be convincing for teachers who are in doubt. 03 Preparation in terms of concrete plans and sufficient technical support may motivate teachers to try out the
If a course is not run by yourself alone, you need to convince your co-teachers to use ePortfolios, which can be a tough job to do.
Comments from a student Kenny Ka Chuen Hui (Year 2, 2009-10) BSc (Hons) Architectural Studies
It works best when you have to reflect on your own study throughout a specific period of time. And this tool can help keep a record of your own development, say, for a course.
I have developed the skill of frequently recording my own Figure 5: Kenny Hui’s ePortfolio: My Learning Log
progress and the attitude to trying my best to accomplish all goals set previously.
Template: sites.google.com/site/templatelearningbch
Sample: goo.gl/XL0Xl
Case Study 1: Encouraging student reflection
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum: Course integration
Facilitating reflection and collaboration
I have used ePortfolios in another course. This ePortfolio was particularly effective in terms of peer-peer/peer-teacher interaction.
Dr. Connie Ng Department of English
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
How were ePortfolios used? Students were required to reflect weekly upon their learning in a learning log. Coursework artifacts related to classroom activities such as a telecommunications role play, informative interview, and a final presentation, which were presented in the learning logs. Three other functions were integrated into the ePortfolio to enhance communication and interaction among all members of the class. 01 A comment function was added so that students could
The interaction model is illustrated below: Every student owns their ePortfolio
ePortfolio Student
Peer review & comments
Students can access the teacher’s course blog and leave comments
Students can click on classmates’ learning logs and leave comments in their portfolios
learn from and reflect upon comments from their teachers and peers. 02 A teacher’s blog (en2855.blogspot.com) was created for the teacher’s general advice, announcements, instructions and other messages. Students could also leave comments and exchange ideas through the blog. 03 A mechanism was used to aggregate students’ logs and display them next to the teacher’s blog so that all students and teachers could go to the same page to read all the updates and news. From there, they could also choose to browse each
Announcements and shared materials
Students’ learning log entries
Teacher’s course blog
Profile Summary Showcase Performance
Learning log Each ePortfolio contains 4 pages (generic structure) + learning log/repository
The system gathers all the learning logs from students’ portfolios and automatically displays them on the teacher’s course blog sidebar
others’ ePortfolios. Figure 6: Interaction Model to Facilitate Reflection and Collaboration in ePortfolios
Image Management for Professionals (EN2855) 70 students in Summer Term, 2009-10
Case Study 2: Facilitating reflection & collaboration
Possible solutions
Though the teacher was happy with the integration of the
01 It is very important that students are taught to understand
collaborative tools within the ePortfolio environment, she was
and appreciate the value of peer feedback.
disappointed with the quantity of student peer feedback.
Students were not very active in giving feedback to each other. The mechanism was not fully utilised. This was partly because students did not take doing summer courses very seriously and that one was a speaking course. Many of them had part-time jobs at that time and probably that’s why they did not bother to comment on other
02 A class participation grade can be used as an incentive for students to write comments and provide feedback on others’ comments. 03 I think teachers could also discuss some of the students’ work and comments in class to arouse more interest in reading the learning logs and ePortfolios.
students’ ePortfolios. Another reason might be because they were not required to do it as part of the assessment.
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Comments from a student Jane Yanan Wang (Year 3, 2009-10) BBA (Hons) Accountancy
“ “ “
Portfolios help us reflect our learning process throughout the way.
It’s a good way for students to document what they have done before and measure their improvement throughout a certain period.
Using an ePortfolio helps me accumulate evidence of past achievements and form the habit of doing self-reflection periodically. Figure 7: Jane Wang’s ePortfolio: Profile
Template: sites.google.com/site/learningportfolioforen2855
Sample: goo.gl/0GpWN
Case Study 2: Facilitating reflection & collaboration
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum: Course integration
Assessment rubrics as guides for developing ePortfolios
Using a grading rubric helped students make choices regarding the content and design of their ePortfolios.
Ms. Hokling Cheung Office of Education Development and General Education
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
How were ePortfolios used?
Comments from the teacher
A reflective ePortfolio built around one’s teaching philosophy and teaching practice was required for research students who had or would have teaching duties. The course introduces learning theories, CityU’s teaching and learning environment and some practical teaching and communication
The assessment rubric was discussed by the teaching team over several meetings. It helped clarify and align the assignment better with the course intended learning outcomes. More importantly, it provided useful guidance for
skills. The reflective ePortfolio aims to encourage students to
systematic feedback to students before and after
organise and reflect on what they have learned and practised
submission of the assignment.
in the course, and to facilitate continuous development and reflection on teaching practice. Assessment rubrics were used as aids to guide the development of the ePortfolio, and to provide timely and standardised feedback.
Using ePortfolios was a really effective way of getting postgraduate students to reflect on their learning and teaching practice. I also believe that all teachers can benefit from developing their own professional teaching portfolios
Teaching Students: First Steps (SG8001) 131 students in Semester A, 2009-10 79 students in Semester B, 2009-10
Case study 3: Assessment rubrics as guides for developing ePortfolios
Challenges Though students reported that the rubrics were useful, reaching consensus on rubrics related to reflection and teaching philosophy took time and effort for the teaching team. Some practical issues such as the allocation of grades also had to be resolved.
Possible Solutions 01 When ePortfolios are assessed rubrics become essential. 02 We should see the development of a rubric as a chance for the teaching team to reflect on the course intended learning outcomes and how the assignment can help students demonstrate their accomplishment of them. 03 Existing assessment rubrics available from the literature or on the Web would be helpful.
