Welcome to City - staff handbook

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Welcome to City Staff handbook

Contents 3

Welcome from the President


Our Vision, values and strategic priorities

8 Getting started 3.1 Your ID card, IT account and City Research Profile 3.2 Internal Communications – Finding out what’s going on 10 Useful information 4.1 Useful policies and procedures 4.2 Trade unions 4.3 Training and development, staff networks and community groups 4.4 Wellbeing and benefits 4.5 Equality, diversity, inclusion and Athena SWAN 4.6 IT Service Desk 4.7 Employee Self Service (ESS) 4.8 Book a room, post a letter, order catering or find a telephone number 4.9 In an emergency 4.10 Glossary of abbreviations and acronyms 4.11 City’s location


Governance at City, University of London

24 Schools 6.1 Sir John Cass Business School 6.2 School of Arts & Social Sciences 6.3 School of Health Sciences 6.4 School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering 6.5 The City Law School 36 Professional Services 7.1 Research & Enterprise 7.2 Student & Academic Services 7.3 Teaching, Learning & Educational Development 7.4 Library Services 7.5 Human Resources 7.6 Information Technology 7.7 Development & Alumni Relations 7.8 Marketing & Communications 7.9 Property & Facilities 7.10 Finance 7.11 Strategy & Planning

* Please note this handbook is not contractual and it should not be seen as superseding contractual terms.



Welcome from the President Congratulations on joining City, University of London. I am delighted to welcome you to City. You are joining a leading institution that I hope will give you every opportunity to pursue a long, interesting and fulfilling career. Our purpose is what City has been doing day-in and day-out for the past century and more: to transform the lives of our students; to create new knowledge; to support business and the professions; and to contribute to the global good of society. This requires us to be ambitious; collaborative; diverse & inclusive; institutionally self-confident; and a community. City is a special place. We are committed to academic excellence, focused on business and the professions and we offer the academic, professional, cultural, sporting and social opportunities you would expect from a prestigious institution in a major world city. We have a rich Victorian heritage with close links to the City of London, Tech City in Shoreditch, the Knowledge Quarter centred on the British Library and the design quarter of Clerkenwell. Many of our academics produce research that ranks with the very best in the world. Now is an exciting time to be a part of City. We joined the University of London in September 2016 and this has provided our staff with access to additional sports facilities, libraries and social opportunities. Our membership marks the improvement in our academic standing over the past six years. But we are not resting on our laurels. We aspire to be a leading global university and will retain our unwavering focus on quality, grow where we can without compromising quality and do so in partnership with others within London, across the country and around the world. Looking beyond City to our local environment, Islington and the City of London are vibrant areas in which to work and socialise and I encourage you to explore what is available. The local area offers world class dance, music, theatre, galleries and museums, including Sadler’s Wells and the Barbican. I’m very pleased that you have joined us and I hope that you enjoy your induction to City, University of London.

Professor Sir Paul Curran President


Section 2

Our Vision, values and strategic priorities

Our Vision, values and strategic priorities

When we began work on our previous Strategic Plan 2012 to 2016, City aspired to be the only university in London both committed to academic excellence and focused on business and the professions. Accordingly, we invested in outstanding academic staff from around the world; revitalisation of our estate; renewal of our infrastructure; and changes to our ways of working.


Thanks to the commitment of our academic and Professional Services staff, the effects of our investment and focus are becoming evident. City’s estate now boasts the largest student sports facility in central London, six innovative underground lecture theatres and a new main entrance in Northampton Square. Our most significant achievements have been doubling the proportion of academic staff undertaking world-leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*) research; increasing the satisfaction of our students more than any other university in the country; transforming our estate; income and moving into financial operating surplus after several years in deficit.

Vision City, University of London’s Vision for 2026 is to be a leading global university committed to academic excellence, focused on business and the professions and located in the heart of London.

Values A renewed emphasis on staff engagement, valuing and supporting over 2,000 people who work at City, was the most striking message from an extensive staff engagement programme run as part of the development of the Vision & Strategy 2026. City’s staff are guided by our five underlying Values and together we are committed to being:

AMBITIOUS A place where people seek new challenges and go the extra mile to achieve the Strategic Priorities of the Vision & Strategy 2026 through their School or Professional Service Strategic Plan.

COLLABORATIVE A place where successes are shared and problems are solved by working together for the common good.

A COMMUNITY A place where people have pride in their institution, are respectful, know and are concerned for each other.

