2013 Careers Fair: Engineering, Science and Technology

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Academic excellence for business and the professions

Engineering, Science and Technology Fair Guide 2013 Wednesday 9th October 2013 Great Hall, College Building 1.30 – 4.30pm

Brought to you by the Career & Skills Development Service www.city.ac.uk/careers

W e w o rk w ith o u r clients to plan, pro g ram m e and deliver hig hly efficient services that include: • • • • • • • • •

A sset I nspectio n and M anag em ent R o u tine, C y clical and W inter M aintenance N etw o rk m anag em ent inclu ding streetw o rk s co o rdinatio n N etw o rk O peratio ns D esig n and C o nstru ctio n o f P ro j ects A ccident investig atio n H ig hw ay s and T ranspo rtatio n P o licy C u sto m er and C o m m u nity E ng ag em ent R o ad S af ety

R ing w ay J aco b s has the sy stem s, sk ills and delivery m o del to help our clients achieve their efficiency targets. W e have b een appo inted to deliver the L o ndo n H ig hw ay s A lliance C o ntract ( L o H A C ) N o rth E ast A rea and lo o k f o rw ard to w o rk ing w ith TfL and the London Boroughs over the next 8 years.


experience that delivers

R ing w ay J aco b s is a leading U K pro vider o f integ rated services f o r hig hw ay m aintenance and m anag em ent

We are delighted to invite you to the 2013 Engineering, Science and Technology Fair. This event is an ideal opportunity for you to network with key recruiters from these sectors and gather information that will help you stand out from other applicants. Please use the checklist below that our Careers team has prepared for you in order to help you make the most out of this event and get ahead of the competition.


the fair

Have you: Registered and attended one of the VIP preparation sessions? Pre-registered online? Done some research on the companies that you want to approach on the day? Researched how employers prefer to be approached at Careers Fairs? Prepared some relevant questions that demonstrate your interest in that area of work? Prepared a couple of sentences to introduce yourself clearly and succinctly to organisations?

On the


Do • Approach the stand as you would do at an interview – first impressions count! • Start conversations with expressions such as “I am interested in...” or “I know about your company and would like to find out more about...” • Be prepared to succinctly outline your knowledge of the company, express enthusiasm in what the company does and describe how your background could contribute to their needs • Find out what exhibitors are looking for by asking them what skills and experience they require. You can then tailor your experiences and responses to what they are looking for • Try to get the name and contact details of anyone you speak to. There is a space for you to write this down under each company entry in this brochure • Be proactive and keen: talk to the recruiters • Dress smartly.

Don’t • Stand in a huddle in the corner talking to your friends • Monopolise a single person to the point of boring them • Just browse or collect freebies • Dress too casually (jeans, trainers and baseball caps are not recommended).

Prepare to answer questions “Tell me about your course and why you decided to study it.” “What interests you about engineering/science/technology?” “Tell me a little bit about yourself.” Are you ready to sell yourself positively and succinctly in response to general openers like these? Start with your name, course and year of study. You may then want to say a few words about your career aspirations, areas of interest, why you are attending the fair and why you have approached the employer in front of you. Write your notes on the following lines:

Prepare to ask questions Have a look through the pages that follow and identify four employers that you would like to approach at the fair. Think about two questions that you would like to ask them. For example, prepare questions that will help you decide if a particular career or a particular organisation may be the one for you. You may wish to find out more about opportunities for professional qualifications, long-term careers prospects, work-life balance, job security, work environment, training & development opportunities, content of work, opportunities to work internationally, and job availability. You may also wish to ask questions about recent news stories or big issues facing a particular organisation or industry. Ensure you do not ask questions which can be easily answered by doing some very basic research.



Question 1

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Question 2

Question 2



Question 1

Question 1

Question 2

Question 2


Employability Skills Programme Our Employability Skills Programme is designed in collaboration with employers. The workshops prepare students to make the transition from education to work, covering all aspects of the selection and recruitment process. They explore the skills that are most valued by employers, how students can reflect on these and how students can articulate their experiences clearly when talking to employers. Students that attend seven of the eighteen sessions in the autumn term will be awarded with a certificate. Please note that each evening session is a repetition of a respective afternoon session. You have to attend seven sessions with different titles to receive a certificate. The following sessions take place in October and November 2013. • How to write winning cvs and applications by RBS • How to demonstrate strong written communication skills by BP • How to succeed at telephone interviews by Sainsbury’s • How to succeed at interviews by Morgan Stanley (afternoon session) & EY (evening session) • How to develop networking skills / networking online by Bloomberg • How to develop & demonstrate commercial awareness by Goldman Sachs • How to prepare for psychometric tests by PwC • How to tackle group work at assessment centres by Civil Service Fast Stream • How to tackle presentations at assessment centres by Citi (afternoon session) & Teach First (evening session).

Panel events A number of organisations will be on campus to talk to you about their role, their industry and entry routes to different professions. Presentations will be followed by an opportunity for questions and informal networking.

Skills Sessions + PLUS + Run by City’s professionally qualified career consultants these sessions are an excellent way to develop the skills and understanding you have gained from attending the Employability Skills Programme. + How to search for internships and graduate jobs + How to draft cvs + How to accelerate application forms + How to gain an edge in the job market + How to ace interviews + How to network effectively with employers + Play to your strengths at Assessment Centres and Group Interviews (MBTI based Personality Questionnaire). Also watch out for workshops tailored to international students or supporting you with applications for part-time and temporary work.