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Comments from a student
G. G. Md. Nawaz Ali (PhD candidate, 2009-10) PhD Computer Science
I use the link of my ePortfolio as a part of my signature in my email, which is a very fruitful and convenient way to help other people know me.
ePortfolios help me to set my career goals and aspiration. To create my ePortfolio, I have brainstormed to find out why I am unique, what characteristics make me different from others and which direction I should follow to reach my goal.
Certainly, to prepare the ePortfolio I had to learn a number of different technical skills (such as all the technical matters of Google site builder, Audio/Video editing, using scripting languages
Figure 8: Nawaz Ali’s ePortfolio: Home Page
Before preparing my own ePortfolio, my ideas, views and my accomplishments were scattered, but through preparing my ePortfolio I have organised all of these things. It helps me to think who I am, what I have done so far, what I intend
i.e. CSS, HTML) that perhaps I wouldn’t have
to do and so what I have yet to do to reach my
learned if I hadn’t created that ePortfolio.
Template: https://sites.google.com/site/sg80012010bept/
Sample: http://goo.gl/Sxcjz
Case study 3: Assessment rubrics as guides for developing ePortfolios
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum: Course integration
Assessment for social work research and evaluation
Through these portfolios, peer learning and assessment are feasible, viable, and pedagogically valuable.
Dr. Tak Yan Lee
Department of Applied Social Studies
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
How were ePortfolios used? The ePortfolio was used as both an education and assessment
04 A group research proposal: Students completed a group
tool. Students were assessed on the following tasks:
research proposal emphasising the application of knowledge and skills of social work research and evaluation processes.
01 Weekly assignments: Students were guided to work on two
Completed and/or revised assignments were put into the
topics each week during class. Students posted their initial
ePortfolio through which students could also monitor their own
work on the Discussion Board in Blackboard. Both classmates
learning progress against professional standards.
and the teacher added their comments to the work and the students then used this feedback to improve what they had
Comments from the teacher
done. Final versions of the 20 assignments were posted in the ePortfolios. 02 Self-evaluation of one’s performance in the weekly assignments: Students followed the assessment rubrics consisting of the intended learning outcomes of each topic and
assessment criteria. The self-evaluation form was submitted for the teacher’s review via the ePortfolio. 03 Selection of the five best weekly assignments for showcasing in the ePortfolio.
ePortfolios have the power to enable sharing among students. In our weekly assignments, students posted their work on the Web as a kind of sharing. So they knew how other students had been doing (peer sharing). I think this is very powerful in terms of teaching and learning. Through these portfolios, peer learning and assessment are feasible, viable, and pedagogically valuable.
Social Work Research and Evaluation (SS4114) 76 students in Semester B, 2009-10
Case study 4: Assessment for social work research and evaluation
Challenges Using ePortfolios for assessment is very time-consuming if the class is big:
One of the major problems for me is that the class size was too big. I had difficulties in evaluating each of my students’ weekly assignments.
Possible Solutions 01 I think this is an area in which teaching assistants could provide useful support. 02 However, instead of grading and commenting on each weekly assignment, I can incorporate more peer feedback and assessment into the course. Students can be trained to give better quality comments by using specific feedback techniques. Part of the assessment then becomes the quality of feedback provided for other students. In addition to the five best assignments being showcased in the portfolio, students could also present examples of constructive peer feedback they provided. 03 An ePortfolio template designed specifically for this course would help me locate the assignments quickly.
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Comments from a student Hau Yan Chau (Year 3, 2009-10) BSocSc (Hons) Social Work
Doing an ePortfolio allowed and somehow forced me to focus on my topic, and to think of ways to present the message so that it arouses others’ interest. It is just like a platform that I can show anything I can imagine freely.
People love to have others’ comments on their work rather
Figure 9: Hau Yan Chau’s ePortfolio: Showcase
than doing something without any responses.
Template: sites.google.com/site/templatess4114
Sample: goo.gl/SymeK
Case study 4: Assessment for social work research and evaluation
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum: Course integration
Assessment for language learning
It was essential for me to think about what value I was adding to the learning process by adopting the ePortfolio and to communicate this to my students.
Mr. Dean Fisher
The English Language Centre
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
How were ePortfolios used? The ePortfolio was used to support independent learning and more than 45 teachers were involved in teaching this course. Spoken Language students on the 48-hour Spoken Language course were required to complete a 12-hour independent learning project in which they worked to improve identified areas of weakness in speaking and listening. Example goals might be 1) to use the past tense appropriately when recounting personal experiences, 2) to improve one’s knowledge of how words link together in speech, or 3) to improve one’s ability to listen for details in newscasts. Students used the ePortfolio to: 01 write up their learning plans 02 comment on the plans of others
Comments from the teacher
“ “
Links inside the portfolios to animated guides helped students build their ePortfolios independently. Initially, an ePortfolio help desk manned by student helpers was made available during lunch times, but as our students became more confident with the ePortfolio tools, this service was needed less and less. I needed to think more about how to build a meaningful collaborative learning element into the ePortfolio structure. Integrating ePortfolios successfully into a course requires a shift in pedagogical perspective, a paradigm shift, in which the learner and learning are seen as central to the teaching process.
03 upload examples of their work 04 create a 7-minute digital story in which they visually presented significant aspects of their work and reflected on their independent learning experience.
Spoken Language (EL0221)
More than 4,500 students in 2008-09 and 2010-11
Case study 5: Assessment for language learning
Challenges for the teachers 01 Unlike most of the other case studies described, the
formative feedback and reflection. Consequently, some
teachers of Spoken Language did not choose to include the
students left the major part of their independent learning work
ePortfolio in this course. It was a course requirement.
until the end of the course.
