ePortfolio Publicity Leaflet

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Learning Success

ePortfolio HOW

The ePortfolio has been defined as a personal and community knowledge management tool as well as a digital identity construction tool. (Learning Futures, EIfEL Team Institutional Enhancement Blog, 2009)

Before creating an ePortfolio, you should first identify or define its purpose. Think about the audience and their expectations. Having selected a platform, you may want to adopt our recommended Generic Structure below which will help you to begin organizing your portfolio. Tell people who you are and what you aspire to be in the PROFILE. Articulate your accomplishments, skills, competencies and acquired expertise in the SUMMARY. Remember to identify any specific standards and requirements. Start collecting or creating work/ artifacts now for the SHOWCASE as evidence to support your claims. Finally, provide objective information and recognition of your academic qualifications, work experience and other relevant records in the QUALIFICATIONS section. Don't forget to take a look at some of the ePortfolio templates and samples. Using a template is always the fastest and easiest way to get started.

The ePortfolio is a powerful personal knowledge management tool with which learners can plan, manage, reflect and present their learning development and achievements. The ePortfolio encourages the ownership of learning and motivates students to work towards their goals. Learners are encouraged to reflect on learning activities and relate them to their own goals. The ePortfolio provides opportunities for learners to connect with other people such as facilitators and peers in a learning community. This is a learner-centred e-learning approach that empowers life-long learners.

• Performance Assessment • External Examination • Evidence of Outcomes • Evaluation/ Quality Assurance

Employment & Professional Developement • Articulation of Expertise & Achievements • Career Planning & Preparation • Tenure Review, Awards, Promotion • Reflective Practice


Academic Advising

ePortfolios For All: A Roadmap For Success

• Self-awareness • University Study Guidance • Goal Setting & Action Planning • Students at-Risk Assistance

Academic Advising

• • • • •

Enhancement of Learning & Teaching

• Motivation & Engagement Goal Setting & Action Planning Reflection/Reflective Practice Learning & Knowledge Management Learning Community Life-long Learning

ePortfolios contribute to academic advising by making it easier for students to talk about their values, beliefs and personal interests, and to relate career goals to their university studies. With this information, academic advisors can help students to make better choices. The ePortfolio, thus, becomes a means by which both advisors and students can track progress throughout university life.

Job Seeking/ Employment The thinking processes required in putting together an employment portfolio are exactly the same as those needed in a successful interview, so creating an employment portfolio is an excellent way to prepare for an interview. Not only that, but providing a web address in your job application indicating that you have an employment portfolio, gives your interviewers the chance to look at it if they want to. This opportunity will become more tempting if you are being considered for a shortlist. So, creating an employment portfolio will put you ahead in more ways than one and the more employers are presented with opportunities to view ePortfolios, the more they will begin to expect a URL in your application linking to an online presentation of your skills, talents and achievements.

Professional Development "In the context of a knowledge society, where being information literate is critical, the ePortfolio can provide an opportunity to support one's ability to collect, organise, interpret and reflect on his/her learning and practice. It is also a tool for continuing professional development, encouraging individuals to take responsibility for and demonstrate the results of their own learning. Furthermore, a portfolio can serve as a tool for knowledge management, and is used as such by some institutions. The ePortfolio provides a link between individual and organisational learning." European Institute for E-Learning My learning ePortfolios help me to adapt to university life and encourage me to set clear goals.

Check out my learning outcomes and achievements please. I am so proud of myself!

I can easily create my CV and employment ePortfolios for job applications. More importantly, I am better prepared for my interviews.

I continue to study for a higher degree.

Having worked for a few years, I need to carefully determine my career path.

My boss is impressed by my ePortfolio for performance appraisal.

My professional ePortfolio showcases my efforts and dedication over the years.

Tip: “…without a central focus on reflection, e-portfolios are in danger of becoming simply a collection of information rather than a mechanism for the development of meaningful knowledge.” Battacharya & Hartnett, 2008

A Generic Structure for All Types of ePortfolios

Generic Structure


Join the ePortfolio Commons to discuss ePortfolio related issues

Continuing Professional Development http://www.cityu.edu.hk/edge/eportfolio/commons

Transferable Skills

Personal particulars, biography, values & beliefs, interests & hobbies, etc

• Self-awareness • Self-introduction


Purpose, audience, achievements & development, reflection & future direction

• • • • • • •


Representative work & evidence

• Editorial skills • IT & communication skills • Taking ownership of learning

Official recognition of achievements, qualifications, contributions to social communities, participation in professional organisations

• Identification of standards & requirements • Planning for life-long learning • Benchmarking achievements



Strategic thinking Goal setting Articulation of competencies & achievements Identification of standards & requirements Critical thinking skills Commitment to life-long learning Reflection

ePortfolio Templates and Samples ePortfolio templates enable immediate creation and customisation of ePortfolios. Check out more templates and samples from our ePortfolio GALLERY at http://www.cityu.edu.hk/edge/eportfolio/gallery

Dean Fisher’s Teaching Portfolio Learning and Development

The project promotes the use of a generic structure for ePortfolios which contains four essential sections: PROFILE, SUMMARY, SHOWCASE and QUALIFICATIONS. Throughout one's whole life, there will be different stages and occasions for using ePortfolios. The generic structure enables developers to transfer the skills and strategies from developing one ePortfolio to another.