Employer in Residence Employers will be based in the Careers Service for mock interviews or cv check sessions. This is to enable you to talk more informally on a one-toone basis with representatives from the company and to ask questions that could help you decide whether you would fit into that organisation’s culture.

Enhancing your employability through volunteering A range of events aimed at those looking to gain new skills and experiences and meet people. Find out where you can help, what prospects are available and the challenges faced by charities and NGOs.

Mock assessment and psychometric testing sessions Try out some of the practical exercises that employers may use and receive constructive feedback from fellow students and expert Careers Consultants about your performance. These sessions will help you prepare practically and mentally for the employer’s assessment day.

To secure your place, register online at www.city.ac.uk/careers.

Recruitment opportunities:

Recruitment opportunities:

Various opportunities, ongoing recruitment.

Engine Calibration (Diesel and Gasoline). Engine Component Design. Software and Control Engineering.

Business areas we are recruiting for: Engineering, Science Discipline & Computer Science. 170 Engineers are a nationally recruited team of surveyors, estimators, draughtsmen, geologists and many more skilled professionals. They come together as part of the Territorial Army to take on some of the most demanding projects the Army has to offer, like Camp Bastion, a military base the size of Reading. A team of Territorial Army Royal Engineers were responsible for the design and construction of the ‘city in the sand’, and they are still involved in its continued development. What we are looking for: Skilled professionals looking for a challenge, who can present good leadership and life skills transferable into a civilian career. Successful recruits will have the opportunity to work on high profile projects in the UK and overseas alongside your civilian career. The Army offers attractive benefits such as challenges, new friends, adventurous training and sport and up to 40 days paid training with paid annual leave.

Business areas we are recruiting for: Automotive. What we are looking for: AVL are open to all types of engineering backgrounds, engineers who have an upper second class honours degree or above. What we look for the most in our candidates is a diverse attitude with a thirst to succeed. You must be a highly motivated individual ready to take on big decisions that you may face, and most of all a committed team player. Disciplines recruited from: Mechanical Engineering. Application method: Please send cvs with reference avl_grad01 to RecruitmentAVL/UK@avl.com. Application deadlines: Please approach us at our careers stand for further information.

Disciplines recruited from:

How we like to be approached during a fair:

We recruit from various disciplines and successful candidates will work closely with the regular Army as part of an integrated force.

Students can find our staff at the AVL stand. We will be happy to discuss future opportunities, experiences and provide information about the company and what it is like to work for AVL.

Application method: Online ‘Search Army Jobs’. Application deadlines: Ongoing.

Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: To engage with the students and raise awareness of AVL in the UK.

How we like to be approached during a fair: No preference – we are very approachable! Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: To recruit skilled individuals.

Contact: ................................................................... www.amy.mod.uk/join

Contact: ................................................................... RecruitmentAVL/UK@avl.com www.avl.com 4|5

Recruitment opportunities:

Recruitment opportunities:

Graduate and Intern schemes in the Integrated Supply and Trading area of BP.

Business areas we are recruiting for:

Business areas we are recruiting for:


Technology department.

What we are looking for:

What we are looking for:

Required Skills: • Advanced Microsoft Excel • VBA • HTML, • Windows/Linux Operating Systems • SQL. Additional Skills: • Understanding of ICT Capacity and Performance Management • Understanding of Queuing Theory • Performance Testing Skills • Java, .NET or C# • JavaScript • PHP • RDMS Systems Experience.

Upper second class honours degree and a demonstrable interest in technology. Disciplines recruited from: Any discipline, but must have technology knowledge. Application method: Please go to our website to apply: www.bp.com/ukgraduates. Application deadlines: January 2014, but still best to apply early. How we like to be approached during a fair: We like to be approached by enthusiastic students who aren’t afraid to ask us questions and find out more about the great opportunities available with BP. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: To engage with students and increase the awareness and interest in our Technology graduate scheme.

Junior Consultant. 3-5 recruits for 2014.

Disciplines recruited from: Computing, Science and Engineering, Mathematics. Application method: Apply online at www.capacitas.co.uk/about/careers/. Application deadlines: Treated on a first come first served basis. How we like to be approached during a fair: We are open for students to approach us – this is really an event for you to take steps towards your future. Our stand will be resourced by ex-City graduates who will have a good understanding of the position that the students are in. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair:

Fair preparation sessions Get fast-track entry to the fair and learn how to make a great first impression on employers by attending one of our VIP sessions prior to the fair. Register online at: www.city.ac.uk/careers

We are a growing organisation who has recruited at least two graduates per year recently. We have a strong demand for talented and passionate graduates to cope with our increasing workload. We have strong links with City University London and have had 9 intern placements with them and recruited 5 graduates from the University.

Contact: ...................................................................

Contact: ...................................................................

www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/ careers/students-and-graduates.html


Recruitment opportunities:

Recruitment opportunities:

A career combining technology with business in Capgemini can take many forms, from specialising in areas like Java or Cloud to working on specific products such as SAP or Oracle. Other career options include project management, business analysis and business transformation. So whether you have a degree in Finance, Business Management, HR or Computer Science we can offer you a range of options working with clients in many different industries solving today’s business challenges.