02 Several teachers were not comfortable with the technology and felt responsible and frustrated when their students encountered problems they were unable to solve. 03 Due to the online nature of the portfolios, teachers felt an added pressure to monitor peer feedback and provide comments in the ePortfolio when there was not always time to do so.
Possible solutions 01 An ePortfolio which plays a major role in supporting the core part of the course would probably be seen as more relevant and more central to the learning process. The Spoken Language course could, for example, be designed around specific speaking and listening projects in which the ePortfolio
04 I think it’s fair to say that the ePortfolio was not seen as
forms an integral part. If ePortfolios were used more in class
an integrated, core element of the course and therein lies the
time, then more feedback can be given in class and less
major problem. Several teachers saw it as an unnecessary
addition to an ‘independent learning component’ that was itself regarded as an add-on to the core part of the course.
02 If an English language portfolio was integrated at the programme level as a means of presenting students’ language capabilities and levels of English to interviewers for internships,
Challenges for the students
overseas exchanges, and for eventual employment, the
01 A lot of language work was naturally done on paper and
begin to select their best work for display and self-promotion.
this was collected over the semester as evidence inside a paper portfolio. Selecting some of this evidence and scanning it into a digital story was seen by some students as an extra unnecessary step and unrelated to language learning.
portfolio would assume a more meaningful role as students
03 We could better integrate the language ePortfolio with the undergraduate experience and graduate outcomes by using the portfolio to facilitate working with language across the curriculum, particularly English in the discipline.
02 Students tended to focus on the ePortfolio as a product
04 Finally, motivating teachers to work together to create their
to be assessed at the end of the course, whereas the
own professional teaching ePortfolio would help them feel more
course required teachers to emphasise the learning process,
at ease with the technology involved.
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Comments from a student Zihan Wu (Year 1, 2009-10) BEng (Hons) Electronic and Communication Engineering
From my point of view, an ePortfolio provides a good platform for everyone to share their work with others and, through this exchange, they can get more suggestions as well as confidence, by which they can achieve further improvements. I have learned how to take advantage of others’ strengths and consider others’ suggestions to offset my own weakness.
I learned critical thinking after each learning activity.
Figure 10: Zihan Wu’s ePortfolio: My Digital Story
By the way of reflection, I know what my next step is and the actions I need to take, by which I can achieve my goals more efficiently.
Template: http://sites.google.com/site/el0401st06afreaaafrad/
Sample: http://goo.gl/iB4tn
Case study 5: Assessment for language learning
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum: Programme integration
Undergraduate experience ePortfolios
Through the ePortfolio, I’ve learned a lot about my students. It’s a great way for me to connect with them on a personal level, and makes what I teach in my class more relevant to my students.
Dr. Jackie Lou Department of English
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
How were ePortfolios used? Starting with the 2009 cohort, first year students in the BAEPC programme were encouraged to use ePortfolios to document their academic studies, extra-curricular activities and language learning. More specifically, students were asked to: 01 Reflect on the programme intended learning outcomes (PILOs), set university goals and make action plans. 02 Select some of their most representative work to showcase their learning. Items selected could be course assignments and/or evidence of participation in extra-curricular activities. 03 Record and reflect on their language learning. A learning log with separate subheadings for reading, listening, writing and
Comments from the teacher
speaking was embedded in this ePortfolio. The learning log
connections between the coursework and the programme learning outcomes. Thinking about the goals and selecting the best evidence make students think about the purpose of the assignments, which seems to be a very helpful
also served as a repository from which students could select work/evidence for showcasing.
We are concerned with students’ ability to make
exercise. Through the ePortfolio, I’ve learned a lot about my students. It’s a great way for me to connect with them on a personal level, and makes what I teach in my class more relevant to my students.
English for Professional Communication (BAEPC) 84 students in 2009-10
Case study 6: Undergraduate experience ePortfolios
Challenges Students are less motivated when it is optional for them to develop an ePortfolio:
I think my biggest challenge is to keep students’ momentum going. The ePortfolio is required at the programme level and it is supposed to be continued after the first year, possibly for three years. It will be ideal if students can take the initiative and keep updating, but this is difficult.
Possible solutions 01 Class competitions and regular reminder emails may create incentives for students to keep updating their ePortfolios. 02 A programme level ePortfolio linked to PILOS might be more useful. Students could use it to demonstrate their achievement of the programme outcomes over time (4 years) and the portfolio could be made credit-bearing. 03 Individual course/learning portfolios can be linked to the programme portfolio. 04 Integrating ePortfolios into a final year course, or as an exit requirement, may encourage students to continue using ePortfolios to manage their learning and development. 05 Building up an online learning repository would also be useful for the employment portfolio.
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Comments from a student Jenifer Wing Yee Ho (Year 2, 2009-10) BA (Hons) English for Professional Communication
Before creating my ePortfolio, I only had a vague idea of what I wanted to do in my university life. I just focused on the present. In the process of creating my ePortfolio, I started to look beyond the present. I try to plan ahead. For example, when choosing which courses to take at the beginning of the semester, instead of focusing on the difficulty of the course, and whether my friends are in the class or not, I now focus on the relationship between the intended learning outcomes of the course and my future career, see if they match or not. I believe that in this way I can make the most of my
Figure 11: Jenifer Ho’s ePortfolio: Summary
university life to prepare me for the future. Template: sites.google.com/site/baepclearningportfolio/
Sample: goo.gl/KHusu
Case study 6: Undergraduate experience ePortfolios
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum: Experiential learning
Exchange experience ePortfolios
By looking at the experiences of students in the exchange programme, I can improve counseling to my next student cohort before they go for the exchange.