DIVERSE & INCLUSIVE A place where diversity is a strength and inclusiveness is promoted proactively, with an initial focus on gender equality as City’s most pressing challenge.

ORGANISATIONALLY SELF-CONFIDENT A place that knows its strengths and is open about and strives to address its weaknesses.


Section 2

Our Vision, values and strategic priorities

Strategic priorities

Academic output KPIs

Achieving the Vision is based on three strategic priorities for the next five years: • Maintain quality trajectory (‘better’). To build on the quality focus of the Strategic Plan 2012 to 2016 and maintain City’s current upwards trajectory in research intensity, research quality, education quality and student experience.

The Academic Output KPIs define the performance levels that City aims to reach by 2021. The Vision & Strategy 2026 has four Academic Output KPIs and around 15 Institutional PIs.

Achieve growth (‘bigger’) in a way which maintains quality. Growth is important to achieve the critical mass necessary for both research excellence and educational experience and effectiveness. Growth in student numbers will be accompanied by growth in Research & Enterprise income as City builds further on its internationalism and seeks a wider range of income sources. Leverage partnerships within City, within London (including through the University of London) and internationally to support our academic objectives.

These Strategic Priorities will be made through a range of Supporting Strategies. Ultimately, people’s individual objectives reviewed as part of the annual appraisal round will provide the drivers for day-to-day activity. Achieving the outcomes set out in the Vision & Strategy 2026 will position City well within the top 300 universities in the world and the top 30 in the country.


Academic Output KPI

Target for 2021

Student employability

Top 20 in The Times and Sunday Times University League Table

Student progression

90% average across all undergraduate programmes

Student experience

Consistently best National Student Survey results in London, top 20% in UK


At least 60% of total academic staff producing 4* or 3* research

This represents a significant set of challenges for the next five years and will require energy and ambition to keep on track.


Section 3

Getting started

Getting started We are delighted to welcome you to City, where we hope you will have every opportunity to pursue a long, interesting and fulfilling career. The induction process provides the opportunity for you to find out more about City and your department. Along with the ‘Welcome to City’ pack, the ‘Welcome to City’ event and your departmental induction, we hope you will be fully equipped for a successful start. If you have any queries please contact your manager, your senior academic colleague or the Organisational Development team (x4068 or OD@city.ac.uk)


Your ID card, IT account and City Research Profile On your first day the Security team will issue your staff identity card. Your ID card is used as an identity card, a student registration card, Library member card and access control card for certain areas. All cards must be displayed while on City premises. To find out the password for your IT account, please call the IT Service Desk on x8181. Please ask your division/faculty or department administrator or your line manager to confirm the shared drives you should have access to. All staff must create a personalised email signature through Office Outlook. The standard format for email signatures can be found on the Staff Hub.

Once you have settled in, you will be sent an Outlook diary request inviting you to attend the next Welcome to City – Staff Induction. There, you will be welcomed to City by the President, hear an overview of the institution and have the opportunity to meet some of your colleagues and fellow new starters from across the University.

Internal Communications – Finding out what’s going on As you can see from the rest of this booklet, there’s a lot going on at City. So, how do you find out the latest news and how do you share your news with your colleagues? Staff Hub – This is our intranet and the main hub for staff to get their information. It contains a news feed, quick links to the things staff use the most, information from the different services and a search bar to look up any other information. CityWire – This is our weekly email newsletter that contains all the latest news, training and events for staff. You can submit your news by emailing citywire@city.ac.uk.

Use your ID card to access the printers for printing, copying and scanning from any Managed Print printer in City buildings. If you are an academic, researcher or professorial member of staff, you should record the bibliographic details of your research and make open access copies available on the City Research Online (CRO). This is comprised of City’s open access Institutional Repository and our Research Publications Database. Our publications database records bibliographic data for City’s research outputs and the open access repository makes our researchers’ work freely available online. To get started, use our step-by-step guides to find out how get your papers onto City Research Online.

City News – Our printed magazine is made up of features about some of the wonderful staff at City. This ranges from finding out about the world class research that takes place, to finding out about the various teams and what they do. Yammer – Yammer is a great way to get your news out, let other people know what you’re working on and can be used to praise colleagues on work achievements. It’s also the place to find staff interest groups including gardening and running. Yammer can also be used to create open or private groups to share ideas, documents and notes. Digital screens and screensavers – If you’re walking down the corridors or away from your desk, you’ll see the colourful screens and screensavers which display the latest news and events. If you want to find out more about the Internal Communications team or would like to get in touch, visit www.city.ac.uk/staff-hub/internal-communications.