Summer Placements and Graduate Programme.

Business areas we are recruiting for:

Disciplines recruited from:

Technology, Consulting and General Management.

Please see website for details.

What we are looking for:

Application method:

We look for an upper second class honours degree or above. For A level requirements see website for details.

Online via website.

Disciplines recruited from: All.

Business areas we are recruiting for: HR, Customer Operations, Marketing, Analysts, Finance, Information Systems, Engineering, Sub Surface Engineering, Health & Safety Environment. What we are looking for: Minimum upper second class honours degree of relevant discipline. Please see website for details.

Application deadlines: December 2013. How we like to be approached during a fair:


Well researched about Centrica and not ask generic questions where answers can be found on our website.

Application deadlines:

Why we are coming to City to attend the fair:


Quality of the students.

Application method:

How we like to be approached during a fair: Preferably having done some research into our company so having an understanding of the roles we may have on offer. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: We see a good calibre of student who fit our requirements. City’s Snapshot: Your Insight into Industry Scheme Would you like to meet with and shadow professionals who have specific knowledge about the occupation or career in which you are interested? Look out for City’s Snapshot Scheme at www.city.ac.uk/careers

Contact: ................................................................... graduate.careers@capgemini.co.uk www.uk.capgemini.com

Contact: ................................................................... centrica.grad@centrica.com www.centrica.com 6|7

Recruitment opportunities:

Recruitment opportunities:

The Civil Service Fast Stream is a talent management programme for graduates who have the potential to become future leaders of the Civil Service.

Crossrail has opportunities in civil and mechanical engineering as well as its corporate and business functions.

Business areas we are recruiting for:

Engineering and corporate functions.

Education, Health, Justice, Employment, Defence, Transport, Climate Change, International Development and Foreign Affairs. These are just some of the areas where graduates on the Civil Service Fast Stream get to put their ideas into practice, as they work on issues that affect the entire country and beyond.

What we are looking for:

What we are looking for: A minimum lower class second honours in any degree discipline (although for some schemes an upper second class honours degree is necessary.)

Business areas we are recruiting for:

A minimum upper second class honours degree in a relevant discipline. High standards of written communication, verbal, numerical and inductive reasoning. Analysis and problem solving skills. A commitment to the aims of Target Zero Health & Safety standards. Positivity in identifying and embracing change. Collaboration and an enthusiasm to share information. Disciplines recruited from:

Any degree discipline.

Disciplines are dependent on business areas. Civil engineering, mechanical engineering and corporate functions.

Application method:

Application method:


Send a covering letter and cv to graduates@crossrail.co.uk.

Disciplines recruited from:

Application deadlines: GFS (including in-service) and all other schemes: 2 nd September – 31st October Analytical FS round 1: 2 nd September – 30th September Analytical FS round 2: mid-February – 7th April SDIP: 14th October – 3rd January How we like to be approached during a fair: By students who have done their research on working in the civil service and the opportunities we offer. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair:

Application deadlines: 31st December 2013. How we like to be approached during a fair: We would like students to come to our stand and ask us the questions that will help them with their application and chosen career. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: We are attending this fair to promote our brand. We would like to engage with students, inform them about the opportunities available at Crossrail and tell them more about the project.

To target a diverse range of students who have the ability and skill to work in the civil service. We want to dispel the notion of the stereotypical civil servant.

Contact: ................................................................... http://faststream.civilservice.gov.uk/

Contact: ................................................................... graduates@crossrail.co.uk www.crossrail.co.uk

Recruitment opportunities:

Recruitment opportunities:

A wide range of Professional, Graduate and Placement positions are available.

Cyber-Duck require full time front end developers that have a passion for responsive web design, HTML5 and CSS3. We are also interested to hear from possible backend developers and those that are interested as working as web analysts. We are also open to internships.

Business areas we are recruiting for: Design Engineering, Manufacturing/Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering, Product Engineering, Shop Operations, Manufacturing Support, Product Development, Systems, Quality, Purchasing, Supply Chain Management, IT, Finance, HR. What we are looking for: Please refer to individual advert on website for more details. Disciplines recruited from: Any relevant degree considered. Application method: Online via careers website. Application deadlines: None, but early application advised. How we like to be approached during a fair: Approach with a smile and good eye contact. Try to be relaxed and friendly, while remaining assertive. Do some brief research on the companies you are interested in and ask questions.

Business areas we are recruiting for: Responsive web development, HTML5 technology, hybrid mobile app development. What we are looking for: We are looking for developers with a background in HTML5, JavaScript and web development. It is vital that the professional has an excellent command over the English language. The person has to be a strong communicator and able to act SMART. A grasp of project management is key, as is being personable, accountable and detail driven. Disciplines recruited from: Computer science, engineering, business systems. Application method: Test driven development, user-centred design and agile.

Why we are coming to City to attend the fair:

Application deadlines:

To promote the Cummins brand, develop our relationship with City University London and engage with students from all years of study.