Ms. Tania Lau and Dr. Ron Kwok Department of Information Systems
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
How were ePortfolios used?
02 Students were asked to critically assess their overseas exchange experiences through regular reflection.
This ePortfolio was used to document students’ overseas exchange experiences, to help them reflect on a regular basis
03 Students were encouraged to learn from and provide
and to facilitate peer interaction. While this ePortfolio shared
support for each other by leaving comments on each others’
many common features with other types of ePortfolios (i.e.
documentation, reflection and peer interaction), it also provided a platform for students on their own in a foreign country to
04 Teachers regularly read students’ ePortfolios and gave
share their experiences and support each other. In addition,
constructive comments.
ePortfolios made it possible for teachers in Hong Kong to become aware of students’ difficulties and to provide timely help. Some key features are summarised as follows: 01 Students were asked to demonstrate their understanding of business opportunities using IT in universities/organisations overseas by documenting their observations.
Comments from the teacher
By looking at the experiences of students in the exchange programme, I can improve counseling to my next student cohort before they go for the exchange.
Exchange Experience Assessment I (IS4935A) Exchange Experience Assessment II (IS4935B) 55 students in Semester B and Summer Term, 2009-10
Case study 7: Exchange experience ePortfolios
Challenges If students do not update their ePortfolios regularly while on their exchange, reaching them is not as easy as when they are in Hong Kong. We set three deadlines for the ePortfolio tasks that students were required to complete during their exchange programme. I had to send emails regularly to remind them of the deadlines, but as the students were not in Hong Kong, they seldom checked their emails.
Possible solutions 01 It would probably be more effective to use popular social interaction platforms, such as Facebook, to post announcements. 02 Increasing the weighting of ePortfolio assignments would encourage students to take them more seriously. 03 I could ask my students to communicate with me via their ePortfolio before they leave Hong Kong as a way of understanding the significance of their ePortfolio work. In their learning log or blog, they could outline some of their expectations and one or two goals they hope to achieve and why, and share these with their teacher and classmates. They can then refer to these in their later reflection.
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Comments from a student Man Chung Chan (Year 2, 2009-10) BBA (Hons) Global Business System Management
Though the ePortfolio is quite good and user-friendly from my point of view, there is room for improvement. First, the website cannot be opened by some Internet browsers such as Safari, and, secondly, it would be nice if students can develop their ePortfolios through their iPod, iPad or iPhone.
Figure 12: Man Chung Chan’s ePortfolio: Profile
Template: sites.google.com/site/ exchangeexperienceassessmenti
Sample: goo.gl/d0IC6
Case study 7: Exchange experience ePortfolios
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum: Experiential learning
Industrial and professional training ePortfolios
The ePortfolio provides a systematic way to look at the details of students’ progress.
Dr. Jackson Kong and Mr. C.K. Yip Division of Building Science and Technology
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
How were ePortfolios used? This course provided hands-on experience for students to learn construction practices and to recognise technical, management, and health and safety issues in the construction industry. During summer, students were sent to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) to complete 56 hours of
Comments from the teacher
From the information that we got from the ePortfolios, we summarised the difficulties that students encountered, so we could refine our teaching and learning strategies and streamline our curriculum. In short, based on what we observed
industrial training. Most of the activities were conducted in a
from the portfolios, we were able to better integrate
workshop environment during which students were required to
the different parts of our curriculum.
complete various activities such as casting concrete elements and making timber formworks. In this course, the ePortfolio allowed students to record and reflect on their learning experiences and difficulties encountered in the training. As the course emphasised experiential learning, ePortfolios
The ePortfolio provides a systematic way to look at the details of students’ progress.
constituted an effective platform for students to submit audio/ video evidence of their learning outcomes. More specifically, two types of evidence were required: 01 A digital story: using a video format, students summarised their achievements and reflected on them after the course. 02 Photos: photos with descriptions were required to evidence work and learning in each subject area; namely, concrete, steel, falsework and formwork, brickwork and plastering, NDT and anchoring.
Workshop and Professional Practices (BST11395) 66 students in Summer Term, 2009-10
Case study 8: Industrial and professional training ePortfolios
Possible solutions
As teachers update courses from time to time, ePortfolio
01 It would be a good idea to collaborate with the ePortfolio
templates need to be updated accordingly, which causes
team to arrange training workshops and materials for both
technical difficulties.
students and teachers.
If you want to incorporate some changes into the template, you have to change it or ask your students to change it. But neither my students nor I are familiar with the techniques. This is a big problem.
02 Technical support after training would also be extremely beneficial. Teachers can consult ePortfolio team technicians to help them update templates. In the long run, acquiring the skills and techniques to develop ePortfolios and update templates can be an added value for both teachers and students.
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Comments from a student Hiu Kwan Lee (Year 1, 2009-10) ASc Construction Engineering and Management
After the creation of the ePortfolio, I realise that I really did learn from my study, and I could possibly reflect throughout the section. It gives me a thought again on how I should prepare myself for my future career.
By doing the ePortfolio, it gives me a chance to reflect and consolidate what I have learned. As I have done the ePortfolio about my industrial training, most of the training time we did practices, therefore it was difficult to have time to analyse and generalise the things I learned. It was a really helpful way of reminding me what I have learned.
Different people will have different points of view. I do think that we can learn from each others’ ePortfolios by reading about their Figure 13: Hiu Kwan Lee’s ePortfolio: Reflections
learning experiences.
Template: sites.google.com/site/portfoliobst11395
Sample: goo.gl/YJUdn
Case study 8: Industrial and professional training ePortfolios
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum: Career preparation
The ePortfolio as a digital CV
Students will treat the ePortfolio as a digital CV and treasure it because they understand that they need to prepare their CVs before they graduate.