Section 4

Useful information

Useful information The following sections contain information on City’s policies and procedures, from HR, IT and Equality and Diversity to Academic regulations for City’s Quality Assurance Framework.


Useful policies and procedures Payday is the last working day of the month, with the exception of December (you will be notified each year of the date in December). Information about Salary Scales is available on the Staff Hub. Salaries are generally subject to incremental progression of one point, effective from 1st August each year – providing staff have joined before the 1st April and are not at the top of the scale. City automatically enrols members of staff to either LPFA pension scheme or USS. For more information regarding pensions, please contact the Payroll and Pension Department. Please refer to your Terms and Conditions of Employment or Staff Hub for more in depth information about the probation process, annual appraisal process, annual leave entitlement and Bank Holiday closure days. Please discuss all annual leave in advance with your manager or senior academic colleague and request it through the Employee Self Service (ESS) system, where you can also access your payslips and update your personal details. In case you are sick and unable to come to work, please contact your line manager or senior academic colleague as soon as possible.

City’s Quality Manual and Validated and Institutional Partnerships Handbook make up City’s Quality Assurance Framework through which we manage the standards of our award-bearing provision and enhance the quality of learning opportunities that we offer to our students. The Quality Manual contains policies aligned with the University’s Regulations supported by accompanying guidance, forms and supplementary information.

Trade unions All staff have the right to belong to a Trade Union of their choice. The three recognised Trade Unions at City are University and College Union (UCU), UNISON and Unite The Union. They campaign to improve staff working conditions and support members who experience problems at work, providing advice and representation in disciplinary, probation, redundancy and grievance situations. You can contact the Trade Unions via email: info@cityucu.org.uk; unison@city.ac.uk or unite@city.ac.uk, or visit the B408 Trade Unions’ office.

As an employee, you may be eligible for a range of different types of leave, such as Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and Shared Parental Leave. Rights apply to full-time, part-time and fixed-term employees provided they satisfy the qualifying conditions. For more information go to Policies and Guides on the Staff Hub, or check the School of Health Sciences Staff guide. There and on the HR Pages on the Staff Hub, you can find more information about Flexible Working, Academic Promotion, Professorial Banding Review, Salary Reviews, Secondment and many other topics.


Section 4

Useful information

Training and development, staff networks and community groups We recognise the value of our staff – the recruitment, retention and development of high calibre, qualified, enthusiastic and motivated people committed to contributing to City’s success is key to our future and fundamental to the implementation of the Vision & Strategy 2026. City’s investment in its staff is reflected in the specialist training and development listed below. The Organisational Development team provides a wide range of training and development to support personal, professional and leadership development, in addition to supporting City’s strategic aim to attain academic and operational excellence. Staff development is available via face-to-face learning or online training and includes leadership and management development programmes; personal development training; coaching and mentoring; psychometric testing; Aurora – Leadership Development Programme for Women; Develop@City activities; and many others. IT Training can be accessed via the Business Systems Training site, where you can find information and guidance on how to use City’s Business Systems, including training for Office 365, Student Records, dotmailer, BI Query, Squiz Matrix, FormAssembly and SAP BW. Subject specialists in the Library are able to provide training to enable you get the most out of the Library, to support students, teaching and own research. For more information see the Library webpages or visit the training pages. All staff are required to complete the Health and Safety induction and training and a workplace-specific induction to familiarise themselves with the health and safety requirements in their working environment. More information is available on the Safety Office page. City provides short courses and professional development programmes for individual learners as well as employers seeking staff development opportunities. We offer subsidised places and discounts for staff.


The Academic and Educational Technology teams in LEaD support the development of learning and teaching practice including curriculum design, assessment, quality enhancement, innovation and educational research. Further support for researchers is offered by the Research & Enterprise Office which works closely with School-based research managers and can offer advice on centrally funded schemes and opportunities. The Academic Practice qualification is a part-time postgraduate taught programme combining theory, practice and the use of reflection to enable you to develop your teaching skills and educational knowledge for your role in Higher Education. The programme is primarily aimed at staff (internal or external to City) with an educating or facilitating role with students. The RISES (Recognising Individual Staff Education Status) programme provides a CPD portfolio route to gaining HEA (Higher Education Academy) fellowship from Associate Fellow through to Principal Fellow. A number of mobility grants are available for academic and professional services staff who are willing to undertake a short Erasmus Staff exchange period in a European university. The grants are funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus programme and are intended as a contribution to the costs associated with a period of teaching or training in Europe. We appreciate the self-organised staff equality and affinity networks in creating an environment that respects the diversity of staff and enables them to derive maximum benefit and enjoyment from their involvement in the life of the University. To find out more about the Staff Networks available at City, such as CityUniWomen, BAME, LGBT+, Disability Staff Forum and others, visit the Staff Hub. Check out Yammer to discover the community groups around City. Develop your blog writing skills by joining the LEaD Writing Group which meets every Wednesday, join the City Carrot Runners for a run and help City Gardeners with their community gardening in Northampton Square.