End of October 2013 (although earlier is preferable). How we like to be approached during a fair: Please come and speak to our sta at our stand, and come prepared with your questions. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: To attract new talent to Cyber-Duck, an award winning digital agency that specialises in responsive web design, SaaS and mobile app development.

Contact: ................................................................... www.careers.cummins.com

Contact: ................................................................... jobs@cyber-duck.co.uk www.cyber-duck.co.uk 8|9

Recruitment opportunities: Up to 25 placement opportunities in 2014. Potentially several full-time posts for graduates with a Masters degree in 2014 similar to intake in 2013. Business areas we are recruiting for: Automotive engineering. What we are looking for: For placements, we are hoping to recruit second year undergraduates looking for a sandwich year in industry OR Masters students in their sandwich year. For full-time posts for graduates with a Masters degree, we are hoping to recruit final year students on 4-year MEng courses who have a demonstrable interest in the automotive sector. Undergraduates that have taken part in ‘Formula’ shows they’re keen on automotive and it gives them an advantage in what we are looking for. In the past these undergraduates and masters students have proved to be good candidates.

Enternships is an online platform for internships and graduate jobs in start-ups. Founded by awardwinning young entrepreneur Rajeeb Dey while at the University of Oxford, Enternships connects tens of thousands of young people, particularly graduates, to entrepreneurial work opportunities in more than 4,500 start-ups across the world. Small companies usually can’t compete with the huge employer brands on campus and often find it difficult to attract top talent. Enternships is on campus and online, championing working in a startup environment as a hugely valuable experience, a chance to learn from leading entrepreneurs and the opportunity to impress and secure a full time position in a high-growth company.

Disciplines recruited from: Mechanical, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering. Application method: Covering letter and cv to holly.hunter@delphi.com Application deadlines: Placements January/February 2014. Applications for one or two Masters students for full time roles will be considered, but we don’t have a specific programme running at this time. How we like to be approached during a fair: Come up and talk to us. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: We believe City University London has an excellent source of undergraduates and masters students.

Contact: ................................................................... bruce.lawson@delphi.com www.delphi.com

Start thinking about your career now: In an increasingly difficult graduate market, with less job opportunities available it is essential to engage with employers early to get ahead of your peers and begin to decide through experience which career is right for you.

Contact: ................................................................... info@enternships.com http://www.enternships.com/

Recruitment opportunities:

Recruitment opportunities:

Award-winning graduate programme. Available roles: Application Support Analysts, Project Analysts, Infrastructure Analysts, Java Developers, .Net Developers and Data Analysts. We are looking for 600+ individuals to join us.

Fidessa offers graduate opportunities in the following areas: • Software Developers • Analyst Programmers / Consultants • Delivery Engineers • Support Analysts We expect to recruit up to 50 graduates in 2014.

Business areas we are recruiting for: We are recruiting individuals in different areas of the development life cycle to go out to our clients site in different locations and sectors, for instance finance, retail, transport and logistics and security. What we are looking for: IT and/or numerical science graduates are preferred, although finance, business and related degree types or with equivalent experience will be considered. Knowledge of banking and the finance industry is highly beneficial. Disciplines recruited from: Computer Science/Engineering/Mathematics/ Economics/Business/Sciences/Numerical Subjects/Analytical subjects.

Business areas we are recruiting for: Computing and Technology. What we are looking for: Fidessa look for enthusiastic, high-calibre graduates with IT related or Numerate degrees. We also welcome applications from individuals with relevant Masters or PhD qualifications. Ideally with a upper second class honours degree classification or above although a lower second class honours degree classification is accepted for some roles. Disciplines recruited from: Computer Science, Mathematics or Physics.

Application method:

Application method:

Online at www.fdmgroup.com/uk-apply.

Please send your cv and covering letter through the appropriate job advert on our careers website www.fidessa.com/careers.

Application deadlines: We have an ongoing recruitment – early applications are encouraged.

Application deadlines:

How we like to be approached during a fair:


It is fantastic if a student carries their cv with them in order for us to start the application process early. Also, if the students have researched FDM it always stands out when they meet us.

How we like to be approached during a fair:

Why we are coming to City to attend the fair:

Why we are coming to City to attend the fair:

We are coming to City University London to find eager IT enthusiasts interested in a number of different roles within the IT sector. We are looking to meet individuals who want to kick start a career and who come prepared with lots of questions.

This fair gives us a fantastic opportunity to tell students who would otherwise not have heard of us about our exciting Graduate Programmes in IT. We are able to explain everything about Fidessa as a company as well as the application process, training programmes we offer and tips for interview.

Contact: ................................................................... enquiries@fdmgroup.com www.fdmgroup.com

We encourage students to come and talk to us, ask as many questions as they like and take on board our hints and tips!

Contact: ................................................................... eu.info@fidessa.com www.fidessa.com/careers 10|11

Recruitment opportunities:

Recruitment opportunities:

Graduate opportunities in Reading, Teesside & Glasgow

Lots of opportunities for junior developers to join our team, we aim to recruit 5 more graduates by the end of 2013 and 10+ more in 2014.

Business areas we are recruiting for: Graduate Positions within Process, Piping, Electrical, Mechanical, Electrical Engineering, Project Control, Procurement, Quantity Surveying

Business areas we are recruiting for: Software, IT, Finance, Consultancy.