Dr. Terence Cheung Department of Information Systems
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
How were ePortfolios used? In these courses, the ePortfolio was used as a digital CV to prepare students for job hunting. It showcased students’ achievements, such as competition awards and scholarships. Students were encouraged to collect artifacts regularly and to update their ePortfolios from time to time.
Comments from the teacher
I always believe that ePortfolios can enhance both teaching and learning. I think incentives should not be limited to pursuing better academic scores, but we can also take it from an achievement-oriented or career-oriented initiative. I believe everyone would like to look for a better job and plan for a better
Students were shown how to make their ePortfolios more
career, which could really motivate our students (and
visible to employers by using search engine optimisation (SEO)
all employees as well).
techniques so that their ePortfolios ranked higher on a search results page.
When I demonstrate some successful stories presented in my previous students’ ePortfolios to the new cohort at the beginning of the semester, freshmen will treat the ePortfolio as a digital CV and treasure it because they understand that they need to prepare their CVs before they graduate. If they don’t treat it as an assignment, they are more likely to update it purposefully and on a regular basis.
User Interface Design, Prototyping and Evaluation (IS4333) 85 students in Semester B, 2010-11
Digital Marketing and Customer Relationship Management (IS4246) 39 students in Semester B, 2010-11
Case study 9: The ePortfolio as a digital CV
Challenges Motivation has always been an important concern for me:
Last year, I embedded ePortfolios into the course and allocated 5% of the course grade as an
05 I decided to integrate an employment ePortfolio into the course to help final year students develop their digital CVs and market themselves on the Internet for job placement.
incentive. But for this year, I took away this incentive and students were less motivated to write or polish their ePortfolios.
Possible solutions 01 I have found students are more motivated by successful stories of using ePortfolios for job hunting. 02 The first year is a critical moment to introduce the ePortfolio, because it can ensure the continuity in the demonstration of student progress and development throughout the three years of university study. 03 I encourage my students to pay attention to social networking platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn or About.me and consider them for either personal use or professional networking, but not for both with the same account. 04 In the future I could arrange some group meetings or activities to let students exchange ideas and get some advice from senior year students and graduates about ePortfolios for learning and career development.
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Comments from a student Chapman Hon Leung Ho (Year 3, 2009-10) BBA (Hons) Electronic Commerce
The Showcase helped me to communicate my experience to professional advisors such as programme leaders, professional alumni, and potential employers.
“ “
It facilitates learning and increases the chance of success.
Early planning is critical with ePortfolios. I started my study and career planning at a relatively early time, and it provided me with sufficient consultation and review chances to ensure I did not go in Figure 14: Chapman Ho’s ePortfolio: Showcase
the wrong direction. Also, the ePortfolio reminded me to manage my time and focus on my development subjects better.
Template: sites.google.com/site/eproadmapsuccesstemplate
Sample: goo.gl/CIh6N
Case study 9: The ePortfolio as a digital CV
Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum: Career preparation
ePortfolios for job searching
Good ePortfolios can impress potential employers. They can increase the chance of successful job hunting in addition to their intrinsic value.
Dr. Arthur Cheung
Department of Public and Social Administration
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
How were ePortfolios used? Final year students created an ePortfolio as an electronic CV. Each student reflected on his/her personal strengths and career aspirations, then consolidated an individual, tailormade ePortfolio that consisted of seven sections: profile, academic achievements, co-curricular merits, life and career goals, core values, core competences, and work experience. Students could include writings, photos, slideshows, graphic designs and other multimedia materials as concrete evidence to demonstrate their language ability, reflective thinking skills, analytical skills, creativity and other job-related competences to potential employers.
Comments from the teacher
“ “
I think that the ePortfolio is the future direction of university learning experience. We would like to help students start early and benefit from what ePortfolios can offer. Maybe it’s time to change. We can move from course and programme-based ePortfolios to ePortfolios for academic advising. If the University endorses the ideology of ePortfolios, does sufficient promotion and uses ePortfolios for whole person development, ePortfolios will become part of students’ campus life, a way of learning and a tool for teaching.
Living, Learning and Leading in the Workplace (SA2202) 114 students in Semester A, 2007-08 124 students in Semester A, 2008-09
Case study 10: ePortfolios for job searching
Challenges 01 Students question whether potential employers will actually read their ePortfolios, which makes it difficult to convince them to devote time and effort to developing one. 02 Teachers may find hard copies handier than electronic documents. When they receive ePortfolios, they need to log in, open individual accounts and locate the artifacts, which is time-consuming.
Possible solutions 01 Our initial research in 2010 suggests that, out of 36 employers interviewed, over 80% are “most likely” or “likely” to view job applicants’ ePortfolios if a link is provided in their application. The ePortfolio team is continuing this research, and it is hoped that the findings will show that ePortfolios can enhance employability and that it is worth making the effort to create an ePortfolio. 02 The use of well-designed templates and very specific instructions regarding the length and structure of assessed work uploaded to the ePortfolio should help streamline the process of locating the artifacts for grading and comments.
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Comments from a student Becky Kit Ling Yuen (Year 3, 2007-08) BSocSc (Hons) Policy Studies and Administration
In order to further make improvement in ePortfolios, I suggest opening the editing rights to everyone who knows the creator. This will enrich the content of the portfolio instead of just editing by the creator alone.
ePortfolios are both demonstrations of the user’s abilities and platforms for self-expression, and, as they are online, they can be maintained dynamically over time.