Wellbeing and benefits Several policies are in place to enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of staff. If you would like advice on lifestyle plans, quitting smoking, drugs and alcohol misuse, domestic violence, or a variety of other topics which may impact your wellbeing, please visit the Staff Hub. There, you can find out more information about Occupational Health, Counselling Services and Mental Health. When you join City you will be automatically enrolled into a final salary pension scheme. In addition you will be eligible to take up the numerous employee benefits City offers, to help support employees health, wellbeing and lifestyles. City offers: Cycle to Work Scheme, Childcare Vouchers, Season Ticket Loans and complimentary Eye Tests through CitySight clinic. The employee benefits section on the Staff Hub has details of all these and discounts at the local businesses which can be accessed by showing your City ID card. CitySport offers a very different experience from traditional gym chains and is open to students, staff, alumni and the public. Discounted memberships are available to staff. In addition you automatically receive access to our employee discounts platform, which gives valuable discounts on leading high street stores. City is committed to education and employee wellbeing and therefore you can also opt for a number of other exclusive benefits including, discounted Education Courses and leisure facilities. Details of all the employee benefits offered can be found on the Staff Hub.


Section 4

Useful information

Equality, diversity, inclusion and Athena SWAN We are committed to creating a culture in which equality of opportunity is promoted actively and building and maintaining an inclusive environment which supports and values the diversity of our students, staff and the wider community.

Athena SWAN Charter The Equality Challenge Unit’s (ECU) Athena SWAN Charter is based on ten key principles: 1. We acknowledge that academia cannot reach its full potential unless it can benefit from the talents of all.

The Equality and Diversity Policy assists the University in putting its commitment to equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion into practice.

2. We commit to advancing gender equality in academia, in particular, addressing the loss of women across the career pipeline and the absence of women from senior academic, professional and support roles.

City became a member of the Athena SWAN Charter in February 2014 and and was awarded an Athena SWAN Bronze Award in 2017 which recognises City’s commitment to gender equality.

3. We commit to addressing unequal gender representation across academic disciplines and professional and support functions. In this we recognise disciplinary differences including:

The Athena SWAN Charter was established in 2005 to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment in higher education and research. In May 2015 the charter was expanded to recognise work in the arts, humanities, social sciences, business and law (AHSSBL) and in professional and support roles and for trans staff and students.

• the relative underrepresentation of women in senior roles in arts, humanities, social sciences, business and law (AHSSBL) • the particularly high loss rate of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) 4. We commit to tackling the gender pay gap. 5. We commit to removing the obstacles faced by women, in particular, at major points of career development and progression including the transition from PhD into a sustainable academic career. 6. We commit to addressing the negative consequences of using short-term contracts for the retention and progression of staff in academia, particularly women. 7. We commit to tackling the discriminatory treatment often experienced by trans people. 8. We acknowledge that advancing gender equality demands commitment and action from all levels of the organisation and in particular active leadership from those in senior roles. 9. We commit to making and mainstreaming sustainable structural and cultural changes to advance gender equality, recognising that initiatives and actions that support individuals alone will not sufficiently advance equality. 10. All individuals have identities shaped by several different factors. We commit to considering the intersection of gender and other factors wherever possible.


Read more about the background to the Athena SWAN Charter and information about the award criteria and find out more about Athena SWAN at City. Contribution to Equality and Diversity is promoted and celebrated during our annual President’s Awards, which includes an Outstanding Contribution to Equality and Diversity Award. This was awarded to Professor Giulia Iori and the Athena SWAN SAT in 2017. At City, we are committed to ensuring people with disabilities are treated fairly and have access to the same opportunities as non-disabled people. In line with the Equality Act 2010 and based on guidance from the Occupational Health Unit, we make reasonable adjustments to support staff with disabilities in the workplace.