Associate Head of the English Language Centre

Shun Lau’s Showcase Portfolio A year-3 student in the School of Creative Media

Wai Cheung’s Learning Portfolio A year-3 student in the School of Creative Media

Kafar Wong’s Employment Portfolio A year-3 student in the Department of Information Systems

All leaflets, templates, user guides and websites created for the project ePortfolios for All: A Roadmap for Success are licensed by the CityU project team under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 3.0 Hong Kong License. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/hk/)

Learning Success

ePortfolio HOW

The ePortfolio has been defined as a personal and community knowledge management tool as well as a digital identity construction tool. (Learning Futures, EIfEL Team Institutional Enhancement Blog, 2009)

Before creating an ePortfolio, you should first identify or define its purpose. Think about the audience and their expectations. Having selected a platform, you may want to adopt our recommended Generic Structure below which will help you to begin organizing your portfolio. Tell people who you are and what you aspire to be in the PROFILE. Articulate your accomplishments, skills, competencies and acquired expertise in the SUMMARY. Remember to identify any specific standards and requirements. Start collecting or creating work/ artifacts now for the SHOWCASE as evidence to support your claims. Finally, provide objective information and recognition of your academic qualifications, work experience and other relevant records in the QUALIFICATIONS section. Don't forget to take a look at some of the ePortfolio templates and samples. Using a template is always the fastest and easiest way to get started.

The ePortfolio is a powerful personal knowledge management tool with which learners can plan, manage, reflect and present their learning development and achievements. The ePortfolio encourages the ownership of learning and motivates students to work towards their goals. Learners are encouraged to reflect on learning activities and relate them to their own goals. The ePortfolio provides opportunities for learners to connect with other people such as facilitators and peers in a learning community. This is a learner-centred e-learning approach that empowers life-long learners.

• Performance Assessment • External Examination • Evidence of Outcomes • Evaluation/ Quality Assurance

Employment & Professional Developement • Articulation of Expertise & Achievements • Career Planning & Preparation • Tenure Review, Awards, Promotion • Reflective Practice


Academic Advising

ePortfolios For All: A Roadmap For Success

• Self-awareness • University Study Guidance • Goal Setting & Action Planning • Students at-Risk Assistance

Academic Advising

• • • • •

Enhancement of Learning & Teaching

• Motivation & Engagement Goal Setting & Action Planning Reflection/Reflective Practice Learning & Knowledge Management Learning Community Life-long Learning

ePortfolios contribute to academic advising by making it easier for students to talk about their values, beliefs and personal interests, and to relate career goals to their university studies. With this information, academic advisors can help students to make better choices. The ePortfolio, thus, becomes a means by which both advisors and students can track progress throughout university life.

Job Seeking/ Employment The thinking processes required in putting together an employment portfolio are exactly the same as those needed in a successful interview, so creating an employment portfolio is an excellent way to prepare for an interview. Not only that, but providing a web address in your job application indicating that you have an employment portfolio, gives your interviewers the chance to look at it if they want to. This opportunity will become more tempting if you are being considered for a shortlist. So, creating an employment portfolio will put you ahead in more ways than one and the more employers are presented with opportunities to view ePortfolios, the more they will begin to expect a URL in your application linking to an online presentation of your skills, talents and achievements.

Professional Development "In the context of a knowledge society, where being information literate is critical, the ePortfolio can provide an opportunity to support one's ability to collect, organise, interpret and reflect on his/her learning and practice. It is also a tool for continuing professional development, encouraging individuals to take responsibility for and demonstrate the results of their own learning. Furthermore, a portfolio can serve as a tool for knowledge management, and is used as such by some institutions. The ePortfolio provides a link between individual and organisational learning." European Institute for E-Learning My learning ePortfolios help me to adapt to university life and encourage me to set clear goals.

Check out my learning outcomes and achievements please. I am so proud of myself!

I can easily create my CV and employment ePortfolios for job applications. More importantly, I am better prepared for my interviews.

I continue to study for a higher degree.

Having worked for a few years, I need to carefully determine my career path.

My boss is impressed by my ePortfolio for performance appraisal.

My professional ePortfolio showcases my efforts and dedication over the years.

Tip: “…without a central focus on reflection, e-portfolios are in danger of becoming simply a collection of information rather than a mechanism for the development of meaningful knowledge.” Battacharya & Hartnett, 2008

A Generic Structure for All Types of ePortfolios

Generic Structure


Join the ePortfolio Commons to discuss ePortfolio related issues

Continuing Professional Development http://www.cityu.edu.hk/edge/eportfolio/commons

Transferable Skills

Personal particulars, biography, values & beliefs, interests & hobbies, etc

• Self-awareness • Self-introduction


Purpose, audience, achievements & development, reflection & future direction

• • • • • • •


Representative work & evidence

• Editorial skills • IT & communication skills • Taking ownership of learning

Official recognition of achievements, qualifications, contributions to social communities, participation in professional organisations

• Identification of standards & requirements • Planning for life-long learning • Benchmarking achievements



Strategic thinking Goal setting Articulation of competencies & achievements Identification of standards & requirements Critical thinking skills Commitment to life-long learning Reflection

ePortfolio Templates and Samples ePortfolio templates enable immediate creation and customisation of ePortfolios. Check out more templates and samples from our ePortfolio GALLERY at http://www.cityu.edu.hk/edge/eportfolio/gallery

Dean Fisher’s Teaching Portfolio Learning and Development

The project promotes the use of a generic structure for ePortfolios which contains four essential sections: PROFILE, SUMMARY, SHOWCASE and QUALIFICATIONS. Throughout one's whole life, there will be different stages and occasions for using ePortfolios. The generic structure enables developers to transfer the skills and strategies from developing one ePortfolio to another.

Associate Head of the English Language Centre

Shun Lau’s Showcase Portfolio A year-3 student in the School of Creative Media

Wai Cheung’s Learning Portfolio A year-3 student in the School of Creative Media

Kafar Wong’s Employment Portfolio A year-3 student in the Department of Information Systems

All leaflets, templates, user guides and websites created for the project ePortfolios for All: A Roadmap for Success are licensed by the CityU project team under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 3.0 Hong Kong License. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/hk/)

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