During the creation of ePortfolios by students, they can develop different presentation skills by using presentation software - Powerpoint
Figure 15: Becky Yuen’s ePortfolio: Self Introduction
and Illustrator etc. They will get to know more about themselves by preparing all personal information. Sample:
Case study 10: ePortfolios for job searching
Instructional design ePortfolio use encourages a shift of focus from teaching to learning. Just because something has been taught, it does not guarantee it has been learned. The success of ePortfoliomediated learning is dependent on an appropriate ePortfolio-mediated pedagogy. In other words, the ePortfolio does not magically enhance learning; it is what the teacher does with it that makes the learning more effective.
The teacher assesses the work and provides feedback.
ePortfolios help to facilitate, support and adopts a pedagogy that puts emphasis on a)
formative assessment
evidence-based learning
learning management
identifying connections in learning
The student decides how best to achieve each goal and works towards them.
enhance learning only when the instructor some, or preferably all, of the following:
A student identifies and sets goals.
A narrative is written to evidence achievement of the goal and to evaluate the level of achievement.
The diagram opposite shows a possible
The student decides whether or not, and how to make adjustments to his/her work in response to the feedback.
Peers and/or the teacher provide feedback on the work done.
learning cycle that could form part of this pedagogy. Figure 16: ePortfolios in the Learning Cycle
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
How do I introduce the idea of ePortfolios to my students?
"Teachers can use ePortfolios
Your students may never have used an ePortfolio as a learning tool and are likely
as a platform to communicate
correlation between the beliefs of teachers and their students, meaning that if a
to need convincing of its value for learning. In our experience there is a strong
with students. It can enhance
teacher believes firmly in the value of ePortfolios for learning, his/her students are
the understanding between
more likely to adopt a positive attitude towards them.
teachers and students outside
Clearly explain the purposes of the ePortfolio to your students. How is it going to
the classroom. It can also
add to their learning experience in your course and how will it help them to achieve
be used as a forum to share the learning experiences of a particular topic that are of interest to both parties."
the intended learning outcomes?
How can I make effective use of ePortfolios in my teaching? 1. Course Intended Learning Oucomes Encourage your students to engage more systematically with the intended learning
Jenifer Wing Yee Ho (Year 2, 2009-10) BA (Hons) English for Professional Communication
outcomes of the course (CILOs) so that these become their own goals. Students can be encouraged to personalise/internalise each of the CILOS in ways similar to the example below.
Select a focused research 20% topic and identify relevant scientific literature sources
Table 4: Students Personalise/Internalise the CILOS
Instructional design
2. Student Profiles
“By recording your goals and dreams on paper, you set in
Depending on what you ask your students to write in their Profile the ePortfolio can give you the opportunity to get to know each student individually; their strengths, concerns, interests, learning style preferences and short and long-term goals. This
motion the process of becoming
may help to strengthen teacher-student rapport and it could even serve to guide
the person you most want to be.”
some decisions you make in class about teaching content and learning activities.
Mark Victor Hansen
3. Reflection Provide opportunities for students to gain awareness of their strengths and weaknesses through self-reflection, peer review and teacher feedback enabling
“A good plan is like a road map:
students to enhance the quality of their work.
it shows the final destination
Give students space to learn through reflection to:
and usually the best way to get
increase self-awareness
acquire new knowledge
discover connections between theory and practice, and between different
H. Stanley Judd
disciplines, etc. Explore some ways reflection has been encouraged at CityU: a)
Look back at Case Study 1 to see how a teacher in the Department of Biology and Chemistry used ePortfolios to encourage deeper reflection on a field trip.
See a list of guiding questions for students in the Department of Information Systems to encourage reflection on their exchange experience. sites.google.com/site/exchangeexperienceassessmenti/s-u-m-m-a-r-y
More details on this course can be found in Case Study 7. c)
Find more help with reflection and two reflection games for students at: sites.google.com/site/eplearningworkshop/key-components/reflection
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
4. Providing evidence Teach your students how to evidence their achievement of goals with reference to the course ILOs and the assessment rubrics. Just as the formulation of well-designed questions is important for research purposes, formulate questions for your students that will guide them towards finding, creating or selecting artifacts that evidence the learning outcomes. Students can then make their claims with reference to these orginal questions. Your students should demonstrate their achievement of the goals/outcomes by selecting appropriate artifacts. An artifact becomes evidence of learning when students connect the artifact to the goal by justifying its relevance and evaluating its quality. This connection is important and it is sometimes called the narrative.
Evidence of learning Figure 17: Evidence of Learning
5. Collaboration a)
Create opportunities for your students to share their work and reflections with each other.
Encourage group reflection.
Allow students to work in groups for feedback and support.
Ensure that students evaluate their own work and each others’ against standards or criteria for further improvement.
Showcase students’ work in class.
Instructional design
Tips for getting started
Generic structure
How can I help my students to start using ePortfolios? Developed after extensive research across all types of portfolios, the generic structure illustrated below, provides a useful scaffold at CityU for many ePortfolio developers. Some of the case studies provide examples of how teachers and students have tailored the basic structure to their particular needs.
Personal particulars, biography, values & beliefs, interests & hobbies, etc.
Purpose, audience, achievement & development, reflection & future direction
Representative work & evidence
Official recognition of achievements, qualifications, contributions to social communities, participation in professional organisations Figure 18: Generic Structure of ePortfolios
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
In post-workshop surveys more than half the participants (students and teachers) felt that using the proposed generic structure was useful when creating their ePortfolios. Student feedback
Teacher feeback
I find the Generic Structure useful when I create my learning ePortfolio.
The Generic Structure is adequate for constructing an ePortfolio.