Employee Self Service (ESS) Employee Self Service (ESS) is used at City to enable staff to view and maintain their own personal information that is held on our central Human Resources system. Through ESS you can maintain your personal details, address and contact details, as well as your emergency contact details, bank details and academic qualifications. Requests for leave are also made via the ESS system and your monthly payslips are available to view and download via this service. Further details about ESS and guidance documents for using the system can be found on the Staff Hub.

We are proud to have been awarded the Two Ticks Symbol by the JobCentre Plus, which recognises employers who have agreed to take action to meet five commitments regarding the employment, retention, training and career development of disabled employees.

IT Service Desk The IT Service Desk is your first contact for all IT related queries. Contact helpdesk staff via their self-service portal or on x8181. For more information, to access your shared drives and work remotely, visit: www.city.ac.uk/staff-hub/it-services/my-it-services.


Section 4

Useful information

Book a room, post a letter, order catering or find a telephone number Timetabling, cleaning, portering, post, maintenance and repair, security, catering and reception are services offered by Property & Facilities. If you want to report an issue or ask a question, call the PAF ServiceDesk on x7777 or email paf-servicedesk@city.ac.uk. If you want to book a room in Northampton Square buildings use the online booking system found on the Staff Hub, or email timetabling@city.ac.uk. For rooms at Bunhill Row use their online booking system. Mail is distributed and picked up from designated areas once a day. Porters will deliver larger packages. You can take a letter direct to the post room in lower ground of College building up to 4.15pm. Catering can be booked via the Staff Hub. To speak to the Catering team directly you can call x8060. The Staff Hub also gives access to the Staff Directory, where you can find your colleagues’ names, telephone numbers, location and job titles.

In an emergency In case of a serious incident, call 999 for emergency services. If you are calling from an internal phone, dial 9 before 999 to reach an outside line, but be sure to specify which building you are in. For less serious incidents, please call Security on ext 3333 and for serious IT incidents (data breach) please call the IT help desk on x8181.


Glossary of abbreviations and acronyms ARQM: Annual Research Quality Monitoring exercise BoS: Board of Studies (for each School or validation partner) Cass: Sir John Cass Business School CLS: The City Law School CPD: Continuing Professional Development DARO: Development & Alumni Relations Office ET: Executive Team ExCo: Executive Committee HE: Higher Education HEA: Higher Education Academy HEFCE: Higher Education Funding Council for England HEIDI: Higher Education Information Database for Institutions HEIF: Higher Education Innovation Fund HESA: Higher Education Statistics Agency LEaD: Learning Enhancement and Development MAfS: Modernising Administration for Students MCSE: School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering OFS: Office for Students PAF: Portering & Facilities PSR: Professional Services Review REF: Research Excellence Framework SaAS: Student & Academic Services SASS: School of Arts & Social Sciences SHS: School of Health Sciences SITS: Student Records system STEMM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Medicine SU: Students’ Union TEF: Teaching Excellence Framework UCAS: University and College Admissions Service UCEA: Universities & Colleges Employers Association VL: Visiting Lecturer


Section 4

Useful information

City’s location



Entrance Accessible entrance

We encourage you to explore City’s dynamic location, meet your colleagues who are located in other City buildings and take advantage of the local staff discounts and benefits. Download and use CityNav to find the quickest route to any room in any City building.

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Section 5

Governance at City, University of London

Governance at City, University of London City is an independent corporation founded and constituted by the grant of a Royal Charter in 1966 and now also governed by a Supplemental Charter of 2016, granted to mark the accession of City to the University of London. The Charter defines City’s Council as its supreme governing body, ultimately responsible for the affairs of City. The Council delegates some of its powers to four key bodies: Senate; Audit and Risk Committee; Remuneration Committee; and Corporate Governance and Nominations Committee.



Section 5

Governance at City, University of London

Reporting structure Council President

Director of Human Resources

Chief Financial Officer

Vice-President (Strategy & Planning)

Deputy President & Provost

Vice-President (Research & Enterprise)

Vice-President (International) part-time

College Secretary

Human Resources

Finance & Procurement

Strategy, Planning & Performance Unit

Dean of the School of Arts & Social Sciences

Research & Enterprise Office

International Office

Governance Team

Property & Facilities

Information Technology

Dean of the Cass Business School

INTO JV, Private Providers

Internal Audit


Dean of the School of Health Sciences

Development & Alumni Relations Office

Dean of the City Law School

Dean of the School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering

Marketing & Communications

Learning Enhancement & Development

Dean of the Graduate School



Dean of Validation

Member of ExCo

Students & Academic Services

Member of ExCo and ET

Governance and executive delegation structure Council Specific authority delegated for GOVERNANCE other than the enhancement of academic quality and assurance of academic standards