What we are looking for:

What we are looking for:

Graduates with a minimum 2.1 degree with a passion for Engineering.

Technically adept graduates with an interest in Financial Services and the ability to understand business needs. Strong programmers (any OO language) with a BSc/MSc or BEng/MEng degree.

Disciplines recruited from: Engineering, Business Degrees with an Engineering bias, Quantity Surveying.

Disciplines recruited from:

Application method:

Computer Science, Engineering & Technology.

Online responses via www.findfwc.com, www.gradcracker.com and university career pages

Application method:

Application deadlines: 30th November for all vacancies. How we like to be approached during a fair: Happy for any student to approach the stand to understand Foster Wheeler and the type of projects we get involved in. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: To increase our company brand and to maximise the opportunities to fulfil the roles we have to oer.

Cvs can be emailed to careers@galatea-associates.co.uk. We will also have a portal on our website to submit cvs, we have no preference as to which is used. Application deadlines: We are recruiting on a rolling basis so there are no application deadlines and we can hire ASAP. How we like to be approached during a fair: We like students who have a genuine interest in what we do and where they can fit in. We are after intellectually curious students who ask a lot of questions. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: We want to recruit the best technical talent in London.

Contact: ................................................................... resourcing_opportunities@fwuk.fwc.com www.fwc.com

Contact: ................................................................... careers@galatea-associates.co.uk www.galatea-associates.co.uk

Recruitment opportunities: Glue Reply is a leading consulting services organisation focussed exclusively on optimising IT/Business alignment and minimising the cost of business and IT technology change. Glue Reply’s core proposition is to help organisations maximise the value from their change and technology investments by helping them define, design and implement best practice. We are recruiting principally for our Academy scheme, numbers may vary. Business areas we are recruiting for: Strategy and Architecture; Integration and Collaboration; Data, Information and Business Intelligence; IT Excellence; Enterprise Security. What we are looking for: We are looking to recruit talented and ambitious graduates to join our Academy programme, as part of our aim to develop the next generation of world class consultants. Disciplines recruited from: IT and Business focussed disciplines; however candidates with complementary skill sets are still encouraged to speak to us, regardless of their background.

Gradcracker is the UK’s careers website for Science, Engineering and Technology students. On Gradcracker you can – Find the latest job opportunities relevant to your degree discipline. Search for work placements/ internships, graduate programmes and graduate vacancies. Visit company hubs to research individual employers and the opportunities they have, find information on entry requirements, salaries/ benefits and how to apply. Register with Gradcracker to receive a weekly bulletin tailored for your discipline, keep track of the employers you are interested in by using our follow feature and upload your CV on to our employer database so employers can find you. There are more SET-specific employers, placements and graduate jobs on gradcracker.com than on any other careers website in the UK. Visit gradcracker.com for more information and don’t forget to visit our stand at the Engineering, Science & Technology Fair, we are looking forward to meeting you.

Application method: Come and see us at the stand for more details. Application deadlines: Come and see us at the stand for more details. How we like to be approached during a fair: If you would like to find out more about a career at Glue Reply and feel you would be a suitable candidate, please come and see us at the stand. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: We have recruited from City into our Academy scheme with good success in the past, we would like to build on the relationship with City University London and meet some more of the student population and what you have to offer!

Contact: ................................................................... www.replyltd.co.uk

Contact: ................................................................... info@gradcracker.com www.gradcracker.com 12|13


WE ARE HIRING Galatea Associates are looking for talented software developers with an interest in Financial Services to join own growing team in London FIND OUT MORE & APPLY ONLINE

w w w. g a l a t e a - a s s o c i a t e s. c o. u k

Recruitment opportunities: Marine or Energy Graduate Training Scheme – 20 Positions. Marine or Energy Summer Internship – 20 Positions. Business areas we are recruiting for: Engineering. What we are looking for: Minimum of a 2.2 degree with either a BEng with an MSc or MEng in a relevant discipline. Your degree must be fully accredited to CEng level with the Engineering Council UK. You should have a genuine interest in the work we do, and the ambition and confidence to use your expertise to make a real difference to people and the environment.

Milkround is the UK’s most popular website for student and graduate careers. Milkround has everything to ensure a successful graduate career with internships, placements, graduate jobs and schemes to get the experience you need and take it into a full-time position. On-site you will find news, career advice, industry guides and ideas about what to do with your degree to start narrowing your career search. Visit the Milkround stand today to register for free personalised email service or go to www.milkround.com/register.

Disciplines recruited from: Naval architecture, ship science, marine or mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, materials science, civil engineering or chemical engineering. Application method: Apply online at www.lr.org. Application deadlines: Ongoing. How we like to be approached during a fair: Just treat it like a professional learning event – be polite and ask questions, it’s the first opportunity to learn about the company. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: To engage with high quality engineering students who might be interested in a career in the marine or energy industry.

Contact: ................................................................... graduateteam@lr.org www.lr.org

Contact: ................................................................... www.milkround.com 14|15

Recruitment opportunities:

Recruitment opportunities:

Morgan Sindall is a UK construction, infrastructure and design business with a network of local offices.

We are currently looking for one Web Developer with jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3 experience, and one Perl Developer with an algorithms and computer science focus. We also run an internship program for short term (3+ month) placements.