50% 20% 20%
16.5% 2.8%
Strongly Agree
Figure 19: Student Feedback on the Generic Structure
10% Strongly Agree
Figure 20: Teacher Feedback on the Generic Structure
Refer your students to the following ‘How To’ page for more guidance on adopting the generic structure: www.cityu.edu.hk/edge/eportfolio/how Generic structure
Tips for getting started
If I get my students to create a course ePortfolio how will it relate to the rest of their learning? By giving students the tools and the context necessary to construct and reflect upon their self-identity over time, ePortfolios have become a way for students to piece together the fragmented nature of their varied activities and courses into a trajectory of their educational and professional development. This also allows them a way to see the big picture in terms of their educational requirements, to visualise the path of their development as a whole person, and to take up broad responsibilities in a culturally diverse community (Shoikova, 2008).
“ePortfolio can enhance my learning by helping me relate what I have learned with my future goals. Through setting goals in my ePortfolio, I have a clear idea of what I want to achieve in my studies, so I have a higher motivation to work hard to achieve the goal. Also, by reflecting upon my learning experiences in the last semester, I know which aspects I need to improve, which can enhance my learning both inside and outside the classroom.� Jenifer Wing Yee Ho (Year 2, 2009-10) BA (Hons) English for Professional Communication
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
An undergraduate ePortfolio template
Personal Details
Purpose of this Portfolio
Selected Work #1
About Me
My Goals & Intended Learning Outcomes
Selected Work #n
Values & Beliefs
My Learning Outcomes & Accomplishments
Interests & Hobbies
Language learning
Academic studies
Exchange programme
My Learning Log
Awards Educational Background Other Co-curricular Activities Work Experience
Internship/ Work experience
Year 1
My Reading
Year 2
My Writing
Year 3
My Listening
My Speaking
Community service
Other co-/extra-curricular activities
Figure 21: The Structure of an Undergraduate ePortfolio Template
The above ePortfolio template illustrates how students may develop their ePortfolios throughout their undergraduate years. Using this template means that students are presented with a ready-made structure for their ePortfolio. As students progress through their undergraduate years, they showcase their best work from their academic courses as well as any co-curricular and extracurricular activities. To adopt the template, access the link below: sites.google.com/site/eproadmapsuccesstemplate
Tips for getting started
Roadmap for success
“When I started creating my
The Roadmap for University Success, developed by the CityU ePortfolio project
ePortfolio in the foundation
team, consists of a suite of templates to guide first-to-final year students through
year, I found there were
person development, the resource-rich templates offer models, references and tips
not many things to put in
university. Incorporating CityU’s Ideal Graduate Outcomes and emphasising wholefor ePortfolio development.
my ePortfolio as I seldom joined in activities. Since then, I’ve tried to take part in some meaningful activities, which makes my life more colourful and contributes to my whole person development.” Cherry Huanting Huang (Year 1, 2009-10) BEng (Hons) Electronic and Communication Engineering
Figure 22: Roadmap for University Success
Note: The Roadmap for University Success and the template introduced in the previous section use the same generic structure. The former is an online version with tips and references, while the latter can be downloaded for immediate adoption and further customisation. 61
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
The Showcase template below, for example, provides a suggested tabular format for showcasing work and achievements, as well as links to CityU co-curricular activities and resources for personal and academic development. The template simultaneously acts as a checklist for attainment of CityU’s desired graduate outcomes.
My Work
[Name of activity] [mm/yyyy]
Description & Reflection
Summarise what this work is, what knowledge
[Award, scores, grade
[Link to
and/or skills the work evidences and reflect on it.
and/or comments
received regarding your
You may prefer to adopt the same framework as “Summary, Showcase & Qualifications” but with different words like “My Achievements, My Work,
participation, performance and/or work.]
Scores & Comments from Others”. [Name of activity] [mm/yyyy]
Summarise what this work is, what knowledge
[Award, scores, grade
[Link to
and/or skills the work evidences and reflect on it.
and/or comments
received regarding your
Is your reflection analytical, self-critical and constructive enough? ......
participation, performance and/or work.] ......
Figure 23: Roadmap for University Success: Showcase Page
Roadmap for success
Resources Many of the following resources can be used in the classroom to help you promote the concept of ePortfolios. You might consider showing some of these at different stages of ePortfolio development. Other resources will introduce you to the worldwide ePortfolio movement. As a first step to joining the international ePortfolio community, we would especially like to invite you to join our local online experience sharing network, ePortfolio HongKong.