Generic authority delegated for the enhancement of academic quality and assurance of academic standards

Specific authority delegated for EXECUTIVE ACTION other than the enhancement of academic quality and assurance of academic standards

Senate Specific authority delegated for EXECUTIVE ACTION concerning the enhancement of academic quality and assurance of academic standards

Audit & Risk Committe

Remuneration Committee

Corporate Governance & Nominations Committee

College Secretary

Academic Governance Committee

Six Boards of Studies

Research Ethics Committe

President (advised by ET and ExCo)

Assessment Boards

Sub-committees reporting to Boards of Studies

Research Committee

Course Approval and Review Committee

Programme Committee

Collaborative Provision Committee

Course Boards

Learning and Teaching Forums

Student Experience Committees/ Forums

Student-Staff Liaison Committee


Section 6


Schools City attracts over 19,000 students from more than 150 countries and academic staff from over 50 countries. City employs around 2,000 members of staff and is organised into five Schools which are supported by a number of Professional Services departments.



Section 6

Cass Business School

Cass Business School Cass is a world-leading business school with ranked programmes among the top 40 in the world. The Cass approach ensures that learning is personal, while our view is global, with students, faculty and alumni across 160 countries. We believe in learning through practice and experience and through world class research. Engaging with our alumni and corporate community further ensures our impact. In these ways we live our brand: enabling the extraordinary – leadership through knowledge creation, education and community partnerships. At Cass, we help individuals thrive in a dynamic, interconnected world. Knowledge – we create knowledge that fosters impactful thought leadership. Education – we personalise learning experiences to build skills, distinction and agility. Community – we excel together, helping our staff, alumni, partners and institution thrive. Find out more: www.cass.city.ac.uk



Section 6

School of Arts & Social Sciences

School of Arts & Social Sciences SASS is a cosmopolitan, outward-looking, internationally excellent centre of research and learning on the human condition in all its dimensions. Our mission is to attract the best talent from across the globe, produce world class research of benefit to society, provide innovative and exciting programmes of study and enhance the lives and career prospects of our students. SASS comprises 2,800 students (one-third postgraduate) and 250 academic staff, organised into seven departments: • Economics • English • International Politics • Sociology • Psychology • Journalism • Music. SASS is also home to the European Social Survey who provide crossnational data measuring public attitudes, beliefs and behaviour. Find out more: www.city.ac.uk/arts-social-sciences



Section 6

School of Health Sciences

School of Health Sciences The School of Health Sciences is a leader in healthcare education whose research influences healthcare practice and policy around the world. In the 2018 Guardian University Guide, the School was ranked 1st in London and 2nd in the UK for Professional Healthcare courses. The School of Health Sciences is organised into five divisions: • Health Services Research and Management • Language and Communication Science • Midwifery and Radiography • Nursing • Optometry and Visual Sciences. Find out more: www.city.ac.uk/health



Section 6

School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering

School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering The School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering is home to some 1,900 undergraduate students, 600 postgraduate students, 300 research students, 40 research staff, 115 academic staff and 60 Professional Services staff. We currently teach 22 undergraduate and 27 postgraduate programmes. Our close links with the relevant professional institutions ensure that graduates from these programmes are fast-tracked towards professional qualifications. The School achieves the highest research income within City and we are working towards producing over 80 per cent 3*/4* research output, with the necessary grant capture, PhD completion rates and research impact. Find out more: www.city.ac.uk/mcse



Section 6

The City Law School

The City Law School With a distinguished history dating back to the nineteenth century in the form of the Inns of Court Law School (ICSL), The City Law School’s internationally recognised experts lead research across a diverse range of areas, including criminal law, human rights, intellectual property & information technology and public law. Located in the very heart of legal London, we are the first law school in London to educate students and practitioners at all stages of legal education. Our vision is for The City Law School to be recognised as one of this country’s leading law schools within a decade. We are the smallest of the University’s five Schools although student numbers have increased by 50 per cent since 2009. With the opening of new premises at Sebastian Street on the main campus planned for summer 2019, we will finally become a ‘single site’ School, housed in a fit for purpose, iconic building in keeping with our ambitions. Find out more: www.city.ac.uk/law



Section 7

Professional Services

Professional Services Professional Services help deliver City’s strategy by providing support to Schools and Departments and services directly to students, alumni and staff, together with various other stakeholders including the local community.