Business areas we are recruiting for: Activities range from small works and repair and maintenance, to the design and delivery of complex construction and engineering projects where it is able to provide specialist design, tunnelling, utilities, building, civil engineering and mechanical and electrical services. The company operates across the commercial, defence, education, energy, healthcare, industrial, leisure, retail, transport and water markets. What we are looking for: We are looking for motivated, committed, team players with a desire to become professionally qualified. Disciplines recruited from: Accredited degree courses in Civil, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. Application method: Online at http://construction.morgansindall.com/Careers. Application deadlines: There is no deadline for graduate and industrial placement positions however our recruitment process commences each year in October.

Business areas we are recruiting for: Our main business area of web development. What we are looking for: We are looking for talented and enthusiastic recent graduates to join our team working on the Nestoria property search engine. We operate in eight countries, have millions of monthly visitors, and solve hard and exciting problems. We are sourcing suitable candidates for the following positions with Nestoria; • Web Developer • Perl Developer • Intern In all of our roles you will have the opportunity to branch out and work on a number of different systems within our code base. We are looking for people who are excited to work on a wide variety of projects, so come and speak to us to find out more information about these roles. Disciplines recruited from: Computer Science, or anybody with a talent for programming from other disciplines.

How we like to be approached during a fair:

Application method:

Some of our London based employees, including graduates will be at our stand, please don’t hesitate to approach us with your questions.

Email us your applications.

Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: Morgan Sindall is keen to work with universities, delivering accredited degree courses, local to our main centres of operation.

Application deadlines: Speak to us at the fair for more information. How we like to be approached during a fair: Just come up and talk to us! Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: To find candidates for our open positions.

Contact: ................................................................... grad.recruit@morgansindall.com www.morgansindall.com

Contact: ................................................................... perldeveloper@lokku.com http://lokku.com/jobs

Recruitment opportunities:

Recruitment opportunities:

On the 2014 Ofcom graduate scheme there is the opportunity to follow a Generalist, Economic, Technologist, Spectrum Engineering and Finance pathway. Join us and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’ve helped make a difference to the future of communications.

PharmiWeb Solutions is a fast growth technology and creative services business, developing digital web and software solutions for the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector. To help us continue the next exciting phase of our growth, we are now looking for talented C# Software Developers and Front End Developers to join the team.

Business areas we are recruiting for: Generalist, Economic, Technologist, Spectrum Engineering and Finance. What we are looking for: Our Finance and Generalist can come from any back ground. Spectrum Engineers and Technologist are likely to have a degree in mathematics, physics, engineering or similar subjects. Economists should have an economicsbased degree, particularly covering modules in microeconomics, industrial organisation, and /or regulation would be ideal.

Business areas we are recruiting for: Development and Design – C#, Front End Developers and Web Designers. What we are looking for: A Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or Information Systems (1st or upper second class honours preferred). We are looking to attract individuals who are seeking a career within a progressive company with great rewards! Disciplines recruited from:

Disciplines recruited from:

Computer Science, Engineering or Information Systems.

All disciplines.

Application method:

Application method: Online.

Online at http://pharmiweb.theresumator.com/apply/.

Application deadlines:

Application deadlines:

31 December 2013.

See website for details.

How we like to be approached during a fair:

How we like to be approached during a fair:

Come prepared with suitable and appropriate questions to show that you have done your research and give a good first impression when speaking with the representatives at the stand.

We are happy for students to come to our stand and introduce themselves to us! We would welcome the opportunity to tell them about the amazing projects that we work on at PharmiWeb Solutions and hope that it is something that they would be interested in being a part of.


Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: To look for the best candidates.

Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: We have had feedback on the success of previous fairs and are very interested in meeting City graduates that would be interested in working in Berkshire.

Contact: ................................................................... ofcom.grads@ofcom.org.uk www.ofcom.org.uk

Contact: ................................................................... recruitment@pharmiweb.com www.pharmiwebsolutions.com 16|17

Recruitment opportunities:

Recruitment opportunities:

Please approach us at the fair for more information.

Designers and Project Managers.

Business areas we are recruiting for:

Integrated Services in Highways Sector.

Please approach us at the fair for more information.

What we are looking for:

What we are looking for: Motivated, engaged and committed student volunteers with a genuine interest in applying engineering and technology for the benefit of Remap’s charitable cause, helping people with disabilities. Disciplines recruited from: Biomedical Engineering. Application method: Please approach us at the fair for more information, but enquiries are welcome by phone and applications can be made online. Application deadlines: We do not have application deadlines as we recruit volunteers to work with us and take enquiries on an on-going basis. How we like to be approached during a fair:

Business areas we are recruiting for:

Graduates and Sandwich Placements. Disciplines recruited from: Civil Engineering and Sciences. Application method: Online. Application deadlines: 31st October. How we like to be approached during a fair: Just come and see us for an informal chat before making your online application. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: We have worked in the London environment for the past seven years and have regularly attended this fair. It provides an ideal opportunity for us to meet potential candidates face to face and also for candidates to weigh up what a career at Ringway Jacobs could oer.

