Words from the CIO It is indeed my great pleasure to introduce this first issue of the quarterly “OCIO Newsletter.” We hope this newsletter will keep everyone at CityU up-to-date on all the new and exciting IT services and systems we are putting into place to support our University’s mission and our new University Strategic Plan. Although this issue contains mostly activities from the central IT team, we plan to include departmental IT activities as well in future editions. The most urgent IT priority right now is of course to get From left to right: Mr. Raymond Poon (Director of Computing Services), Dr. Andy Chun (Chief all our administrative systems ready to support the new Information Officer), Mrs. W K Yu (Director of 334 academic reform. This include changes to how our curriculum is coded within our Banner student information Enterprise Solutions Office) system, changes to our admissions systems to support the new JUPAS system and data coding, as well as deploying new systems, such as the DegreeWorks system for academic advising and degree audit. We are also enriching our e-learning environment. For example, we deployed a new version of the Blackboard learning management system as well as new collaborative services from Google GApps and MS Live. This newsletter will keep the CityU community abreast of these and other new IT initiatives as we roll them out. As always, our entire IT organization is dedicated to serving the CityU community and to helping make CityU a leader in the innovative use of technology for teaching, learning, research and administration. My door is always open and I welcome any feedback or ideas you may have on any aspect of IT at CityU.
Andy Chun