Section 7

Professional Services

Research & Enterprise The Research & Enterprise team provides high quality services to the academic community and ensures that the University is externally compliant with both regulatory bodies and funders. The team has four broad areas of activity: • Research Support Services offers end-to-end support for research applications and awards • Strategy & Compliance covers policy and process design and implementation across Research & Enterprise • Knowledge Transfer concerns the dissemination of City’s knowledge portfolio for the benefit of society and the economy • Continuing Education provides short courses to the public in areas where City has particular academic strengths. Find out more: www.city.ac.uk/research/research-and-enterprise

Student & Academic Services Student & Academic Services comprises four departments: • Student Administration and Registry Services • Student Experience and Engagement (including Sports and Leisure and the Chaplaincy and Faith Advisory team) • Quality and Academic Development • City Careers Service In addition, the Modernising Administration for Students team oversees institution-wide projects in this area and the Directorate Operations team supports our day-today working within the Directorate and across City. Our work spans Education and Student Strategy and policy development work; student-facing services and activities; strategic outreach and widening participation work with local schools and colleges; initiatives that support students’ development (buddying, volunteering, mentoring); and management of day-to-day operations that support the


student journey. In 2016, we were proud to be shortlisted in The Times Higher Education Leadership and Management Awards for Outstanding Administrative Services for our collaborative model and approach with Schools. Find out more: www.city.ac.uk/sas

Teaching, Learning & Educational Development The Department for Learning Enhancement & Development (LEaD) is central to the delivery of the Education and Student Strategy. We work to enhance the educational experiences of our students and champion innovation in teaching and learning. There are five teams within the Department: • The Academic team supports colleagues in all areas of learning and teaching • The Educational Technology team supports the effective use of digital technologies for teaching, learning and assessment • Learning Success offers academic learning support to students so that they can learn more effectively. It combines the Disability Support, Neurodiversity Support and Academic Learning Support teams • The Student Counselling team and Mental Health Service offer confidential, emotional and practical support to all students • The Support and Development team support LEaD in its day-to-day activities and leads on the organisation of events such as the annual Learning at City Conference. The Department runs a range of activities to support staff, including an MA Academic Practice. Modules can be undertaken as one-offs or as part of the programme to gain an award. The programme also leads to recognition with the Higher Education Academy (HEA) as an Associate Fellow or Fellow. The Department also offers the RISES CPD programme as another approach to gaining recognition as a Fellow with the HEA. Find out more: www.city.ac.uk/lead/about-lead

Library Services

Human Resources

When you start work at City you will need to register for Library Membership online. Once registered you can access our online resources anytime, anywhere with your City username and password.

The Human Resources Department makes a strategic contribution to City through the delivery of an efficient and effective customer-focussed service on all day-to-day HR issues, complemented by the development of high-level policy and strategy as part of a major modernisation agenda.

You can start exploring our print and online collections straight away using our discovery tool, CityLibrary Search and add your own publications to the institutional repository City Research Online (CRO). All of City’s academic, research and support departments have access to a Subject or Research Librarian who is your main point of contact and can offer specialised support and assistance. City ID cards are required to access all four libraries. Opening hours and directions for each library are on our website. Becoming part of this London-wide community enables all staff to gain free access to the Senate House Library, a first class research library for the Humanities with hundreds of thousands of books and periodicals and study spaces. More information can be found on the Senate House website. Find out more, visit: www.city.ac.uk/library

HR Operations team: we are the largest team in our Department, offering a range of services to Staff and Managers in City’s Schools and Professional Services covering the full employment life cycle. Find the HR Manager and/or HR Adviser for your area on the Staff Hub. HR Specialisms team: we provide specialist advice, information and analyses to colleagues both within HR and Organisational Development and to staff across the University and comprise three main areas: • Reward and Management Information • Employee Relations and Policy • Equality and Diversity Organisational Development team: we support City in its strategic aim to attain academic and operational excellence through the implementation of City’s Vision and Strategy 2026. Occupational Health Service: we are an advisory service on all aspects of health at work. We aim to prevent work-related ill health and provide information about specific health problems to enable staff to perform to the best of their abilities. Staff should ensure they have registered with a GP for any treatment they require. Safety Office: we work to ensure that City provides a safe environment, which enables employees and students to work, learn and carry out research in a safe manner, which is legally compliant and follows best practice. Find out more, visit www.city.ac.uk/hr. For specific HR Policies and Guides, visit www.city.ac.uk/staff-hub/human-resources/policies


Section 7

Professional Services

Information Technology

Marketing & Communications

IT provides support for the network, telephone, AV and computers across City’s estate, including an IT Service Centre located in E101. We also offer 24/7 telephone and online support via the IT Service Desk accessible through the Staff Hub.