We are happy to be informally approached at our stand. We encourage students to approach us to discuss volunteering opportunities. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: Remap is the foremost charity working through a volunteer network to apply engineering and technology directly to solving individual problems for disabled people and improve the quality of their lives. We would very much like to become better known among EST students and encourage joint working and exchange of ideas.

Contact: ................................................................... www.remap.org.uk

Contact: ................................................................... www.ringwayjacobs.com

RateMyPlacement.co.uk is the UK’s leading undergraduate resource to help students find their dream placement or internship. Read over 16,000 reviews from students just like you and browse through hundreds of job opportunities, including vacancies from the likes of PwC, Warner Bros, L’Oreal, Linklaters, Barclays, Microsoft and Rolls Royce. Check out our expert advice, industry zones and video content on RateMyPlacement.co.uk too! Interested in finding out who the top placement and internship employers are to work for, as voted by students like you on RateMyPlacement.co.uk? Come and grab a copy of our publication from our stand, A Students’ Guide to the Top Placement & Internship Employers 2013-2014, to find out who has made the top spot! Visit RateMyPlacement.co.uk to find out more and good luck with your search!

Contact: ................................................................... www.ratemyplacement.co.uk

As the world’s only professional body dedicated to the aerospace and aviation community, the Society exists to further the advancement of aeronautical art, science and engineering around the world. Established in 1866, the Society has been at the forefront of developments in aerospace ever since, seeking to: • Promote the highest professional standards in all aerospace disciplines • Provide specialist information and disseminate knowledge Her Majesty The Queen is the Society’s Patron. Membership for students studying full time and intending to follow a career in aerospace is free. So come and visit us at our stand to sign up to all our great benefits membership has to offer, including our free monthly online magazine and our fantastic careers service, where you can learn useful tips on how to prepare your cv, making online, written applications & selling yourself at that vital interview. We also offer conference discounts to all members and we have a Young Persons’ Committee specifically designed at putting the needs of young career aeronautics at the heart of our organisation.

Contact: ................................................................... membership@aerosociety.com www.aerosociety.com 18|19

Recruitment opportunities:

Recruitment opportunities:

Our graduate programmes are structured to equip you to be a future leader in our radically changing business. We have 150 opportunities across Operations, Logistics, Central Operations, Engineering, Commercial, Finance and HR.

First year fast-track, Industrial Placements, Summer Internships and Graduate Opportunities. For numbers of recruits please see our website.

Business areas we are recruiting for: Operations, Logistics, Central Operations, Engineering, Commercial, Finance and HR.

Investment Banking, Professional Services, Technology, Corporate Law, Advertising and Marketing, TV, Film, Publishing, Theatre.

What we are looking for:

What we are looking for:

As a graduate, you have an exciting journey ahead of you. It’s time to learn, develop, stretch and challenge yourself. Each of our programmes require different qualities; however, in all of our candidates, we look for core skills including leadership potential, problem solving, initiative and commercial awareness.

All degree disciplines across all academic years of study.

Disciplines recruited from:

Application deadlines:

All disciplines.

See website.

Application method:

How we like to be approached during a fair:

Online application, followed by online tests and an assessment centre.

We are happy to speak to all students from across all academic years.

Application deadlines:

Why we are coming to City to attend the fair:

To be confirmed – students should approach our stand for further information.

To improve access into the most competitive professions for students from under-represented ethnic minority backgrounds.

How we like to be approached during a fair:

Business areas we are recruiting for:

Disciplines recruited from: All degree disciplines. Application method: Via website: www.seo-london.com.

We welcome students to approach us at our stand with any questions they have about Royal Mail and our graduate opportunities. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: City University London has some fantastic courses and we would love to meet City students.

Contact: ................................................................... www.royalmailgroup.com/our-people/ careers/graduate-recruitment

Contact: ................................................................... info@seo-london.com www.seo-london.com

With TARGETjobs you can –

Recruitment opportunities:

Find out how to get hired by top graduate employers. Find dedicated sector content, and get advice from specialist experts. We have the largest choice of graduate jobs, internships and placements.

1000+ graduates recruited from all degree disciplines.

TARGETjobs offers unique content to help you get hired. Our dedicated sector experts provide advice on how to break into specific industries while Employer Insights offer a unique review of individual companies and their recruitment processes. They are the perfect resource to help choose which employers to apply for and prepping for interviews. That is all in addition to the largest choice of graduate jobs, placements and internships across every major sector. We work with all of the leading graduate employers to bring you their vacancies and help you to secure those positions. Visit our stand to join us and discover how TARGETjobs can help you to get hired.

Business areas we are recruiting for: Teaching. What we are looking for: A 2.1 degree classification and 300 UCAS points. Strength in our Teach First competencies. Disciplines recruited from: All disciplines. Application method: Online. Application deadlines: We recruit on a rolling basis and early applications are encouraged. How we like to be approached during a fair: Please feel free to ask us any questions: we are happy to help! Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: To find high-calibre graduates to join our Leadership Development Programme.

Contact: ................................................................... www.targetjobs.co.uk

Contact: ................................................................... sgalley@teachfirst.org.uk http://graduates.teachfirst.org.uk/ 20|21

Recruitment opportunities:

Recruitment opportunities:

• Pre-Sales • Office Sales • Account Managers • Consultancy.