Promos CityU: Magic-touch ePortfolios
CityU ePortfolio: Interview preparation
www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZXB7gUH788 Duration 0:51
CityU ePortfolio: May’s reflective learning
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5zDYhWKrpw Duration 0:59
CityU ePortfolio: Experiences crystalised
www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpXsEEdDUUQ Duration 4:56
CityU: Love. ePortfolio
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zPgYnAcXtE Duration 1:04
E-Portfolio PowerPoint
www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oGKvT4ULMY Duration 1:16
www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJ93ocBFlf4 Duration 4:10
Jump start ePortfolios ePortfolio - Introduction (subtitled)
ePortfolio story
www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI1BYteU3UI Duration 3:18
ePortfolio - Getting started (subtitled)
www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rYj1ZrkhhE Duration 2:22
www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5rQDiwq4Vc Duration 2:40
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pwhjWWe740 Duration 4:22
Digital story telling Discovering digital stories www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yU8zE5LBBY Duration 2:38
CityU: Reflections of a rock singer www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxiQ8dGwsek Duration 5:06
Maggie’s Norway trip 2007 www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwuJOzyqg14 Duration 4:06
Developing Graduate Attributes/ Employment ePortfolios Roadmap for university success eportal.cityu.edu.hk/bbcswebdav/orgs/ L_EPORTFOLIO_WORKSHOP/Generic-Structure/ general_profile.html
L@jost: Finding a job with your ePortfolio www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcFI73KndzQ Duration 15:00
How to make a world class portfolio presentation Evidence of academic and experiential mastery of Clemson’s core competencies
www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5shq9f1m4U Duration 2:48
e-Portfolio project www.clemson.edu/academics/programs/eportfolio/ gallery.html
www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n-zVHOt4l4 Duration 4:03
ePortfolios around the world: Some useful websites e-Portfolios
EduTech Wiki
Educause: e-Portfolios 130 resources
Wiki resources/ePortfolio
www.educause.edu/node/645/ tid/17180?time=1298273732
The Ohio learning network: ePortfolio resources
ePorfolios at Educause learning Initiative
ePortfolio @ RMIT
ufolio.uoregon.edu/web2learn/2010/01/25/ eportfolios-at-educause-learning-initiative
ePortfolios: Community resource for those interested in ePortfolios and Personal Development Planning (PDP)
ePortfolio LaGuardia Community College
JISC e-Portfolios: Key resources www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/elearning/ eportfolios/resources.aspx
Assessing the future: ePortfolio trends, uses, and options in higher education www.educause.edu/ECAR/
A showcase of award-winning ePortfolios The Hong Kong Polytechnic University www.polyu.edu.hk/sao/publications/emagazine/ issue120/specialaward/
ePortfolio gallery & online tutorials City University of Hong Kong
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
Student ePortfolio Queensland University of Technology studenteportfolio.qut.edu.au
Diagnostic digital portfolio Alverno College ddp.alverno.edu
e-Portfolios at Penn State: A Space for Reflection and Growth Penn State University portfolio.psu.edu
Australian ePortfolio Project - Final Report www.eportfoliopractice.qut.edu.au/information2/ report_stage2/index.jsp
ePortfolio communities ePortfolio HongKong facebook.com/profile.php? id=100000256198830
European Institute for E-Learning (EIfEL)
Australian ePortfolio Community of Practice www.eportfoliopractice.qut.edu.au/information2/ community_of_practice
ePortfolio Community of Practice (JISC funded)
EPAC Community of Practice
epac.pbworks.com www.wlv.ac.uk/default.aspx?page=8751
The Association for Authentic, Experiential Evidence-Based Learning www.aaeebl.org
ePortfolio Commons www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2604369
References Barrett, H. (2000). Create your own electronic portfolio. Learning & Leading with Technology, April 2000. Barrett, H. (2004). Electronic portfolios as digital stories of deep learning: Emerging digital tools to support reflection in
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Selected Publications from the ePortfolio Team Fisher, D., Cheung, H. L., Pickard, V., Chen, Y., Chan, Y.F. & Wong, M.C. (forthcoming). ePortfolios for higher education: A Hong
Kong perspective. In Cambridge (ed.), Global Diffusion of EPortfolio: Solutions for Collaborative Education. IGI Global.
Zhou, M., Cheung, H. L., Wong, M. C., Chan, Y. F. & Pickard, V. (2010). An evaluation of electronic portfolio platforms in higher education. e-CASE & e-Tech 2010 Conference, 25-27 January, 2010, Macau, China. (Distinguished Paper Award) Cheung, H. L., Fisher, D., Pickard, V. & Chan, Y. F. (2009). Scaffolding student learning: Integrating ePortfolios into the university
experience. International Conference on Improving University Teaching (IUT), 14-17 July, 2009, Vancouver, Canada.
Acknowledgements The creation of this book was a team effort involving the following people from City University of Hong Kong: Authors and editors: Dean Fisher, ELC
Hokling Cheung, EDGE
Valerie Pickard, EDGE
Josephine Chen, EDGE
Terrie Cheung, EDGE
Anthony Wong, EDGE
Design and photography: Anthony Wong, EDGE Design assistants: Zoie Chow, LS
Jenny Man, SCM
Special thanks to the following CityU teachers and administrators for their contributions to this book: Alice Chik, EN
Alice Wong, MEAO
Arthur Cheung, SA
Connie Ng, EN
Chung Keung Yip, BST
David Woo, ELC
Fiona Siu, ELC
Jackie Lou, EN
Jackson Kong, BST
Paul Shin, BCH
Ron Kwok, IS
Tak Yan Lee, SS
Tania Lau, IS
Terence Cheung, IS
Vicky Chan, EDGE
Integrating ePortfolios into Teaching and Learning: 10 CityU Case Studies
We would also like to express our gratitude to all those students who have contributed to this publication: Becky Kit Ling Yuen, SA
Brad Hon Wai Law, IS
Chapman Hon Leung Ho, IS
Cherry Huanting Huang, EE
Chui Yee Leung, MEEM
Chui Ying Poon, MEEM
G. G. Md. Nawaz Ali, CS
Hau Yan Chau, SS
Hiu Kwan Lee, BST
Jane Yanan Wang, AC
Jenifer Wing Yee Ho, EN
Kafar Kam Fan Wong, IS
Kenny Ka Chuen Hui, BC
Kong Lam, MEEM
Lance Yiu Fai Tsang, IS
Morgan Aasdam, SCM
Samuel Ting Hin Leung, IS
Terry Man Chung Chan, IS
Zihan Wu, EE
Finally, we are grateful to the CityU Teaching Excellence Awards (TEA) Committee for funding this project.
Published by Office of Education Development and General Education English Language Centre www.cityu.edu.hk/edge/eportfolio