The role of Marketing & Communications is to:

We maintain the day-to-day delivery of City’s core business systems while improving current systems in line with statutory changes or changes to City’s business process. The Department also offers flexible business systems training courses to staff and every School and Professional Services department has an IT Business Relationship Manager. IT is also responsible for Information Compliance and we work to ensure that City is responsible in processing, storing and disposing of its data.

• Develop and implement strategies to build the brand and reputation of City, to achieve a positive influence over its stakeholders and influencers; and • Develop and implement a marketing strategy in support of global student recruitment targets. The Department works across the City to develop, among other things, marketing materials, events, publications, media relations and a web presence. To ensure consistency, the Department retains overall control of all marketing activity for the University, including campaigns for individual Schools and departments. The Department is divided into four areas: • The Corporate Marketing team manages the City brand

Find out more: www.city.ac.uk/staff-hub/information-technology

• The Global Recruitment team develop and implement marketing strategy to meet the University’s student recruitment targets

Development & Alumni Relations

• The Digital team manage City’s websites and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), social media platforms, CRM system (Customer Relationship Management) and digital media

The Development & Alumni Relations Office (DARO) supports City by securing philanthropic donations and managing relationships with City’s former students (alumni). City currently raises approximately £4M per year which supports scholarships and bursaries, academic posts and projects and equipment. DARO also has responsibility for managing the alumni database comprising over 120,000 former students in 180 countries around the world. As well as its own programme of alumni events both in London and abroad, DARO works with the Marketing & Communications Events team to coordinate corporate events aimed at engaging with those close to City and nurturing relationships with current donors and potential supporters. Find out more: www.city.ac.uk/staff-hub/ development-and-alumni-relations


• The Communications and Events team promote the research and expertise of City’s academics; are responsible for internal communications; and organise flagship corporate and academic events. Find out more: www.city.ac.uk/staff-hub/marketing-communications

Property & Facilities

Strategy & Planning

Property & Facilities looks after City’s physical environment, with the exception of technical equipment. Providing safe, welcoming and inspiring facilities is fundamental to City’s success - we bring together people, ideas and knowledge in places designed to help build community and pride. Planned improvements and investment in our estate are set out in the Strategic Estates Investment Plan. We also lead on City’s Sustainability programme and encourage all staff and students to work with us to keep our buildings and outside spaces a credit to the institution.

The Strategic Planning and Performance Unit (SPPU) is a small central team that leads and coordinates City’s strategy and planning, risk management and performance reporting. The team also supports strategy development for specific work areas across City and delivers strategic projects and support for key corporate Committees and Working Groups. Our work includes: • Leading the annual planning round • F acilitating, coordinating and monitoring the delivery of V&S26

Find out more: www.city.ac.uk/paf

• Student number forecasting and strategic market research to support recruitment


• Oversight of City’s Risk Management approach and regular review of the corporate Risk Register

The financial management services provided by the Finance Directorate are essential to the growing success of City. The Directorate partners with senior management, Schools, Professional Services and students by providing a range of key services: • Income invoicing and collection • Payroll and pensions administration • Procurement, with a focus on achieving value for money • Purchasing and payments

• Producing the biannual performance reports to ExCo and Council • Strategic projects such as the review of City’s approach to dealing with Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct • Management of key corporate Committees such as the Finance Committee and the Strategic Planning Board • Provision of quantitative and qualitative analysis to support executive decision making. Find out more: staffhub.city.ac.uk/strategy-and-planning

• Corporate, regulatory and statutory reporting and compliance • Taxation returns • Maintaining finance systems in partnership with IT • Oversight of financial controls via the Financial Regulations and associated policies • Supporting investment business cases and project accounting • Financial management for post-award Research & Enterprise contracts • Proactive budget management. Find out more: www.city.ac.uk/staff-hub/finance


Section 8

Good luck

We hope you find this handbook useful and informative. Most of the information you will need is available on the Staff Hub and colleagues are an excellent source of information too, so don’t be afraid to ask. Congratulations on joining City, University of London. We wish you every success and hope you will find City an inspiring place to work and learn.


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