We are looking to offer circa 25 opportunities across our Engineering, Business and Information Systems Graduate schemes.

Business areas we are recruiting for:

Engineering and Business.

All are welcome.

What we are looking for:

What we are looking for: We are looking for undergraduates who are expecting a 2.1 or higher or graduates who have received a 1st or a 2.1 from any discipline with a strong affinity for IT, ambitious and eager to learn.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate an enthusiasm, interest and commitment to a career within electrical power engineering. In addition, applicants must have gained or be on target to achieve at least a lower second class honours degree.

Disciplines recruited from:

Disciplines recruited from:

All are welcome.

Electrical Engineering or Electrical and Electronic Engineering, or engineering degrees which have allowed the student to study electrical or power engineering modules. For our Business and IS scheme we will accept applications from any degree discipline.

Application method: Please send us your cv and cover letter to jobs@topdesk.co.uk. Application deadlines: Please approach us at our careers stand for further information. How we like to be approached during a fair: Bright and friendly students to approach us who have done some research on TOPdesk as a company and the jobs we are offering. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: TOPdesk being in the IT and technology industry based in London Bridge, we know that City University London is 3rd on the league table in that industry. So there is a likely chance to find bright students.

Business areas we are recruiting for:

Application method: Online. Application deadlines: 31st January 2014. How we like to be approached during a fair: We are always impressed by students who have researched and identified which organisations they would like to speak to you in advance of the day. It always allows for a very engaging conversation and really does promote the professionalism of the student. Unfortunately we cannot accept CV applications on the day. Why we are coming to City to attend the fair: City has a strong reputation for both Engineering and Business graduates. We have number of current employees (both on the graduate programmes and experienced professionals ) who are City graduates. We are therefore very keen to continue to engage with City University London in the future.

Contact: ................................................................... jobs@topdesk.co.uk www.topdesk.co.uk

Contact: ................................................................... futuretalent@ukpowernetworks.co.uk www.ukpowernetworkscareers

WikiJob is the UK’s largest graduate careers portal, with thousands of jobs advertised from PwC, KPMG, JPMorgan, Barclays, RBS, Detica, Thales, Accenture and many more. See them all at www. WikiJob.co.uk/graduate-jobs. WikiJob also hosts an active graduate careers community forum, with a new post every 3 minutes. You can discuss employers, interviews and assessments, and speak to current graduates in the roles for which you are applying. There are thousands of posts covering a wide variety of employers, go to www.WikiJob.co.uk/forum to search.

Your Careers Service At www.city.ac.uk/careers, you can: • Book online for cv, cover letter and application form checks (20 minute appointments), mock interviews and in-depth career guidance sessions (45 minute appointments) • View hundreds of graduate roles, placements and internships, part-time jobs and volunteering opportunities on and off campus • Register to attend a range of career events to gain first hand company information, network with employers and access the hidden job market • Access a comprehensive range of resources, including career videos, career guides, statistics on what recent graduates from your course are doing and view hundreds of useful links to external resources.

Contact: ................................................................... nicholas@wikijob.co.uk www.wikijob.co.uk 22|23

First year students! It’s never too early to start thinking about your career – read on to find out why it is important to engage early...

Networking can be a daunting experience for some students – read on for some top tips on how to overcome the fear...

It gives employers an opportunity to engage at an early stage with students who could potentially be a good fit for the Company. Capgemini isn’t a well known brand in the marketplace so engaging early allows us to demonstrate what we offer in terms of careers. Capgemini

Just be yourself. Everyone is there for the same reason. The more you attend the easier it gets. Talk to as many people as you can. Crossrail

It will allow students the opportunity to understand what undergraduate opportunities employers also offer. UK Power Networks To fully understand the various options which are available for you as a future career path. Once you’ve secured a summer internship and enjoy the role and the company, you are highly likely to have secured a job offer after graduation too saving yourself time in your final year to concentrate on getting the grades you desire. Centrica Helps to educate and gain insights into future career opportunities. In addition, by engaging with employers at an early stage students gain valuable experience that they are able to talk about during future recruitment procedures. Lloyd’s Register

Try and establish who is going to be at the event in advance and identify who you would like to speak to. Subsequently, go prepared with questions to ask these individuals. It always impresses if you are able to demonstrate you have already done your research. UK Power Networks Treat it as making new friends. Centrica Networking events are a way of contacting different companies in different sectors and finding the right job for you. Remember that you are a very valuable product and that these companies want you! Be confident and market yourself in the best way possible! PharmiWeb Solutions Limited

What have you learned... …from each one of your top five employers today that you didn’t know already?


the fair • Send a ‘thank you’ email to any contacts you met on the day. It might just add to the positive impression you have made and set the stage for future correspondence • Take note of everything that you have learned and refer to this throughout the selection and recruitment process • Think about how well you would fit into the organisations that you have spoken with.

Next steps • Get your cv or application form checked at the Careers Service • Practise interviews and assessment exercises •C heck the Careers website regularly for upcoming campus events • Log on to the Careers website to view hundreds of opportunities and receive job email alerts.

Good luck with your job search! 24|25

Career & Skills Development Service City University London Northampton Square London EC1V 0HB T: +44 (0)20 7040 8093 E: careers@city.ac.uk www.city.ac.uk/careers


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